The Internet gives us the ability to drill down to the truth in seconds

Because most of the time we use books, rather than the lies out on the net.
Where do you think all the links came from, when the right wingers have posted them in the millions here?
Because Books are always truthful. Just look at the Bible.

Some are more truthful than the lefty sites you post.
You just don't bother to read their links because you think any right wing links are lies.
Not all. Check out this one:

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says -

Even some Christians know blackmail when they see it.

Both parties do it.
It's why we the voters need to elect people who will change the way things are done in the House and Senate.
I can prove Republicans will hold millions of Americans hostage and hurt them if they feel it helps them get money for the wealthy. The other way around? Not so sure.

How about the Dems who held up bills in the house and banking committee when they had proof that Freddie Mac was doing illegal hedge fund trading?
How about when the Dems passed the Health Care Act with only one party and against 55% of the people who did not want it?

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