The internet is angry that Gal Gadoth plays Cleopatra


Gold Member
Some leftards think Cleopatra should be black or a "stunning arab" not "a zionist" or "white".

Cleopatra was Greek-Macedonian neither Arab nor Black.

Come to think how the world changed 40-50 years ago Cleopatra and Egyptians were played by Anglo-Americans, now even a meditteranean/mid-eastern israeli is "too white". And it has nothing to do with historical accuracy, because many white roles are blackwashed, the leftards only complain when a role they deem black is casted as white. To me no big deal either ways, I dont complain when Heimdal is Black either. It is just a movie. Gal Gadoth is hot btw Maybe it has also something to do with anti-semitism that arabs, and non-arab whites complain, calling her zionist etc.
The anti-Semitism matches the anti-Christian position from the Left, unless of course the Christian is a democrat. But not Jews, it beats me why the Jewish community votes for the democrats even though they don't support them and in fact oppose them. But it really highlights the one-way approach from the Left - our way or no way. Live and let live is NOT their way.
Yeah. Cleopatra was a Ptolemy and of Greek descent. Trivia, she was the first Ptolemy to actually speak Egyptian. As to her parents and grandparents, since she was the first to actually speak the ancient Egyptian language in her royal family, it's highly unlikely that from her grandparents back, they were of anything but Macedonian or Greek in their heritage. It may have been that her father married an Egyptian, although in antiquity, royalty married royalty, not commoners and the only royalty that remained in Egypt at the time, were the Ptolemy's. So, most likely one of her tutors taught her Egyptian. Any conjecture that she was black, is highly unlikely, simply because of her Ptolemy heritage.
Some leftards think Cleopatra should be black or a "stunning arab" not "a zionist" or "white".

Cleopatra was Greek-Macedonian neither Arab nor Black.

Come to think how the world changed 40-50 years ago Cleopatra and Egyptians were played by Anglo-Americans, now even a meditteranean/mid-eastern israeli is "too white". And it has nothing to do with historical accuracy, because many white roles are blackwashed, the leftards only complain when a role they deem black is casted as white. To me no big deal either ways, I dont complain when Heimdal is Black either. It is just a movie. Gal Gadoth is hot btw Maybe it has also something to do with anti-semitism that arabs, and non-arab whites complain, calling her zionist etc.
You have nothing to back up yer claim and since you are not the internet his is a thread fail.
Images of Cleopatra from coins minted at the time she was alive:



Liz Taylor she was not.
Images of Cleopatra from coins minted at the time she was alive:

View attachment 401859
View attachment 401860
Liz Taylor she was not.
Remember when Samuel L jackson played Nick Fury? Remember the outrage from the white community? Me either, cause they arent whiny ass bitches when it comes to this irrelevant shit.
By all accounts, she was white with an olive tone. There were even reports of her having red hair. How many red haired negroes or arabs have you seen?
Images of Cleopatra from coins minted at the time she was alive:

View attachment 401859
View attachment 401860
Liz Taylor she was not.
Remember when Samuel L jackson played Nick Fury? Remember the outrage from the white community? Me either, cause they arent whiny ass bitches when it comes to this irrelevant shit.
By all accounts, she was white with an olive tone. There were even reports of her having red hair. How many red haired negroes or arabs have you seen?
There is no question she was white of Greek extraction.
People can really miss the target especially when it comes to history. I am into history and to me, history is important for its own sake; it bothers me when people create historical pollution. You can have your own opinion but we all share the same history. It is a historical fact that Cleopatra was Greek; she defiantly was not black as we understand the term and if she had any Egyptian ancestry it was very little. We know what she looked like; she was Caucasian in appearance but European not Egyptian. And in my opinion, she was not very attractive.

I have read the comment, not here, that she was born in Egypt so she was Egyptian, but that didn’t make her look like a typical Egyptian. That is a ridiculous argument; a black person born in France is not going to look like an indigenous Frenchman.

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