The internet must become the new watchdog of politics. The news media has failed entirely.

The news media was lately considered a watchdog for politics

Have you looked around the internet, I mean REALLY looked?

The internet must become the new watchdog of politics? Nuts!

Actually when this country was founded the media was supposed to be the watchdog over government ...

not true. they had no delegated role in government. you're suffering delusions

True! The founding father saw the media as the ones that would hold government accountable. Otherwise there would be NO freedom of the press.

"The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to bare the secrets of government and inform the people." - Hugo Black

But yes the far left press has shown us that they will not hold their own accountable and IS a propaganda machine for the far left..
Do you know what 'The Press' looked like back then? Early American Newspapering The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Citizenship Site

Jesus! History of American newspapers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The 'press' of early America make the media of today look brilliant and supremely credible, ethical, and morally superior and informative
The 'press' of early America make the media of today look brilliant and supremely credible, ethical, and morally superior and informative

Yep. In the election of 1824, the hack media laid a charge that Jackson's mother had been brought to this country as a hooker to the British troops. They also accused his wife of adultery.

Nothing new under the sun.
The news media was lately considered a watchdog for politics

Have you looked around the internet, I mean REALLY looked?

The internet must become the new watchdog of politics? Nuts!

Actually when this country was founded the media was supposed to be the watchdog over government ...

not true. they had no delegated role in government. you're suffering delusions

True! The founding father saw the media as the ones that would hold government accountable. Otherwise there would be NO freedom of the press.

"The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to bare the secrets of government and inform the people." - Hugo Black

But yes the far left press has shown us that they will not hold their own accountable and IS a propaganda machine for the far left..
Do you know what 'The Press' looked like back then? Early American Newspapering The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Citizenship Site

Jesus! History of American newspapers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The 'press' of early America make the media of today look brilliant and supremely credible, ethical, and morally superior and informative

Yes the far left press is continuing that tradition or did you not notice that?
We need more watchdogs on the mainstream press that happily enabled Bush's lying us into the Iraq war.
I'm totally with you on the watchdog thing. Without a free press acting as watchdog, we are completely fucked.
But it's not particularly helpful when a very large percentage of the population still only watches the news media and doesn't care about the internet.
The news media was lately considered a watchdog for politics. Now they are nothing but political tools bought and paid for. As far as I am concerned the news media is part of the corruption that plagues the U.S. government. There is little to turn to in order to find political information that isn't trying to convince you that the other side is wrong and they are the bad guys because of it.
It is a sad day when I can find less polluted political information on the internet than from so called news outlets.
the internet already is the watchdog of politics and the last stronghold of free speech and press. the plutocrats realize this, and that is why you are seeing bills like SOPA now trying to take it down. They are terrified of an informed public. They are terrified of true democracy.
The internet must become the new watchdog of politics. The news media has failed entirely.

Sorry but we won't even have the internet, because it's going the be controlled by the Government.
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai Obama s plan a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet 8211 MacDailyNews - Welcome Home

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai has issued the following statement, verbatim:

Last night, Chairman Wheeler provided his fellow Commissioners with President Obama’s 332- page plan to regulate the Internet. I am disappointed that the plan will not be released publicly. The FCC should be as open and transparent as the Internet itself and post the entire document on its website. Instead, it looks like the FCC will have to pass the President’s plan before the American people will be able to find out what’s really in it.

The internet must become the new watchdog of politics. The news media has failed entirely.
If anything the interents contributes to the problem with with politics.
The great amount of news media are active batallions of governments in the information warfare, there are no really independent media. And so are masses of Internet media too! Believe yourself only, friends :2up:
It's easy to imagine now that Internet had been developed so fast because of governments' interests.
The news media hasn't failed, they have willingly joined forces with corrupt politicians and left wing traitors to push the country towards socialism. Intentional bias, lies, they don't care whatever it takes.
The internet must become the new watchdog of politics. The news media has failed entirely.

I agree, the internet is the ONLY medium which is completely and totally independent and reliable news source .

That's going to change soon once the FCC takes over.

The internet must become the new watchdog of politics. The news media has failed entirely.
If anything the interents contributes to the problem with with politics.
The great amount of news media are active batallions of governments in the information warfare, there are no really independent media. And so are masses of Internet media too! Believe yourself only, friends :2up:
It's easy to imagine now that Internet had been developed so fast because of governments' interests.
There are plenty independent people who tell tell the truth. No one listens to them.
Sadly, it seems very few people are armed with enough logic and desire for truth around here.
yes ! i have noticed that mostly by demofools and libercrats.., very sad indeed !! up:
Without a free press acting as watchdog, we are completely fucked.
there is nothing FREE about the current big MSM they all are in the muslime Hussein's pocket where he keeps his birth cert., and other documents that prove he is a traitor to the United States of America. :up:
The internet must become the new watchdog of politics. The news media has failed entirely.

The powers-that-be know that.

So they are letting the FCC take over the internet. Now information will be censored, suppressed, the name of national security, of course.

The news media was lately considered a watchdog for politics

Have you looked around the internet, I mean REALLY looked?

The internet must become the new watchdog of politics? Nuts!

Actually when this country was founded the media was supposed to be the watchdog over government ...

not true. they had no delegated role in government. you're suffering delusions

It was implied. You're still delusional.

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