The Iran Nuclear Deal Is ***The Law of the Land***

The thing is, you're [Contumacious] citing UN and UNSC resolutions
Let's take this one step at a time. The US is signatory to the UN Charter.

Therefore the UN Charter is supreme law in the US (Article 6, Clause 2, US Constitution).

Article 25 of the UN Charter requires members to obey UNSC decisions.

Therefore the US Constitution requires the US to obey UNSC decisions.

Sorry Comrade, the government of the US cannot sign our sovereignty away.

You Communists tried the same argument when Reagan beat you in the 80's. It failed then, and failed now.

The false argument is that the UN Charter is a treaty. It is not. The first issue you have is that the UN is not a nation. A treaty can only be drawn between nations. Instead the UN charter is an accord which we may withdraw at any time for any reason, at our discretion.

Your dream of a global dictatorship will have to wait, at least until you can get Bernie or Kamala Harris elected.
Of course complaining of non compliance could be a bit difficult.

U.S. slaps new sanctions on Iran, after certifying its compliance with nuclear deal

Not at all. Iran has clearly been violating the spirit of JCPOA by trying to develop long range missiles. Long range missiles are enormously expensive to make and are of little value unless you have nuclear warhead to put on them, so Iran's push to develop them is a clear indication it intends to produce nuclear weapons.
Yet, no one was willing to challenge the legality of Iran's actions with respect to the JCPOA.
President Trump has and Macron agreed with him.
Rhetoric does not constitute a legal challenge.
No legal challenge is necessary to have the UN reimpose its sanctions. All the US has to do is assert its complaint and go through the steps outlined in JCPOA. Once that process has been completed the UN sanctions are automatically reimposed regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Of course complaining of non compliance could be a bit difficult.

U.S. slaps new sanctions on Iran, after certifying its compliance with nuclear deal

Not at all. Iran has clearly been violating the spirit of JCPOA by trying to develop long range missiles. Long range missiles are enormously expensive to make and are of little value unless you have nuclear warhead to put on them, so Iran's push to develop them is a clear indication it intends to produce nuclear weapons.
Yet, no one was willing to challenge the legality of Iran's actions with respect to the JCPOA.
President Trump has and Macron agreed with him.
Trump's administration said Iraq is in compliance. Ffs.
But the President has already said Iran was violating the spirit of JCPOA, and as you point out, it is his administration so it is what he says that counts.
Of course complaining of non compliance could be a bit difficult.

U.S. slaps new sanctions on Iran, after certifying its compliance with nuclear deal

Not at all. Iran has clearly been violating the spirit of JCPOA by trying to develop long range missiles. Long range missiles are enormously expensive to make and are of little value unless you have nuclear warhead to put on them, so Iran's push to develop them is a clear indication it intends to produce nuclear weapons.
Yet, no one was willing to challenge the legality of Iran's actions with respect to the JCPOA.
President Trump has and Macron agreed with him.
Rhetoric does not constitute a legal challenge.
No legal challenge is necessary to have the UN reimpose its sanctions. All the US has to do is assert its complaint and go through the steps outlined in JCPOA. Once that process has been completed the UN sanctions are automatically reimposed regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Yet, they didn't assert their case. Strange.
Fuck the United Nations.
Oh, you're doing that, no worries. The really amusing thing is that the UN is where the Non Proliferation agreement you want to hold Iran to was adopted.

Who cares?

The globalist dream of an America which bows to international dictators is on hiatus. We make our own laws and will not bow to foreign dictators or kings.

Go cry yourself to sleep.
Not at all. Iran has clearly been violating the spirit of JCPOA by trying to develop long range missiles. Long range missiles are enormously expensive to make and are of little value unless you have nuclear warhead to put on them, so Iran's push to develop them is a clear indication it intends to produce nuclear weapons.
Yet, no one was willing to challenge the legality of Iran's actions with respect to the JCPOA.
President Trump has and Macron agreed with him.
Rhetoric does not constitute a legal challenge.
No legal challenge is necessary to have the UN reimpose its sanctions. All the US has to do is assert its complaint and go through the steps outlined in JCPOA. Once that process has been completed the UN sanctions are automatically reimposed regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Yet, they didn't assert their case. Strange.
lol The US announced it was leaving JCPOA two days ago so we don't know what else was done. Clearly, this is part of a comprehensive ME strategy, something Obama never had, to repair the damage Obama did to US relations in the ME and to try to settle some long standing problems there.
We're out of Barry's Iran agreement, thank you very much president Trump. Add another to the growing list of accomplishments by the amateur, inexperienced political neophyte.
Barack Obama's father was never a US citizen. He was merely a foreign exchange student. Barry even admitted that in one of his books. Since, by definition, a Natural Born Citizen of the USA is somebody born in the USA whose parents are US citizens, Barack Obama was merely the de-facto president. He was not legally the president of the USA.

Nothing he signed, as a mere de-facto president rather than a legitimate president, has the force of law.
The most interesting thing to note is no alternative has been put forward by Trump's team.
The most interesting thing to note is no alternative has been put forward by Trump's team.
Sure they have. The President is demanding Iran submit to more rigorous inspections, give up its long range missile program, end its imperialist wars across the ME and its support for terrorism.
Yet, no one was willing to challenge the legality of Iran's actions with respect to the JCPOA.
President Trump has and Macron agreed with him.
Rhetoric does not constitute a legal challenge.
No legal challenge is necessary to have the UN reimpose its sanctions. All the US has to do is assert its complaint and go through the steps outlined in JCPOA. Once that process has been completed the UN sanctions are automatically reimposed regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Yet, they didn't assert their case. Strange.
lol The US announced it was leaving JCPOA two days ago so we don't know what else was done. Clearly, this is part of a comprehensive ME strategy, something Obama never had, to repair the damage Obama did to US relations in the ME and to try to settle some long standing problems there.
Based on Trump's memorandum from two days ago it appears he had done nothing up to that point. Anxiously awaiting.

Make Israel Great Again. Clearly this ME policy is the fulfillment of long held Israeli aspirations.
The Iran Nuclear Deal Isn’t Just a Good Idea — It’s the Law


On May 8, President Donald Trump announced US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, colloquially known as “the Iran nuclear deal.”

While that decision has come under criticism for being both a really bad idea and a severe betrayal of trust, both of which are true, it’s worth noting that the US withdrawal is also a breach of treaty obligations, and that such obligations are, per the US Constitution and co-equal with it, “the Supreme Law of the Land.”

Under Article 25 of the UN Charter, “members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council.”

On July 20, 2015, the members of that body, including the United States, unanimously endorsed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

It seems unlikely that Samantha Power, US ambassador to the UN at the time, didn’t know what she was committing the US government to when she voted for the resolution rather than exercising the US’s veto power on the Security Council. After all, the resolution itself contains text “nderscoring that Member States are obligated under Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations to accept and carry out the Security Council’s decisions.”

You need to read up on Government, inorder to become a binding agreement you have to run it by the U. S. Senate otherwise it just a memo, sort of like signing an agreement to buy a house and the owner does not sign.
President Trump has and Macron agreed with him.
Rhetoric does not constitute a legal challenge.
No legal challenge is necessary to have the UN reimpose its sanctions. All the US has to do is assert its complaint and go through the steps outlined in JCPOA. Once that process has been completed the UN sanctions are automatically reimposed regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Yet, they didn't assert their case. Strange.
lol The US announced it was leaving JCPOA two days ago so we don't know what else was done. Clearly, this is part of a comprehensive ME strategy, something Obama never had, to repair the damage Obama did to US relations in the ME and to try to settle some long standing problems there.
Based on Trump's memorandum from two days ago it appears he had done nothing up to that point. Anxiously awaiting.

Make Israel Great Again. Clearly this ME policy is the fulfillment of long held Israeli aspirations.
That would seem clear only to a bigot.
Rhetoric does not constitute a legal challenge.
No legal challenge is necessary to have the UN reimpose its sanctions. All the US has to do is assert its complaint and go through the steps outlined in JCPOA. Once that process has been completed the UN sanctions are automatically reimposed regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Yet, they didn't assert their case. Strange.
lol The US announced it was leaving JCPOA two days ago so we don't know what else was done. Clearly, this is part of a comprehensive ME strategy, something Obama never had, to repair the damage Obama did to US relations in the ME and to try to settle some long standing problems there.
Based on Trump's memorandum from two days ago it appears he had done nothing up to that point. Anxiously awaiting.

Make Israel Great Again. Clearly this ME policy is the fulfillment of long held Israeli aspirations.
That would seem clear only to a bigot.
It's been openly stated. :dunno:
No legal challenge is necessary to have the UN reimpose its sanctions. All the US has to do is assert its complaint and go through the steps outlined in JCPOA. Once that process has been completed the UN sanctions are automatically reimposed regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Yet, they didn't assert their case. Strange.
lol The US announced it was leaving JCPOA two days ago so we don't know what else was done. Clearly, this is part of a comprehensive ME strategy, something Obama never had, to repair the damage Obama did to US relations in the ME and to try to settle some long standing problems there.
Based on Trump's memorandum from two days ago it appears he had done nothing up to that point. Anxiously awaiting.

Make Israel Great Again. Clearly this ME policy is the fulfillment of long held Israeli aspirations.
That would seem clear only to a bigot.
It's been openly stated. :dunno:
Only by bigots.
end its imperialist wars across the ME
That's ridiculous.
No, it's quite accurate. It has already conquered Lebanon and is trying to take control of large sections of Syria and Iraq and it has proxies fighting in Yemen.
Iran has every right to defend itself. Israel has openly stated its hostility and intentions towards Iran.
Now you are obviously trying to prove you are stupid.
Article 25 of the UN Charter requires members to obey UNSC decisions.

Therefore the US Constitution requires the US to obey UNSC decisions.

Paragraph 7, Article II of the UN Charter:

(7)Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll.

QUESTION: What happens if while carrying out our obligations under Article XXV of the UN Charter it violates our national sovereignty?

The US must carry out its obligations under the UN Charter, provided that fulfilling them does not infringe on her national sovereignty. You can't just usurp sovereign law with ones passed by an international collective.

Therefore the UN Charter is supreme law in the US (Article 6, Clause 2, US Constitution).

No, it isn't. You citing the Supremacy Clause does more to defeat your own argument than mine. If federal law and the constitution are supreme across the land, then the UN Charter naturally takes a back seat to any laws that are passed internationally. You have it all wrong.
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