The Islam Thread

[1]And who has power in the Church -- priests or nuns? That's where the misogyny comes in. …….
[2]…… And it isn't just Catholicism that does that ridiculousness... it's orthodox Judaism, too........
[3] Oh... I don't think I'll bother doing that... but you can look through these threads for the discussion of Christian marriage. Cheers....and enjoy….
[5]…Are you so ignorant that it all has to be black and white? ….
[7]. although, if you had knowledge of Judaism, you might actually understand that the Abrahamic religions were very hard on their women in orthodox form... in Judaism, a woman who was an adulterer was stoned, her head shaved and she was humiiliated at the Temple steps. Islam while it may have been formed subsequent to Christianity (although to be fair, I'm not quite sure of the timeline), it comes from the Abrahamic tradition, not Christian. You know... Isaac versus Ishmael, Sarah versus Hagar....

1. So its all about power for you then: IC. Do you were comfortable shoes as well? Let me let you in on a little secret: high heels and a little leg give a woman real power.
2. I’m still waiting for your proof of how catholic women “are forced to bear child after child...”.
3. and still waiting for my lesson on how Christian “ women are taught that they are supposed to be "subservient" to their husbands….”.
4. It appears that, as in previous exchanges, you are all bark but no bite.
5. Oh yes, the ‘if conservative, then simplistic’ theory, as we can only see “black and white”. Looks like the pot calling the kettle black, though, sweetie.
6. Well, at least I do know of the timeline of the three. Let me clue you in, dear. Jews were first (Arabs were pagans). Then the Christians (Arabs still pagans). Then Mohamed said that Christ was the greatest prophet, at least until he came around, so you can just ignore nearly everything that He taught. Oh, and by the way, that chick Mary? She was great, yeah, but I really want to boink that 6 year old wife of mine, and my soldiers need a little noggie after all the raping and pillaging, so we’re just gonna ignore how Jesus raised the stature of women higher than it has ever been in history, and turn the clock back about 3000 years or so, and I’ll be the interpreter of what I think men should be able to do to these little harlots running around here. (Arabs still pagans).
1. So its all about power for you then: IC. Do you were comfortable shoes as well? Let me let you in on a little secret: high heels and a little leg give a woman real power.
2. I’m still waiting for your proof of how catholic women “are forced to bear child after child...”.
3. and still waiting for my lesson on how Christian “ women are taught that they are supposed to be "subservient" to their husbands….”.
4. It appears that, as in previous exchanges, you are all bark but no bite.
5. Oh yes, the ‘if conservative, then simplistic’ theory, as we can only see “black and white”. Looks like the pot calling the kettle black, though, sweetie.
6. Well, at least I do know of the timeline of the three. Let me clue you in, dear. Jews were first (Arabs were pagans). Then the Christians (Arabs still pagans). Then Mohamed said that Christ was the greatest prophet, at least until he came around, so you can just ignore nearly everything that He taught. Oh, and by the way, that chick Mary? She was great, yeah, but I really want to boink that 6 year old wife of mine, and my soldiers need a little noggie after all the raping and pillaging, so we’re just gonna ignore how Jesus raised the stature of women higher than it has ever been in history, and turn the clock back about 3000 years or so, and I’ll be the interpreter of what I think men should be able to do to these little harlots running around here. (Arabs still pagans).

You are very smart. You are also a strong woman and stand by your word. I really hope that I could meet a woman just like you one day. You are speacial! Have you ever thought of being a religious leader or something?
1. So its all about power for you then: IC. Do you were comfortable shoes as well? Let me let you in on a little secret: high heels and a little leg give a woman real power.
2. I’m still waiting for your proof of how catholic women “are forced to bear child after child...”.
3. and still waiting for my lesson on how Christian “ women are taught that they are supposed to be "subservient" to their husbands….”.
4. It appears that, as in previous exchanges, you are all bark but no bite.
5. Oh yes, the ‘if conservative, then simplistic’ theory, as we can only see “black and white”. Looks like the pot calling the kettle black, though, sweetie.
6. Well, at least I do know of the timeline of the three. Let me clue you in, dear. Jews were first (Arabs were pagans). Then the Christians (Arabs still pagans). Then Mohamed said that Christ was the greatest prophet, at least until he came around, so you can just ignore nearly everything that He taught. Oh, and by the way, that chick Mary? She was great, yeah, but I really want to boink that 6 year old wife of mine, and my soldiers need a little noggie after all the raping and pillaging, so we’re just gonna ignore how Jesus raised the stature of women higher than it has ever been in history, and turn the clock back about 3000 years or so, and I’ll be the interpreter of what I think men should be able to do to these little harlots running around here. (Arabs still pagans).

Damn, and you wonder why people treat your posts contemptuously? RAFLMAO....

So if I don't want to be treated dismissively or be subjugated, I must be a dyke... huh? Totally, completely :lame2:

Is that supposed to somehow insult me, dearie? If I were gay, I'd be perfectly comfortable with myself... same as I am now. I think I'll also pass on the femininity advice from someone who took her nic after a firearm.

As for the rest.... I'll give it the response it deserves.... :blah2: :blah2: :blah2: :blah2: :tongue1:

I figure that's about your level. :dance:
You have the same birthday as my brother, Jillian. Anyway the fact of the matter is Burger King should not have stole McDonalds recipe for cheeseburgers. That was at an all time low right there... or was that a dream? Well anyway to get back on topic Islam is indeed a very dirty, forceful, and intolerant religion. :hail:
Somehow I knew you wouldn't be able to rise to the challenge.:smoke:

Nah, dude... just I couldn't be bothered reading past your opening. If you want people to have discussion with you, try not acting like a linebacker and attempting to outmacho the boys.

My favorite law professor once told us that if you have the law, pound on the law. If you have the facts, pound on the facts. If you have neither, pound on the table.

You pound on the table far too much to be taken seriously.
You have the same birthday as my brother, Jillian. Anyway the fact of the matter is Burger King should not have stole McDonalds recipe for cheeseburgers. That was at an all time low right there... or was that a dream? Well anyway to get back on topic Islam is indeed a very dirty, forceful, and intolerant religion. :hail:

Cool that your brother has the same birthday! A good day for sure!

I think most fundamentalists are intolerant and forceful.... albeit in different ways. As for Islam, I certainly have no love for those that distort it and use it as an excuse for violence.

On the McDonalds/Burger King thang... I do believe that WAS, a dream... Mickey D's doesn't come close to BK. (Although I think Wendy's is better as far as fast food goes though I'm not much of a red meat eater). ;)
Cool that your brother has the same birthday! A good day for sure!

I think most fundamentalists are intolerant and forceful.... albeit in different ways. As for Islam, I certainly have no love for those that distort it and use it as an excuse for violence.

On the McDonalds/Burger King thang... I do believe that WAS, a dream... Mickey D's doesn't come close to BK. (Although I think Wendy's is better as far as fast food goes though I'm not much of a red meat eater). ;)

I agree! No one should force their religion onto other people. It's just wrong. And besides I agree that BK is much better than Micky D's. If anyone forces anything on someone it should be the fact the BK is always greater than Micky D's. :thup:
As for Islam, I certainly have no love for those that distort it and use it as an excuse for violence.

Nobody is distorting Islam. The terrorists are following Islamic teachings exactly as they were intended to be followed. That's why you never see any Muslim condemn what they do without qualifier.

Why liberals have no problem trashing Christianity, but feel the need to go out of their way to qualify anything to do with Islam is a true mystery to me. I don't understand how liberals, who hate Christianity with a passion, can somehow feel the need to come to the defense of Islam by claiming it's just as bad. It's much worse than Christianity, and the proof of that is in the news everyday, but liberals just can't help trying to make Christianity look bad no matter what awful, horrible things Muslims do. Beslan. Even after Beslan. I just do not understand how liberals are so blind to Islams horror to the extent that they'd still rather trash Christianity.

Do you have any idea why you do it? You obviously know nothing about Islam, but yet like other liberals you just can't help trying to educate those of us who do know something about Islam, and don't like it, that it's just as bad as Christianity.

Do you have any idea what it is that compels you and other liberals to do that? Other than your hatred for Christians?
Nobody is distorting Islam. The terrorists are following Islamic teachings exactly as they were intended to be followed. That's why you never see any Muslim condemn what they do without qualifier.

Why liberals have no problem trashing Christianity, but feel the need to go out of their way to qualify anything to do with Islam is a true mystery to me. I don't understand how liberals, who hate Christianity with a passion, can somehow feel the need to come to the defense of Islam by claiming it's just as bad. It's much worse than Christianity, and the proof of that is in the news everyday, but liberals just can't help trying to make Christianity look bad no matter what awful, horrible things Muslims do. Beslan. Even after Beslan. I just do not understand how liberals are so blind to Islams horror to the extent that they'd still rather trash Christianity.

Do you have any idea why you do it? You obviously know nothing about Islam, but yet like other liberals you just can't help trying to educate those of us who do know something about Islam, and don't like it, that it's just as bad as Christianity.

Do you have any idea what it is that compels you and other liberals to do that? Other than your hatred for Christians?

By those who are distorting Islam to justify violence, I was referring to the terrorists.

You really do need to read things before you rant.:lame2:
By those who are distorting Islam to justify violence, I was referring to the terrorists.

You really do need to read things before you rant.:lame2:

I know what you were referring to. That's why I asked the question.

Perhaps you need to read your own posts. You obviously know nothing about Islam.

Here is a quote from #157:

Did I say it was WORSE than Islam? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... although, if you had knowledge of Judaism, you might actually understand that the Abrahamic religions were very hard on their women in orthodox form... in Judaism, a woman who was an adulterer was stoned, her head shaved and she was humiiliated at the Temple steps. Islam while it may have been formed subsequent to Christianity (although to be fair, I'm not quite sure of the timeline), it comes from the Abrahamic tradition, not Christian. You know... Isaac versus Ishmael, Sarah versus Hagar....

In this one paragragh you admit your ignorance of not only Islam, but of Christianity, too. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion. In that quote you decided to compare Islam to Judiasm in an attempt to prove that Judiasm is just as bad as Islam, and I give you some credit for that because most liberals won't do that because they don't want to be accused of anti-Semitism by saying anything against Jews. There is a lot of anti-Semitism among liberals, but they are usually very careful about saying it in any kind of obvious way. They usually just call them neocons.

Anybody who reads a newspaper, or the news online, cannot escape the horror that is Islam. It's in the news everyday. What I do not understand is why liberals refuse to see the true problem, and would rather blame everything else.

Just the way Islam treats women should be enough to set a liberals teeth on edge. But for some reason it doesn't. They would still rather trash another religion in comparison. I just do not understand why.
You do realize orthodoxy or fundamentalism in all of the three major religions has misogynist concepts, right?

So... your point?

Actuallly, in Christianity, the New Test. commanded that a man LOVE his wife.

THe OT heaped praise upon praise on a GOOD woman.

In one of the OT books, the Jews wiped out an entire group/town? because one of the Jewish women had been raped.

In Islam, as pointed out earlier, a nine year old was subject to be married to, and engage in sex, with a guy in his forties or so. Hmmm, pedophilia is encouraged.

Mercy killings are common in Islam. Young ladies stabbed to death in public by their fathers for some sort of transgression, which could include kissing a Christian man.

In some Islamic circles, if a woman is ACCUSED of adultery, they bury her up to her waist and stone her to death, making sure the stones arent too big, otherwise it might kill her too quickly.

An entire book in the OT is written about a woman, RUTH.

In Christianity, those who made women be subject to the command, "women must submit to their husbands" were not truly following the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, as the same book also declares that the man LOVE the woman, but somehow these psuedo Christians conviently ignored that part.
It was their own desires to make the women submit that drove those situations, NOT the theology of Christianity.

OH, and WHO supports female circumcision? Hint, its not Christians or Christianity. I think you can guess who does. Cmon now, you can say it, its allright, you wont have a heart attack, Cmon now, just lip the letters, M U S L I M S,,,,there, see, that wasnt so bad, uttering the truth for once.
By those who are distorting Islam to justify violence, I was referring to the terrorists.

You really do need to read things before you rant.:lame2:

Uh, dearie, when 9/11 struck, muslims piled into the streets around the world celebrating.
Uh, dearie, when 9/11 struck, muslims piled into the streets around the world celebrating.

Don't you know that's a lie?!!! Liberals believe all of those films were faked.

Yeah, they do. They really believe that.
Nobody is distorting Islam. The terrorists are following Islamic teachings exactly as they were intended to be followed. That's why you never see any Muslim condemn what they do without qualifier.

Why liberals have no problem trashing Christianity, but feel the need to go out of their way to qualify anything to do with Islam is a true mystery to me. I don't understand how liberals, who hate Christianity with a passion, can somehow feel the need to come to the defense of Islam by claiming it's just as bad. It's much worse than Christianity, and the proof of that is in the news everyday, but liberals just can't help trying to make Christianity look bad no matter what awful, horrible things Muslims do. Beslan. Even after Beslan. I just do not understand how liberals are so blind to Islams horror to the extent that they'd still rather trash Christianity.

Do you have any idea why you do it? You obviously know nothing about Islam, but yet like other liberals you just can't help trying to educate those of us who do know something about Islam, and don't like it, that it's just as bad as Christianity.

Do you have any idea what it is that compels you and other liberals to do that? Other than your hatred for Christians?

NT, the reason is because liberals want power and control of the people here in the states. They also idolize communits leaders like Castro. The Beatles had a song, "back in the USSR".
The Christians stand in the way of the libs making the US a socialized state, run and controlled by the govt. The snobbish libs really think they know best what is good for the people.
As one liberal stated, he knew more about the problems in IRaq than a foot soldier marine in Iraq, because he, the superior, READS 17 newspapers a day, then he asked, "do you think that soldier does that?" Fucking pompous ass.
They dont see Islam as a threat to their desire for power and control in the US, thats why they defend it.
They hide behind the ideals of "we support the minorities, the small guy, the poor and middle classes". The reason is because they can get votes that way, but fact is, if you watcch their actual ACTIONS, they dont support those groups.
Even though a majority of black parents want school choice, the libs wont give it to them, because they want to see the kids in public schools where they have control, not in private schools where they have no control.
They also favor illegal immigration, even though the mexicans and guatamaleans take jobs away from blacks.
They condemn Bush for his invasion of Iraq even though it freed millions of women from the misery induced upon them by the regime. Same with Afghanastan.
They support minimum wage, even though it is PROVEN that it causes many minimum wage earners, who are on the bottom of the income ladder, whom the liberals claim to support, TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.
They claim they are for womens rights, but yet a majority of women want to see partial birth abortion and roe v wade overturned, yet the libs defend both of those, because it gives them power and control.
Robert Redford and Jane Fonda, two die hard libs, made friendly and sang the praises of Castro recently, even though Castro, just last year jailed 32 librarians. Their crime? READING BOOKS by Martin Luther King and Orwell. Hmmm, so much for free speech eh?
The list goes on and on. Fact is, the DONT support the groups they claim to represent, when the issue that those groups need supported will harm the power base of the dems/liberals.
The Moors invasion of Spain is a different subject to the Crusades. If you want to start that subject, take it up with Glock. I ain't interested...

how about this ...if i can get 99 people to say you are a buffoon...and NT250 says you are not....are you in fact a buffoon?

Well, I say he's not a buffoon also. :funnyface
You do realize orthodoxy or fundamentalism in all of the three major religions has misogynist concepts, right?

So... your point?
Virtually all races, cultures and religions have misogynists concepts. But the point was that Islam is RADICAL in its mysogany. Unlike Christianity and Judaism. Just because Judaism and Christianity have SOME mysogenic values, doesnt mean they are even close to being on par with Islam.
So, whats your poin?

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