...the J6 Hearing's about the attack on our democracy ...

When someone tries to replace legal electors with illegal ones on the middle of a right wing staged riot, that is fraud against the legal government of the United States.
Nope. And still not an insurrection. And the riot was staged you say? Interesting. By whom? What is your specific evidence, Dildo__really? Links?
Smashing their way in, killing cops and shitting on Congressional walls is not insurrection? Chanting hang Mike Pence is not insurrection? Bringing fake electors to the riot is not insurrection? Fuck that!
No cops were killed. One did die the next day of a heart attack. Shitting in any public place is gross. (I mean, just look at the streets of San Francisco.) And, in some civilized places (not Sam Francisco obviously), it may be a crime. But it’s not insurrection. No.

A retarded chant is not insurrection. No.

Who brought fake electors? Was it to the riot? Was it to the Capitol? It may be illicit. Arguably criminal. But an insurrection? No.

So, in conclusion, as always, You were wrong in every aspect of your retarded post and once again, fuck you. 👍
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No cops were killed. One did die the next day of a heart attack. Shitting in any public place is gross. (I mean, just look at the streets of San Francisco.) And, in some civilized places (not Sam Francisco obviously), it may be a crime. But it’s not insurrection. No.

A retarded chant is not insurrection. No.

Who brought fake electors? Was it to the riot? Was it to the Capitol? It may be illicit. Arguably criminal. But an insurrection. No.

So, in conclusion, as always, Yuewei wrong in every aspect of your retarded post and once again, fuck you. 👍
The videos show the opposite of what you are claiming. It shows you pieces of shit trying to violently install the great Orange Man Bad as President and THAT is insurrection!
The videos show the opposite of what you are claiming. It shows you pieces of shit trying to violently install the great Orange Man Bad as President and THAT is insurrection!
First of all, you’re retarded.

Secondly, the video and the balance of reality confirm that I am correct and that you are wrong.

Thirdly, you scumbag cocksucker, I was not there that day nor were the vast majority of Republicans.

Fourthly, see the “first of all,” above.

Fifth of all, there was no effort at all to install Trump.

And none of anything you’re droning on about constitutes an insurrection. Words still have meaning, Dildo_really. You never do.
Smashing their way in, killing cops and shitting on Congressional walls is not insurrection? Chanting hang Mike Pence is not insurrection? Bringing fake electors to the riot is not insurrection? Fuck that!
didn't kill one cop. you are truly a sheeple following traitor media lies. wow. I see you are a person with zero honor or integrity.
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When someone tries to replace legal electors with illegal ones on the middle of a right wing staged riot, that is fraud against the legal government of the United States.
let's see that link that says that for insurrection.
When someone tries to replace legal electors with illegal ones on the middle of a right wing staged riot, that is fraud against the legal government of the United States.

nope, not what the legal definition states

Insurrection refers to an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. It is a violent revolt against an oppressive authority. Insurrection is different from riots and offenses connected with mob violence. In insurrection there is an organized and armed uprising against authority or operations of government whereas riots and offenses connected with mob violence are simply unlawful acts in disturbance of the peace which do not threaten the stability of the government or the existence of political society.
so stupid people who rush at an armed officer are ok to kill now? interesting. me thinks you are a hypocrite.
How am I a hypocrite? Most of the protests from the Left in 2020 was about police shooting unarmed suspects. This was the only one they cheered. That is hypocrisy.
Well I guess Democrats are making it official they no longer support the right to protest.
The New Republican are like the old Democrats of Rayguns days "They know so much that just isn't true"

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.” Joe Biden on the Floyd protests and riots.
How am I a hypocrite? Most of the protests from the Left in 2020 was about police shooting unarmed suspects. This was the only one they cheered. That is hypocrisy.
well, if I misunderstood you my apology, I thought you were praising the cop killing the military woman.
First of all, you’re retarded.

Secondly, the video and the balance of reality confirm that I am correct and that you are wrong.

Thirdly, you scumbag cocksucker, I was not there that day nor were the vast majority of Republicans.

Fourthly, see the “first of all,” above.

Fifth of all, there was no effort at all to install Trump.

And none of anything you’re droning on about constitutes an insurrection. Words still have meaning, Dildo_really. You never do.
Did you see doors being smashed in the video by you un-American pieces of shit? Did you see you un-American pieces of shit trying to break into the halls of Congress for the sole purpose in stopping the certification of the votes? Did you see cops being beaten with a flagpole by you un-American pieces of shit? The video showed all of that!

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