...the J6 Hearing's about the attack on our democracy ...

nope, not what the legal definition states

Insurrection refers to an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. It is a violent revolt against an oppressive authority. Insurrection is different from riots and offenses connected with mob violence. In insurrection there is an organized and armed uprising against authority or operations of government whereas riots and offenses connected with mob violence are simply unlawful acts in disturbance of the peace which do not threaten the stability of the government or the existence of political society.
It's an "organized revolt against the civilian government". That's exactly what occurred.
Did you see doors being smashed in the video by you un-American pieces of shit? Did you see you un-American pieces of shit trying to break into the halls of Congress for the sole purpose in stopping the certification of the votes? Did you see cops being beaten with a flagpole by you un-American pieces of shit? The video showed all of that!
like a riot? hmmmmmmmmmm
When the people being convicted say they were there at the "request of the President", that's organized!
how? What did he send them to use?

Did he send them a battle plan?

where was the meeting to set it up?

Who were the captains and lieutenants?

Where did they train?
I hope that much of America ...and maybe the world too.......will be watching today's J6 Committee hearing.
What I've seen now, after about an hour of presentations, is damning (again).

I hate to make predictions vis-a-vis Don Trump, but......but I am really believing there will be a recommendation for criminal indictment against Trump, against Eastman, against Giuliani, maybe against that bloke, Clark/

They haven't yet mentioned Meadows or Brooks. So maybe they will NOT get a recommendation for indictment. But, that's not to say the DOJ won't.

I'll say I have seen most of today's video clips in previous hearings. Nonetheless, it is riveting to seem them offered in a more linear and compact presentation.

BTW, if haven't seen it yet.....but maybe can bring it up online tonight....well, make sure you catch Cheney's opening statement.
I must say ..... that woman has gravitas.

Imbecile of the Year Award has been delegated
Last I looked, cops aren't murdered at clown shows.

No cops were murdered at Jan 6 either. Liar. There WAS a Trump supporter who was murdered however.

Did you see doors being smashed in the video by you un-American pieces of shit?
I saw some doors being smashed in by a group of protestors who have not a thing in the world to do with me. You Moron.
Did you see you un-American pieces of shit trying to break into the halls of Congress for the sole purpose in stopping the certification of the votes?
No. And neither did you. Nor did anybody else. And they aren’t my protestors, you perpetually dishonest hack bitch troll. I do believe that one of the agendas of the mob was to see if they could get Congress to delay the certification. A shit idea, imho.
Did you see cops being beaten with a flagpole by you un-American pieces of shit?
No. But I did see some of the mob inflict injury on some cops with improvised weapons. The mob did that, and again, they aren’t “mine,” you absurdly and persistently dishonest cocksucker.
The video showed all of that!
No. It didn’t.

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