The Jan. 6 Committee plans to vote to subpoena Trump during today's hearing

So it's pretty ridiculous for MAGAts to be whining about "fair trials."

You know what is going to be funny though?

When Merrick Garland announces numerous indictments against Trump (most likely after election) that are now most certainly going to result from this massive amount of damning evidence discovered by this committee and the trial process is set in motion, Trumptards will switch to trying to say that the DOJ/AG is "illigitimate" just like they have with this completely legitimate and LEGAL congressional committee.

And if he is ultimately found guilty....then it will be the jury and/or the judge who they call "illigitimate."

But of course if somehow he is aquutted THEN those same MAGAts will have nothing but praise for the judge and jury.

Go figure.

They do the sane things with elections.

These people now live in a universe where only ONE MAN tells them the "truth."
Only ONE MAN "legitimately" wins elections.
Only ONE MAN can be trusted.

That's some REAL cult-ass shit!
What are the charges he will be indicted for? You don't know, because you didn't say!
what a Simp you are.

Merrick Garland is slowly putting together an airtight case.
Very soon, once enough evidence has been assembled to guarantee Trump's escape....from any angle will be impossible, the trap is going to snap shut.
The charges, (indictments) will be filed.

And then you know what all these fools who have been strutting around like roosters crowing "no charges have been filed" are going to say?


"Marc Short, Pence's former chief of staff was commanded to appear by Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell, after the judge ruled he "probably possessed information important to the Justice Department’s criminal investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol that was not available from other sources," reports the Post"

Trump suffers another legal blow after judge orders former top Pence aide to testify about Jan. 6 Trump suffers another legal blow after judge orders former top Pence aide to testify about Jan. 6
How is it a "fair" trial to allow Trump's wild, off topic ranting and raving?

So, a "witness" can only ape the response the Nazi party feeds him?

Wow, Hitler's got nothing on you.

I know, you think that you should just be able to kill anyone that endangers the agenda of the Nazi Reich.

That shit is not allowed in any court of law.


"The Defendant will NOT answer the question.."

You're a fucking retard - even as Nazis go.

Defendants answer attorney's uestions as directly and succinctly as possible.

IN Nazi German and Stalinist Russia - but in the USA the defendant is allowed to answer the question posed.

NOW we have to make clear that the Nazi Show trial isn't a court of law, but an election stunt by the Nazi party in a desperate "Hail Mary" to try and distract from the disaster they have caused.

Thwy are not allowed to take control of the courtroom and run the trial the way they want.

Aww, are the Nazis scared that they won't be able to slander and libel with impunity?

I mean the vile fucks won't allow cross examination in their kangaroo court, so they have to be careful not to let the opposition speak and expose what fraudulent scum they are.

There would be nothing "fair" about that.
That's not justice.

Oh a Nazi talks about "justice," - too funny.

"Justice" would be nailing Adam Schitt to the door by his undescended balls.

The Nazi show trial has NOTHING to do with justice.

Social media is for ranting and raving.
Not the witness stand.

An illegal tribunal by the filthy Nazi parry has no legitimacy. Fuck Pelosi and your filthy, traitorous Reich.
So, a "witness" can only ape the response the Nazi party feeds him?

Wow, Hitler's got nothing on you.

I know, you think that you should just be able to kill anyone that endangers the agenda of the Nazi Reich.


"The Defendant will NOT answer the question.."

You're a fucking retard - even as Nazis go.

IN Nazi German and Stalinist Russia - but in the USA the defendant is allowed to answer the question posed.

NOW we have to make clear that the Nazi Show trial isn't a court of law, but an election stunt by the Nazi party in a desperate "Hail Mary" to try and distract from the disaster they have caused.

Aww, are the Nazis scared that they won't be able to slander and libel with impunity?

I mean the vile fucks won't allow cross examination in their kangaroo court, so they have to be careful not to let the opposition speak and expose what fraudulent scum they are.

Oh a Nazi talks about "justice," - too funny.

"Justice" would be nailing Adam Schitt to the door by his undescended balls.

The Nazi show trial has NOTHING to do with justice.

An illegal tribunal by the filthy Nazi parry has no legitimacy. Fuck Pelosi and your filthy, traitorous Reich.
Merrick Garland is slowly putting together an airtight case.
Very soon, once enough evidence has been assembled to guarantee Trump's escape....from any angle will be impossible, the trap is going to snap shut.
The charges, (indictments) will be filed.

And then you know what all these fools who have been strutting around like roosters crowing "no charges have been filed" are going to say?


"Marc Short, Pence's former chief of staff was commanded to appear by Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell, after the judge ruled he "probably possessed information important to the Justice Department’s criminal investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol that was not available from other sources," reports the Post"

Trump suffers another legal blow after judge orders former top Pence aide to testify about Jan. 6 Trump suffers another legal blow after judge orders former top Pence aide to testify about Jan. 6

Herr Leaksensmears might want to spend his time building a defense. In 3 weeks, the vile democrat Reich loses control of both chambers of congress, Oberfuhrer Garland will assuredly become the subject of several investigations. Turning the FBI into the personal Gestapo of Quid Pro Biden was a dumb move, but Herr Leaksensmears is a dumb man. Evil is often very stupid.
Yet your leaders tell you loons to get in the faces of conservatives. Democrats sat on their asses while the summer of love happened, in which thousands got killed. You Don't care about people's lives, just politics. So fuck off.
And the expression fight like hell is a euphemism used for a hundred years to mean put in a staunch effort.
Yet you Pearl clutching fake Nancy’s try to turn this into he ordered them to go and beat the hell out of people
You all have got to stop engaging in such wishful, emotional fakery .
Poor little Nazi.

The chance you evil scum will prevail is - zero.

You of the evil side get your short reigns of terror - such as these last two years, but then it crumbles.

You sick vermin never learn, evil has a short shelf-life - you're going to lose - every time.
Lose what SNOWFLAKE?

Republitards will gain a few seats in the House next month.
That's it.
The Jan. 6th Committee's charter will expire in January when the new Congress is seated.....and business will just continue as usual.
Of course Trump will be under indictment by that time by Merrick Garland's D.O.J.

And nobody can shut that down.

I am not lookung at next month's election with anticipation....or trepidation.

I have nothing at stake.
And the expression fight like hell is a euphemism used for a hundred years to mean put in a staunch effort.
Yet you Pearl clutching fake Nancy’s try to turn this into he ordered them to go and beat the hell out of people
You all have got to stop engaging in such wishful, emotional fakery .
So you're ok with Trump just throwing all his "soldiers" who marched in his name and many of whose lives are now ruined, under the bus?
Some of these people even convinced themselves they'd get a pardon from their general who now won't even aknowlege anything to do with them.

What a lying sack of shit right?

Everything he touches turns to crap.
I'm not usually one to pay attention to individual, specific polls, but...

The committee is performing a service by getting this stuff on the public record, and I'm glad they're doing it.

But it's not making a difference. It's doesn't appear to be changing minds or making a dent one way or the other.


Hey now, hearings changed my mind, is up 12%!

Lose what SNOWFLAKE?

Power - the ONLY thing you Nazi scum care about.
Republitards will gain a few seats in the House next month.
That's it.

The Americans will take BOTH chambers from you Nazi vermin - and we all know it.

The Jan. 6th Committee's charter will expire in January when the new Congress is seated.....and business will just continue as usual.

The Nazi Show trial will end on Nov. 8th. It has no purpose save as a campaign tool for the Nazi party. As you Nazis are shown the door in three weeks - this Reichstag Fire fraud will come to a close.

Of course Trump will be under indictment by that time by Merrick Garland's D.O.J.\\

Sure he will..

And nobody can shut that down.

I am not lookung at next month's election with anticipation....or trepidation.

I have nothing at stake.

Herr Leaksensmears is going to be a lot more worried about his own butt than in witch hunt against Trump.

And then there's Biden's impeachment to deal with...
So you're ok with Trump just throwing all his "soldiers" who marched in his name and many of whose lives are now ruined, under the bus?
Some of these people even convinced themselves they'd get a pardon from their general who now won't even aknowlege anything to do with them.

What a lying sack of shit right?

Everything he touches turns to crap.
Diversion about soldiers under a bus noted and discarded
So you're ok with Trump just throwing all his "soldiers" who marched in his name and many of whose lives are now ruined, under the bus?

"Soldiers" armed with CELL PHONES. Of course they DID have American flags, which to you Nazi scum are like crosses are to vampires...

Some of these people even convinced themselves they'd get a pardon from their general who now won't even aknowlege anything to do with them.

Pardoned? For what? They thought the United States still stood - with the First Amendment. Protests were legal when the Constitutional Republic was around.

The Nazi Reich is a different story - but protesters need no pardon, just an honest, constitutional government - which we DON'T have with Xi's Biden regime.

But we WILL have again, soon.

What a lying sack of shit right?

Yes you and your filthy Reich sure are. Evil vermin.

Everything he touches turns to crap.

Biden? Yep.

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