The Jan. 6 Committee plans to vote to subpoena Trump during today's hearing

Yeah, who needed guns when they had American flags?


Yep, the stars and stipes are poison to you traitor fucks.
Yeah, who needed guns when they had American flags?

It's just amazing how these MAGAt Trumptards freaking CHOOSE to remain clueless and misinformed.

Their cult has brainwashed them to avoid all sources of news that isn't cult they miss out on MOST of what is REALLY happening.
Then the ignorant fools think others are just making shit up to fool and mess with them.

Then they make idiots of themselves getting on political forums like this STILL trying to insinuate shit like "the Jan. 6th insurrectionists COULDN'T have been REAL insurrectionists because all they were armed with were cell phones."

I almost feel sorry for the poor, dumb, patsy suckers.

They intentionally missed THIS evidence and now they sound like tools.

Well that one certainly was "poison" to the cop that mob, one using an American flag as a weapon, almost killed.

The stories from you Nazi vermin get more fantastic as time goes on.

TWO people died at the Reichstag fire. One was murdered by BLM soldier and Palace Guard Michael Byrd. The other was trampled when the crowd panicked after BLM Byrd murdered Ashli - they were shooting protesters - right out of Nazi Germany.
The stories from you Nazi vermin get more fantastic as time goes on.

TWO people died at the Reichstag fire. One was murdered by BLM soldier and Palace Guard Michael Byrd. The other was trampled when the crowd panicked after BLM Byrd murdered Ashli - they were shooting protesters - right out of Nazi Germany.
Facts are infuriating and will provoke emotional,name calling and profanity dominated outbursts
The stories from you Nazi vermin get more fantastic as time goes on.

TWO people died at the Reichstag fire. One was murdered by BLM soldier and Palace Guard Michael Byrd. The other was trampled when the crowd panicked after BLM Byrd murdered Ashli - they were shooting protesters - right out of Nazi Germany.


It's not a "story," Fruitcake. That guy was convicted of assaulting a police officer with an American flag.

But irony is sweet, huh? Ashes Targetpractice screams, "nothing will stop us!" But a single bullet sure did. And Boyland carries a "don't tread on me" flag, and boy, did she get treaded on.

It's just amazing how these MAGAt Trumptards freaking CHOOSE to remain clueless and misinformed.

Their cult has brainwashed them to avoid all sources of news that isn't cult they miss out on MOST of what is REALLY happening.
Then the ignorant fools think others are just making shit up to fool and mess with them.

Then they make idiots of themselves getting on political forums like this STILL trying to insinuate shit like "the Jan. 6th insurrectionists COULDN'T have been REAL insurrectionists because all they were armed with were cell phones."

I almost feel sorry for the poor, dumb, patsy suckers.

They intentionally missed THIS evidence and now they sound like tools.

If you think that this Committee is giving you the truth, you are the clueless and misinformed one.
Stop fucking around troll, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
fuck you you lying BITCH. link it up moron.

I said in another thread Id like to slap Nancys dentures out of her mouth. I lied. I would punch her. Its little bitches on this board I would BITCH SLAP.

Now you little BITCH eat a bag of dicks and say hello to the ignore list. PUSSY.
The January 6 insurrection was not a peaceable assembly, jackasss.
But, that isn't the question. The question is did Trump order the people to be violent? The answer is no, he did not. He said to go and peaceably assemble and protest. And, you keep saying it was violent. How so? Most of the people were old grandpas and grandmas. No one had a gun except the capitol police. You can't have an insurrection without guns. Jackass.
But, that isn't the question. The question is did Trump order the people to be violent? The answer is no, he did not. He said to go and peaceably assemble and protest. And, you keep saying it was violent. How so? Most of the people were old grandpas and grandmas. No one had a gun except the capitol police. You can't have an insurrection without guns. Jackass.

Who told them the election was stolen from him?
But, that isn't the question. The question is did Trump order the people to be violent? The answer is no, he did not. He said to go and peaceably assemble and protest. And, you keep saying it was violent. How so? Most of the people were old grandpas and grandmas. No one had a gun except the capitol police. You can't have an insurrection without guns. Jackass.
if Trump had told anyone to go to the Capital and be violent and destroy and hurt and riot you can bet your sweet ass these leftist twats would have links to the video on here in dozens of threads daily. They would have the video in their sigs for Christ sake.

THEY DONT because IT DIDNT HAPPEN. So they just come here, troll like little bitches, and CLAIM he did it with ZERO EVIDENCE OR PROOF like they do on 99% of the topics they try to discuss on this forum.
Magnetometers. Metal detectors.

There was a cordoned-off area around Trump when he was speaking near the White House on January 6. There were security stations with magnetometers ("mags") to control who got that close to him. The issue was that there were a lot of people who showed up to the National Mall, but were staying outside of the area covered by the mags, and many of them were reported to have firearms.

According to the testimony, Trump was ordering security to take down the mags, because "These are my people, they're not going to hurt me, let them in." (Paraphrased.) That is used as evidence that he was OK with heavily armed people being in the area, because they were loyal to him.
First of all, no one who went into the Capitol building were armed. No one. This idea that it was reported that people had firearms has never been proven. Who reported this? No one has ever come forth to say they knew people and saw people with firearms. This is the left's way of changing what actually happens. There was no insurrection. Did people trespass? I guess. The Capitol police opened up the doors and let people in. But, once again, that isn't the point of this thread. The point is did Trump cause the crowd to enter into the Capitol building? The answer is no. He was caught on mic and on TV saying to go to the Capitol building and peaceably assemble and protest.
The stories from you Nazi vermin get more fantastic as time goes on.

TWO people died at the Reichstag fire. One was murdered by BLM soldier and Palace Guard Michael Byrd. The other was trampled when the crowd panicked after BLM Byrd murdered Ashli - they were shooting protesters - right out of Nazi Germany.
Just having to give sworn testimony is a problem for Trump.
As we all know the poor guy can't even open his mouth without an endless stream of lies pouring out.
This is why he pays attorneys enormous sums of money to silence his accusers out of courts.

You know, you MAGAt Trump apologists are possibly approaching a new low if you can still defend and try to 'splain away this new (rape/defamation) issue just like all the others.

You KNOW he's admitted to creepy, smarmy, sexual predator shit to other people as if he's proud of it or something.

Therefore you KNOW it is probably more likely that he is guilty of what he was accused of.
At least more likely than innocent.

But you STILL can't bring yourselves to do it.
You just can't abandon him, or even question him for that matter!

That is some powerful cult programming!

That was a nothing burger. Locker room talk from rich people like Bill Clinton. Clinton actually raped women and Hillary silenced the women and killed anyone that would get in their way to the White House. That was in 2005. So what? John Kennedy had prostitute parties at the White House when his wife was home. Don't tell me you Democrats are now faithful believers in God and keeping God's commandments? Didn't think so. You never talk with your friends about women? Liar. I'll take the country as it was under Trump than under Biden or Obama anytime.
If you think that this Committee is giving you the truth, you are the clueless and misinformed one.
The clip I posted was exerpts from Secret Service & NSA testimony.

Are you saying their SWORN testimony is fabricated?

Or maybe you don't really have any idea what you are supposed to say to this and are just talking out your ass?
After 6 weeks of inciting violence.
Trump wasn't inciting violence. Another lie. But, BLM and Antifa were rioting and continued to after Biden became President. Democrats still promote violence with Defund the Police, DA's who let violent criminals out without bail and even many who should not be let out at all. Democrats love violence.
Mags were in reference to the magnatrometers that were detecting anyone attending the rally were carrying arms. Trump told the Secret Service to "remove the mags" and let his people in. He said, "They're not here to hurt him."
The Secret Service is always protecting the President and other government officials. So what? Again, you can't show that anyone was carrying guns. And, Trump said to peaceably assemble and peaceably protest.
The clip I posted was exerpts from Secret Service & NSA testimony.

Are you saying their SWORN testimony is fabricated?

Or maybe you don't really have any idea what you are supposed to say to this and are just talking out your ass?
Yes, because we have seen government agencies such as the FBI lying and the Select Committee is not a legal court of law anyway where the defendant (Trump) is assumed guilty. Do you actually believe this shit? :D
fuck you you lying BITCH. link it up moron.

I said in another thread Id like to slap Nancys dentures out of her mouth. I lied. I would punch her. Its little bitches on this board I would BITCH SLAP.

Now you little BITCH eat a bag of dicks and say hello to the ignore list. PUSSY.
Go play little boy.
Whether or not he chooses to give credence to the confessional clown show subpoena remains to be seen. But it sounds like he is “interested” in going forward with it. Much to my surprise.

Just on instinct, I would assume the better course would be to tell that shit-show fake committee to go stuff it.
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