The Jan. 6 Committee plans to vote to subpoena Trump during today's hearing

Biden never sexually molested his daughter or anybody else.

Right, Pedo Pete is pure as the driven bullshit.

That is a retard story that started out as Russian disinformation and now is parroted by twits like you.


Trump actually did encourage a bunch of his followers (soldiers) to march on the capitol and then left them in the wind when the shit hit the fan.

Fucking liar.
I didn't make that up.

Your Reich did. You're just a mindless Nazi drone lying on a message board.

So what you tried to do here was not just a very lame case of "whataboutism"
it is also a false comparison.

Try to do better.

So what you tried to do here is lie reality into the cornfield.

Another whackjob Nazi spewing long debunked conspiracy theories.

You Nazis have a comic book mentality - you think lying is your "super power" and that any problem can be solved by you lying.
The fbi has admitted that the diary is real, they are as corrupt as the Biden's. Just think, you support a pedophile, that molested his own daughter. You're sick.
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The fucking Gestapo threw the reporters who produced the evidence into prison.

It's kind of hard to say it's "fake" AND that the investigative journalists "stole" it. BUT Nazis like MoronMike are masters of holding two contradictory positions simultaneously and firmly believing both - for the glory of the Reich..
Poster jknowgood.....

How you comin' on validating and backing up your assertion that "thousands" were killed during the George Floyd protests?

No one here wants to think you are just an empty suit, a partisan warrior making up shit for a keyboard enema.

This is Adult need to do better.

There are 419 confirmed deaths related to the Kristallnacht you waged against America for two years.

Fucking liar.
So, let me understand what you are trying to say here.

It appears you disagree with my statement that Trump abandoned his Jan. 6th terrorists.

Are you trying to say he did not abandon them?
That he has embraced them and admitted that yeah, they marched (and attacked) in HUS name....because HE told them to?

Is that what you are saying by accusing me of being a liar when I stated that he did not do that. Instead he's distanced himself from them, accused them of just pretty much being random freaks who acted on their own with no direction from him at all.

Basically he has taken the position that MAGAt Trumptards like the ones who broke into the Capitol in their goofy red baseball caps and Army Surplus tactical gear thinking they were going to stop the certification of the vote and hang the Vice President were just a bunch of whacko fruutcakes acting on their own.
He had NOTHING to do with it.

Is that YOUR position as well?

Or do you agree with me that Trump is lying through his teeth?
That these people were HIS soldiers.
They marched in HIS name, at HIS direction with the goal of achieving HIS objectives.
And when it all failed they took the fall and HE just washed his hands of them.

Maybe that is your position instead?

Because both things cannot be true.

It is either one or the other.
So, let me understand what you are trying to say here.

It appears you disagree with my statement that Trump abandoned his Jan. 6th terrorists.

Are you trying to say he did not abandon them?
I'm saying you're a fucking liar - which we both know to be true.

Trump said "Go to the Capitol, peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

That he has embraced them and admitted that yeah, they marched (and attacked) in HUS name....because HE told them to?

Fucking liar.

Is that what you are saying by accusing me of being a liar when I stated that he did not do that. Instead he's distanced himself from them, accused them of just pretty much being random freaks who acted on their own with no direction from him at all.

You're a Nazi - lying is your "jam" as they say.

Basically he has taken the position that MAGAt Trumptards like the ones who broke into the Capitol in their goofy red baseball caps and Army Surplus tactical gear thinking they were going to stop the certification of the vote and hang the Vice President were just a bunch of whacko fruutcakes acting on their own.
He had NOTHING to do with it.

Is that YOUR position as well?

Or do you agree with me that Trump is lying through his teeth?
That these people were HIS soldiers.
They marched in HIS name, at HIS direction with the goal of achieving HIS objectives.
And when it all failed they took the fall and HE just washed his hands of them.

Maybe that is your position instead?

Because both things cannot be true.

It is either one or the other.

So, we can all agree that you're a fucking liar then! :thup:
So, let me understand what you are trying to say here.

It appears you disagree with my statement that Trump abandoned his Jan. 6th terrorists.

Are you trying to say he did not abandon them?
That he has embraced them and admitted that yeah, they marched (and attacked) in HUS name....because HE told them to?

Is that what you are saying by accusing me of being a liar when I stated that he did not do that. Instead he's distanced himself from them, accused them of just pretty much being random freaks who acted on their own with no direction from him at all.

Basically he has taken the position that MAGAt Trumptards like the ones who broke into the Capitol in their goofy red baseball caps and Army Surplus tactical gear thinking they were going to stop the certification of the vote and hang the Vice President were just a bunch of whacko fruutcakes acting on their own.
He had NOTHING to do with it.

Is that YOUR position as well?

Or do you agree with me that Trump is lying through his teeth?
That these people were HIS soldiers.
They marched in HIS name, at HIS direction with the goal of achieving HIS objectives.
And when it all failed they took the fall and HE just washed his hands of them.

Maybe that is your position instead?

Because both things cannot be true.

It is either one or the other.

And retard, you never answered - if Ashley's Diary is "Russian Disinformation" :lmao: - why did the Gestapo put the two reporters who got it in prison?

I mean, I know it's part of the war you Nazis wage on a free press, but the Gestapo said the reporters "stole" it? But you lied that it's from Russia? Which is it?
He told them to go down there and "fight like hell". Answer me this fuckwad, if Trump wanted peace, why did he wait 5 FUCKING HOURS before he did anything to stop it? He just watched on TV, like Nero fiddling.

Sure, Democrats or all politicians never use that term? If Trump incited the Jan 6 riot, then many Democrats incited the many riots, including the taking over of an entire police precinct in Seattle, during his term. I never saw the same outrage when our cities were set a ablaze by left-wing kooks. If Trump did run and win in 2024, the same kooks would do the same things again and Democratic politicians would encourage it.
Sure, Democrats or all politicians never use that term? If Trump incited the Jan 6 riot, then many Democrats incited the many riots, including the taking over of an entire police precinct in Seattle, during his term. I never saw the same outrage when our cities were set a ablaze by left-wing kooks. If Trump did run and win in 2024, the same kooks would do the same things again and Democratic politicians would encourage it.
Democrats aren't as dumb as MAGATS so....not the same.
Democrats aren't as dumb as MAGATS so....not the same.

Democrats are far more indoctrinated, that’s for certain. Republicans still make more money on average than you self-proclaimed geniuses, so there is that.

Good gosh, I am sick and tired of providing this information to you low-info folks. It is widely known. The Republicans are known as the party of the “rich”, remember? As income and age(wisdom) increases as does the liklihood of being a Republican. I mean, this is not a secret. Even when you add in over-paid union workers and those being over-paid for the same jobs in large urban centers, Democrats are still on the short end of the stick. Just imagine if all professional Republicans from red states and rural areas moved to the urban areas to get a pay raise. You can’t pay most of us to make that move.

Edit…I did you homework for you. Seriously, do they not tell you these things in your circles?

Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.

Economic Demographics of Republicans & Conservatives
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You don't even know what happened!
Actually I do. There is no proof whatsoever that guns were present at the rally. There were no guns present at the Capitol Building. The FBI and others have already said this is a nothing burger. A simple act of trespassing. If there were any who got too much inside, they have been delt with. But, what they did has nothing to do with Trump. This is another one of your Democrat nonsense with TDS like the stupid impeachment nonsense and Hillary Russian Hoax nonsense.
"Separation of Powers" clause essentially forbids harassing The Executive Branch like this even after they leave office.

The Jan 6 Clown show actually has No Jurisdiction to issue a subpoena of this sort.
Wow! So you really are this stupid and blind!

First of all, there were TWO people killed that day, dipshit. You should ask yourself why the tard herd is only making a big deal out of the one tard who was killed.

The second tard was trampled to death by her fellow insurrectionists.

And then there's the fact that over 140 police officers were injured.

Blue Lives Matter, my ass.

  • ‘I hope you suffer’: Ex-D.C. officer confronts Jan. 6 attacker in court

    A member of the mob that launched a series of violent attacks on police — including D.C. officer Michael Fanone — in a tunnel under the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, apologized Tuesday as a judge sentenced him to seven years and two months in prison.

    Kyle Young, 38, is the first rioter to be sentenced for the group attack on Fanone, who was dragged into the mob, beaten and electrocuted until he suffered a heart attack and lost consciousness.

    “You were a one-man wrecking ball that day,” Judge Amy Berman Jackson said. “You were the violence.”


    Young and his 16-year-old son joined the tunnel battle just before 3 p.m., and Young handed a stun gun to another rioter and showed him how to use it. When Fanone was pulled from the police line, Young and his son pushed through the crowd toward him.

    Just after that, authorities said, another rioter repeatedly shocked Fanone with the stun gun, and Young helped restrain the officer as another rioter stole his badge and radio.

    Young lost his grip on Fanone as the mob moved. He then pushed and hit a nearby Capitol Police officer, who had just been struck with bear spray, according to documents filed with his plea.

    Young also pointed a strobe light at the officers, jabbed at them with a stick and threw an audio speaker toward the police line, hitting another rioter in the back of the head, prosecutors said.
How come there is not this outrage from Democrats concerning the Portland and Seattle riots with police and bystanders beaten and killed with government buildings burned down? Instead, Democrats called it all the summer of love. And, what about all the police who have been killed by ambush over the past couple of years? I haven't seen one statement from the leftwing media of condemnation of this. Nor, have I heard any condemnation from Democrat politicians. Instead, they keep pushing defund the police while cities are unsafe now ever since Joe Biden took office and the Democrats control Congress and the major cities in the U.S. And, I still haven't heard you Democrats condemn the death of the protestor?
"Separation of Powers" clause essentially forbids harassing The Executive Branch like this even after they leave office.

The Jan 6 Clown show actually has No Jurisdiction to issue a subpoena of this sort.
Exactly. Any subpoena they issue must be related to a legislative reason. What legislation has Nazi proposed regarding Jan 6?
How come there is not this outrage from Democrats concerning the Portland and Seattle riots with police and bystanders beaten and killed with government buildings burned down? Instead, Democrats called it all the summer of love.
Is that all you have to cover up your embarrassment at not even knowing two people died on January 6? All you can do is toss out red herrings?


Jesus, your head is so full of manufactured bullshit, one does not know where to begin.

About 25 people were killed during the riots of 2020. Not one of them was a cop. But there were several people killed and maimed by the cops, under excessive force circumstances. I bet you don't know the name of a single one of them. But it's funny how the Trumptards know the name of the terrorist Ashli Babbit, isn't it?

No Democrats condemned the riots, eh?

You clearly get your alternative facts from Facebook. What a dumbass.

Biden: Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.

House Majority Whip Clyburn: I say to young people all the time, we should stand together in solidarity for that which we know to be the purpose for our existence, and that is to make a better country, a better world for those who must come after us. Breaking out a window will not contribute to that. Setting a fire, throwing stones at police officers, that's destructive behavior which will not contribute to anything that will make this a better country and make a better future for our children and our grandchildren.

Also, I tell my daughters all the time, just think about what you're doing and ask yourself the question will this make things better or worse.

African American community leaders on Sunday told the Register that they fear the scenes of broken windows and police confrontations are shifting the focus away from the original intent.

"We're losing the message about justice," said state Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad, D-Des Moines. "The focus is now on the violence."
Abdul-Samad said he believes some people in the protests aren't thinking about justice but are using them for their own agendas and "misleading young people who are in pain."

He said he has concerns about safety, including for children who have been caught up in the protests. He urged parents to keep them at home late at night.

"When you start talking about burning a police station, when you start talking about looting a building, they're just setting up for nothing but destruction," he said. "You're setting up for someone to get hurt very bad."

“This is NOT the Black Lives Matter movement. This is chaos,” Kali Ladd, executive director of KairosPDX, wrote in a Facebook post. “These white actors are enacting dominance in a different form under the guise of equity ... White supremacy has many forms.”

Demonstrations elsewhere in the city have also grown increasingly violent. Early Friday, someone broke the windows of a federal courthouse and threw fireworks that started a fire inside the building.

One prominent Black leader wrote to Mayor Ted Wheeler and said some clashes had unfolded three blocks from his house. He said the problem was with “elements” that were “99% white” and did not represent the Black Lives Matter movement.

“It has nothing to do with helping Black people. These hoodlums are needlessly scaring neighbors and their children,” said Ron Herndon, who has fought for racial justice in Portland for four decades and led a school boycott in 1979 after the city closed predominantly Black schools. “At some point, enough is enough.”

Newly appointed Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is Black, said the violence in North Portland was “offensive and hurtful” and has cost the city at least $6.2 million in overtime for its officers.

“People in that neighborhood were upset. That’s not something they’re going to tolerate ... and they came out and were very vocal,” Lovell said. “I think people sometimes look at the protest movement as one homogeneous group — and there’s definitely a segment here that is very violent.”

Alderman Raymond Lopez, whose ward is on the South Side, said he saw no connection between anger over police shootings and the widespread looting downtown.

“There is no social justice component to the criminal activity that we saw last night,” Mr. Lopez said. “This is simply about criminal actions by individuals who are hellbent to cause anarchy and chaos in the city of Chicago.”
Is that all you have to cover up your embarrassment at not even knowing two people died on January 6? All you can do is toss out red herrings?


Jesus, your head is so full of manufactured bullshit, one does not know where to begin.

About 25 people were killed during the riots of 2020. Not one of them was a cop. But there were several people killed and maimed by the cops, under excessive force circumstances. I bet you don't know the name of a single one of them. But it's funny how the Trumptards know the name of the terrorist Ashli Babbit, isn't it?

No Democrats condemned the riots, eh?

You clearly get your alternative facts from Facebook. What a dumbass.

Biden: Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.

House Majority Whip Clyburn: I say to young people all the time, we should stand together in solidarity for that which we know to be the purpose for our existence, and that is to make a better country, a better world for those who must come after us. Breaking out a window will not contribute to that. Setting a fire, throwing stones at police officers, that's destructive behavior which will not contribute to anything that will make this a better country and make a better future for our children and our grandchildren.

Also, I tell my daughters all the time, just think about what you're doing and ask yourself the question will this make things better or worse.

African American community leaders on Sunday told the Register that they fear the scenes of broken windows and police confrontations are shifting the focus away from the original intent.

"We're losing the message about justice," said state Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad, D-Des Moines. "The focus is now on the violence."
Abdul-Samad said he believes some people in the protests aren't thinking about justice but are using them for their own agendas and "misleading young people who are in pain."

He said he has concerns about safety, including for children who have been caught up in the protests. He urged parents to keep them at home late at night.

"When you start talking about burning a police station, when you start talking about looting a building, they're just setting up for nothing but destruction," he said. "You're setting up for someone to get hurt very bad."

“This is NOT the Black Lives Matter movement. This is chaos,” Kali Ladd, executive director of KairosPDX, wrote in a Facebook post. “These white actors are enacting dominance in a different form under the guise of equity ... White supremacy has many forms.”

Demonstrations elsewhere in the city have also grown increasingly violent. Early Friday, someone broke the windows of a federal courthouse and threw fireworks that started a fire inside the building.

One prominent Black leader wrote to Mayor Ted Wheeler and said some clashes had unfolded three blocks from his house. He said the problem was with “elements” that were “99% white” and did not represent the Black Lives Matter movement.

“It has nothing to do with helping Black people. These hoodlums are needlessly scaring neighbors and their children,” said Ron Herndon, who has fought for racial justice in Portland for four decades and led a school boycott in 1979 after the city closed predominantly Black schools. “At some point, enough is enough.”

Newly appointed Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is Black, said the violence in North Portland was “offensive and hurtful” and has cost the city at least $6.2 million in overtime for its officers.

“People in that neighborhood were upset. That’s not something they’re going to tolerate ... and they came out and were very vocal,” Lovell said. “I think people sometimes look at the protest movement as one homogeneous group — and there’s definitely a segment here that is very violent.”

Alderman Raymond Lopez, whose ward is on the South Side, said he saw no connection between anger over police shootings and the widespread looting downtown.

“There is no social justice component to the criminal activity that we saw last night,” Mr. Lopez said. “This is simply about criminal actions by individuals who are hellbent to cause anarchy and chaos in the city of Chicago.”

Yes old wise Demorat. But, Trump was not at fault. Those who entered did so on their own and should be held accountable. Trump did not promote the break-in. He said go TO the Capitol building and PEACEABLY protest. That's it.
With the Summer of Love, Democrats from BLM to Antifa demanded violence in the streets with their protests. 39 people died during these supposedly peaceful protests. 23 million dollars of vandalism and looting in businesses, many owned by Blacks. Government buildings were bombed and burned. And, many injured. Yet, not a peep from you Demorats. Instead, you talk about a couple of people who died and very little damage as most people in January 6t trespassing case were old people. Pathetic case of Trump Derangement Syndrom.

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