The Jan. 6 Committee plans to vote to subpoena Trump during today's hearing

Actually I do. There is no proof whatsoever that guns were present at the rally. There were no guns present at the Capitol Building. The FBI and others have already said this is a nothing burger. A simple act of trespassing. If there were any who got too much inside, they have been delt with. But, what they did has nothing to do with Trump. This is another one of your Democrat nonsense with TDS like the stupid impeachment nonsense and Hillary Russian Hoax nonsense.
The Secret Serbice identified armed protesters before the march to the Capitol.

They were the ones who wouldn't walk through the magnetometers that Trump wanted removed.

You can see the Secret Service messaging in this segment.

Got a link to the FBI and these "others" saying that?

Sure, Democrats or all politicians never use that term? If Trump incited the Jan 6 riot, then many Democrats incited the many riots, including the taking over of an entire police precinct in Seattle, during his term. I never saw the same outrage when our cities were set a ablaze by left-wing kooks. If Trump did run and win in 2024, the same kooks would do the same things again and Democratic politicians would encourage it.
Don't change the subject, just answer the fucking question!
The Secret Serbice identified armed protesters before the march to the Capitol.

They were the ones who wouldn't walk through the magnetometers that Trump wanted removed.

You can see the Secret Service messaging in this segment.

Got a link to the FBI and these "others" saying that?

Anyone can email a tip to the Secret Service. And, I'm sure it was a Democrat like Pelosi or even ABC News. Can't trust the left anymore. They just lie and lie and lie.
Anyone can email a tip to the Secret Service. And, I'm sure it was a Democrat like Pelosi or even ABC News. Can't trust the left anymore. They just lie and lie and lie.
No, it was actually S.S. agents communicating among themselves.

Did you miss that from this last, recent hearing?
Don't change the subject, just answer the fucking question!

Trump posted a video telling the rioters to “go home now” 1 hour after the riot started. Twitter censored the video. They then proceeded to censor many other tweets from Trump. Take it up with those Marxists. The Democrats needed to frame a false narrative and clearly it tricked many gullible Americans.
"Trump posted a video telling the rioters to “go home now” 1 hour after the riot started. Twitter censored the video. They then proceeded to censor many other tweets from Trump"

I had not heard that. And, if I recall, it contradicts what witnesses said --under oath -- in the J6 hearings.
Do you have some credible reliable sourcing on your assertions?
Trump posted a video telling the rioters to “go home now” 1 hour after the riot started. Twitter censored the video. They then proceeded to censor many other tweets from Trump. Take it up with those Marxists. The Democrats needed to frame a false narrative and clearly it tricked many gullible Americans.
Most Americans really aren't interested in the 1/6 hearings. It is just a collection of anti-Trump politicians trying to prevent Trump for running for President in 2024.
"...trying to prevent Trump for running for President in 2024."
Oh, I wouldn't dispute that some involved with the J6 hearings desire to prevent 'Trump running for 2024'.
Nope, don't doubt that at all.

But, that's not to say that is the motivation for 'all' of 'em.
Some? yes.
But also some are merely concerned citizens who were in a position to see bad juju and were willing to tell authorities about it with maybe the hope that the authorities will hold DonT accountable for the bad juju they observed.

The mantra/ethic of 'No man is above the law' likely embedded in the psyche of a lot of people who have been involved in testifying under oath.

At least, those who don't take the 5th Amendment protections 126 times.

But also some are merely concerned citizens who were in a position to see bad juju and were willing to tell authorities about it with maybe the hope that the authorities will hold DonT accountable for the bad juju they observed.

The mantra/ethic of 'No man is above the law' likely embedded in the psyche of a lot of people who have been involved in testifying under oath.

At least, those who don't take the 5th Amendment protections 126 times.

First of all, no one who went into the Capitol building were armed. No one. This idea that it was reported that people had firearms has never been proven. Who reported this? No one has ever come forth to say they knew people and saw people with firearms. This is the left's way of changing what actually happens. There was no insurrection. Did people trespass? I guess. The Capitol police opened up the doors and let people in. But, once again, that isn't the point of this thread. The point is did Trump cause the crowd to enter into the Capitol building? The answer is no. He was caught on mic and on TV saying to go to the Capitol building and peaceably assemble and protest.

Yeah, they just let them in. :icon_rolleyes:

A lot of people took "pleas" to be let out. The Gestapo holds people in solitary for years and makes it clear that the ONLY way they will EVER be set loose is if they confess to whatever the Gestapo demands.

Coerced confessions are meaningless, and that's ALL you Nazis have.

You Nazis sure do love you some murder.

You just can't wait to get your showers and ovens in full production.

Never again, motherfucker.


You dildo, that fucker is on video beating the cop with an American flag. He pled guilty because he was guilty.
How is that equated to the crowd to become violent? Trump ordered the crowd to peaceably assemble and protest. Telling people the election is stolen isn't a reason to become violent. And, 99.999% of Republicans who voted for Trump have never rioted like the Democrats did when Hillary claimed the election was stolen by Trump. You hoodlems cannot have it both ways.
Trump's Big Lie was the reason they stormed the Capitol.
Ho was it violent? Please explain. The only one who was hurt and killed was done so by the police. Yet, I don't see or hear BLM or Antifa calling for police brutality because it just happened to be a Republican. You Democrats are complete and total hypocrites. After the riots of 2021, the summer of love, why can't January 6th be called the winter of love? Democrat are complete and total hypocrites.


You know Guno, you're a piece of shit. I mean seriously, you're a racist pig and hate America. But these low rent photoshop jobs really scrape the bottom.

I love the guy with airhorn where you added the orange mist - I get that you're trying to falsify the airhorn as pepper spray - but the orange is over the top.

Don't tell America that these clowns on the J6 Committee along with their Fuehrer allowed Iran to sell Suicide Drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians with, while we flush Billions down the toilet to keep the war going in perpetuity.
I'm saying you're a fucking liar - which we both know to be true.

Trump said "Go to the Capitol, peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Fucking liar.

You're a Nazi - lying is your "jam" as they say.

So, we can all agree that you're a fucking liar then! :thup:

Trump said "Go to the Capitol, peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Actually, what he said was, "I know everyone here will soon be...," assuming they would be peaceful. He never actually told them to remain peaceful.

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