The Jan. 6 Committee plans to vote to subpoena Trump during today's hearing

It's just amazing how these MAGAt Trumptards freaking CHOOSE to remain clueless and misinformed.

Their cult has brainwashed them to avoid all sources of news that isn't cult they miss out on MOST of what is REALLY happening.
Then the ignorant fools think others are just making shit up to fool and mess with them.

Then they make idiots of themselves getting on political forums like this STILL trying to insinuate shit like "the Jan. 6th insurrectionists COULDN'T have been REAL insurrectionists because all they were armed with were cell phones."

I almost feel sorry for the poor, dumb, patsy suckers.

They intentionally missed THIS evidence and now they sound like tools.

Right, ^^^ those lunatics should be in charge. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

MoronMike vomits out more stupidity.

Merrick Garland is slowly putting together an airtight case.
Very soon, once enough evidence has been assembled to guarantee Trump's escape....from any angle will be impossible, the trap is going to snap shut.
The charges, (indictments) will be filed.

And then you know what all these fools who have been strutting around like roosters crowing "no charges have been filed" are going to say?


"Marc Short, Pence's former chief of staff was commanded to appear by Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell, after the judge ruled he "probably possessed information important to the Justice Department’s criminal investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol that was not available from other sources," reports the Post"

Trump suffers another legal blow after judge orders former top Pence aide to testify about Jan. 6 Trump suffers another legal blow after judge orders former top Pence aide to testify about Jan. 6
Any. Day. Now.

Day 1,345,831, 974,253
The clip I posted was exerpts from Secret Service & NSA testimony.

Are you saying their SWORN testimony is fabricated?

Or maybe you don't really have any idea what you are supposed to say to this and are just talking out your ass?

What you posted was a steaming pile of shit fabricated by the Nazis of the Show Trial using snippets and out of context clips. It is EXACTLY why you Nazis fear having Trump tear the evil scum of your Inquisition a new one on live TV. We ALL know how you evil pigs operate. Unfiltered fact is what you fear beyond all else,

It's not a "story," Fruitcake. That guy was convicted of assaulting a police officer with an American flag.

A lot of people took "pleas" to be let out. The Gestapo holds people in solitary for years and makes it clear that the ONLY way they will EVER be set loose is if they confess to whatever the Gestapo demands.

Coerced confessions are meaningless, and that's ALL you Nazis have.
But irony is sweet, huh? Ashes Targetpractice screams, "nothing will stop us!" But a single bullet sure did. And Boyland carries a "don't tread on me" flag, and boy, did she get treaded on.

You Nazis sure do love you some murder.

You just can't wait to get your showers and ovens in full production.

Never again, motherfucker.
Who told them the election was stolen from him?
How is that equated to the crowd to become violent? Trump ordered the crowd to peaceably assemble and protest. Telling people the election is stolen isn't a reason to become violent. And, 99.999% of Republicans who voted for Trump have never rioted like the Democrats did when Hillary claimed the election was stolen by Trump. You hoodlems cannot have it both ways.
You have got to be kidding. No one can be this willfully stupid and blind.
Ho was it violent? Please explain. The only one who was hurt and killed was done so by the police. Yet, I don't see or hear BLM or Antifa calling for police brutality because it just happened to be a Republican. You Democrats are complete and total hypocrites. After the riots of 2021, the summer of love, why can't January 6th be called the winter of love? Democrat are complete and total hypocrites.
So you're ok with Trump just throwing all his "soldiers" who marched in his name and many of whose lives are now ruined, under the bus?
Some of these people even convinced themselves they'd get a pardon from their general who now won't even aknowlege anything to do with them.

What a lying sack of shit right?

Everything he touches turns to crap.
So Biden sexually assaulting his daughter okay with you?
House Jan. 6 committee plans to vote on whether to subpoena former President Trump, sources familiar with the committee’s plans say. go for it! lock him up!

The "Russian collusion" and "January 6th" committees that were held merely to smear political opposition and keep negative press in the papers will be studied as some of the most successful propaganda ever created in American History.
fuck you you lying BITCH. link it up moron.

I said in another thread Id like to slap Nancys dentures out of her mouth. I lied. I would punch her. Its little bitches on this board I would BITCH SLAP.

Now you little BITCH eat a bag of dicks and say hello to the ignore list. PUSSY.
I'm at the 49ner Tavern in Long Beach, CA every Friday between 4:30 and 5:30pm if you would like to continue this conversation face to face?
Ho was it violent? Please explain. The only one who was hurt and killed was done so by the police.
Wow! So you really are this stupid and blind!

First of all, there were TWO people killed that day, dipshit. You should ask yourself why the tard herd is only making a big deal out of the one tard who was killed.

The second tard was trampled to death by her fellow insurrectionists.

And then there's the fact that over 140 police officers were injured.

Blue Lives Matter, my ass.

  • ‘I hope you suffer’: Ex-D.C. officer confronts Jan. 6 attacker in court

    A member of the mob that launched a series of violent attacks on police — including D.C. officer Michael Fanone — in a tunnel under the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, apologized Tuesday as a judge sentenced him to seven years and two months in prison.

    Kyle Young, 38, is the first rioter to be sentenced for the group attack on Fanone, who was dragged into the mob, beaten and electrocuted until he suffered a heart attack and lost consciousness.

    “You were a one-man wrecking ball that day,” Judge Amy Berman Jackson said. “You were the violence.”


    Young and his 16-year-old son joined the tunnel battle just before 3 p.m., and Young handed a stun gun to another rioter and showed him how to use it. When Fanone was pulled from the police line, Young and his son pushed through the crowd toward him.

    Just after that, authorities said, another rioter repeatedly shocked Fanone with the stun gun, and Young helped restrain the officer as another rioter stole his badge and radio.

    Young lost his grip on Fanone as the mob moved. He then pushed and hit a nearby Capitol Police officer, who had just been struck with bear spray, according to documents filed with his plea.

    Young also pointed a strobe light at the officers, jabbed at them with a stick and threw an audio speaker toward the police line, hitting another rioter in the back of the head, prosecutors said.
So Biden sexually assaulting his daughter okay with you?

Biden never sexually molested his daughter or anybody else.
That is a retard story that started out as Russian disinformation and now is parroted by twits like you.

Trump actually did encourage a bunch of his followers (soldiers) to march on the capitol and then left them in the wind when the shit hit the fan.

I didn't make that up.

So what you tried to do here was not just a very lame case of "whataboutism"
it is also a false comparison.

Try to do better.
Biden never sexually molested his daughter or anybody else.
That is a retard story that started out as Russian disinformation and now is parroted by twits like you.

Trump actually did encourage a bunch of his followers (soldiers) to march on the capitol and then left them in the wind when the shit hit the fan.

I didn't make that up.

So what you tried to do here was not just a very lame case of "whataboutism"
it is also a false comparison.

Try to do better.
The fbi has admitted that the diary is real, they are as corrupt as the Biden's. Just think, you support a pedophile, that molested his own daughter. You're sick.
Poster jknowgood.....

How you comin' on validating and backing up your assertion that "thousands" were killed during the George Floyd protests?

No one here wants to think you are just an empty suit, a partisan warrior making up shit for a keyboard enema.

This is Adult need to do better.
No violence. Wow. I can't believe the mental illness of Trumptards has gotten this bad.





You know Guno, you're a piece of shit. I mean seriously, you're a racist pig and hate America. But these low rent photoshop jobs really scrape the bottom.

I love the guy with airhorn where you added the orange mist - I get that you're trying to falsify the airhorn as pepper spray - but the orange is over the top.

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