The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax

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Can you cite these rules, provide a link. Where in the "rules of debate", does it say I have to summarize videos for you?

I am not going to summarize it if you are too lazy or uncurious to watch. That is not my job.

Nor is it ours to waste our time watching a stupid-ass video that you can't even be bothered to summarize. Lazy much?
You may not be lazy in the short term, like making vapid and ignorant posts. However, you are intellectually lazy and uncurious.

You claim the video is stupid, yet you admit to not watching it, that just exposes your ignorance right there.

Really? Really. What did you title the thread, home skillet? You really gonna claim I'm operating in a vacuum?

Uncurious is not a word, by the way. Way to post from a place of ignorance.
Nor is it ours to waste our time watching a stupid-ass video that you can't even be bothered to summarize. Lazy much?
You may not be lazy in the short term, like making vapid and ignorant posts. However, you are intellectually lazy and uncurious.

You claim the video is stupid, yet you admit to not watching it, that just exposes your ignorance right there.

Really? Really. What did you title the thread, home skillet? You really gonna claim I'm operating in a vacuum?

Uncurious is not a word, by the way. Way to post from a place of ignorance.
Incurious, my bad.

Instead of being a grammar nazi, and posting your nonsense that has nothing to do with the OP, you could have used the time to watch the video instead of being an old troll.
Yeah, like anybody is going to take the better part of an hour to watch a crock of shit.

What about it is a crock of shit? Which part?

How can you even know if you didn't watch it.

How about you get your head out of the sand and open your mind. You may be old, but that is no excuse not to learn.

:lol::lol: "Open your mind"...what a load of shit. The Bundesarchiv has loads of records that the Germans wrote themselves because they just loved keeping records. Pull your head out of your ass and go read them.
Yeah, like anybody is going to take the better part of an hour to watch a crock of shit.

What about it is a crock of shit? Which part?

How can you even know if you didn't watch it.

How about you get your head out of the sand and open your mind. You may be old, but that is no excuse not to learn.

The part where you refuse to take your medication.
Yeah, like anybody is going to take the better part of an hour to watch a crock of shit.

What about it is a crock of shit? Which part?

How can you even know if you didn't watch it.

How about you get your head out of the sand and open your mind. You may be old, but that is no excuse not to learn.

She doesn't have her head in the sand. YOU DO. There is so much evidence, photographs, testimonies, court cases, documentation and information concerning the gas chambers that you would have had to have made a concerted effort to remain in such ignorance!

Those who condemn the facts without examination of the same are destined for eternal ignorance on the matter. You are a prime example of that truth.

What you need is an education on the holocaust. Starting with a visit to a holocaust Museum. Listen to some testimonies of people who were there, view the archive of photographs and stories of survivors. It is horrific what the Jews went through.

This thread doesn't belong on consipiracy theory forum. It belongs in the rubber room.

The gas chambers are not in question and therefore not a subject of consipiracy.

- Jeri
Here is the evidence the gas chambers were real. I'm asking that this thread be moved to the Rubber Room. It doesn't belong in a Conspiracy Forum. The Gas Chambers were proven real. See the link and also the court case he won. Thank you.

Mel Mermelstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mel Mermelstein (born September 25, 1926, Örösveg (or Oroszvég, Ukrainian: Rosvyhove, German: Rosswegau), near Munkacs) is a Hungarian-born Jew, sole-survivor of his family's extermination at Auschwitz concentration camp who defeated the Institute for Historical Review in an American court and had the occurrence of gassings in Auschwitz during the Holocaust declared a legally incontestable fact.[

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More about Mel Mermelstein! I love the name Mel. It means loyal friend. Mel Mermelstein is a loyal friend to truth. He defended it valiantly in memory of all who lost their lives in the gas chambers of Auschwitz!

On October 9, 1981, both parties in the Mermelstein case filed motions for summary judgment in consideration of which Judge Thomas T. Johnson of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County took "judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944,"[1][2] judicial notice meaning that the court treated the gas chambers as common knowledge, and therefore did not require evidence that the gas chambers existed. On August 5, 1985, Judge Robert A. Wenke entered a judgment based upon the Stipulation for Entry of Judgment agreed upon by the parties on July 22, 1985.

The judgment required IHR and other defendants to pay $90,000 to Mermelstein and to issue a letter of apology to "Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz" for "pain, anguish and suffering" caused to them.[2]

In a pre-trial determination, Judge Thomas T. Johnson declared:

"This court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944. It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact."[2]

So Mel Mermelstein won a $90,000.00 settlement years ago for the pain and anguish caused over holocaust deniers and revisionists who claim the gas chambers didn't exist. He also proved in a court of law that the gas chambers did exist and the liars were forced to make an apology.

Steinlight will be the next to apologise I am sure. - Jeri
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Ike knew there would be holocaust deniers. That's why he ordered a lot of documentation when he visited the liberated death camps.

Dwight D. Eisenhower on the Camps

Except Buchenwald wasn't a "death camp". There were no death camps in Germany, according to preeminent "nazi hunter" Simon Wiesenthal, and he isn't a "holocaust denier".

Not to say he didn't see many dead bodies in the camps, but there were no gas chambers or mechanisms for systemic extermination in Buchenwald. And many of those dead were German Communists, not Jews. It was primarily a camp for political prisoners. Most died in the last months of the war due to bombings, lack of supplies etc.

"The U.S. Army intelligence report of April 24, 1945 (cited above) noted that the total number of certified deaths was 32,705. (34) A detailed June 1945 U.S. government report about Buchenwald put the total at 33,462, of whom more than 20,000 died in the chaotic final months of the war. (35)

The authoritative International Tracing Service of Arolsen, an affiliate of the International Red Cross, stated in 1984 that the number of documented deaths (of both Jews and non-Jews) at Buchenwald was 20,671, with another 7,463 for Dora (Mittelbau). (36)

While even these lower figures are regrettably high, it is important to realize that the great majority of those who died at Buchenwald were unfortunate victims of a catastrophic war, not German policy. Most of the rest were murdered by order of the Communist underground camp organization. Several hundred were also killed in Allied bombing attacks."

Wiesenthal Re-Confirms: 'No Extermination Camps on German Soil'
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What about it is a crock of shit? Which part?

How can you even know if you didn't watch it.

How about you get your head out of the sand and open your mind. You may be old, but that is no excuse not to learn.
My response to your video is in the following eight hours of video. After you have watched all eight hours of it we'll continue the discussion, assuming you aren't too lazy to do so.

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