The Jewish "race"?

I have noticed that most Juden use either "race" or "religion" to describe themselves depending on the situation. ....... :cool:
Following on from a comment in a recent post regarding the Rabbi who stated "Jews are not a race, we are a religious group."

Then how can comments made about the struggle in the ME supporting Palestinians be considered racist against Jews?

Surely race is a genetic distinction, and refers to people with shared ancestry and shared genetic traits. You can't change your race; it's in your DNA. I could never become black or Asian no matter how much I might want to. However, I can become Jewish...

Yes, DNA testing has been carried out to try and prove that Jews are a race, however, there does appear to be quite some differential between the various Jewish 'races'...

I believe that there are some Jews who are offended by the thought of Judaism as being consider a 'race'... Preferring to be considered a 'religious family'.

When links are produced that show arab muslim leaders as late as the 1960's have stated publicly that the Palestinians are illegal immigrants from Syria, Egypt and Iran then how can team Palestine deny the evidence.

The problem lies in the fact that Jewish can mean race, culture or religion and ANTI SEMITES pounce on the fact that some few Jews are not related to the Sephardic Jews of Israel. You could not become Asian but you could become muslim which many ISLAMONAZIS see as a distinct race and claim that stopping them from committing a crime is racist.

DNA testing has shown that Sephardic Jews show a 93 to 95 % match to Ashkenazi and Ethiopian Jews, while at the same time showing that arab muslim have less of a match than they have to dogs, apes and bananas at less than 85%. The only difference between the Jewish "races" is that dragged into the melting pot by NAZI JEW HATING ANTI SEMITES that produce 20 year old DNA tests from pro Islamic sites as their "hard" evidence or constantly harp on about the Jews being a mongrel race/culture.

They would be the ultra orthodox true torah Jews that exist in their few thousands, and as such are not counted in the big picture.

Now try and deny that this post by you was not RACIALLY motivated by your ISLAMONAZI ANTI SEMITIC POV

For once you are correct Phoney.... I cannot become Asian but I can become Muslim... In the same way that I can become Jewish...

And quite clearly Muslim is not race...

Therefore my post then cannot be "racially motivated" as Jew is not a race...

I hear that Hamas is looking for some new recruits..... people with the ability to strap things to their bodies...

Not entirely sure what that has to do with the OP?

And was it not you who mentioned a "warning" against flaming?

Do you feel flamed? Really?

Not really, but you just flamed the OP...
Some consider Jewry to be a race.
Some consider it to be a religious group.
Others even simply consider it to be a culture.
Some consider it to be some mixture of the three...
Personally, I lean toward it being a mixture of the three.

There are, indeed, genetic groupings associated with large numbers of Jews, with markers indicating either Hebrew tribal ancestry or the ancestry of those groups in the Middle East, Asia Minor, the Caucuses, etc., which provided the seedbed for large-scale conversions to Judaism in its proselytizing and scattering days, both before and after the 70 A.D. timeframe.

There are, indeed, cultural affinities evident in large groupings of Jews, from various parts of Europe, the Russias, the old Persian and Ottoman Empires, and even parts of Africa, so I perceive some truth in the diversified cultural manifestations and behaviors evident in such groupings.

And, of course, there is no practical reason or means to dispute Judaism as a religious grouping - with respect to both practicing and lapsed or non-practicing Jews associated with various branches of Judaism, and with respect to those who simply descend from families with such a religious tradition.

So... yeah... I perceive Jewry to be a little of each... racial... cultural... religious... to greater or lesser extents, within the bounds of its diversity.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

Arabs can be muslim, Christian, Atheist and Druze but they are still arabs which is a race. Jews can be Christian, muslim, atheist etc. but they are still Jews which is a race. I do believe the UN put this in a resolution that passed into international law making Jews a race and a religion
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

They do as DNA studies have shown the originate from Judea and Samaria
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

They do as DNA studies have shown the originate from Judea and Samaria

And their DNA is close to the Arab Palestinians. They are Canaanites then.
I have noticed that most Juden use either "race" or "religion" to describe themselves depending on the situation. ....... :cool:
I remember a heated argument about this, in the '60's, when a later to be Rabbi Weinstein blurted out "We can be a race when we want to".

Sorta settled it for me!

Someone asked where did they come from.

I wonder if they aren't just a trick God played on all the rest of us.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.
I have a nephew by marriage.

Born to a landed Mississippi white aristocrat and a "free spirit" hippy white girl.

She later married a Jew who adopted her son.

That corn pone, white Anglo-Saxon born Southern boy is now a certified New York Jew.

So, they can be both a race and a religion, because this boy has not one drop of Semitic blood in him.

But, he would repossess the opium suppository from your dying grandmother's asshole if she got behind on her insurance payment.
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

They do as DNA studies have shown the originate from Judea and Samaria

And their DNA is close to the Arab Palestinians. They are Canaanites then.

WRONG as their DNA is a very poor match at 83%, which is less than the match with dogs, pigs and bananas. Yet the Jews tested have a 94% to 97% match with each other. You need to look at the mitochondrial DNA and not the more common forms of DNA that show a common ancestor for all living things.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand
In Louisiana, which has the loosest interpretation of white in the GOUSA, I knew many Italians and Islenos that were much darker than half the "blacks" in the state.
Judaism is a religion, but Jews are an ethnicity, as established so very clearly by D.N.A.

The miniscule number of converts to Judaism has no real effect on the notion of Jewish ethnicity.
Some consider Jewry to be a race.
Some consider it to be a religious group.
Others even simply consider it to be a culture.
Some consider it to be some mixture of the three.
I agree with the Rabbi on this one: it is a religious group.

Many US-Americans say that they are "1/2 Jewish" or "1/4 Indian" - but what exactly should that mean? Is a dude's liver "Jewish", but maybe his pancreas "Protestant"?

Some can make the argument that Jewry is a race because Halakha (Jewish Law) dictates that the religion is passed from the mother to the child. And every child born of a Jewish mother is indeed, in the eyes of Halakha, automatically Jewish. But people can also convert to Judaism. There are Black Jews (see: Ethiopia), there are Indian (as in, the sub-continent) Jews, there are Chinese Jews, there are Latino Jews, there are White Jews and of course, there are Middle-Eastern Jews. Hell, there are even Jewish Eskimos - so Jews can belong to many different races.

There is nothing in the Tanakh that states that Jews are supposed to belong to one race or be a race unto themselves. They were (are) supposed to be a religious group until themselves.

Plus, since the NAZIs deliberately used genealogical tables to decide who was "Jewish" enough to be murdered brutally through systematic genocide on the order ot 6 to 7 million Jews, most Jews are therefore somewhat allergic to the use of race in describing the oldest monotheistic religion in the world.

Therefore, if your question was really an truly probing to learn some facts, I hope this helped.

But if you are just trying to flame Jews because you hate them, then go shove it where the sun don't shine. I've seen lots and lots of Jew-haters start with pleasantly worded questions like this.

How about that for a succinct answer?


How did I do, Hossfly ?
Correct. Complete.Concise. A+
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand
Some consider Jewry to be a race.
Some consider it to be a religious group.
Others even simply consider it to be a culture.
Some consider it to be some mixture of the three.
I agree with the Rabbi on this one: it is a religious group.

Many US-Americans say that they are "1/2 Jewish" or "1/4 Indian" - but what exactly should that mean? Is a dude's liver "Jewish", but maybe his pancreas "Protestant"?

Some can make the argument that Jewry is a race because Halakha (Jewish Law) dictates that the religion is passed from the mother to the child. And every child born of a Jewish mother is indeed, in the eyes of Halakha, automatically Jewish. But people can also convert to Judaism. There are Black Jews (see: Ethiopia), there are Indian (as in, the sub-continent) Jews, there are Chinese Jews, there are Latino Jews, there are White Jews and of course, there are Middle-Eastern Jews. Hell, there are even Jewish Eskimos - so Jews can belong to many different races.

There is nothing in the Tanakh that states that Jews are supposed to belong to one race or be a race unto themselves. They were (are) supposed to be a religious group until themselves.

Plus, since the NAZIs deliberately used genealogical tables to decide who was "Jewish" enough to be murdered brutally through systematic genocide on the order ot 6 to 7 million Jews, most Jews are therefore somewhat allergic to the use of race in describing the oldest monotheistic religion in the world.

Therefore, if your question was really an truly probing to learn some facts, I hope this helped.

But if you are just trying to flame Jews because you hate them, then go shove it where the sun don't shine. I've seen lots and lots of Jew-haters start with pleasantly worded questions like this.

How about that for a succinct answer?


How did I do, Hossfly ?
Correct. Complete.Concise. A+
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

They do as DNA studies have shown the originate from Judea and Samaria

And their DNA is close to the Arab Palestinians. They are Canaanites then.

WRONG as their DNA is a very poor match at 83%, which is less than the match with dogs, pigs and bananas. Yet the Jews tested have a 94% to 97% match with each other. You need to look at the mitochondrial DNA and not the more common forms of DNA that show a common ancestor for all living things.

Hogwash, to find a purebred Israelite today is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand
Some consider Jewry to be a race.
Some consider it to be a religious group.
Others even simply consider it to be a culture.
Some consider it to be some mixture of the three.
I agree with the Rabbi on this one: it is a religious group.

Many US-Americans say that they are "1/2 Jewish" or "1/4 Indian" - but what exactly should that mean? Is a dude's liver "Jewish", but maybe his pancreas "Protestant"?

Some can make the argument that Jewry is a race because Halakha (Jewish Law) dictates that the religion is passed from the mother to the child. And every child born of a Jewish mother is indeed, in the eyes of Halakha, automatically Jewish. But people can also convert to Judaism. There are Black Jews (see: Ethiopia), there are Indian (as in, the sub-continent) Jews, there are Chinese Jews, there are Latino Jews, there are White Jews and of course, there are Middle-Eastern Jews. Hell, there are even Jewish Eskimos - so Jews can belong to many different races.

There is nothing in the Tanakh that states that Jews are supposed to belong to one race or be a race unto themselves. They were (are) supposed to be a religious group until themselves.

Plus, since the NAZIs deliberately used genealogical tables to decide who was "Jewish" enough to be murdered brutally through systematic genocide on the order ot 6 to 7 million Jews, most Jews are therefore somewhat allergic to the use of race in describing the oldest monotheistic religion in the world.

Therefore, if your question was really an truly probing to learn some facts, I hope this helped.

But if you are just trying to flame Jews because you hate them, then go shove it where the sun don't shine. I've seen lots and lots of Jew-haters start with pleasantly worded questions like this.

How about that for a succinct answer?


How did I do, Hossfly ?
Correct. Complete.Concise. A+
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

They do as DNA studies have shown the originate from Judea and Samaria

And their DNA is close to the Arab Palestinians. They are Canaanites then.

WRONG as their DNA is a very poor match at 83%, which is less than the match with dogs, pigs and bananas. Yet the Jews tested have a 94% to 97% match with each other. You need to look at the mitochondrial DNA and not the more common forms of DNA that show a common ancestor for all living things.

Hogwash, to find a purebred Israelite today is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Since we all are supposed to have come out of Africa, can you claim that you are a purebred White? Better take a DNA test to see what part of Africa your ancestors came from. Hmm, maybe all the NeoNazis in your group in your hometown should also take a DNA test. I can just see Penelope being an avid worker helping Dr. Mengele since it is quite obvious how much she hates the Jews. :cow:
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand
Some consider Jewry to be a race.
Some consider it to be a religious group.
Others even simply consider it to be a culture.
Some consider it to be some mixture of the three.
I agree with the Rabbi on this one: it is a religious group.

Many US-Americans say that they are "1/2 Jewish" or "1/4 Indian" - but what exactly should that mean? Is a dude's liver "Jewish", but maybe his pancreas "Protestant"?

Some can make the argument that Jewry is a race because Halakha (Jewish Law) dictates that the religion is passed from the mother to the child. And every child born of a Jewish mother is indeed, in the eyes of Halakha, automatically Jewish. But people can also convert to Judaism. There are Black Jews (see: Ethiopia), there are Indian (as in, the sub-continent) Jews, there are Chinese Jews, there are Latino Jews, there are White Jews and of course, there are Middle-Eastern Jews. Hell, there are even Jewish Eskimos - so Jews can belong to many different races.

There is nothing in the Tanakh that states that Jews are supposed to belong to one race or be a race unto themselves. They were (are) supposed to be a religious group until themselves.

Plus, since the NAZIs deliberately used genealogical tables to decide who was "Jewish" enough to be murdered brutally through systematic genocide on the order ot 6 to 7 million Jews, most Jews are therefore somewhat allergic to the use of race in describing the oldest monotheistic religion in the world.

Therefore, if your question was really an truly probing to learn some facts, I hope this helped.

But if you are just trying to flame Jews because you hate them, then go shove it where the sun don't shine. I've seen lots and lots of Jew-haters start with pleasantly worded questions like this.

How about that for a succinct answer?


How did I do, Hossfly ?
Correct. Complete.Concise. A+
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

They do as DNA studies have shown the originate from Judea and Samaria

And their DNA is close to the Arab Palestinians. They are Canaanites then.

WRONG as their DNA is a very poor match at 83%, which is less than the match with dogs, pigs and bananas. Yet the Jews tested have a 94% to 97% match with each other. You need to look at the mitochondrial DNA and not the more common forms of DNA that show a common ancestor for all living things.

Hogwash, to find a purebred Israelite today is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Since we all are supposed to have come out of Africa, can you claim that you are a purebred White? Better take a DNA test to see what part of Africa your ancestors came from. Hmm, maybe all the NeoNazis in your group in your hometown should also take a DNA test. I can just see Penelope being an avid worker helping Dr. Mengele since it is quite obvious how much she hates the Jews. :cow:

Got it on the brain.
Some consider Jewry to be a race.
Some consider it to be a religious group.
Others even simply consider it to be a culture.
Some consider it to be some mixture of the three.
I agree with the Rabbi on this one: it is a religious group.

Many US-Americans say that they are "1/2 Jewish" or "1/4 Indian" - but what exactly should that mean? Is a dude's liver "Jewish", but maybe his pancreas "Protestant"?

Some can make the argument that Jewry is a race because Halakha (Jewish Law) dictates that the religion is passed from the mother to the child. And every child born of a Jewish mother is indeed, in the eyes of Halakha, automatically Jewish. But people can also convert to Judaism. There are Black Jews (see: Ethiopia), there are Indian (as in, the sub-continent) Jews, there are Chinese Jews, there are Latino Jews, there are White Jews and of course, there are Middle-Eastern Jews. Hell, there are even Jewish Eskimos - so Jews can belong to many different races.

There is nothing in the Tanakh that states that Jews are supposed to belong to one race or be a race unto themselves. They were (are) supposed to be a religious group until themselves.

Plus, since the NAZIs deliberately used genealogical tables to decide who was "Jewish" enough to be murdered brutally through systematic genocide on the order ot 6 to 7 million Jews, most Jews are therefore somewhat allergic to the use of race in describing the oldest monotheistic religion in the world.

Therefore, if your question was really an truly probing to learn some facts, I hope this helped.

But if you are just trying to flame Jews because you hate them, then go shove it where the sun don't shine. I've seen lots and lots of Jew-haters start with pleasantly worded questions like this.

How about that for a succinct answer?


How did I do, Hossfly ?
Correct. Complete.Concise. A+

Merci, Monseur. The next coffee is on me!
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand
Some consider Jewry to be a race.
Some consider it to be a religious group.
Others even simply consider it to be a culture.
Some consider it to be some mixture of the three.
I agree with the Rabbi on this one: it is a religious group.

Many US-Americans say that they are "1/2 Jewish" or "1/4 Indian" - but what exactly should that mean? Is a dude's liver "Jewish", but maybe his pancreas "Protestant"?

Some can make the argument that Jewry is a race because Halakha (Jewish Law) dictates that the religion is passed from the mother to the child. And every child born of a Jewish mother is indeed, in the eyes of Halakha, automatically Jewish. But people can also convert to Judaism. There are Black Jews (see: Ethiopia), there are Indian (as in, the sub-continent) Jews, there are Chinese Jews, there are Latino Jews, there are White Jews and of course, there are Middle-Eastern Jews. Hell, there are even Jewish Eskimos - so Jews can belong to many different races.

There is nothing in the Tanakh that states that Jews are supposed to belong to one race or be a race unto themselves. They were (are) supposed to be a religious group until themselves.

Plus, since the NAZIs deliberately used genealogical tables to decide who was "Jewish" enough to be murdered brutally through systematic genocide on the order ot 6 to 7 million Jews, most Jews are therefore somewhat allergic to the use of race in describing the oldest monotheistic religion in the world.

Therefore, if your question was really an truly probing to learn some facts, I hope this helped.

But if you are just trying to flame Jews because you hate them, then go shove it where the sun don't shine. I've seen lots and lots of Jew-haters start with pleasantly worded questions like this.

How about that for a succinct answer?


How did I do, Hossfly ?
Correct. Complete.Concise. A+
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

They do as DNA studies have shown the originate from Judea and Samaria

And their DNA is close to the Arab Palestinians. They are Canaanites then.

WRONG as their DNA is a very poor match at 83%, which is less than the match with dogs, pigs and bananas. Yet the Jews tested have a 94% to 97% match with each other. You need to look at the mitochondrial DNA and not the more common forms of DNA that show a common ancestor for all living things.

Hogwash, to find a purebred Israelite today is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And this is supposed to be important?
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.
I find the "genetic groupings" at best, tenuous...

As the same could be said of large groupings of people from other religions...

Roman Catholics in Italy for example, their genetic make up, I would suggest, is very similar. Likewise most other Catholic countries...

Doesn't make Roman Catholic a race, simply a religion that is followed by people with very similar genetics.

And again, I could convert to become a Roman Catholic, I couldn't convert to become Asian or Mediterranean race.

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand

It makes Italians a sub race of the Caucasians though doesn't it.

While the genetic tests show a marked match with the Sephardic Jews of the M.E. who have never left since before the diaspora then who are you a mere dabbler with a political axe to grind to say that they are not a race.
You could convert to Judaism but you cant convert to Jew, when you see the difference then you will understand
Some consider Jewry to be a race.
Some consider it to be a religious group.
Others even simply consider it to be a culture.
Some consider it to be some mixture of the three.
I agree with the Rabbi on this one: it is a religious group.

Many US-Americans say that they are "1/2 Jewish" or "1/4 Indian" - but what exactly should that mean? Is a dude's liver "Jewish", but maybe his pancreas "Protestant"?

Some can make the argument that Jewry is a race because Halakha (Jewish Law) dictates that the religion is passed from the mother to the child. And every child born of a Jewish mother is indeed, in the eyes of Halakha, automatically Jewish. But people can also convert to Judaism. There are Black Jews (see: Ethiopia), there are Indian (as in, the sub-continent) Jews, there are Chinese Jews, there are Latino Jews, there are White Jews and of course, there are Middle-Eastern Jews. Hell, there are even Jewish Eskimos - so Jews can belong to many different races.

There is nothing in the Tanakh that states that Jews are supposed to belong to one race or be a race unto themselves. They were (are) supposed to be a religious group until themselves.

Plus, since the NAZIs deliberately used genealogical tables to decide who was "Jewish" enough to be murdered brutally through systematic genocide on the order ot 6 to 7 million Jews, most Jews are therefore somewhat allergic to the use of race in describing the oldest monotheistic religion in the world.

Therefore, if your question was really an truly probing to learn some facts, I hope this helped.

But if you are just trying to flame Jews because you hate them, then go shove it where the sun don't shine. I've seen lots and lots of Jew-haters start with pleasantly worded questions like this.

How about that for a succinct answer?


How did I do, Hossfly ?
Correct. Complete.Concise. A+
ON Wiki Judaism is listed under religion, as they come from all nations and they spread out over the globe, so those born in Israel are Israelites, like those born in Palestine are Palestinians, and those born in France are French. We have Orthodox Jews, Secular Jews, Atheist Jews, and since one can become Jewish like one can become RC , it has to be a religion. I imagine its like RC, if one is born to a RC in the old days one is brought up in the RC faith so a child takes the mothers faith. Now days its still so, till the time a child grows and makes his own decision. Where do Jews originate from, good question, they don't really know either I don't think.

They do as DNA studies have shown the originate from Judea and Samaria

And their DNA is close to the Arab Palestinians. They are Canaanites then.

WRONG as their DNA is a very poor match at 83%, which is less than the match with dogs, pigs and bananas. Yet the Jews tested have a 94% to 97% match with each other. You need to look at the mitochondrial DNA and not the more common forms of DNA that show a common ancestor for all living things.

Hogwash, to find a purebred Israelite today is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

How long have you been looking?

Do you breed dogs too?

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