The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

I got this gif from this clip. Start it at 1:09 and see Greer quickly moving his left arm over his shoulder in unison with the headshot. The nix film was not shown close-up but this sequence zoomed in on the limo and this whopper is revealed. The goons covered those movements with fakery in the zfilm but could not or didn't bother with the nix film.


Dailymotion - jfk assassination films-orville nix - a News & Politics video
I doubt we will ever know the complete story. However, it wasn't the driver.
I doubt we will ever know the complete story. However, it wasn't the driver.

It was the driver beyond any doubt.LOL His hand and arm cross over in the nix film as can be seen very clearly in this gif. Denial is not a defense but a message board tactic that could NOT be used in the real world. GREER FIRED THE FATAL SHOT with no challenge from a single soul.

312-313 cause headshot with fake reflection and fake spray working in perfect sync.

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This was undoubtedly the work of the Easter Bunny.

People on conspiracy boards ridiculing clear evidence of a conclusion is in fact laughable and ironic. GREER'S HAND AND ARM cross over in the nix film proving all the obvious points of alteration in the zfilm. The whole defense is his hand does not cross over but it does very clearly in the nix film. Greer is Kennedy's assassin beyond a doubt.


Never in recorded history has there ever been a grey streak over any suit shoulder except in the pathetically altered zapruder film.
I've heard some wacko JFK assn scenerios - but the one that has the limo driver Greer firing the fatal head-shot takes the cake.

I've watched the Zap film countless times incl in slow-motion - I dont see the limo driver shooting President Kennedy.

The Bible on the JFK assn: Case Closed by Gerald Posner.

Proves beyond any Reasonable Doubt that Lee Oswald ACTED ALONE.
Because of the beveled nature of the wounds to the bone fragments from the President's skull, I came to the conclusion that the kill shot did come from behind the President.

Thus, the limo driver clearly didn't do it.

Oswald was very probably involved, not just the "patsy" he claimed to have been.

Could there have been other shooters? Maybe. There is not a great deal of good evidence for that proposition, however.
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I will repeat what I said on page 2 - mess 29??

Case Closed by Gerald Posner is The Bible on the JFK assasination. Lee Oswald ACTED ALONE.

I will have to take a look at the Zap film again - but I don't recall seeing the limo driver Greer turning around and delivering the fatal head-shot.
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I will repeat what I said on page 2 - mess 29??

Case Closed by Gerald Posner is The Bible on the JFK assasination. Lee Oswald ACTED ALONE.

I will have to take a look at the Zap film again - but I don't recall seeing the limo driver Greer turning around and delivering the fatal head-shot.

That would be because he never did it.
This was undoubtedly the work of the Easter Bunny.

People on conspiracy boards ridiculing clear evidence of a conclusion is in fact laughable and ironic. GREER'S HAND AND ARM cross over in the nix film proving all the obvious points of alteration in the zfilm. The whole defense is his hand does not cross over but it does very clearly in the nix film. Greer is Kennedy's assassin beyond a doubt.

yeah thats how they always act when they cant refute the evidence or facts or they blantaly ignore it like this one disinformation agent troll named candycorn who goes around to all these message boards including this one to toot the horn of the governments version of events no matter how absurd and idiotic it is and how it has been disproven such as in this case it has been disproven that oswald was the lone assassian.
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OK Geniuses.
Where was George Bush senior at that time ?
Please provide links.

we dont know exactly where he was that day,but its been proven he was heavily involved in the video sometime-the jfk/bush connection and you will see that for yourself.

7forever,did you get my pm message?
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Unable to view page 2 - messages 16 to 30 , and this is 31 on page3.


I will repeat what I said on page 2 - mess 29??

Case Closed by Gerald Posner is The Bible on the JFK assasination. Lee Oswald ACTED ALONE.

I will have to take a look at the Zap film again - but I don't recall seeing the limo driver Greer turning around and delivering the fatal head-shot.

and I will repeat for you what i said back then. Bfgrn,has taken idiots afraid of the truth like you and disinformation agents such as candycorn to school on this subject that disproves Posners fairy tales.I will post this for you AGAIN my post on your thread that proves you are full of shit.the only thing Posners book is a bible of, is a bible of lies.example,in his book,Case Closed,he mentions that Audrey Reich,the ambulance driver who took the man who had a seizure in dealy plaza just minutes before the assassination,he says Reich took him to the hospital and the reason Posner says there was no record of him being admitted to the hospital,is according to agent Posner,the man said he was feeling much better so he didnt need to go into the hospital.Reich has said that Posner lied about that,that he has never said that to anybody.Reich in fact said that when he got to the hospital,the man got out of the ambulance and just ran off and said nothing to him fool.

you are clearly in denial.Hate to break your heart but that is just one of HUNDREDS of lies Posner tells in his book.You need to read the book CASE shreads to pieces Posners lies.

again my second post here below on this link is evidence that debunks your theorys just like Bfgn debunked all of Posners fairy tales and idiot trolls Rightwinger and Candycorn troll boys posts.:lol::lol:

of course you wont take a look at the zapruder film cause you are so obviously in denial.
again look at my second post on this fairy tale thread of yours on this page.
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This was undoubtedly the work of the Easter Bunny.

People on conspiracy boards ridiculing clear evidence of a conclusion is in fact laughable and ironic. GREER'S HAND AND ARM cross over in the nix film proving all the obvious points of alteration in the zfilm. The whole defense is his hand does not cross over but it does very clearly in the nix film. Greer is Kennedy's assassin beyond a doubt.

yeah thats how they always act when they cant refute the evidence or facts or they blantaly ignore it like this one disinformation agent troll named candycorn who goes around to all these message boards including this one to toot the horn of the governments version of events no matter how absurd and idiotic it is and how it has been disproven such as in this case it has been disproven that oswald was the lone assassian.

So we're now at 9/11 Rimjob convinced the Driver shot front of the Governor of Texas, the First Lady of Texas, and the First Lady of the United States. None of whom saw him do it or were deafened by the sound of a shot from a foot away from their ears.

Ahh...I see.

You times like these, it's always refreshing and, well, just fucking hilarious to go back in time and look at the many many kookie theories that have surfaced about JFK. Amazingly, their all his:

From February:
No idiot think,the CIA killed JFK and it was a conspiracy and oswald had nothing to do with it,those are the facts.
the warren commission covered it up,those are the facts.
whats disrespectful to JFK and is being a coward as well is to be like you lone gunmen apologists and say that oswald was the loen assassian.

So apparently the guy driving JFK's limo was in the CIA; you'd think the background check would have revealed something like that. But wait; theres more:

The very next day in February of 2010:
the JFK murder has been solved alright RodISHI.It was the CIA,thats been proven.We know it was the CIA cause back in the 70's when the house select committe on assassinations was winding down its investigation,two CIA men came forward and said-We did it,where do you want to go with this investigation? The committe of course did not pursue that lead since it pointed towards government involvement.anything that pointed towards government involvement they ignored. a senator that served on that committe Gaston Fonzi wrote about that in his book.He resigned from that commission because of his disgust for the committe ignoring leads of government involvement not pursuing that lead of those two CIA men.He wrote about it in his book THE LAST INVESTIGATION. We also know that cause you can go up to national archives in washington and see those testimonys of those two CIA men are right there.

So now, not only did the driver shoot JFK; he either was a split personality or had another assassin sitting in his lap while driving.
I so much love it how you throw tantrems and fits to deny the truth that you have had your ass handed to you on a platter so many hundreds of times on this subject by Bfrgn, Candycorn troll boy.the same way you have in your 9/11 debates as well.:lol::lol:
I so much love it how you throw tantrems and fits to deny the truth that you have had your ass handed to you on a platter so many hundreds of times on this subject by Bfrgn, Candycorn troll boy.the same way you have in your 9/11 debates as well.:lol::lol:

What exactly is a "tantrem" you illiterate hick?

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