The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

:eek: Never seen that film before. It's the opposite side from the Zapruder film. Anyone has a link to this video?

The driver shot JFK clearly and obviously but the zapruder film needed to be picked apart and analyzed by someone and that someone turned out to be me. Dailymotion - jfk assassination films-orville nix - a News & Politics video

The Nix film close-up showing Greer's left arm crossing over is the smoking gun in this case that cannot be challenged in any way. It proves Zapruder was altered to hide Greer's left arm crossing when he shot JFK.

I got this gif from this clip. Start it at 1:09 and see Greer quickly moving his left arm over his shoulder in unison with the headshot. The nix film was not shown close-up but when this sequence is zoomed in on the limo, this whopper is revealed. The goons covered those movements with fakery in the zfilm but could not or didn't bother with the nix film.

Seven spelled it out for you dummies style right here and you STILL cant admit Greer fired thas fatal shot.:lol:yet you listen to shill candyfag who defends the warren commission that oswald did it and ANY version of the governments no matter how absurd it is.:lol:
Mocking an entire generation of baby boomers whose 47 year reign on covering up Jfk's real assassin has ended

Testimony Of Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill

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Over the past 24 hours a certain Robert Hanson was successful in penetrating the Deep Politics Forum with the obvious truth about the driver killing Kennedy and I banned him because the truth raped my soul so I used my power to censor the truth that has been known by Fetzer, Groden and hundreds of other researchers for decades.

In doing so, Hanson hosted a most enlightening workshop in the craft of sleuthing.

About a half-hour ago I discovered Hanson's blog, "The Driver Killed Kennedy." It seems to have been created on November 19 of this year.

From his blog there is his thread titled "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back."

In classic sleuthing style, Hanson cites a lengthy segment of Hill's WC testimony given to Arlen Specter so as to A) demonstrate his own familiarity with the record, and B) appeal to reading comprehension and general Kennedy sleuthing.

In essence, Hill states that she simply saw the Secret Service shooting back which is totally obvious to everyone looking at Greer's left arm crossing his right shoulder in the nix film. SHE STATES THAT SHE SAW THE SS SHOOT BACK AND SHE CLEARLY STATES THAT SHE HEARD GUNFIRE FROM THE GRASSY KNOLL. This, in the real world is called corroboration. Greer is the only ss agent who shot back, so she could not have meant anyone else.

Mr. SPECTER - You thought that perhaps the second burst of shots you heard were being directed toward him by the Secret Service?
Mrs. HILL - I Just thought, "Oh, goodness, the Secret Service is shooting back

Hanson is TELLING THE TRUTH when he states that "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back,"

It's that simple.


Here's what Hill told Specter -- as published by Hanson on his own blog:

Mr. SPECTER - What was your impression as to the source of the second group of shots which you have described as the fourth, perhaps the fifth, and perhaps the sixth shot?

Mrs. HILL - Well, nothing, except that I thought that they were fired by someone else.

Mr. SPECTER - And did you have any idea where they were coming from?

Mrs. HILL - No; as I said, I thought they were coming from the general direction of that knoll.

Mr. SPECTER - Well, did you think that the Secret Service was firing them from that knoll?

Mrs. HILL - I said I didn't know-I really don't.

Specter was trying to make her sound crazy but she was simply describing the confusion of gunshots coming from all directions. She saw Greer shoot back and she heard what she thought were multiple shots from the knoll although there was only one fired immediately after Greer shot Kennedy to provide a distraction for Greer. The last shot arguably did come from the north knoll but was was fired to only confuse people as to who shot Kennedy. Without the last shot that followed Greer's, people would have thrown their hands up like the agents did after Roberts called them off jfk's limo. It was a dummie shot to confuse and give witnesses an alternative account for where the fatal shot really came from, the ss agent driving Kennedy's limo.

Mr. SPECTER - You just had the general impression that shots were coming from the knoll?

Mrs. HILL - Yes.

Mr. SPECTER - And you had the general impression that the Secret Service was firing the second group of shots at the man who fired the first group of shots?

Mrs. HILL - That's right

Mr. SPECTER - But you had no specific impression as to the source of those shots?

Mrs. HILL - No.

What could have prompted Hill to conclude that the SS was shooting in Dealey Plaza? Because she was looking right at Greer when he shot back at jfk's forehead.

Mr. SPECTER - You thought that perhaps the second burst of shots you heard were being directed toward him by the Secret Service?

Mrs. HILL - I Just thought, "Oh, goodness, the Secret Service is shooting back."

Mrs. Hill - ... I thought, because I guess from the TV and movies, that it was Secret Service agents shooting back. To me, if somebody shoots at somebody they always shoot back and so I just thought that that's what it was and I thought, well, they are getting him and shooting back, you know; I didn't know[.]

In point of FACT:

Hill offers eyewitness evidence for a Greer Shot.

Hill offers compelling ear witness testimony for a Grassy Knoll shot which is the red herring promoted by Hollywood and disinfo clowns like Groden and Fetzer

And so we're left with this:

For the third time, Hanson is TELLING THE TRUTH when he states that "Jean Hill saw Greer shoot back." I see no other viable interpretations for his obvious claim.

It's that simple.

Expect more of this sort of truth movement as we move closer to the 50th anniversary of the Dealey Plaza coup d'etat. I am afraid but I know just beneath the surface that Greer killed Kennedy.
Charles Drago
Co-Founder, Deep Politics Forum
funny how even though Greers left arm is going backwards,they conviently ignore Jean Hills testimony as well where she even mentions she saw a secret service agent shooting back.:lol::lol:
I'm sorry.............I asked you to refer me to the "tons of other easy to read corroboration". And to the proof that the Z film is edited. All you did was repost the same clips. Which aren't evidence of anything!
Can you name a witness that claims to have seen the driver pull a gun?

I have nix, muchmore and Zapruder which prove Greer's guilt beyond all doubt. No need for eyewitnesses.

You should be banned for stupidity. And I don't mean from this board - I mean from America.

yes zionest shill candyfag aka obamaerica,SHOULD be banned from america.the truth obviously hurts your feelings.:lol:
you are obviously afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see which is why you only read parts of his posts.the fact that you address candyfag kills your credibility,he is the biggest dumbfuck troll to grace any message board as many people here will tell you the same thing.

Yeah............I'm afraid of the truth!:lol: If that is your version of the "truth", well all I can feel is pity for you because the public education system has failed you so horribly.
This whole "the drive shot JFK" theory is just pitiful. It defies all logic and lacks any true critical thinking. What's worse, is that we are all looking at the same video evidence and it doesn't make any difference. You see what you see and I see what I see. The only problem is that anything that points to a different conclusion than yours is always "FAKED"! So, your theory is not falsifiable! No matter what evidence is presented, are you going to call "FAKE"? Like the evidence that ALL the ballistic evidence matched Oswalds ammunition? Is that fake?
Also, don't misunderstand, I am not claiming that Oswald did it closed. I think it is very possible that someone put him up to it. Or even that there was someone up there with him. There's not a lot "proof" of it, but there are a lot of claims!
But once you leave the realm of Oswalds are leaving ALL the evidence and logic behind.

yep you are definetely afraid of the truth because he has shown many times the nix film from the opposite side of the knoll where you can clearly see Greers left hand leave the wheel because his left jacket sleeve is pointing towards the back of the limo. why is it in the UNALTERED version,the nix film where he is pointing his left arm towards the back of the limo? let me guess,you think he is trying to get the bullet out of jfk's head?:lol: :lol:

knowing that you address and actually listen to that dumbfuck troll candyfag,it wouldnt surprise me.Obviously you know nothing about how candyfag debates either.Of how he always declares himself a winner when he is getting his ass handed to him on a platter all the time saying "checkmate,Im batting a thousand,you havent proved a thing in the 3 years you been here." and crap like that.You criticise 7 for saying case closed and all that,well you lose your credibility when you address candyfag when HE has no idea how to debate.thats why at this other site someone posted a thread there that said IS CANDYCORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST? because as i said,anybody that debates him,discovers that he is the biggest dumbfuck troll at any message board and thats saying a lot with the likes of Liar-ability and others.

Greers left arm is going backwards toward the back of the limo,look at the nix photos he has shown you,debunk it that it isnt,you cant.time to stop seeing only what you want to see and being afraid of the the mature thing and admit it that his arm is going backwards towards the back of the limo.again if his left arm is going backwards,its not to help kennedy.:lol:

I noticed that you didn't address any of the points that I made or any of the questions that I asked. All you did was re-state your position. And then you went off on a tirade about Candycorns credibility. Which has NOTHING to do with my points or my questions. If agreeing with something he said makes me loose my credibility with you...........then so be it. It's a good thing I'm not here to get verification! I thought I was here to have an adult discussion/debate over a specified subject.
Granted, I did make fun of 7forever a little bit. I have been trying to get his attention to address the question that I have been asking him for quite a while now.
You could post 100% definite proof of your nutty theories in here and I'd still say you were wrong, just to piss you off. Get professional help please.

Squealpiggy provides the truth behind every person who has denied this obvious truth on the forums.:eusa_liar: I posted 1000% definitive proof against jfk's correct assassin.
You could post 100% definite proof of your nutty theories in here and I'd still say you were wrong, just to piss you off. Get professional help please.

Squealpiggy provides the truth behind every person who has denied this obvious truth on the forums.:eusa_liar: I posted 1000% definitive proof against jfk's correct assassin.

No. No you didn't.

You posted bullshit.

You are bullshit.
Hey Liar ability troll,whats up?

Hey fuckwit.

I haven't lied as you knew when you chose to lie, ya shitforbrainflyfucker.

And it's not trolling, scumbag, to note that you idiots are fucking idiots.

Morons like you aren't even smart enough to contemplate the utter absurdity of your basic premise:

Let's spell it out for you, shit-licker.

A group of conspirators plot the assassination of the President of the United States of America. And the KEY component of the conspiracy -- perpetrating the actual murder -- according to you imbeciles boils down to having the DRIVER of the vehicle BE the murderer and DOING the deed while driving the President -- in full view of the world -- in an open-air limo!

What could POSSIBLY have gone wrong with THAT kind of ingenious thinking?

You are so far beyond stupid, 9/11 Rimjob, that brain dead trauma victims count themselves as lucky that they aren't you.
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Can you point me to the "easy to read corroboration"?
Because in the video that you say shows "visual fact", I see his left hand down by the door.
Also, you say the Z film has been manipulated. Is there any independent study that claims this? If so, can you point me to that as well?
If the Z film was altered, then why didn't they take that out?

You are simply ignoring all the evidence that points to Greer's guilt and saying something that has no relevance whatsoever. It doesn't matter what anyone said or didn't say. It only matters that the films prove the driver's guilt beyond any doubt. His left arm crosses in nix proving the zfilm was altered and confirming the illusion in Zapruder is in fact a reality. There is no need for corroboration when the the nix and muchmore films show Greer visually and factually shooting jfk.
You could post 100% definite proof of your nutty theories in here and I'd still say you were wrong, just to piss you off. Get professional help please.

Squealpiggy provides the truth behind every person who has denied this obvious truth on the forums.:eusa_liar: I posted 1000% definitive proof against jfk's correct assassin.

No. No you didn't.

You posted bullshit.

You are bullshit.

Yes you did.

You posted bullshit.

You are bullshit and a fucking moron.:clap2:
Can you point me to the "easy to read corroboration"?
Because in the video that you say shows "visual fact", I see his left hand down by the door.
Also, you say the Z film has been manipulated. Is there any independent study that claims this? If so, can you point me to that as well?
If the Z film was altered, then why didn't they take that out?

You are simply ignoring all the evidence that points to Greer's guilt and saying something that has no relevance whatsoever. It doesn't matter what anyone said or didn't say. It only matters that the films prove the driver's guilt beyond any doubt. His left arm crosses in nix proving the zfilm was altered and confirming the illusion in Zapruder is in fact a reality. There is no need for corroboration when the the nix and muchmore films show Greer visually and factually shooting jfk.

It shows no such thing, you lying sack of shit.
Hey Liar ability troll,whats up?

Hey fuckwit.

I haven't lied as you knew when you chose to lie, ya shitforbrainflyfucker.

And it's not trolling, scumbag, to note that you idiots are fucking idiots.

Morons like you aren't even smart enough to contemplate the utter absurdity of your basic premise:

Let's spell it out for you, shit-licker.

A group of conspirators plot the assassination of the President of the United States of America. And the KEY component of the conspiracy -- perpetrating the actual murder -- according to you imbeciles boils down to having the DRIVER of the vehicle BE the murderer and DOING the deed while driving the President -- in full view of the world -- in an open-air limo!

What could POSSIBLY have gone wrong with THAT kind of ingenious thinking?

You are so far beyond stupid, 9/11 Rimjob, that brain dead trauma victims count themselves as lucky that they aren't you.

Hey fuckwit.

You have lied as you knew when you chose to lie, ya shitforbrainflyfucker.

And it's not trolling, scumbag, to note that you idiots are fucking idiots.

Morons like you aren't even smart enough to contemplate the utter absurdity of your basic premise:

Let's spell it out for you, shit-licker.:eusa_whistle:
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You are simply ignoring all the evidence that points to Greer's guilt and saying something that has no relevance whatsoever. It doesn't matter what anyone said or didn't say. It only matters that the films prove the driver's guilt beyond any doubt. His left arm crosses in nix proving the zfilm was altered and confirming the illusion in Zapruder is in fact a reality. There is no need for corroboration when the the nix and muchmore films show Greer visually and factually shooting jfk.

It shows no such thing, you lying sack of shit.

It shows Greer shooting jfk, you lying sack of shit.:eusa_liar:
Have you been sniffing glue ALL day long, you brain dead flyfucker?

you have been sniffing glue ALL day long, you brain dead flyfucker.:cuckoo:

Even the kids in 3rd grade mock you for you putrid efforts.

President Kennedy was killed when he was shot in the head from behind.

End of story.

Even the kids in 3rd grade mock you for you putrid efforts.

President Kennedy was killed when he was shot in the head from the front by Greer.

Have you been sniffing glue ALL day long, you brain dead flyfucker?

you have been sniffing glue ALL day long, you brain dead flyfucker.:cuckoo:

Even the kids in 3rd grade mock you for you putrid efforts.

President Kennedy was killed when he was shot in the head from behind.

End of story.

You are pathetic and have nothing to support anything besides proving you are a defeated board troll.:clap2::cuckoo:
you have been sniffing glue ALL day long, you brain dead flyfucker.:cuckoo:

Even the kids in 3rd grade mock you for you putrid efforts.

President Kennedy was killed when he was shot in the head from behind.

End of story.

Even the kids in 3rd grade mock you for you putrid efforts.

President Kennedy was killed when he was shot in the head from the front by Greer.


Oh nozies. A flaming pussy idiot conspiracy "theorist" with not a shred of credibility is mocking me?

Heaven forfend!


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