The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
Greer passes the gun starting at frame 242 with both his hands off the wheel at frame 241. The last frame you see the fitted gun is 278 and then the film pans upward with zero evidence his left hand ever returned to the wheel. We know it didn't because he killed Kennedy and his left arm crosses his right shoulder in nix proving that as factual. The hand popping off the wheel at 304 is 100 percent fake and that you are denying. So, instead of admitting that Greer killed jfk you are gonna leave? Why not just admit this obvious fact? You are simply stating the same old denials that are now totally invalid. The only thing you can do is continue denying reality or admit that Greer killed Kennedy and the zfilm was heavily altered to hide that fact.

Frame 241 shows both hands off the wheel just before he passes gun..

Greer passes the gun to his left hand.

Greer passes gun; his left hand goes missing because they panned upward during the frames which Greer transferred the gun from the lower position to near his shoulder before he turned the second time to shoot jfk.

The gun in Greer's hand was near his right collarbone when he turned to shoot kennedy. He simply pushed it up, over and shot jfk in the right forehead with the bullet logically exiting the right rear, totally consistent with the evidence and correct wound path.
If this was true that would mean that every person in the car wanted Kennedy dead. They all agreed what was going to happen.

Otherwise I think they would have said something....:rolleyes:

Austin Miller's Warren Commission Testimony (back to the list of witnesses)
Posner vs Harris

(Miller was standing on the triple overpass)

Mr. BELIN - Well, describe what happened. Did you see the motorcade come by?
Mr. MILLER - Yes sir; it came down main street and turned north on Houston Street and went over two blocks and turned left on Elm Street. Got about halfway down the hill going toward the underpass and that is when as I recall the first shot was fired.
Mr. BELIN - Did you know it was a shot when you heard it?
Mr. MILLER - I didn't know it. I thought at first the motorcycle backfiring or somebody throwed some firecrackers out.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you hear or see?
Mr. MILLER - After the first one, just a few seconds later, there was two more shots fired, or sounded like a sound at the time. I don't know for sure. And it was after that I saw some man in the car fall forward, and a women next to him grab him and hollered, and just what, I don't know exactly what she said.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you see?
Mr. MILLER - About that time I turned to look toward the - there is a little plaza sitting on the hill. I looked over there to see if anything was there, who through the firecracker or whatever it was, or see if anything was up there, and there wasn't nobody standing there, so I stepped back and looked at the tracks to see if anybody run across the railroad tracks, and there was nobody running across the railroad tracks. So I turned right straight back just in time to see the convertible take off fast.
Mr. BELIN - You mean the convertible in which the President was riding?
Mr. MILLER - I wouldn't want to say it was the President. It was a convertible, but I saw a man fall over. I don't know whose convertible it was.
Mr. BELIN - Where did the shots sound like they came from?
Mr. MILLER - Well, the way it sounded like, it came from the, I would say from right there in the car. Would be to my left, the way I was looking at him toward that incline
Mr. BELIN - Is there anything else that you can think of that you saw?
Mr. MILLER - About the time I looked over to the side there, there was a police officer. No; a motorcycle running his motor under against the curb, and jumped off and come up to the hill toward the top and right behind him was some more officers and plainclothesmen, too.
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone that might be, that gave any suspicious movements of any kind over there?
Mr. MILLER - No, sir; I didn't
Mr. BELIN - Did you see anyone when you looked around on the railroad tracks, that you hadn't seen before
Mr. MILLER - No, sir; I didn't.
If this was true that would mean that every person in the car wanted Kennedy dead. They all agreed what was going to happen.

Otherwise I think they would have said something....:rolleyes:

Posner vs Harris 6
Mr. BALL - Where did they seem to come from?
Mr. SKELTON - Well, I couldn't tell then, they were still to far from where I was.
Mr. BALL - Did the shots sound like they came from where you were standing?
Mr. SKELTON - No, sir; definitely not. It sounded like they were right there - more or less like motorcycle backfire, but I thought that they were these dumb balls that they throw at the cement because I could see the smoke coming up off the cement.
Mr. BALL - You saw smoke come off the cement?
Mr. SKELTON - Yes.

Mr. BALL - Where did it seem to you that the sound came from, what direction?
Mr. SKELTON - Towards the President's car
Mr. BALL - From the President's car.
Mr. SKELTON - right around the motorcycles and all that - I couldn't distinguish because it was too far away.
He seems to want the thread taken down, or simply swamped with his repetitive garbage. Either way, he is best ignored.

Right, the truth is best ignored when you refuse to accept it and certainly cannot challenge it.
He seems to want the thread taken down, or simply swamped with his repetitive garbage. Either way, he is best ignored.

I have dominated this thread with the most obvious untold truth of government wrong doing in american history. 14 months of posting the truth and still no challenge from a single soul.
Not actually against your theory but at least give us a motive for each person in the car to make it more interesting.....:D

Jackie would have wanted him dead for publically humiliating him with his tarts....
the others...paid off perhaps?

Then there's the mafia, the CIA and everyone else that wanted him not much of a conspiracy.

But if it was done openly in public like this, my point is, surely it would have been a spur of the moment murder...because otherwise it is the most ridiculous assassination idea an open top car, get the passenger to kill him and the rest of us say it was a shooter in the hills.....but what about the crowds that will see it?

So yes, I get what you are saying, you think it was someone in the car...I get that. But why? What motive? And was it spur of the moment or deliberately planned?
Even if you don't know - just give me your theory, that's all I was asking...:rolleyes:

Jackie wasn't look at him, so she didn't see Greer shoot although she may have realized it but who knows. Connally saw Greer shoot jfk and took it to his grave. They didn't say anything because it was a massive cover-up. Just imagine the governor of TX going against the media and government in the 60's. A complete joke. Of course it was ridiculous and that's the very reason why millions of americans should know about it. So, they can laugh at how retarded government can really be when their arrogance allows such an epic blunder.

Connally said he saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself but his reaction when looking at Greer proves he slipped up. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized Greer shot Kennedy.

Obviously, at least the major wound that I took in the shoulder through the chest couldn't have been anything but the second shot. Obviously, it couldn't have been the third, because when the third shot was fired I was in a reclining position, and heard it, saw it and the effects of it, rather--I didn't see it, I saw the effects of it--so it obviously could not have been the third, and couldn't have been the first, in my judgment.
I stand by my initial research as to the major upper level players.

The inside the car shot in my opinion if accurate does not preclude an accidental discharge of the firearm.

I do not have instant recall at the moment but I seem to remember some vague accusations regarding the upper level people subbing inexperienced guys on the detail.

The shots from behind are a given. Also other shots in the plaza. The truth is always stranger than fiction.

In this scenario they had a "hit" in the back from long range. They had a hit from the front still. Also potentially from the front hitting the Governor. Both he and his wife swore until they day they died that shots came from the front. In the crossfire it would be understandable if the agent driving freaks out and pulls a revolver and attempts a shot to the rear. Ask yourself what would you do if you were in that drivers seat with a weapon at the ready?

Whether intentional or unintentional this scenario is supported by the actions afterward whereby the car is "wiped". If an agent was involved they HAD to cover that up immediately. I should clarify each participant AFTER the fact has no need to be "in on" the murder at all to cover up after the fact with zeal and complicity. Prevention of an open revolution, prevention of WWIII, general career CYA are all the potential unintended consequences if the truth gets out.

Greer shooting Kennedy by accident is a patently absurd theory but really is the only defense if Greer ever took the stand. He would admit to shooting jfk by accident in the commission of shooting back at the assassins and that explains why he lied about even seeing Kennedy let alone saying he turned only once. He died in 85. The buffoon's on the right.
Just because people don't believe you, doesn't mean they are a troll.

It has little to do with me but that's what people want. Shoot the messenger. The films prove Greer killed Kennedy, so there's no way out of it unless the government had destroyed at least the nix and muchmore films but they didn't, which left the opportunity to prove it when someone finally looked at Greer's arm from the south side of elm. His left arm crosses in both films confirming beyond doubt the zfilm was altered to hide Greer's arm crossing his shoulder. It was that easy but I didn't get the nix close-up until 10-10 about 15 months after my research started. The case was closed when this footage was discovered.
Can you point me to the "easy to read corroboration"?
Because in the video that you say shows "visual fact", I see his left hand down by the door.
Also, you say the Z film has been manipulated. Is there any independent study that claims this? If so, can you point me to that as well?
If the Z film was altered, then why didn't they take that out?

You are simply ignoring all the evidence that points to Greer's guilt and saying something that has no relevance whatsoever. It doesn't matter what anyone said or didn't say. It only matters that the films prove the driver's guilt beyond any doubt. His left arm crosses in nix proving the zfilm was altered and confirming the illusion in Zapruder is in fact a reality. There is no need for corroboration when the the nix and muchmore films show Greer visually and factually shooting jfk.

But YOU are the one that said there is a lot of "easy to read corroboration". I am asking you to produce that. You can't seem to understand that point. The video is obviously all you have. Which seems a little contradictory when you claim that the video evidence has been faked. How is the "faked" video evidence supposed to prove your "factual" account of the event?
Just because people don't believe you, doesn't mean they are a troll.

No matter what any person thought they knew about his case, they now know for certain that Greer killed jfk by learning that the left hand coming off the wheel at frame 304 in Zapruder is fake.
His hand is really by his shoulder in this sequence.

Fake hand starts with two dots.

But YOU are the one that said there is a lot of "easy to read corroboration". I am asking you to produce that. You can't seem to understand that point. The video is obviously all you have. Which seems a little contradictory when you claim that the video evidence has been faked. How is the "faked" video evidence supposed to prove your "factual" account of the event?

Greer passes the gun in Z and his left hand completes the movement in nix and muchmore. Zapruder completes those movements with laughable 1963 video fakery. It's totally simple and retarded in the modern day, 2011. What they did then is a fucking joke now.
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The only ss agent who shot back was Greer. He fired the fatal shot.

Testimony Of Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill

Mr. SPECTER - What occurred at the time of the fourth shot which you believe you heard?

Mrs. HILL - Well, at that time, of course, there was a pause and I took the other shots---about that time Mary grabbed me and was yelling and I had looked away from what was going on here and I thought, because I guess from the TV and movies, that it was Secret Service agents shooting back. To me, if somebody shoots at somebody they always shoot back and so I just thought that that's what it was and I thought, well, they are getting him and shooting back, you know; I didn't know.

Read her testimony. She heard three shots which are identifiable by known and agreed upon shots. The first shot missed. The single bullet myth is 2 shots. There's three right there and Mary's affadavit provides the last two close together. There were at least 5 shots.
304 isn't the kill shot frame, so what no hand or arm OR GUN.

You know what else? He doesn't have a face on those frames either, very suspicious.

It means everything because it's supposed to be his real hand coming off the wheel but it's an obvious fake. The greatest defense against the driver shooting jfk is now INVALID.
304 isn't the kill shot frame, so what no hand or arm OR GUN.

You know what else? He doesn't have a face on those frames either, very suspicious.

The point is very simple. Greer's left hand cannot be seen returning to the wheel in Zapruder but it can be seen crossing his shoulder in Nix and that is conclusive proof all by itself of the hand being faked at 304. Greer's left hand returned to the wheel after he shot jfk. Proving the hand is fake in Zapruder was done before I even got the nix close-up. That is how obvious this cover-up is.

The fake hand was placed there to mimic a hand and to give an excuse for not believing the clear visual that Greer shoots jfk in Zapruder. Because, if his hand is coming off the wheel a half second before the shot and does not cross, that gives plausible denial. This requires ignoring that both of Greer's hands are off the wheel 4 seconds before the shot with no visual evidence that his left hand returned to the wheel after the film pans upward. Greer's left arm crossing in Nix is all the proof anyone needed to confirm that the driver (William Robert Greer) fired the fatal shot which killed John F. Kennedy on 11-22-1963.

Left arm crosses in unison with headshot.

Greer passes gun and the film pans upward which causes his left hand to go missing.

Fake hand with NO fake arm attachment...Frames 303-304.

Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
He seems to want the thread taken down, or simply swamped with his repetitive garbage. Either way, he is best ignored.

I have dominated this thread with the most obvious untold truth of government wrong doing in american history. 14 months of posting the truth and still no challenge from a single soul.

You HAVE dominated this thread.................there is no doubt about that.
But "most obvious untold truth of government wrong doing in american history"?
You've got to be kidding!! Especially with the next sentence being "still no challenge from a single soul."
All you have received are challenges. You feel you've won because you haven't addressed any of them. I think we are getting a little incite into the mind of "7forever". He is trying to buck himself up as some kind of hero for "cracking the case"! Too bad the case was solved 47 years ago!! But good job, good hustle out there!!
It is tragic that a mind as infantile and unformed as that of 7fornever can repeat this endless litany of completely absurd drivel and not be subject to any hope of correction.

His mind is frozen shut. It is impenetrable.

However, for those who care about reality (that leaves 7fornever and 9/11 Rimjob out) the stabilized format of the Zapruder film CLEARLY establishes that Greer had nothing to do with shooting the late President.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Zapruder Film stabilized and enhanced.mp4‬‏[/ame]

In fact, look at the HAIR on the head of the person seated in the front passenger's seat as the LIGHT appears on it around the time that idiots like 7fornever "see" a gun Greer's hand. :cuckoo:

It's right around the 30 second mark.

7fornever has no brain, no honestly, no integrity and no credibility.

But at least he fucks cockroaches.
He seems to want the thread taken down, or simply swamped with his repetitive garbage. Either way, he is best ignored.

I have dominated this thread with the most obvious untold truth of government wrong doing in american history. 14 months of posting the truth and still no challenge from a single soul.

You HAVE dominated this thread.................there is no doubt about that.
But "most obvious untold truth of government wrong doing in american history"?
You've got to be kidding!! Especially with the next sentence being "still no challenge from a single soul."
All you have received are challenges. You feel you've won because you haven't addressed any of them. I think we are getting a little incite into the mind of "7forever". He is trying to buck himself up as some kind of hero for "cracking the case"! Too bad the case was solved 47 years ago!! But good job, good hustle out there!!

You have denied visual facts all which would never be in question by any judge, jury or open minded person. His arm crosses and that's it. Nothing can change that nor the fact that Greer passes the gun in Zapruder.
In fact, look at the HAIR on the head of the person seated in the front passenger's seat as the LIGHT appears on it around the time that idiots like 7fornever "see" a gun Greer's hand. :cuckoo:

It's right around the 30 second mark.

7fornever has no brain, no honestly, no integrity and no credibility.

But at least he fucks cockroaches.

In fact, look at the HAIR on the head of the person seated in the front passenger's seat as the LIGHT recoils like a gun and separates from his head, proving it's an obvious fake just like your attempt at disinfo. YOU ARE A DEFEATED MORON.:eusa_liar::cuckoo:

It's right around the 30 second mark.

Liar has no brain, no honestly, no integrity and no credibility.

But at least he fucks cockroaches.:lol::cuckoo:
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In fact, look at the HAIR on the head of the person seated in the front passenger's seat as the LIGHT appears on it around the time that idiots like 7fornever "see" a gun Greer's hand. :cuckoo:

It's right around the 30 second mark.

7fornever has no brain, no honestly, no integrity and no credibility.

But at least he fucks cockroaches.

In fact, look at the HAIR on the head of the person seated in the front passenger's seat as the LIGHT recoils like a gun and separates from his head, proving it's an obvious fake just like your attempt at disinfo. YOU ARE A DEFEATED MORON.:eusa_liar::cuckoo:

It's right around the 30 second mark.

Liar has no brain, no honestly, no integrity and no credibility.

But at least he fucks cockroaches.:lol::cuckoo:

Indeed, look at how impossible that shot would have had to have been (especially under the cosnpiratorial circumstances of shooting a man at point blank range in the wide open view of everybody and his aunt).

7fornever you remain a void.

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