The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

still ANOTHER fart from you Candyfag.:lol:

anyways,this was something else I meant to mention earlier 7 but forgot to.

one of these films is altered.obviously it is the zapruder film because for years researchers always believed that the zapruder film was the smoking gun to the JFK case but its not because its so obvious it has been forged and heavily edited because the unmoving crowds on the opposite side on the stemmons freeway sign where James Tague and was standing is unrealistic with normal crowds behaviour with JFK.

As you can see the little girl running and waving her hand but everybody else there on that side is completely still while on the opposite side by the grassy knoll by zapruder, the crowds ARE moving.the one thing they could not edit out was JFK's head going was obviously not that advanced back then like it is now.If that event had happened now,they would have done a much better job with it and not so sloppy like they were.
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His forearm is in the sun.

You don't what the hell you're talking about in the least. His forearm is not supposed to be at shoulder length and that is why they had to create a fake grey streak to mimic those movements in the Zapruder (because Greer's arm/hand really did cross when he shot Kennedy) to give plausible denial for silly people like yourself. You just demonstrated perfectly, you have zero knowledge of this case and are incapable of grasping common sense.

This clown just admitted to Greer's forearm being at shoulder height and doesn't understand that it's really not supposed to be his arm but really is and it's really fake because it's not supposed to be crossing but really is because nix and muchmore prove it really did cross when he shot jfk. The illusion has been proven a reality.



I like the clip of Pitt & Clooney. Because that was my reaction when I read your posts. Your video clips don't AT ALL show what you claim they do. Other than your video "evidence" being rather comical, maybe you can explain the logic in putting a shooter in the car?
His forearm is in the sun.


I like the clip of Pitt & Clooney. Because that was my reaction when I read your posts. Your video clips don't AT ALL show what you claim they do. Other than your video "evidence" being rather comical, maybe you can explain the logic in putting a shooter in the car?

What part of the ton of evidence against Greer are you referring to? You can't be specific because everything I've posted is a visual fact with tons of other easy to read corroboration. You joined this site to post in this thread that proves this no-brainer.:razz:

I like the clip of Pitt & Clooney. Because that was my reaction when I read your posts. Your video clips don't AT ALL show what you claim they do. Other than your video "evidence" being rather comical, maybe you can explain the logic in putting a shooter in the car?

What part of the ton of evidence against Greer are you referring to? You can't be specific because everything I've posted is a visual fact with tons of other easy to read corroboration. You joined this site to post in this thread that proves this no-brainer.:razz:
The driver shot JFK clearly and obviously but the zapruder film needed to be picked apart and analyzed by someone and that someone turned out to be me.
Dailymotion - jfk assassination films-orville nix - a News & Politics video

Nix film close-up shows Greer's left arm crossing over.

I got this gif from this clip. Start it at 1:09 and see Greer quickly moving his left arm over his shoulder in unison with the headshot. The nix film was not shown close-up but when this sequence is zoomed in on the limo, this whopper is revealed. The goons covered those movements with fakery in the zfilm but could not or didn't bother with the nix film.


THE FAKE GREY STREAK covered Greer's arm movement in the zfilm and the nix film proves that alteration beyond any doubt. Case Closed, finally. This old copy shows the fake reflection recoiling and pushing back in unison with the headshot very clearly.

The driver killed Kennedy and the Nix film provides conclusive proof to this inevitable truth.
I like the clip of Pitt & Clooney. Because that was my reaction when I read your posts. Your video clips don't AT ALL show what you claim they do. Other than your video "evidence" being rather comical, maybe you can explain the logic in putting a shooter in the car?

What part of the ton of evidence against Greer are you referring to? You can't be specific because everything I've posted is a visual fact with tons of other easy to read corroboration. You joined this site to post in this thread that proves this no-brainer.:razz:

C'mon you little Obama faggot. Bring your bullshit, you fucking pussy.LOL:tongue:

I like the clip of Pitt & Clooney. Because that was my reaction when I read your posts. Your video clips don't AT ALL show what you claim they do. Other than your video "evidence" being rather comical, maybe you can explain the logic in putting a shooter in the car?

What part of the ton of evidence against Greer are you referring to? You can't be specific because everything I've posted is a visual fact with tons of other easy to read corroboration. You joined this site to post in this thread that proves this no-brainer.:razz:

Can you point me to the "easy to read corroboration"?
Because in the video that you say shows "visual fact", I see his left hand down by the door.
Also, you say the Z film has been manipulated. Is there any independent study that claims this? If so, can you point me to that as well?
If the Z film was altered, then why didn't they take that out?
Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
Everyone can see, even the Kennedy Kooks that Greer's left arm is swiftly jerking over his right shoulder in unison with the headshot. CASE CLOSED, with no challenge from any lone nutter or ct'er like Groden and Marrs. It does NOT matter if 1000 people say a blue sky is black, it will always be blue. Every single person who has seen the NIX gif knows Greer's left arm crosses because it happens.





THERE IS NO FAKE ARM ATTACHED TO THE FAKE HAND. That is how obvious and pathetic a cover-up it was and is.
Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
Everyone can see, even the Kennedy Kooks that Greer's left arm is swiftly jerking over his right shoulder in unison with the headshot. CASE CLOSED, with no challenge from any lone nutter or ct'er like Groden and Marrs. It does NOT matter if 1000 people say a blue sky is black, it will always be blue. Every single person who has seen the NIX gif knows Greer's left arm crosses because it happens.





THERE IS NO FAKE ARM ATTACHED TO THE FAKE HAND. That is how obvious and pathetic a cover-up it was and is.

I'm sorry.............I asked you to refer me to the "tons of other easy to read corroboration". And to the proof that the Z film is edited. All you did was repost the same clips. Which aren't evidence of anything!
Can you name a witness that claims to have seen the driver pull a gun?

I'm sorry.............I asked you to refer me to the "tons of other easy to read corroboration". And to the proof that the Z film is edited. All you did was repost the same clips. Which aren't evidence of anything!
Can you name a witness that claims to have seen the driver pull a gun?

I proved the hand was fake you troll. All you did was post bullshit. Greer's left arm crosses in both other films, totally solving this case.
I'm sorry.............I asked you to refer me to the "tons of other easy to read corroboration". And to the proof that the Z film is edited. All you did was repost the same clips. Which aren't evidence of anything!
Can you name a witness that claims to have seen the driver pull a gun?

I have nix, muchmore and Zapruder which prove Greer's guilt beyond all doubt. No need for eyewitnesses.
I proved the hand was fake you troll.

WOW, I must have missed the "proof". Can you show me that again? More importantly, can you show me the evidence that anybody else has studied this and came to the same conclusion?

I'm sorry.............I asked you to refer me to the "tons of other easy to read corroboration". And to the proof that the Z film is edited. All you did was repost the same clips. Which aren't evidence of anything!
Can you name a witness that claims to have seen the driver pull a gun?

I have nix, muchmore and Zapruder which prove Greer's guilt beyond all doubt. No need for eyewitnesses.

So, you are saying..............if you were to prosecute William Greer (don't get excited, the man died in 1985) for the murder of could show this evidence and a jury would find him guilty?
If this shows his guilt, "beyond all doubt", how was he never prosecuted for it? I mean, if it is so obvious, & I'm the blind one that can't see it, how come the thousands of people that have seen that same footage haven't seen it?
I know you said you don't need a witness...................but one would come in real handy about now.

Also, I almost forgot, I'm still waiting on that "tons of other easy to read corroboration".
I'm sorry.............I asked you to refer me to the "tons of other easy to read corroboration". And to the proof that the Z film is edited. All you did was repost the same clips. Which aren't evidence of anything!
Can you name a witness that claims to have seen the driver pull a gun?

I have nix, muchmore and Zapruder which prove Greer's guilt beyond all doubt. No need for eyewitnesses.

You should be banned for stupidity. And I don't mean from this board - I mean from America.
I'm sorry.............I asked you to refer me to the "tons of other easy to read corroboration". And to the proof that the Z film is edited. All you did was repost the same clips. Which aren't evidence of anything!
Can you name a witness that claims to have seen the driver pull a gun?

I have nix, muchmore and Zapruder which prove Greer's guilt beyond all doubt. No need for eyewitnesses.

You should be banned for stupidity. And I don't mean from this board - I mean from America.

You should be banned for stupidity. And I don't mean from this board - I mean from America.:cuckoo::tongue::lol:
20) NURSE DIANA HAMILTON BOWRON: greeted the limousine with a stretcher. She claimed, "...the back of his head...well, it was very bad--you know..." Arlen Specter failed to elucidate what she meant by the "back of the head" being very bad. (emphasis added) (WC V6:136 Within 48 hours of the assassination the British press relayed a second hand account from Bowron through her mother: "...there was blood all over this neck and shoulders. There was a gaping wound in the back of his head." (Livingstone, Killing the Truth , p. 180) Author Livingstone corresponded and spoke by phone with Bowron in 1993. He reported that Bowron claimed, "I first saw the large wound in the back of the head in the car. When we were preparing the body for the coffin I had the opportunity to examine it more closely. It was about five inches in diameter and there was no flap of skin covering it, just a fraction of skin along part of the edges of bone. There was, however, some hair hanging down from the top of the head, which was caked with blood, and most of the brain was missing. The wound was so large I could almost put my whole left fist inside." (Livingstone, Killing the Truth, p. 181) She also said, "...The hole was basically almost the size of a saucer, and sort of from the occiput. So there was quite a reasonable amount missing from the top as well." (Livingstone, Killing the Truth, p. 190) When asked her opinion of the nature of the defect in the rear of the skull, Bowron told Livingstone, "Well, to me it was an exit hole." (Livingstone, Killing the Truth, p. 192) Livingstone asked, "Did you see any entry hole in the back of the head?". "I assumed and I still do that that was an exit wound." Bowron answered. ( Killing the Truth , p. 195). Bowron prepared a drawing depicting the skull wound as she saw it for Livingstone which bears a striking similarity to the diagram of the wound prepared by Robert McClelland, MD and agreed to by Paul Peters, MD ( High Treason in group of images following p. 23 in hard cover edition.) It shows a defect squarely in the occiput on the right side; a second diagram depicting the skull from above shows the right rear quadrant of the skull absent with the notation "missing". (Killing the Truth,in images following p. 368)

20) NURSE DIANA HAMILTON BOWRON: greeted the limousine with a stretcher. She claimed, "...the back of his head...well, it was very bad--you know..." Arlen Specter failed to elucidate what she meant by the "back of the head" being very bad. (emphasis added) (WC V6:136 Within 48 hours of the assassination the British press relayed a second hand account from Bowron through her mother: "...there was blood all over this neck and shoulders. There was a gaping wound in the back of his head." (Livingstone, Killing the Truth , p. 180) Author Livingstone corresponded and spoke by phone with Bowron in 1993. He reported that Bowron claimed, "I first saw the large wound in the back of the head in the car. When we were preparing the body for the coffin I had the opportunity to examine it more closely. It was about five inches in diameter and there was no flap of skin covering it, just a fraction of skin along part of the edges of bone. There was, however, some hair hanging down from the top of the head, which was caked with blood, and most of the brain was missing. The wound was so large I could almost put my whole left fist inside." (Livingstone, Killing the Truth, p. 181) She also said, "...The hole was basically almost the size of a saucer, and sort of from the occiput. So there was quite a reasonable amount missing from the top as well." (Livingstone, Killing the Truth, p. 190) When asked her opinion of the nature of the defect in the rear of the skull, Bowron told Livingstone, "Well, to me it was an exit hole." (Livingstone, Killing the Truth, p. 192) Livingstone asked, "Did you see any entry hole in the back of the head?". "I assumed and I still do that that was an exit wound." Bowron answered. ( Killing the Truth , p. 195). Bowron prepared a drawing depicting the skull wound as she saw it for Livingstone which bears a striking similarity to the diagram of the wound prepared by Robert McClelland, MD and agreed to by Paul Peters, MD ( High Treason in group of images following p. 23 in hard cover edition.) It shows a defect squarely in the occiput on the right side; a second diagram depicting the skull from above shows the right rear quadrant of the skull absent with the notation "missing". (Killing the Truth,in images following p. 368)


You say there is a big hole in the back of his. In the clips that you are showing, there is obviously a hole on the side of his head adjacent to "the flap". How does he have two exit wounds? Was he shot from two different directions at the same time?

Also, I am STILL waiting on all the "tons of other easy to read corroboration" that Greer was firing at JFK.
Marrs Rebuts JFK Driver As Shooter Theory
This conpsiracy kook who promotes obvious nonsense published an article (just a few months ago) that blatantly lies about a very important fact in the film. GREER HAS BOTH HIS HANDS OFF THE WHEEL 4 seconds before he fires the fatal shot. He also places the gun in his left hand. This obvious truth is so scary to these kooks that they publish articles as recent as May, 2010. They are dreading the day when millions of people find out this shocking but obvious truth.

I have studied first-generation clear prints of the Zapruder film and it is apparent that while it may be questionable as to why Greer turned and looked back at Kennedy and then could not recall that fact for the Warren Commission, at no time did his two hands leave the steering wheel of the limousine. There are plenty of real conspiracies out there without dragging this old wheezer up again.

Jim Marrs debunks his own disinformation about the Driver NOT shooting JFK by lying about visual facts seen in Zapruder. These are the type of idiots who've been making money off book sales for over 40 years. JIM MARRS LOVES GOOGLE...LOL



THIS FAT HILLBILLY completely defines a true conspiracy kook. Making up bullshit to sell books and on the other hand denying the obvious truth about JFK being killed by his own SECRET SERVICE AGENT, bodyguard, DRIVER.
Marrs Rebuts JFK Driver As Shooter Theory
This conpsiracy kook who promotes obvious nonsense published an article (just a few months ago) that blatantly lies about a very important fact in the film. GREER HAS BOTH HIS HANDS OFF THE WHEEL 4 seconds before he fires the fatal shot. He also places the gun in his left hand. This obvious truth is so scary to these kooks that they publish articles as recent as May, 2010. They are dreading the day when millions of people find out this shocking but obvious truth.

I have studied first-generation clear prints of the Zapruder film and it is apparent that while it may be questionable as to why Greer turned and looked back at Kennedy and then could not recall that fact for the Warren Commission, at no time did his two hands leave the steering wheel of the limousine. There are plenty of real conspiracies out there without dragging this old wheezer up again.

Jim Marrs debunks his own disinformation about the Driver NOT shooting JFK by lying about visual facts seen in Zapruder. These are the type of idiots who've been making money off book sales for over 40 years. JIM MARRS LOVES GOOGLE...LOL



THIS FAT HILLBILLY completely defines a true conspiracy kook. Making up bullshit to sell books and on the other hand denying the obvious truth about JFK being killed by his own SECRET SERVICE AGENT, bodyguard, DRIVER.
7forever finally posts a picture of himself.:lol::lol:

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