The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

Your opinions are stupid, Correll, because you make silly assertions with no proof.
If the parents were still alive and in danger of being deported, would that mean that the judge should recluse himself?

Since there is absolutely no evidence that the parents were ever in danger of being deported, or were here illegally, should Brip and the Trump supporters continue to lie and smear the judge's dead parents?

You've never responded to my question to you about illegals being an attack. r.

As I have pointed out- Trump has called illegal immigrants from Mexico 'rapists' and "drug runners' and 'criminals'- Trump considers the term "Illegal alien' to be perjorative. And so does Brip.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

You like to pretend that calling someone an illegal alien is not an attack. I think calling someone a criminal- a rapist, a drug runner, an illegal alien- is an attack.

You can continue to kiss Trump's ass and pretend otherwise.

He specified that SOME of the illegals are criminals.

This is my view on whether illegals are bad people.

Most illegals probably do come here to make better lives for themselves, and their families.

in doing so they are breaking our laws.

BUT as has been pointed out, not all laws are equal when it comes to calling someone a bad person.

IMO, the illegals' responsibility to himself and his family is understandably more important to him than the laws of a foreign nation.

Now, These illegals, when they come here ARE taking jobs that Americans want, AND by their overfilling the labor pool, suppressing wages for Americans.

Thus they are advancing their interests at the expense of American interests.

But, looking out for the interests of Americans is not the jobs of a Mexican.

THey owe us very little.

Some respect for our laws and our wishes, which they are failing to give us.


There are people who DO have a responsibility to look out for American interests.

People who benefit from being part of the "America" group and thus owe something back to that group and other members.

Those people are Americans.

Some Americans don't give any consideration to their fellow Americans.

They find that they benefit from the presence of the illegals in society.

These groups, in no particular order, are, greedy employers, politicians or ideologues who see illegals as long term voters, and people with emotional investments in ideological reasons for favoring the interests of illegals over those of his fellow citizens.


Like you, you asshole.

Also, when those illegals who have come here to make a better life?

When they start pretending that they have some right to be here, or that anyone who want them to go home is a racist? Or rioting and attacking Americans?

Then those particular illegals, become assholes, like you.
If the parents were still alive and in danger of being deported, would that mean that the judge should recluse himself?
how do you deport citizens?

and no, the case has nothing with immigration

The judge, as a 2cd generation immigrant, certainly has strong opinions about immigration, especially Mexican immigration.

Prove it."

Show us his 'strong opinions about immigration

You're being silly. We are talking about his PARENTS.

Still waiting for you to show us his 'strong opinions about immigrations' that you claim the Judge has.

Why not stop lying- and just admit you are pulling those claims out of your ass?

If you can't make the leap from his parents were immigrants, perhaps illegal immigrants to him caring about the issue, it is because you are being Willfully Obtuse.
Your opinions are stupid, Correll, because you make silly assertions with no proof.

Wow. Just wow.

You just made a silly assertion without proof, and without even being aware of the irony of your statement.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

And let me add.

The Judge's parents wee no tillegals becauseno evidence to the point has been introduced.
The Judge's ruling have been impartial.

The Trumpers now see the handwriting on the wall: 30% of America support him.


So far you haven't provided any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased.

Blaming Jake for your own lack of content is really pretty stupid- even for you.
he's a member of la razza. Having the name La Razza in your group name is racist.

Trump called the Judge a Mexican.

Calling an American a Mexican is racist.

Just ask Paul Ryan.

That is insanely stupid and dishonest.

So far you haven't provided any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased.

Blaming Jake for your own lack of content is really pretty stupid- even for you.
he's a member of la razza. Having the name La Razza in your group name is racist.
Does that mean if you have "colored people" in your organization's name, you are ipso facto racist?
NAACP is a racist organization.

And black is white
And up is down

Ever noticed that racists always claim its the minorities that are racist?

DO you believe that minorities can be racist?
"La Raza" in an organization's name is simply a means of communicating they handle situations dealing with Hispanic issues. Just like "Colored People" in the NAACP's name indicates they handle situations dealing with issues unique to black people.

If you are a Hispanic who is being discriminated against, you will seek out a lawyer's organization with the "La Raza" label because you know they will have expertise in that area.

You see "Hebrew National" or the letter K on a food package, you know it meets the dietary requirements of Jews.

Same thing.

No, it's not.

It's not even close.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

The NAACP supports anti-white discrimination, such as specifically Disparate Impact Theory, as seen in the New Haven Firefighter case.

You are a fool.
Many people incorrectly translate the name, “La Raza,” as “the race.” While it is true that one meaning of “raza” in Spanish is indeed “race,” in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings. As noted in several online dictionaries, “La Raza” means “the people” or “the community.”

Translating our name as “the race” is not only inaccurate, it is factually incorrect. “Hispanic” is an ethnicity, not a race. As anyone who has ever met a Dominican American, Mexican American, or Spanish American can attest, Hispanics can be and are members of any and all races.

The Name | San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association

Mealy mouthed bullshit.

It doesn't matter if "hispanic" is a ethnicity, race or a cultural self identification.
Gun owners have the NRA to protect their rights.

Minorities have their own organizations to protect their rights.

It's pathetic this has to be explained to obtuse, willfully stupid retards.

Do some NRA members get pretty pissed off at people trying to take their rights from them? Oh, hell yes! Does that make the angry people who say nasty things about "gun grabbers" wrong or evil?


Same deal with organizations fighting racists. Do some get pretty pissed at people trying to deny them their rights? Oh, hell yeah.

The nra does not support discrimination against non gun owners.

YOur comparison is completely wrong.
Why do racists hate 'Politically correct"?

Because words like n*gger and k*ke and c*nt are not politically correct to say.

Because they want to claim that organizations like the NAACP, and the Anti-Defamation League, and every other organization that has fought for the civil rights of minorities- they are all racists.

Matter of fact to people like Brip and Sly- the only people who are never racists- are old white dudes like Donald Trump.

Pretending to believe that anyone with an issue with Political Correctness is just a racist who want to use racial slurs, is incredibly dishonest, divisive and inflammatory.

Are you purposefully trying to tear this nation apart?
You know, I could MAYBE see some bias if the judge was making a ruling on the border wall.

However..................he's not. He's hearing a fraud case concerning Trump University.

I think he's capable of making a fair ruling in this case. Even if his parents did come here legally and ended up becoming naturalized citizens.


You don't think he is smart enough to make the connection that giving Trump's enemies in the press more ammo to use against Trump is in effect fighting against the Wall, and deportations?

You know, I could MAYBE see some bias if the judge was making a ruling on the border wall.

However..................he's not. He's hearing a fraud case concerning Trump University.

I think he's capable of making a fair ruling in this case. Even if his parents did come here legally and ended up becoming naturalized citizens.

Bias doesn't necessarily have to do with what the case is about, moron. It means the judge has a reason to dislike Trump, and he sure has a big reason. I wouldn't trust any leftwing judge to give Trump a fair hearing, let alone a Mexican judge who does pro-bono work for illegal aliens.

You've go to be kidding if you think he's going to be fair.

If you think he's not going to be fair because he may disagree with Trump, that is the very definition of bias.

Again, BritBrat, you show that you really don't know anything.
Yes, ruling against Trump because the judge disagrees with Trump's politics is the definition of bias.

Yet you have absolutely no evidence that the Judge ruled against Trump because the Judge disagrees with Trump's politics.

See the thing with 'bias' is actually demonstrating some evidence to support your claim.

And like all of your claims in this thread- you have failed to do so.
La Raza lets anyone of any race belong.

But I think full members have to be lawyers.

Those racists!

Yeah, right. I'll bet the KKK and the Aryan Nations also allow anyone of any race to belong.

What do they tell you when you are at their meetings?
You're walking right up to the libel line, douche bag. Do it again and I'll report you.

What? I certainly was not the one who brought up the KKK or the Aryan Nation- that would be you?

Are you saying you have never been to any of their meetings?

I've already reported you, douche bag.

I am sure you have, pencil dick.
The plot thickens. The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.comhas published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Charles C. Johnson put up documents showing that Curiel's father crossed the U.S. border with Mexico at least twice and might not have become a U.S. citizen.

He also published images of the death certificates of the judge's parents that apparently show no Social Security number.

" can find no evidence that Curiel's parents ever became U.S. citizens. For all we know, Judge Curiel is an anchor baby," he wrote.

Let me guess, you read it on the web.

So must be true.

You far righties are so gullible.
The Judge's parents wee no tillegals becauseno evidence to the point has been introduced.
The Judge's ruling have been impartial.

The Trumpers now see the handwriting on the wall: 30% of America support him.


So far you haven't provided any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased.

Blaming Jake for your own lack of content is really pretty stupid- even for you.

That was meant to be humorous.

I have discussed my opinion that the Judge, releasing sealed court documents for a lib media outlet so that they could dig for something they could gin up into a smear against Trump is evidence of bias..

Of course your opinion is biased also. Like I said- so far you have failed to provide any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased- just like Trump has- I mean other than calling him a "Mexican"

And what is it that you think Trump wanted concealed from public scrutiny in those documents?

Could it include this statement from a former Trump U employee?

And a former Trump U sales manager allegedly admitted, "I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money."
You know, I could MAYBE see some bias if the judge was making a ruling on the border wall.

However..................he's not. He's hearing a fraud case concerning Trump University.

I think he's capable of making a fair ruling in this case. Even if his parents did come here legally and ended up becoming naturalized citizens.

Bias doesn't necessarily have to do with what the case is about, moron. It means the judge has a reason to dislike Trump, and he sure has a big reason. I wouldn't trust any leftwing judge to give Trump a fair hearing, let alone a Mexican judge who does pro-bono work for illegal aliens.

You've go to be kidding if you think he's going to be fair.

You've got to be kidding if you think anyone believes anything you say.

What pro-bono work for illegal aliens?

So you're admitting that you're totally ignorant about the judge's extra-curricular activities?

No I am saying you are a slimy liar who has been lying about the judge's parents all along, and so we can assume you are also lying about the judge.
In other words, you don't have a clue whether the judge did pro bono work for illegal aliens.

Thanks for playing!

No I am saying you are a slimy liar who has been lying about the judge's parents all along, and so we can assume you are also lying about the judge.

Just like you lie in all of your posts.
Why do racists hate 'Politically correct"?

Because words like n*gger and k*ke and c*nt are not politically correct to say.

Because they want to claim that organizations like the NAACP, and the Anti-Defamation League, and every other organization that has fought for the civil rights of minorities- they are all racists.

Matter of fact to people like Brip and Sly- the only people who are never racists- are old white dudes like Donald Trump.

Pretending to believe that anyone with an issue with Political Correctness is just a racist who want to use racial slurs, is incredibly dishonest, divisive and inflammatory.

Pretending that many of the people who whine about "Political Correctness" are not racists and bigots who are pissed off that they can no longer make Jews jokes or Gay jokes is incredibly dishonest, dismissive and inflammatory.
You know, I could MAYBE see some bias if the judge was making a ruling on the border wall.

However..................he's not. He's hearing a fraud case concerning Trump University.

I think he's capable of making a fair ruling in this case. Even if his parents did come here legally and ended up becoming naturalized citizens.


You don't think he is smart enough to make the connection that giving Trump's enemies in the press more ammo to use against Trump is in effect fighting against the Wall, and deportations?


Trump supporters can imagine all sorts of things about Judge Curiel.

But what you haven't been able to do is find any actual evidence of any bias.

After all- its not as if Judge Curiel called Donald Trump "a German, I believe".
Those people are Americans.

Some Americans don't give any consideration to their fellow Americans.

They find that they benefit from the presence of the illegals in society.

These groups, in no particular order, are, greedy employers, politicians or ideologues who see illegals as long term voters, and people with emotional investments in ideological reasons for favoring the interests of illegals over those of his fellow citizens.


And all of that has little to nothing to do with Trump or Judge Curiel.
Fun rant though.

Meanwhile- we have Brip- who started this thread with a lie- claiming that the Judge's parents were illegals.
How do we know this is a lie? I mean other than it being a Brip post?
Because the article he cites says the "Judge's parents might have been illegals"- Brip changes that to they were illegals.
And Brip doubles down and continues to claim that the Judge's parents were illegals even though all of the documentary evidence shows that they entered the United States legally, and that the mother became an American citizen.

And yes- only a tremendously dishonest person would try to pretend that Brip's lie was not an attack on the Judge's dead parents.

As I keep pointing out- it takes a particular kind of slimy cowardly asshole to attack a person's dead parents in order to attack the person.

And that slimy asshole is Brip.

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