The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

Many people incorrectly translate the name, “La Raza,” as “the race.” While it is true that one meaning of “raza” in Spanish is indeed “race,” in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings. As noted in several online dictionaries, “La Raza” means “the people” or “the community.”

Translating our name as “the race” is not only inaccurate, it is factually incorrect. “Hispanic” is an ethnicity, not a race. As anyone who has ever met a Dominican American, Mexican American, or Spanish American can attest, Hispanics can be and are members of any and all races.

The Name | San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

Where do they advocate racial equality?
Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar.

San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association |
The Judge's parents wee no tillegals becauseno evidence to the point has been introduced.
The Judge's ruling have been impartial.

The Trumpers now see the handwriting on the wall: 30% of America support him.


So far you haven't provided any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased.

Blaming Jake for your own lack of content is really pretty stupid- even for you.
he's a member of la razza. Having the name La Razza in your group name is racist.

Trump called the Judge a Mexican.

Calling an American a Mexican is racist.

Just ask Paul Ryan.

"Mexican" is not a race, asshole.

If someone was born in Mexico or has Mexican ancestry, then it's totally property to call him Mexican.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

Where do they advocate racial equality?
Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar.

San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association |
Yep, they only want to help Latino attorneys. They're racists.
Gun owners have the NRA to protect their rights.

Minorities have their own organizations to protect their rights.

It's pathetic this has to be explained to obtuse, willfully stupid retards.

Do some NRA members get pretty pissed off at people trying to take their rights from them? Oh, hell yes! Does that make the angry people who say nasty things about "gun grabbers" wrong or evil?


Same deal with organizations fighting racists. Do some get pretty pissed at people trying to deny them their rights? Oh, hell yeah.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

Where do they advocate racial equality?
Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar.

San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association |
Yep, they only want to help Latino attorneys. They're racists.
Yes, they want to help Latinos achieve equality in our justice system. That is the OPPOSITE of racist, you dumb fuck.

You dumb shits conflate the people fighting racists with the racists. Just as you conflate the people who are trying to flee terrorism with the terrorists.

You are assholes and idiots.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

La Raza lets anyone of any race belong.

But I think full members have to be lawyers.

Those racists!
It is really simple

A judge is considered impartial unless there is evidence of a bias.

Trump and you have provided no evidence of a bias- other than Trump calling him a Mexican.

Nor has Trump made any such claim in court- he is trying this in the court of public opinion- its just another opportunity for Trump to get press for his presidential campaign.

There is a ton of evidence that he's biased. it has all been posted in this forum.

You lying about the judge's parents is not 'evidence' of anything except your delusions.

What am I lying about?.

You lied and continue to lie every time you slime the judge's dead parents by calling them 'illegals'.

You have utterly failed to prove that it's a lie.

Your own OP shows your lie.

The title of the article you cited said "the judge's parents may have been illegals"

You changed that to 'the judge's parents were illegals'

You lied.

The documents in the article you cite show that the parents came into the country legally.

You lied.

The mother was an American citizen.

You lied.

Because you are a slimy bastard who attacks people by attacking their dead parents.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

Where do they advocate racial equality?
Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar.

San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association |
Yep, they only want to help Latino attorneys. They're racists.

How can they be racists- when "Latino" is not a race?
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

Where do they advocate racial equality?
Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar.

San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association |
They lie, they exist to get more hispanics on both the bench and the bar not more diversity.
Why do racists hate 'Politically correct"?

Because words like n*gger and k*ke and c*nt are not politically correct to say.

Because they want to claim that organizations like the NAACP, and the Anti-Defamation League, and every other organization that has fought for the civil rights of minorities- they are all racists.

Matter of fact to people like Brip and Sly- the only people who are never racists- are old white dudes like Donald Trump.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

Where do they advocate racial equality?
Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar.

San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association |
They lie, they exist to get more hispanics on both the bench and the bar not more diversity.

That is what the racists say.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

Where do they advocate racial equality?
Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar.

San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association |
They lie, they exist to get more hispanics on both the bench and the bar not more diversity.

That is what the racists say.
It's the truth.
What does the NRA do?

The NRA fights for the rights of gun owners. It's their sole focus in life. Protecting the rights of gun owners.

Does that automatically imply they are prejudiced against non-gun owners?

Of course not. And you would be right to call anyone making that claim a retard.

What does the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association do?

The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association fights for the rights of Latinos. It's their sole focus in life. Protecting the rights of Latinos.

Does that automatically imply they are prejudiced against non-Latinos?

Of course not. And you would be right to call anyone making that claim a retard.
The Judge's parents wee no tillegals becauseno evidence to the point has been introduced.
The Judge's ruling have been impartial.

The Trumpers now see the handwriting on the wall: 30% of America support him.


So far you haven't provided any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased.

Blaming Jake for your own lack of content is really pretty stupid- even for you.
he's a member of la razza. Having the name La Razza in your group name is racist.
Only real racists would think the jurisprudence association is racist. That would be the likes of you.
Slyhunter is a racist every time he separates the colored clothes from the whites for the laundry.

Yes, he really thinks that.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

Where do they advocate racial equality?
Our purpose is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar.

San Diego's Latino/Latina Bar Association |
They lie, they exist to get more hispanics on both the bench and the bar not more diversity.

That is what the racists say.
It's the truth.

You wouldn't know the truth even if Jesus slapped you upside the head with it.
You know, I could MAYBE see some bias if the judge was making a ruling on the border wall.

However..................he's not. He's hearing a fraud case concerning Trump University.

I think he's capable of making a fair ruling in this case. Even if his parents did come here legally and ended up becoming naturalized citizens.
Dumb fucks don't know the difference between an organization which advocates racial equality (NAACP/San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association) and one which advocates racial superiority (KKK).

La Raza lets anyone of any race belong.

But I think full members have to be lawyers.

Those racists!

Yeah, right. I'll bet the KKK and the Aryan Nations also allow anyone of any race to belong.

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