The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

Yup, you are, by cry babying.:itsok:

Seems you wear the panties here girly man.
The paybacks are taken down by the likes of you girly man.
I am perfectly capable of defending myself.

So get ready.

Slander away, buffy, and be girl enough for payback.

Believe it or not. That is your prerogative.
But when my family is slandered. I give it back.
SO......Believe or not.

You are back. Leave family alone, please.
When mine is left alone! It seems it is quite selective here on who is chastised.
That I don't believe, but if anyone messes with your family online here, report it immediately.
It is a fact that Hispanics, in general, do not like Trump. Therefore you shouldn't have one as a judge in one of his trials.
Seems you wear the panties here girly man.
The paybacks are taken down by the likes of you girly man.
I am perfectly capable of defending myself.

So get ready.

Jake is such a rabid lefty, that he normally doesn't even realize that he is being insulting.

He thinks that referring to you in the vilest of terms is just... I don't know, somehow justified because you are disagree with him, so you must be "Far Right" and thus "Racist" or anything other of a list of lies, and he will not hesitate to tell you.

And then he'll be shocked if you reply in kind and insist that you are the asshole.
It is a fact that Hispanics, in general, do not like Trump. Therefore you shouldn't have one as a judge in one of his trials.

Trump didn't say that NO Hispanics could be a judge for him.

He stated his opinion that THIS particular Judge shouldn't be a judge for him.
Seems you wear the panties here girly man.
The paybacks are taken down by the likes of you girly man.
I am perfectly capable of defending myself.

So get ready.

Jake is such a rabid lefty, that he normally doesn't even realize that he is being insulting.

He thinks that referring to you in the vilest of terms is just... I don't know, somehow justified because you are disagree with him, so you must be "Far Right" and thus "Racist" or anything other of a list of lies, and he will not hesitate to tell you.

And then he'll be shocked if you reply in kind and insist that you are the asshole.
I am no more a lefty than you are an American patriot. When you make unjustified racist comments, bub, I call you out and you cry.
Seems you wear the panties here girly man.
The paybacks are taken down by the likes of you girly man.
I am perfectly capable of defending myself.

So get ready.

Jake is such a rabid lefty, that he normally doesn't even realize that he is being insulting.

He thinks that referring to you in the vilest of terms is just... I don't know, somehow justified because you are disagree with him, so you must be "Far Right" and thus "Racist" or anything other of a list of lies, and he will not hesitate to tell you.

And then he'll be shocked if you reply in kind and insist that you are the asshole.
I am no more a lefty than you are an American patriot. When you make unjustified racist comments, bub, I call you out and you cry.

As opposed to "justified racist" comments? LOL!

And your definition of racism is the exact same as a Lefties.

ie "A republican who said something I can't refute because he is right, so I need to shut down this discussion, so Personal Attacks."

YOur constant accusations of racism are what are unjustified.

And you will now prove my statement by refusing to justify your near constant accusations of racism.

Please do so clearly and concisely so my proof is painfully obvious.
It is a fact that Hispanics, in general, do not like Trump. Therefore you shouldn't have one as a judge in one of his trials.

Trump didn't say that NO Hispanics could be a judge for him.

He stated his opinion that THIS particular Judge shouldn't be a judge for him.
And Trump is spectacularly wrong (again) on this subject.

Really? What was the supposed justification for releasing those sealed court records to that lefty media so they could attack Trump.

AND don't go looking for it.

You should already know it IF you have already concluded that Trump's claim is false.

Because theoretically you already looked at it to see if it was valid.

Your far right will be confronted and made to look like the racists you are. This will never change. 70% of the country is on to the far right's shit, and even more will be turning against your antiAmerican agendas.
The question is , Is this particular Judge allowing his personal partisan political feelings, based on such factors as being offended by Trump's Wall policy, to bias his judgement?

He COULD, be impartial, with his Mexican Heritage.

But is he?.

It is really simple

A judge is considered impartial unless there is evidence of a bias.

Trump and you have provided no evidence of a bias- other than Trump calling him a Mexican.

Nor has Trump made any such claim in court- he is trying this in the court of public opinion- its just another opportunity for Trump to get press for his presidential campaign.

There is a ton of evidence that he's biased. it has all been posted in this forum.

You lying about the judge's parents is not 'evidence' of anything except your delusions.
The Judge's parents wee no tillegals becauseno evidence to the point has been introduced.
The Judge's ruling have been impartial.

The Trumpers now see the handwriting on the wall: 30% of America support him.


So far you haven't provided any evidence that Judge Curiel is biased.

Blaming Jake for your own lack of content is really pretty stupid- even for you.
If the parents were still alive and in danger of being deported, would that mean that the judge should recluse himself?

Since there is absolutely no evidence that the parents were ever in danger of being deported, or were here illegally, should Brip and the Trump supporters continue to lie and smear the judge's dead parents?

You've never responded to my question to you about illegals being an attack. r.

As I have pointed out- Trump has called illegal immigrants from Mexico 'rapists' and "drug runners' and 'criminals'- Trump considers the term "Illegal alien' to be perjorative. And so does Brip.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

You like to pretend that calling someone an illegal alien is not an attack. I think calling someone a criminal- a rapist, a drug runner, an illegal alien- is an attack.

You can continue to kiss Trump's ass and pretend otherwise.
If the parents were still alive and in danger of being deported, would that mean that the judge should recluse himself?
how do you deport citizens?

and no, the case has nothing with immigration

The judge, as a 2cd generation immigrant, certainly has strong opinions about immigration, especially Mexican immigration.

Prove it."

Show us his 'strong opinions about immigration

You're being silly. We are talking about his PARENTS.

Still waiting for you to show us his 'strong opinions about immigrations' that you claim the Judge has.

Why not stop lying- and just admit you are pulling those claims out of your ass?
When mine is left alone! It seems it is quite selective here on who is chastised.
That I don't believe, but if anyone messes with your family online here, report it immediately.

Exactly- or if you see anyone attacking another poster by attacking his family- report it.

Because there is nothing much more slimy than trying to attack a person by attacking their family.

Or in the case of Brip- attacking someone's dead parents.
The judge's parents aren't members of this forum, douche bag.
Brip's favorite sex toy

That is what he plays with while he plans his next smear on someone's dead parents.

Only a queer would post an actual pic of a douche bag to a forum. Are you really that excited by the mechanics of the procedure?

here is a picture of Bript's favorite sex toy

And that is his favorite sex toy because of his teeny tiny dick
You know I haven't really paid attention to the Trump University case because Trump is such an idiot that I just didn't care that much.

But looking at it a little deeper- this looks like some slimy Trump shit.
Looking Closer at Trump’s Attacks on Judge Curiel

The pleadings and rulings reveal a potentially far direr situation for Donald Trump than I believe is understood. They also indicate that Trump may be on the attack because he is fighting for his financial and political life in this lawsuit. This litigation was commenced long before anyone, probably including Trump himself, knew that he was going to run for president, not to mention obtain the Republican nomination. The fact that he has not settled is not because as a businessman he does not settle lawsuits out of concern settlement will encourage more lawsuits (he has, according to USA Today, settled not fewer than 175 lawsuits); rather it is doubtful he can financially afford to settle. Damages could reach billions of dollars. For Trump’s fiscal health these lawsuits are as serious as a heart attack combined with Stage IV cancer. As for Trump’s political future, if he is elected president and loses these cases while in office, it would result in his impeachment because all these civil actions are predicated on criminal behavior. Let’s look at each briefly, and then his defenses.

To induce students to enroll in their paid courses, respondents engaged in numerous deceptive practices. Respondents repeatedly claimed that prospective students would be taught by successful real estate “experts” who were “hand-picked” by Donald Trump. In fact, respondents lacked substantiation for the claims that their instructors and mentors were successful real estate entrepreneurs. Not a single one was “hand-picked” by Donald Trump. Many came to Trump University from jobs having little to do with real estate investments, and some came to Trump University shortly after their real estate investing caused them to go into bankruptcy. Respondents also assured prospective students that they would recoup the cost of the courses in a few months, with “insider” access to special financing and close mentoring by Trump instructors who would coach students through their first real estate deal. Relying on these representations, individuals spent thousands of dollars of their savings and took on thousands of dollars in debt – while Trump University brought in over $40 million in revenue.

This action alleges Trump and company using deceptive and unlawful practices misled over 5,000 people nationwide, including 600 New Yorkers, in violation of New York laws.

Notwithstanding Trump’s claim that Judge Curiel is treating him unfairly, at Trump’s request the judge postponed the trial of the two class-action cases before him until after the election. At that time Trump will be either (1) the defeated former Republican candidate for president (in Trump-talk “another loser”); or (2) the president-elect. It is the latter that raises interesting questions to which I will return. In the meantime, I will be contemplating how people just like those who have been defrauded by Trump—for they are the core of his following—could elect as President of the United States a man who has cheated thousands of similar people out of their savings, or given them credit card debt with which they continue to deal.
The question is , Is this particular Judge allowing his personal partisan political feelings, based on such factors as being offended by Trump's Wall policy, to bias his judgement?

He COULD, be impartial, with his Mexican Heritage.

But is he?.

It is really simple

A judge is considered impartial unless there is evidence of a bias.

Trump and you have provided no evidence of a bias- other than Trump calling him a Mexican.

Nor has Trump made any such claim in court- he is trying this in the court of public opinion- its just another opportunity for Trump to get press for his presidential campaign.

There is a ton of evidence that he's biased. it has all been posted in this forum.

You lying about the judge's parents is not 'evidence' of anything except your delusions.

What am I lying about?.
That I don't believe, but if anyone messes with your family online here, report it immediately.

Exactly- or if you see anyone attacking another poster by attacking his family- report it.

Because there is nothing much more slimy than trying to attack a person by attacking their family.

Or in the case of Brip- attacking someone's dead parents.
The judge's parents aren't members of this forum, douche bag.
Brip's favorite sex toy

That is what he plays with while he plans his next smear on someone's dead parents.

Only a queer would post an actual pic of a douche bag to a forum. Are you really that excited by the mechanics of the procedure?

here is a picture of Bript's favorite sex toy

And that is his favorite sex toy because of his teeny tiny dick

You're getting real close to the libel line there, douche bag.

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