Zone1 The Kabbalistic Tree: The Map of God.

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From the 12th century, clandestine groups of Jewish scholars began to speak of the “Kabbalah” – a new code name for secret teachings, which, despite being new – emphasized that these were actually a transmission or reception of esoteric ancient knowledge, and not a groundbreaking innovation (the word kabbalah literally means “reception”). As part of this new-old interpretation of Jewish tradition, Kabbalists began proposing a new, unprecedented system to refer to aspects of the Divine: the Kabbalistic Sefirot.

The Kabbalists found the word sefirot in an ancient esoteric book known as the Sefer Yetzirah, the “Book of Creation,” which dates back to the first centuries of the Common Era. In the book, there is no mention of prayer, life after death, the End of Days or messianic redemption, or even of the Jewish people.

But, what it does contain, and in abundance, is reference to creation. Just not the creation we know from Genesis. It propounds a completely different kind of creation. How, then, according to the Book of Creation was the world created? By the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the ten Sefirot (probably a reference to the first ten numbers). These are seen as the building blocks of the world. Hence Creation, according to the Book of Creation, is based on the laws of language.
I say that if they get comfort from those beliefs, then good for them. Any religion who believes a ghost can knock up a teenaged girl, or that a donkey can talk doesn't have a right to point fingers at crazy shit from another religion. The only problem comes when they try to force their religion on others.

The Map of God.​

the map to heaven ... would be more instrumental for worldly adventures ...

there never were heavenly 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses - needed for their religion of servitude.

the true beginning (transmission or reception of esoteric ancient knowledge) ... without the jewish fallacy -

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

all beings on earth are equal with the same goal available for spiritual admission to the everlasting - the map to the heavens.

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