The Kamala Harris conundrum.

the wace card, is generalization. that is against the new rules. i'm giving them a good faith attempt.

before when someone sank to that level, i would vicious insult them back.

either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

There are new rules against race on this board???? RATFLMAO!!!! I bet it was the whiney, snitchy right-wing neocon loons on this board that got it up there. Just like all the other rules that have gone up over the past 14 years I have been on here. The one set of people (loonie right wing neocon whackadoodles) who are always claiming there are too many laws and govt is too big have instigated ALL the new rules since I have been here. Don't ever complain when people call you Nazis....(in terms of stiffling dissent as opposed to the murderous thugs some of them turned into)...You are the epitome of totalitarians. Don't even talk about us normals and centrists and most lefties whining. You guys are the whingers who keep on getting new rules put up because you're butt hurt.

1. i had nothing to do with the new rules, i am just adjusting my posting style to work with them.

2. as i said, either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.
It would be nice if whites would stop lying on matters of race. Race has been an issue by all political parties this nation has ever had. If we look at modern America, republicans have made race a negative while democrats have put people of color into positions of historic importance. Democrats did not make this about race, blacks have long been faithful members of the party and have gotten little in return. So like the wealthy white corporate heads and "working class whites" that are the base of the republican party, blacks made demands we asked to be met.

Now the shit get old when whites demand things then claim that race is not an issue. Whites are a fucking race and when whites make demands it is a race based demand. When whites nominate whites or support white candidates they don't claim that white person is a fucking token. They automatically assume the best qualified was picked. Yet white is a race and when whites consider whites race is a factor. What made Mike Pence more qualified than JC Watts or Colin Powell. Herman Cain was a businessman why wasn't he considered? Tim Scott was a Senator, what made Pence more qualified than him. Not to mention Ted Cruz or Rubio.

Kamala Harris was and is more qualified to serve as president than the current president of this county, there is nothing token about her. Just as white evangelicals demanded to have a voice and trump picked by race a white evangelical, blacks who have voted democrat since 1964 and have got little, demanded that we have a voice at the big table. We have the same right to do that as whites without all the white whining and crying about race. White is a race and when whites consider whites, race plays a role in it. So it's time for some in the white community to drop the lies and double standards.
African Americans are conservative on some things. There are other agendas that they are not so enamored with that are part of the Prog socialist platform.
A “conundrum” by definition is a problem or enigma that is difficult to resolve, one often even difficult to comprehend. Conundrums rarely have simple answers and often have none that are fully satisfactory.

Folks who don’t see the many aspects of racism, worse yet people who mock those who do see them, easily get lost in the maze/conundrum of race consciousness in U.S. society. It seems to me in USMB discussions at least some people I would consider “racist” really don’t see themselves as conscious racists at all. Some of them are just people who by habit or inclination enjoy tightening or shaking the racial spider’s web in which all of us to one extent or another are trapped. Others simply are far too used to seeing the world as “black & white,” or enjoy exaggerating partisan divisions (and race is an element in these divisions). It is also possible to use false dichotomies of logic to simplify this complex historically-rooted problem, but that isn’t racism, just inexperience with people. Of course others are just deep down ignorant bullies.

It is all too easy to yell at others. But social solidarity is needed to resolve social problems like racism. The same is true for many problems of economics, trade and national politics. Obviously the “conundrum” we are dealing with here really has virtually nothing to do with Kamala Harris herself.
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the wace card, is generalization. that is against the new rules. i'm giving them a good faith attempt.

before when someone sank to that level, i would vicious insult them back.

either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

There are new rules against race on this board???? RATFLMAO!!!! I bet it was the whiney, snitchy right-wing neocon loons on this board that got it up there. Just like all the other rules that have gone up over the past 14 years I have been on here. The one set of people (loonie right wing neocon whackadoodles) who are always claiming there are too many laws and govt is too big have instigated ALL the new rules since I have been here. Don't ever complain when people call you Nazis....(in terms of stiffling dissent as opposed to the murderous thugs some of them turned into)...You are the epitome of totalitarians. Don't even talk about us normals and centrists and most lefties whining. You guys are the whingers who keep on getting new rules put up because you're butt hurt.

1. i had nothing to do with the new rules, i am just adjusting my posting style to work with them.

2. as i said, either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

Where are they? I looked on the board and can't find them..
A “conundrum” by definition is a problem or enigma that is difficult to resolve, one often even difficult to comprehend. Conundrums rarely have simple answers and often have none that are fully satisfactory.

Folks who don’t see the many aspects of racism, worse yet people who mock those who do see them, easily get lost in the maze/conundrum of race consciousness in U.S. society. It seems to me in USMB discussions at least some people I would consider “racist” really don’t see themselves as conscious racists at all. Some of them are just people who by habit or inclination enjoy tightening or shaking the racial spider’s web in which all of us to one extent or another are trapped. Others simply are far too used to seeing the world as “black & white,” or enjoy exaggerating partisan divisions (and race is an element in these divisions). It is also possible to use false dichotomies of logic to simplify this complex historically-rooted problem, but that isn’t racism, just inexperience with people. Of course others are just deep down ignorant bullies.

It is all too easy to yell at others. But social solidarity is needed to resolve social problems like racism. The same is true for many problems of economics, trade and national politics. Obviously the “conundrum” we are dealing with here really has virtually nothing to do with Kamala Harris herself.

the answer is easy. you want social solidarity? stop making every issue about race.

when you do that, you tell minorities that whites are out to get them and you tell whites that they are not allowed to pursue their interests because "racism".

you drop that shit, and we can talk out issues reasonably.

tommy taint, and his ilk, immediately went to race, when the vp candidate was discussed. in doing so, they manage to avoid having to actually defend the vp candidate and change the topic to a vile smear of their enemies.

it works. it defends their interest, here harris, while marginalizing their enemy, and further radicalizing and mobilizing their base, ie minorities and liberals.

indeed, that is probably the primary reason biden picked harris, to use that weapon.

as long as you support such racial tactics, you are part of the problem.

i reject and ridicule that tactic and those that use it.

indeed, you have attacked me for doing that.


also, ,"wacism".
the wace card, is generalization. that is against the new rules. i'm giving them a good faith attempt.

before when someone sank to that level, i would vicious insult them back.

either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

There are new rules against race on this board???? RATFLMAO!!!! I bet it was the whiney, snitchy right-wing neocon loons on this board that got it up there. Just like all the other rules that have gone up over the past 14 years I have been on here. The one set of people (loonie right wing neocon whackadoodles) who are always claiming there are too many laws and govt is too big have instigated ALL the new rules since I have been here. Don't ever complain when people call you Nazis....(in terms of stiffling dissent as opposed to the murderous thugs some of them turned into)...You are the epitome of totalitarians. Don't even talk about us normals and centrists and most lefties whining. You guys are the whingers who keep on getting new rules put up because you're butt hurt.

1. i had nothing to do with the new rules, i am just adjusting my posting style to work with them.

2. as i said, either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

Where are they? I looked on the board and can't find them..

the wace card, is generalization. that is against the new rules. i'm giving them a good faith attempt.

before when someone sank to that level, i would vicious insult them back.

either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

There are new rules against race on this board???? RATFLMAO!!!! I bet it was the whiney, snitchy right-wing neocon loons on this board that got it up there. Just like all the other rules that have gone up over the past 14 years I have been on here. The one set of people (loonie right wing neocon whackadoodles) who are always claiming there are too many laws and govt is too big have instigated ALL the new rules since I have been here. Don't ever complain when people call you Nazis....(in terms of stiffling dissent as opposed to the murderous thugs some of them turned into)...You are the epitome of totalitarians. Don't even talk about us normals and centrists and most lefties whining. You guys are the whingers who keep on getting new rules put up because you're butt hurt.

1. i had nothing to do with the new rules, i am just adjusting my posting style to work with them.

2. as i said, either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

Where are they? I looked on the board and can't find them..

Pathetic. Not you, the thread. In saying that, you have your moments....;;o)
the wace card, is generalization. that is against the new rules. i'm giving them a good faith attempt.

before when someone sank to that level, i would vicious insult them back.

either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

There are new rules against race on this board???? RATFLMAO!!!! I bet it was the whiney, snitchy right-wing neocon loons on this board that got it up there. Just like all the other rules that have gone up over the past 14 years I have been on here. The one set of people (loonie right wing neocon whackadoodles) who are always claiming there are too many laws and govt is too big have instigated ALL the new rules since I have been here. Don't ever complain when people call you Nazis....(in terms of stiffling dissent as opposed to the murderous thugs some of them turned into)...You are the epitome of totalitarians. Don't even talk about us normals and centrists and most lefties whining. You guys are the whingers who keep on getting new rules put up because you're butt hurt.

1. i had nothing to do with the new rules, i am just adjusting my posting style to work with them.

2. as i said, either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

Where are they? I looked on the board and can't find them..

Pathetic. Not you, the thread. In saying that, you have your moments....;;o)

like i said, i can play either way. hardball or soft.

as long as everyone has to play by the same rules.
tommy taint, and his ilk, immediately went to race, when the vp candidate was discussed. in doing so, they manage to avoid having to actually defend the vp candidate and change the topic to a vile smear of their enemies.
also, ,"wacism".

I can guarantee you, without a shadow of a doubt there are literally 100s of 1000s of American citizens (maybe even knocking on the door of millions) who are absolutely spewing/having a fit due to Harris's gender and race. Christ, there's only about 150-250 people on this board that post regularly and I can name 10 without even trying who will be apoplectic about her being a candidate for those reasons. More than happy to name them. Race and gender are absolutely an issue in this election.
the answer is easy. you want social solidarity? stop ...
... and then you do exactly what I described. The screaming. The blaming. The claiming “the other side” is responsible for this profoundly American dilemma.

You might as well admit it. You refuse to consider other points of view, you refuse to question your assumptions, you refuse to discuss respectfully (instead you want to discuss “wacism” with “liberal ‘faggots’).You refuse to express real human solidarity until “my side” stops ... what? Stops discussing the whole issue? Must we also first stop criminality, drugs and crime in the streets? Stop remembering our fathers and grandfather’s history? Stop voting for ‘the other party’? Stop feeling? Stop thinking? Stop being black?

Zero self-consciousness ...
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tommy taint, and his ilk, immediately went to race, when the vp candidate was discussed. in doing so, they manage to avoid having to actually defend the vp candidate and change the topic to a vile smear of their enemies.
also, ,"wacism".

I can guarantee you, without a shadow of a doubt there are literally 100s of 1000s of American citizens (maybe even knocking on the door of millions) who are absolutely spewing/having a fit due to Harris's gender and race. Christ, there's only about 150-250 people on this board that post regularly and I can name 10 without even trying who will be apoplectic about her being a candidate for those reasons. More than happy to name them. Race and gender are absolutely an issue in this election.

i doubt that is true. this country has had a bi-partisan consensus on equal rights for blacks, for generations now.

hillary was open about playing the gender card, because she thought it would be a plus, and i think it was for her.
the answer is easy. you want social solidarity? stop ...
... and then you do exactly what I described. The screaming. The blaming. The claiming “the other side” is responsible for this profoundly American dilemma.

You might as well admit it. You refuse to consider other points of view, you refuse to question your assumptions, you refuse to discuss respectfully (instead you want to discuss “wacism” with “liberal ‘faggots’). You refuse to express real human solidarity until “my side” ... stops ... what? Stops discussing the whole issue? Must we also first stop criminality, drugs and crime in the streets? Stop remembering our fathers and grandfather’s history? Stop voting for ‘the other party’? Stop feeling? Stop thinking? Stop being black?

Zero self-consciousness ...

i was clear what i wanted stopped.

i was clear that all other issues would still be discussed and pointed out that the discussions would be more constructive, and why i thought that would be.

i am done being lectured. i have and will consider other points of view, if they are presented as discussions and not lectures that seem based on the premise that i am a dim witted child.

would you check your assumptions and try answering my previous post, again, this time, better?
More racist shit from Bob Blaylock and his supporter, the ever juvenile “wacist” Correll. They attack Kamala Harris for — crime of crimes — having an affair more than 25 years ago with the sexy master political showman and uber-effective political boss Willie Brown. Brown managed to rise from shining white people’s shoes in a poor segregated East Texas town known for its racism to becoming powerful mentor to, leader of, and crucial ally to scores of California’s leading politicians, including some Republicans. Next they’ll be telling us Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger was also “sucking Brown’s Willie” in the Governor’s office in Sacramento!


The truth is — though I sure don’t agree with all their different political views — I can’t think of two men experienced in California politics I would more wish to have had a few beers with. Indeed, Willie Brown would probably be my very top choice to meet.

Losers and nobodies and screamers like Correll and Bob Blaylock are just jealous, precisely because they are ... losers and nobodies. No one but other “wacists” really care what they say. Personally, they are the type I try my best to avoid in real life.

P.S. Brown died recently, but wrote some interesting memoirs.
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More racist shit from Bob Blaylock and his supporter, the ever juvenile “wacist” Correll. They attack Kamala Harris for — crime of crimes — having an affair more than 25 years ago ....

the points i've addressed in this thread, has been on the role of wacism in the reaction to her, or lack of it, and the effects of the use of accusations of wacism by liberals in defense of her.

and what it means for how to try to work towards social solidarity.

that you ignored everything i wrote, to make up shit, and just call me "Wacist",

was unfair, stupid and divisive of you.

the issues, the harris conundrum, raised in the op, is real, and i have addressed it.

your posting of this staw filled post, seems to be you running away from the issue and real discussion of it.
I do not discuss “wacism” with immature retards like yourself, who characterize people like me as “liberal faggots.”

When you stop double spacing to draw more attention to your juvenile posts, when you show that despite disagreeing with your political opponents you are able to show a modicum of maturity and respect for them, when you and your buddy Bob Blaylock stop the racist and sexist attacks on people like Willie Brown and Kamala Harris, then maybe I’ll take you more seriously.

And stop lying. Almost all of your comments are precisely crap immature attacks, nothing like my own. And then you complain that I am not taking your shit seriously. You have a fragile ego, boy. I am responding to you and your comments precisely as they and you deserve. So fuck off, asshole.
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If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.
More racist shit from Bob Blaylock…. They attack Kamala Harris for — crime of crimes — having an affair more than 25 years ago with the sexy master political showman and uber-effective political boss Willie Brown.

Where did I say anything racist? All I did was point out the obvious fact that the only reason that Kamala Harris has any professional career above that of a mediocre ambulance chaser, is that she had an adulterous sexual affair with a man who was married to someone else, and who was in a position of power to put her in a much better career position.

Nothing to do at all with race. Just with her being an immoral cocksucking slut, who used an affair with a powerful man to her own professional advantage.

And it's completely true, and you know damn well that it is.

I guess you're using the term “racist” in the more modern LIbtARd sense, to mean someone two whom a LIbEral is hopelessly losing an argument, ironically, and with not a vestige of self-awareness, demonstrating and proving exactly the point that you keep condemning Correll for making about “wacism”.
I do not discuss “wacism” with immature retards like yourself, who characterize people like me as “liberal faggots.”

noting immature about me or my posts. and the behavior I have received from liberals over the last few years, characterizing liberals harshly is not only justified but required.

When you stop double spacing to draw more attention to your juvenile posts, when you show that despite disagreeing with your political opponents you are able to show a modicum of maturity and respect for them, when you and your buddy Bob Blaylock stop the racist and sexist attacks on people like Willie Brown and Kamala Harris, then maybe I’ll take you more seriously.

None of my attacks on harris have been wacist or sexist. i have not mentioned brown at all. my points have all been on the basic issue of how race, or more importantly wacism, has played in how our society deals, or more to the point, fails to deal with it.

i will not pretend that the way you people are so quick to smear people like me as wacist, does not deserve to be characterized as the lispy words of retarded children. i will NOT, treat you with respect, when you treat me with absolute contempt.

And stop lying. Almost all of your comments are precisely crap immature attacks, nothing like my own. And then you complain that I am not taking your shit seriously. You have a fragile ego, boy. I am responding to you and your comments precisely as they and you deserve. So fuck off, asshole.

you asked what to do to reach social solidarity. i gave you the answer. it requires sacrifice from you. you utterly ignored it.

that was not an immature attack. that was wisdom that was beyond your ability to deal with.

you liberal faggot.

hint (to be clear, i am treating you like "this" because you cannot, not call me wacist. this is your choice, to have an insult fest instead of serious discussion)
i am done being lectured. i have and will consider other points of view, if they are presented as discussions and not lectures that seem based on the premise that i am a dim witted child.

Maybe if you stopped saying things like 'liberal faggots' and 'wacism' maybe some of us wouldn't see you as a dim-witted child.

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