The Kamala Harris conundrum.

Flat out...I am going challenge this. First, if you are going to call out fixation on race, try to to be more evenhanded here. You realize right, that your side is attempting to give birth to a brand new birther conspiracy theory right?

Flat out.. I'm gonna refuse to reply to any more posts where you refer to MY SIDE.. I explained about Post #110 where my interest was in discussing Harris and this ardent racial fixation that Dems have.. Haven't voted for a Dem or Repub (besides Tulsi Gabbard) in 2 decades.. And my chances of ever LOVING the Dems as they SPRINT towards socialism/anarchy/consolidating power have vaporized.. I like the Constitution, Capitalism, absolute Liberties, Free Speech, and Science --- so my days of TRYING to be fair between the 2 awful choices are gone...
Republicans are the ones with the fixation on race. Democrats aren't racing towards any of the things you claim.

Oh, so socialized medicine is not socialism and neither is most of Green Raw Deal or hobbling capitalism by taxing transactions on Wall street or confiscating guns or any of the MYRIAD of things your primary candidates supported?? You're fucking dishonest.. NO leadership on putting down looting/rioting. Trying to KILL law enforcement in this country.. NO RESPECT for private property or law and order.. Looting IS reparations... I see.. You MISSED ALL THAT..

Dem party is allowing BLM and AntiFa and just crazed basement dwelling know-nothings to have fun playing at marxist revolution.. These late night mobs are proxy armies for the "Revolution"..

But you see nothing.. Sgt CLink also ignored the obvious..

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Race and gender are two of many demographics that go into choices. Each candidate starts of with a long list of political and demographic boxes to be checked. The Democratic base values diversity and want to see a woman or person of color selected. That is their base. Just like the Republican base prefers a person who is strongly religious and a white male.

Hugely false analysis.. You hit on the meager black representation from the Repubs.. Let me explain this to you.. The Repubs just ran about 10 HIGHLY qualified and admired black candidates in the 2018 US Congress election.. The media on the right was FAWNING over them.. Their problem?? They were running in HIGHLY black districts. And all this diversity and multicultural celebration you think is so neat -- didn't work out for most of them.. Because as Joe says -- if ya don't vote Democrat -- you're not black..

Thats where the ODDS ARE -- that black Republican candidates for Fed office would come from.. And the reality is -- color was a NEGATIVE for them in highly Dem districts..

Not completely false.

Good article from Ebony too.

But they weren’t all running in primarily black districts. Aja Smith ran in a district only 5.4% black. Liz Matory did run in a black district but seems very unqualified which might have more to do with her losing. Virginia Fuller’s district is 47% black, 43% white but heavily Democrat...not overwhelmingly black. Jineea Butler’s District, 30% black, overwhelmingly hispanic and Democrat. Mia Love is a bit of an anomaly for Utah and I really liked her. She won and lost several close in an overwhelmingly white state. 1.6% black.

So you really aren’t looking at races where they all running in highly black areas.

And then there's this guy.. Got more coverage on Fox news than most other Repub senate candidates because he SPEAKS like a Founding Father of this country and is a powerful debater..

One of 2 blacks nominated for Senate by Repubs.. The Repub party chose these folks over the evil "white evangel choices" you despise... And JAMES fought a 4 term seat held by Stabenow to within JUST 4 or 5 points.. That's a MONUMENTAL accomplishment running against a 4 term incumbent of any color..

So they are STRONG within the party.. In statewide elections, they can make it.. But don't expect the BLACK districts to ALLOW any black Repubs to get elected... Even IF they're running against a crap old white male...

You are looking at strongly Democratic Districts and demanding they vote Republican BECAUSE Republicans are running a black candidate. If you are arguing that Republicans are running black candidates in heavily black districts expecting that to help them win...then it looks to me like the Republicans are doing what you accuse Dems of doing...pandering to race and expecting a black candidate to win because he is black.

Most of the PERCEIVED racism in 2 party politics is just political.. Aint racism...

Agree with that, but would add cultural preferences.
Flat out...I am going challenge this. First, if you are going to call out fixation on race, try to to be more evenhanded here. You realize right, that your side is attempting to give birth to a brand new birther conspiracy theory right?

Flat out.. I'm gonna refuse to reply to any more posts where you refer to MY SIDE.. I explained about Post #110 where my interest was in discussing Harris and this ardent racial fixation that Dems have.. Haven't voted for a Dem or Repub (besides Tulsi Gabbard) in 2 decades.. And my chances of ever LOVING the Dems as they SPRINT towards socialism/anarchy/consolidating power have vaporized.. I like the Constitution, Capitalism, absolute Liberties, Free Speech, and Science --- so my days of TRYING to be fair between the 2 awful choices are gone...

Then please provide me the same consideration.
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How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I don't know that it's necessarily fueled by racism per se. She's on the ticket, so that makes her a target. And a pinko commie 'n stuff.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to see them go right at the birther thing, but that's my own fault for assuming they wouldn't try that again. I gave them too much credit.

The funniest part is that they also appear to be going after her on moral grounds, which is just hilarious coming from the people who sold their soul to Trump.

Ugly stuff. As usual.
The attack on her citizenship is pure racism. And that racism will play into other criticisms.
When it just happens to occur disproportionately to black candidates you have to wonder.

You mean black candidates with at least one parent born outside the US.
Black candidates. Harris was born in the US. She is a citizen. This birther shit is pure racism.

Harris was born in the US. She is a citizen.

I agree. And neither parent was born in the US.

Black candidates.

Ted Cruz isn't black. Neither was McCain.

Didn't see the birther attacks on them, nor is anyone still pushing any challenges to their citizenship.

Well ya missed it because there were.. Went to court both times... Go Bing it..
So. 4 Birther Attacks on presidential/bp candidates.

Two against whites.
Two against blacks.

Given, I think only 13 or so black candidates that ran and an untold number of whites...50/50 split on birther biz doesn’t look good.
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Virginia Fuller’s district is 47% black, 43% white but heavily Democrat...not overwhelmingly black.

47% black is OVERWHELMLY black statistically. It's a problem. It's NOT racism because the Repub party is NOMINATING AND SUPPORTING them in their districts.. It's political choice... And then gamesmanship and nose thumbing when predominantly black voters BORK qualified black Repubs in their districts... That's why the party lives IN FEAR of their voters leaving the plantation...

There's SMALL chances for qualified/willing blacks to run in over-weighted white districts.. But if they are less than 3 or 5% of the voting public -- having one declare is a unicorn experience...

We're more segregated by choice in this country than most people realize... Or will admit.. On EITHER side of black/white..
Flat out...I am going challenge this. First, if you are going to call out fixation on race, try to to be more evenhanded here. You realize right, that your side is attempting to give birth to a brand new birther conspiracy theory right?

Flat out.. I'm gonna refuse to reply to any more posts where you refer to MY SIDE.. I explained about Post #110 where my interest was in discussing Harris and this ardent racial fixation that Dems have.. Haven't voted for a Dem or Repub (besides Tulsi Gabbard) in 2 decades.. And my chances of ever LOVING the Dems as they SPRINT towards socialism/anarchy/consolidating power have vaporized.. I like the Constitution, Capitalism, absolute Liberties, Free Speech, and Science --- so my days of TRYING to be fair between the 2 awful choices are gone...
Republicans are the ones with the fixation on race. Democrats aren't racing towards any of the things you claim.

Oh, so socialized medicine is not socialism and neither is most of Green Raw Deal or hobbling capitalism by taxing transactions on Wall street or confiscating guns or any of the MYRIAD of things your primary candidates supported?? You're fucking dishonest.. NO leadership on putting down looting/rioting. Trying to KILL law enforcement in this country.. NO RESPECT for private property or law and order.. Looting IS reparations... I see.. You MISSED ALL THAT..

Dem party is allowing BLM and AntiFa and just crazed basement dwelling know-nothings to have fun playing at marxist revolution.. These late night mobs are proxy armies for the "Revolution"..

But you see nothing.. Sgt CLink also ignored the obvious..

You mean Sgt. Schultz. And that what you are when it comes to seeing racism. I see everything and I understand that capitalism has some tremendous flaws in it that you refuse to see. You have chosen to fixate on less than 2 percent of the protesters because it fits your agenda. We don't need guns here and I am more concerned with civil rights than gun rights. You chose to deny racism at every chance. Why? Because you're white and it doesn't affect you. You think people are just perceiving racism. Turn black and try living then talk about how most perceived racism is political.
Virginia Fuller’s district is 47% black, 43% white but heavily Democrat...not overwhelmingly black.

47% black is OVERWHELMLY black statistically. It's a problem. It's NOT racism because the Repub party is NOMINATING AND SUPPORTING them in their districts.. It's political choice... And then gamesmanship and nose thumbing when predominantly black voters BORK qualified black Repubs in their districts... That's why the party lives IN FEAR of their voters leaving the plantation...

There's SMALL chances for qualified/willing blacks to run in over-weighted white districts.. But if they are less than 3 or 5% of the voting public -- having one declare is a unicorn experience...

We're more segregated by choice in this country than most people realize... Or will admit.. On EITHER side of black/white..

I am not calling it racism, because I don’t think it is. Racism requires intent. But you kind of ignore some aspects, such as just being qualified to run.

When you refer it as Democrat plantation, don‘t you think that is as insulting as those who refer to inability of Republicans to elect black candidates as racist?
You have chosen to fixate on less than 2 percent of the protesters because it fits your agenda.

Nope.. I see the other 98% and that's ALL GOOD.. As long as they aren't demanding to "take people homes", ABOLISHING POLICE or "looting is reparations" crap.. It's that 2% that are PURPOSELY ALLOWED to harass and threaten people for 80 nights in a ROW in Seattle, Portland... And the 2% ARE widely DISTRIBUTED and adding to killing off entire urban centers... Chicago Miracle mile been hit at least 3 times. Rodeo Drive area probably 4 or 6 times.. NYC heart of prestige stores maybe 10 times... You're the Sgt Schultz on this one.. All because NO ONE in leadership was calling out at ALL until Lightfoot in Chicago said enough and the mayor of Portland's house was threaten and was BOOED at a rally..
Virginia Fuller’s district is 47% black, 43% white but heavily Democrat...not overwhelmingly black.

47% black is OVERWHELMLY black statistically. It's a problem. It's NOT racism because the Repub party is NOMINATING AND SUPPORTING them in their districts.. It's political choice... And then gamesmanship and nose thumbing when predominantly black voters BORK qualified black Repubs in their districts... That's why the party lives IN FEAR of their voters leaving the plantation...

There's SMALL chances for qualified/willing blacks to run in over-weighted white districts.. But if they are less than 3 or 5% of the voting public -- having one declare is a unicorn experience...

We're more segregated by choice in this country than most people realize... Or will admit.. On EITHER side of black/white..
BS. Black republicans lose local elections because what republicans have for a platform generally does not fit the needs of those they represent. And if you think a black republican freshman in congress is going to have any say, think again. And quit using that fucking racist claim about a plantation, that's another reason why we don't vote republican. You are disingenuous. I am black, andI know why blacks don't vote republican. What you might consider as qualified for blacks is not what we might consider qualified. The republican party has a history of broken promises to us.

The racism inherent in much of the current republican base allows a failure to understand that blacks are able to think critically and make decisions without white input. We know what republicans have done. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Rutherford Hayes, a republican, ended reconstruction. We had the republican lily white movement to purge blacks from the party. Republicans endorsed separate but equal, every republican administration in the early to mid 1900's broke promises made to blacks, most notably during the Great Mississippi flood, which resulted in massive black casualties, displacement and basically returning southern blacks back to slave status.

The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was the most destructive river flood in the history of the United States. Twenty-seven thousand square miles of the United States was under water up to 30 feet deep. Because of this flood, the federal government built the system of levees and floodways we see along the Mississippi River today. More than 200,000 African Americans were displaced from their homes along the Mississippi and had to live for lengthy periods in “relief camps.” Calling them relief camps is overly kind as supplies and means of evacuation after flooding were given to primarily to whites. Blacks got whatever was left. African Americans could not receive supplies without providing the name of a white employer or a voucher from somebody white. Blacks were made to work against their will and were not allowed to leave. In some discussions it has been said that blacks were put in concentration camps. Whether or not that is true, blacks were subject to dangerous and inhumane conditions.

Walter White, then the president of the NAACP visited the Mississippi delta. When he returned to New York he had some very choice words for the conditions he saw that blacks had to endure. “Negroes in hundreds of cases were forced to work at the point of guns on the levees long after it was certain that the levees would break. Conscripted Negro labor did practically all of the hard and dangerous work in fighting the flood. Harrowing as many of these stories are, they are the almost inevitable products of a gigantic catastrophe and are part of the normal picture of the industrial and race situation in certain parts of the South. The greatest and most significant injustice is in the denial to Negroes of the right of free movement and of the privilege of selling their services to the highest bidder. That, if persisted in, would recreate and crystallize a new slavery almost as miserable as the old.” White called the facilities the federal troops used to hold until their employers could claim them concentration camps.

Whites report as well as others caught the attention of Herbert Hoover who was serving as Secretary of Commerce. Hoover was charged with the responsibility of flood relief. In classic racist fashion without white oversight, the report from a black person on the condition they saw other blacks enduring would not be good enough for the whites in charge. So Hoover decided he needed to create a Colored Advisory Committee. This committee was appointed to investigate the NAACP’s complaints. The Colored Advisory Committee was chaired by Tuskegee Institute president Robert Moton, with eleven other people from Tuskegee serving as as committee members. Hoover was using black conservatives in hopes that what the came from the Booker T Washington side would be less critical and could be used to discredit the drilling the federal government took from the NAACP. Once again, the Washington philosophy failed black Americans in spectacular fashion.

I think it’s important to know who Robert Moton is. Moton is a very consequential figure in black political history. His political story is a cautionary tale for current blacks who call themselves conservative but whose beliefs align with right wing white racial extremists. His life story shows a fact of slavery that some whites purposefully leave out of the tale of how blacks sold each other into slavery.

Moton was born in 1867. His father had been a wealthy African Chieftain that got rich by selling slaves. That is until he was sold into slavery. Moton graduated from Hampton Institute in 1890. When Booker T. Washington died in 1915, Moton succeeded Washington as President of Tuskegee. During his time at Tuskegee, Moton expanded the curriculum at Tuskegee to include liberal arts. However, during his time Moton allowed the Tuskegee Experiment to be conducted. Moton by all standards was an impressive man, but he had one flaw, his belief in accommodation.

Like Washington, Moton believed that the best way to advance the cause of African Americans was to convince white people of black people's worth. He didn't fight segregation or challenge white authority. Moton sat on the boards of major philanthropies with the likes of Carnegie and Rockefeller. It is not overstating that Moton held great influence in the America of that period. Such is why Hoover used him to Chair the Colored Advisory Committee. I describe this as using because that’s exactly what Hoover did.

After the NAACP roasted the government, Hoover who had his eye on the presidency, was told by advisors to get “the big negroes” in to quiet the criticism. Hoover then appoints Moton. The Committee goes to investigate the situation in Mississippi. Members of the committee returned with a very detailed report for Moton on the conditions blacks endured including the things detailed by the NAACP. From The Final Report of the Colored Advisory Commission: "The camps in which we found the most satisfactory conditions were those where the local colored people have had an opportunity to assist in the administration of affairs. The camps which were found to be especially good were: Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and Natchez . . . In the camps at Greenville, Sicily Island and Opelousas, the colored people had practically no part in the activities of the colored refugees."

The commission reported that at Greenville whites came and went at will without passes while blacks were not given the same freedom. Blacks also told the commission about rough treatment along with discrimination regarding labor conditions and the ability to get food. Moton presented the findings of the commission to Hoover and advocated for immediate assistance to those most in need. Hoover asked Moton to not let information contained in the commission report be leaked to the public. So Moton kept the findings from the public. In return for doing that, Hoover hinted to Moton that if he got elected president, Moton and his people would be part of the Hoover administration. Hoover also implied that as president he would to divide the land of planters bankrupted from the flood into African American-owned farms.

Because of these promises, Moton made sure that Commission did not leak the full story of what they saw and were told by blacks who were suffering mightily in the Mississippi delta. Moton then pumped up the Hoover's candidacy in the African American community. Once he was elected President in 1928, Hoover turned into Sgt. Schultz and knew nothing about the promises he made to Moton and the black community. To quote Ice Cube, Moton got, “fucked out of his green by a white boy with no Vaseline.” In 1932 Moton ended being accommodating and when he finished, the damage he did to the republican party has lasted to this very day. Moton withdrew his support for Hoover and switched to the Democratic Party. His move created a historic shift as African Americans began to abandon the Republicans Party, the party of Lincoln, the party of the Emancipation Proclamation, and turned to the Democratic Party.

But a few stragglers stayed faithful to the Republican party still after 70 years of the party ignoring blacks and breaking promises. Until 1964. That was when a democrat signed what amounted to our second Emancipation Proclamation when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. Members of todays republican party spin a disingenuous tale about republican support for the Civil Rights and voting rights act. They tell about a democratic filibuster and will tell us that more democrats opposed these bills than republicans. These things are true. But they only tell part of the story. According to Merriam-Webster the definition of disingenuous is, lacking in candor: giving a false appearance of simple frankness.” In the house, 221 democrats voted for the Voting Rights Act, 112 republicans did. In the senate, 47 democrats voted for the Voting Rights Act, 30 republicans did.

1964 Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. By 1964 there were blacks whose families had been republicans for almost 100 years. The Goldwater nomination was a slap in the face of black people. When we got civil rights, republicans decided that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, turned their backs on us and began letting southern white racists become part of the party. So just cut the crap. The history of the republican party is one of broken promises to black people and that is why we aren't republicans today.
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You have chosen to fixate on less than 2 percent of the protesters because it fits your agenda.

Nope.. I see the other 98% and that's ALL GOOD.. As long as they aren't demanding to "take people homes", ABOLISHING POLICE or "looting is reparations" crap.. It's that 2% that are PURPOSELY ALLOWED to harass and threaten people for 80 nights in a ROW in Seattle, Portland... And the 2% ARE widely DISTRIBUTED and adding to killing off entire urban centers... Chicago Miracle mile been hit at least 3 times. Rodeo Drive area probably 4 or 6 times.. NYC heart of prestige stores maybe 10 times... You're the Sgt Schultz on this one.. All because NO ONE in leadership was calling out at ALL until Lightfoot in Chicago said enough and the mayor of Portland's house was threaten and was BOOED at a rally..
That 2 percent is mostly white supremacist agitators known as accelerationists. This comes from national security experts.
Virginia Fuller’s district is 47% black, 43% white but heavily Democrat...not overwhelmingly black.

47% black is OVERWHELMLY black statistically. It's a problem. It's NOT racism because the Repub party is NOMINATING AND SUPPORTING them in their districts.. It's political choice... And then gamesmanship and nose thumbing when predominantly black voters BORK qualified black Repubs in their districts... That's why the party lives IN FEAR of their voters leaving the plantation...

There's SMALL chances for qualified/willing blacks to run in over-weighted white districts.. But if they are less than 3 or 5% of the voting public -- having one declare is a unicorn experience...

We're more segregated by choice in this country than most people realize... Or will admit.. On EITHER side of black/white..

I am not calling it racism, because I don’t think it is. Racism requires intent. But you kind of ignore some aspects, such as just being qualified to run.

When you refer it as Democrat plantation, don‘t you think that is as insulting as those who refer to inability of Republicans to elect black candidates as racist?

That phrase goes right along with Uncle Tomming any Conservative or Repub that is black.. I'll stop when THEY stop... Or YOU stop...

Dont think we need to debate the word plantation because if the Dems dont totally hose the vote counting with their massive UNTRIED, UNDESIGNED, mail-in campaign, I think you'll see the doors swinging shut on the Ole Dem plantation in Nov... ( or Jan in the Blue states still fighting about counting ballots)..

With BLM screwing up reparations dialogues comparing looting to that -- Or with the childish demands of "defunding/reimagining/ABOLISHING the police.. These things are NOT PLAYING WELL in black America... Cities were already in bad shape before this rioting.. Now there's real chances we will see MASSIVE decay in several.. And in polling -- Defunding the police doesn't actually play well at all in big blue city black neighborhoods..

Think there's gonna BE a shocking realignment here..,. The "political plantation dwellers" are gonna be freed to vote as they please..
And if you think a black republican freshman in congress is going to have any say, think again. And quit using that fucking racist claim about a plantation, that's another reason why we don't vote republican.

Why is a black Repub freshman LESS powerful than black Dem freshman? Tim Scott virtually WROTE the recent Police Reform Bill and had COMPLETE Repub backing just a couple weeks back.. Was the DEMOCRATS that wouldn't conference or discuss or deal on it... Had EVERYTHING IN THERE that sane people want..

Dems want to make individual police officers CIVILILY LIABLE to be sued by EVERYONE with a beef against them.. They can't afford the $100K per year premium a lot of doctors have to pay for up to $100Mill of liability insurance.. You'd never hire another police officer under that idea... THAT'S how ridiculous it is to think you're gonna fix the system for BLACKS differently than for EVERYONE.. EVERYONE is affected by policing and law/justice issues.. Need to fix the WHOLE issue, not just ONE RACE at a time..

I'll drop the plantation thing when you stop "uncle tomming" your POLITICAL opponents... DEAL????
Virginia Fuller’s district is 47% black, 43% white but heavily Democrat...not overwhelmingly black.

47% black is OVERWHELMLY black statistically. It's a problem. It's NOT racism because the Repub party is NOMINATING AND SUPPORTING them in their districts.. It's political choice... And then gamesmanship and nose thumbing when predominantly black voters BORK qualified black Repubs in their districts... That's why the party lives IN FEAR of their voters leaving the plantation...

There's SMALL chances for qualified/willing blacks to run in over-weighted white districts.. But if they are less than 3 or 5% of the voting public -- having one declare is a unicorn experience...

We're more segregated by choice in this country than most people realize... Or will admit.. On EITHER side of black/white..

I am not calling it racism, because I don’t think it is. Racism requires intent. But you kind of ignore some aspects, such as just being qualified to run.

When you refer it as Democrat plantation, don‘t you think that is as insulting as those who refer to inability of Republicans to elect black candidates as racist?

That phrase goes right along with Uncle Tomming any Conservative or Repub that is black.. I'll stop when THEY stop... Or YOU stop...

Dont think we need to debate the word plantation because if the Dems dont totally hose the vote counting with their massive UNTRIED, UNDESIGNED, mail-in campaign, I think you'll see the doors swinging shut on the Ole Dem plantation in Nov... ( or Jan in the Blue states still fighting about counting ballots)..

With BLM screwing up reparations dialogues comparing looting to that -- Or with the childish demands of "defunding/reimagining/ABOLISHING the police.. These things are NOT PLAYING WELL in black America... Cities were already in bad shape before this rioting.. Now there's real chances we will see MASSIVE decay in several.. And in polling -- Defunding the police doesn't actually play well at all in big blue city black neighborhoods..

Think there's gonna BE a shocking realignment here..,. The "political plantation dwellers" are gonna be freed to vote as they please..
No it actually doesn't. As I am black I do think I can tell you to shut that plantation bullshit up. Because you don't like us calling black republicans sellouts or toms only because they validate what you have chosen to believe about blacks. And that's why we blacks call them Uncle Toms. BKM isn't screwing shit up. This government owes us reparations. We can take this case to the Hague flacaltenn and it is a case we will win in the world court. Defund means a lot of things, and what it mostly means is cut the police budget and provide more money to social services that can address the things which cause crimes. That does play well in big blue city black neighborhoods because this is what we've been asking for since at least the mid 80's.

Please stop thinking you can speak for blacks flacaltenn. You've tried that too many times. There are no plantation dwellers. There is not going to be any realignment in the near future. As long as whites like you believe you know what's best for blacks, the only blacks that will be allowed to have a voice in the republican party will be Uncle Toms.
And if you think a black republican freshman in congress is going to have any say, think again. And quit using that fucking racist claim about a plantation, that's another reason why we don't vote republican.

Why is a black Repub freshman LESS powerful than black Dem freshman? Tim Scott virtually WROTE the recent Police Reform Bill and had COMPLETE Repub backing just a couple weeks back.. Was the DEMOCRATS that wouldn't conference or discuss or deal on it... Had EVERYTHING IN THERE that sane people want..

Dems want to make individual police officers CIVILILY LIABLE to be sued by EVERYONE with a beef against them.. They can't afford the $100K per year premium a lot of doctors have to pay for up to $100Mill of liability insurance.. You'd never hire another police officer under that idea... THAT'S how ridiculous it is to think you're gonna fix the system for BLACKS differently than for EVERYONE.. EVERYONE is affected by policing and law/justice issues.. Need to fix the WHOLE issue, not just ONE RACE at a time..

I'll drop the plantation thing when you stop "uncle tomming" your POLITICAL opponents... DEAL????
The republican party is led by racists. And strong minded black will not get any traction in that party. They ran out Mia Love and I feel sorry for Tim Scott. Tim Scotts bill was weak and did not address the real issues faced by blacks. That's why democrats opposed it. Do not try that disingenuous crap with me. I am going to call every black person pushing the white right wing agenda an uncle tom because that's wtf they are. There is no plantation, there are Uncle Toms.

If a police officer can take a human life, they can take a civil lawsuit. Fixing the laws for blacks also fixes them for everyone else. Get rid of the zero sum thinking.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

a better question, is, is it possible for the modern left to defend anything without using the wace card.

let's look at your op. if we remove everything wace related, what are we left with?

does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate.
wow. if you remove all you wacism shit, nothing is left but admitting that discussing her resume is legitimate.
you literally have nothing to say in defense of her, other than crying "Wacism" like a retarded child.
He has a point you know.

Why is Kamala's blackness being attacked?

I hear the most ridiculous arguments like - uhhh "she's half Jamaican and half Indian, she's not black!".

Jamaican isn't a's a nationality. If you were half Senagalese would you be black?

And MOST IRONIC - if she were born just a few years earlier, she would have been black enough for Jim Crowe.

Why did Biden make it an issue that he was going to select a female African American? Why say anything at all? Why interject race and sex at all? Maybe Biden believes he found the first mainstream African-American woman who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking gal, I mean, that's a storybook, woman.

Why not? There were a number of African American women being considered. Most candidates tend to talk about their pick and make picks for strategic reasons and decisions are made in group strategizing. Things like playing to the base, shoring up support among weaker demographics, bringing voters from other demographics, PersonaL Characteristics that might compliment weaknesses and strengths in the top of the ticket. For some odd reason you seem to think none of this applies to Biden.

Pence= white strongly religious, midwestern evangelical male, traits the party base strongly wanted. Hit a lot of groups with that particular bit, but especially to convince evangelicals because Trump was not reliably religious enough.

Palin = an appeal to women, family values combined with career as governor. She has experience as governor of Alaska. Plus she is a tough but personable attack dog and can keep McCain above the fray.

Kain = has a broad appeal, speaks Spanish fluently, has deep ties to the African American community through his work as a civil rights lawyer and his time as mayor of Richmond, is the son of a welder, working class family, and from a swing state.

Harris = She female and she is black (both aspects the party base strongly wanted) she has already been vetted on the national stage. She has government experience as CA AG and US senator. At 55 she is coming from the party’s younger generation of leadership, another big plus.

There are a lot of personal choices that go into it as well, not just cold political calculation. The pick has to be able to work well with the president. Trump is a notoriously “by the gut” man and Biden, a close family man, took in what is son Beau had said about Harris.

More in depth if interested:

He could have made his pick like everyone else, yet he claimed early on he was looking for a black woman. He, no one else mentioned the race of his pick and the sex. McCain never said he was picking a woman.

So, had Biden made his pick without letting us all know he was picking a black woman, then you would have something. He interjected race before the pick. Harris is fine for a pick, if you want a lefty, not sure why he needed to make a big deal about her sex and race, same as when he praised Obama for being an articulate African American, it was like he needed to show us he is behind a token black. That is message I have gotten from Biden.

He did make his pick like everyone else based on political priorities. The only difference is he stated it up front.

So she is now a "token" black instead of a fully qualified woman despite the fact that the group of people he considered included white women.
The Democrats and Biden made it about race back in July, when they stated who they were targeting fr VP, even you admitted it.

Democrats made it a race issue, not anyone else. I won’t be voting for a Democrat or Republican no matter their race, color, or religion, it doesn’t matter. The corrupt two party system doesn’t deserve to be in power.
Because you don't like us calling black republicans sellouts or toms only because they validate what you have chosen to believe about blacks. And that's why we blacks call them Uncle Toms.

Something funny has occurred to me about the use of the epithet “Uncle Tom”. As I understand it, the reference is to a fictional character, a black slave who was submissive to, and complicit with his master, one who gave in to his oppression rather than make any attempt to overcome it, or to support anyone else trying to overcome it.

In modern use, the term is being used by those who submit to their oppression, as a derogatory term against those who stand against it. That is exactly how you are using the term, here—submissively staying on the Democrapic plantation, where you've been brainwashed to believe is your place, while lashing out at those who dare to stand up, escape the plantation, and defy their wannabe Democrapic masters.

In modern use, the term means almost exactly the opposite of what those who use it represent it as meaning.

This government owes us reparations. We can take this case to the Hague flacaltenn and it is a case we will win in the world court.

No court that has any jurisdiction or authority over the United States, or any party thereof, will ever treat your claim as anything other than the greedy and unsupportable bullshit that it is.

If you truly believe that you are a victim of the slave trade that happened several generations before you were born, then there is one thing that you can do to make it right—Leave the United States, forever, renounce your citizenship, and emigrate to any country in Africa that will have you. That assumes that there is any country in Africa that wants our parasitic losers and rejects. Good luck with that.

You were never a slave, and nobody alive ever owned slaves or had any part in the slave trade. You are not entitled to anything, and nobody is obligated to pay you for it.
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How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I don't know that it's necessarily fueled by racism per se. She's on the ticket, so that makes her a target. And a pinko commie 'n stuff.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to see them go right at the birther thing, but that's my own fault for assuming they wouldn't try that again. I gave them too much credit.

The funniest part is that they also appear to be going after her on moral grounds, which is just hilarious coming from the people who sold their soul to Trump.

Ugly stuff. As usual.
Her hypocrisy is what is baffling. Accusing Biden of pseudo racism and saying she believes his victims of sexual deviancy and then embracing him as “family” as his VP. Silly.
And if you think a black republican freshman in congress is going to have any say, think again. And quit using that fucking racist claim about a plantation, that's another reason why we don't vote republican.

Why is a black Repub freshman LESS powerful than black Dem freshman? Tim Scott virtually WROTE the recent Police Reform Bill and had COMPLETE Repub backing just a couple weeks back.. Was the DEMOCRATS that wouldn't conference or discuss or deal on it... Had EVERYTHING IN THERE that sane people want..

Dems want to make individual police officers CIVILILY LIABLE to be sued by EVERYONE with a beef against them.. They can't afford the $100K per year premium a lot of doctors have to pay for up to $100Mill of liability insurance.. You'd never hire another police officer under that idea... THAT'S how ridiculous it is to think you're gonna fix the system for BLACKS differently than for EVERYONE.. EVERYONE is affected by policing and law/justice issues.. Need to fix the WHOLE issue, not just ONE RACE at a time..

I'll drop the plantation thing when you stop "uncle tomming" your POLITICAL opponents... DEAL????
The republican party is led by racists. And strong minded black will not get any traction in that party. They ran out Mia Love and I feel sorry for Tim Scott. Tim Scotts bill was weak and did not address the real issues faced by blacks. That's why democrats opposed it. Do not try that disingenuous crap with me. I am going to call every black person pushing the white right wing agenda an uncle tom because that's wtf they are. There is no plantation, there are Uncle Toms.

If a police officer can take a human life, they can take a civil lawsuit. Fixing the laws for blacks also fixes them for everyone else. Get rid of the zero sum thinking.

I forgot about that....I KNEW there was another reason Mia Love stuck in my mind. Trump absolutely trashed her.

This is a pretty good article on the issues Republican women have with the party.

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How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I don't know that it's necessarily fueled by racism per se. She's on the ticket, so that makes her a target. And a pinko commie 'n stuff.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to see them go right at the birther thing, but that's my own fault for assuming they wouldn't try that again. I gave them too much credit.

The funniest part is that they also appear to be going after her on moral grounds, which is just hilarious coming from the people who sold their soul to Trump.

Ugly stuff. As usual.
Her hypocrisy is what is baffling. Accusing Biden of pseudo racism and saying she believes his victims of sexual deviancy and then embracing him as “family” as his VP. Silly.
Well, these people are full of shit and they have virtually no shame.

To make things worse, if they're intellectually honest, all it will get them is attacked by their own tribe.

That's just where we are.

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