The Kamala Harris conundrum.

How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

The Democrats could have put anyone in the VP nomination slot and they would be treated poorly by the GOP; and vice versa. Racist? I don't think so in general. Individual comments may be but the opposition trashes the other party's ticket. Just the way it is.
You are right, but it still doesn't mean that racism is not part of the attacks.
True. Didn’t mean to say it would be. If it were Warren, they’d be calling her one derogatory name. If it were AOC, they’d using a different slur. DEMs are only somewhat better.
I don't know if democrats would be so openly racist and that's probably due to the fact republicans don't have anyone of color in leadership.

I don't know if democrats would be so openly racist

Remember that great interview that Robert Byrd gave? That was awesome!!!

How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
As usual you are shoveling barn droppings. She has a TON of baggage dragging behind her that she will have to address. And NONE of it has to do with being a woman of color.
That's a lie. Here color is going to be the main reason she will be attacked.
Blacks should run from Harris just on general principles! When she was Attorney General for California she was their worst nightmare. It's something that both she and Biden share...a history of putting blacks in prison!
Stop being white and telling us blacks what to do. You support trump.

View attachment 375527
Ah yes, the Central Park 5! Five little "angels" who were part of a mob of black and Hispanic kids that were out mugging other joggers in the park that night! It turned out that they weren't the ones who raped the woman in question, something that was proven with DNA evidence later on! You know what, IM2? I've got little sympathy for those five individuals! When you're out breaking the law and something happens near where that took place? You're ALWAYS going to be the prime suspect! They received a 41 million dollar settlement from NYC for their troubles. Not bad for a bunch of thugs that probably would have ended up in prison ANYWAYS!
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
As usual you are shoveling barn droppings. She has a TON of baggage dragging behind her that she will have to address. And NONE of it has to do with being a woman of color.
That's a lie. Here color is going to be the main reason she will be attacked.
Blacks should run from Harris just on general principles! When she was Attorney General for California she was their worst nightmare. It's something that both she and Biden share...a history of putting blacks in prison!
Stop being white and telling us blacks what to do. You support trump.

View attachment 375527
Ah yes, the Central Park 5! Five little "angels" who were part of a mob of black and Hispanic kids that were out mugging other joggers in the park that night! It turned out that they weren't the ones who raped the woman in question, something that was proven with DNA evidence later on! You know what, IM2? I've got little sympathy for those five individuals! When you're out breaking the law and something happens near where that took place? You're ALWAYS going to be the prime suspect! They received a 41 million dollar settlement from NYC for their troubles. Not bad for a bunch of thugs that probably would have ended up in prison ANYWAYS!
They were part of no mob and did not commit any crimes. You have made up a lie which is expected from racist trash like you. They spent 15-20 years in prison and lost income. They had no records and you're just making racist assumptions. Meanwhile you support and defend a white racist thug who is responsible for over 160,000 deaths and rising. Unlike the CP5, this thug does have a record.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
As usual you are shoveling barn droppings. She has a TON of baggage dragging behind her that she will have to address. And NONE of it has to do with being a woman of color.
That's a lie. Here color is going to be the main reason she will be attacked.
Blacks should run from Harris just on general principles! When she was Attorney General for California she was their worst nightmare. It's something that both she and Biden share...a history of putting blacks in prison!
Stop being white and telling us blacks what to do. You support trump.

View attachment 375527
Ah yes, the Central Park 5! Five little "angels" who were part of a mob of black and Hispanic kids that were out mugging other joggers in the park that night! It turned out that they weren't the ones who raped the woman in question, something that was proven with DNA evidence later on! You know what, IM2? I've got little sympathy for those five individuals! When you're out breaking the law and something happens near where that took place? You're ALWAYS going to be the prime suspect! They received a 41 million dollar settlement from NYC for their troubles. Not bad for a bunch of thugs that probably would have ended up in prison ANYWAYS!
They were part of no mob and did not commit any crimes. You have made up a lie which is expected from racist trash like you. They spent 15-20 years in prison and lost income. They had no records and you're just making racist assumptions. Meanwhile you support and defend a white racist thug who is responsible for over 160,000 deaths and rising. Unlike the CP5, this thug does have a record.
Why do you think two of them were already in Police custody when the rape victim was first discovered? They were part of the mob of approximately 30 black and Hispanic teens that was roaming Central Park attacking people. Specifically for attacking a cyclist with pipes.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

Oh fuck off you bigoted piece of shit. Harris is a corrupt piece of shit. She refused to release inmates who were PROVEN to be innocent.

She is perfect for a fucking stalinist, like you.
Race and gender are two of many demographics that go into choices. Each candidate starts of with a long list of political and demographic boxes to be checked. The Democratic base values diversity and want to see a woman or person of color selected. That is their base. Just like the Republican base prefers a person who is strongly religious and a white male.

Hugely false analysis.. You hit on the meager black representation from the Repubs.. Let me explain this to you.. The Repubs just ran about 10 HIGHLY qualified and admired black candidates in the 2018 US Congress election.. The media on the right was FAWNING over them.. Their problem?? They were running in HIGHLY black districts. And all this diversity and multicultural celebration you think is so neat -- didn't work out for most of them.. Because as Joe says -- if ya don't vote Democrat -- you're not black..

Thats where the ODDS ARE -- that black Republican candidates for Fed office would come from.. And the reality is -- color was a NEGATIVE for them in highly Dem districts..

And then there's this guy.. Got more coverage on Fox news than most other Repub senate candidates because he SPEAKS like a Founding Father of this country and is a powerful debater..

One of 2 blacks nominated for Senate by Repubs.. The Repub party chose these folks over the evil "white evangel choices" you despise... And JAMES fought a 4 term seat held by Stabenow to within JUST 4 or 5 points.. That's a MONUMENTAL accomplishment running against a 4 term incumbent of any color..

So they are STRONG within the party.. In statewide elections, they can make it.. But don't expect the BLACK districts to ALLOW any black Repubs to get elected... Even IF they're running against a crap old white male...

Most of the PERCEIVED racism in 2 party politics is just political.. Aint racism...
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

The Democrats could have put anyone in the VP nomination slot and they would be treated poorly by the GOP; and vice versa. Racist? I don't think so in general. Individual comments may be but the opposition trashes the other party's ticket. Just the way it is.
You are right, but it still doesn't mean that racism is not part of the attacks.
True. Didn’t mean to say it would be. If it were Warren, they’d be calling her one derogatory name. If it were AOC, they’d using a different slur. DEMs are only somewhat better.
I don't know if democrats would be so openly racist and that's probably due to the fact republicans don't have anyone of color in leadership.
The “Uncle Tom” card would be played early and often on this board. That being said, you’re correct...the national leadership would be completely respectful on that front
Flat out...I am going challenge this. First, if you are going to call out fixation on race, try to to be more evenhanded here. You realize right, that your side is attempting to give birth to a brand new birther conspiracy theory right?

Flat out.. I'm gonna refuse to reply to any more posts where you refer to MY SIDE.. I explained about Post #110 where my interest was in discussing Harris and this ardent racial fixation that Dems have.. Haven't voted for a Dem or Repub (besides Tulsi Gabbard) in 2 decades.. And my chances of ever LOVING the Dems as they SPRINT towards socialism/anarchy/consolidating power have vaporized.. I like the Constitution, Capitalism, absolute Liberties, Free Speech, and Science --- so my days of TRYING to be fair between the 2 awful choices are gone...
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I don't know that it's necessarily fueled by racism per se. She's on the ticket, so that makes her a target. And a pinko commie 'n stuff.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to see them go right at the birther thing, but that's my own fault for assuming they wouldn't try that again. I gave them too much credit.

The funniest part is that they also appear to be going after her on moral grounds, which is just hilarious coming from the people who sold their soul to Trump.

Ugly stuff. As usual.
The attack on her citizenship is pure racism. And that racism will play into other criticisms.
When it just happens to occur disproportionately to black candidates you have to wonder.

You mean black candidates with at least one parent born outside the US.
Black candidates. Harris was born in the US. She is a citizen. This birther shit is pure racism.

Harris was born in the US. She is a citizen.

I agree. And neither parent was born in the US.

Black candidates.

Ted Cruz isn't black. Neither was McCain.

Didn't see the birther attacks on them, nor is anyone still pushing any challenges to their citizenship.

Well ya missed it because there were.. Went to court both times... Go Bing it..
Actually, the entire reason she was selected is so that they can SAY any opposition to their globalost agenda is based on racism (and sexism).

They have already started with this tired rhetoric, and by the looks of it, all sorts of people with IQs in the 80s are buying into it.
Flat out.. I'm gonna refuse to reply to any more posts where you refer to MY SIDE.. I explained about Post #110 where my interest was in discussing Harris and this ardent racial fixation that Dems have.. Haven't voted for a Dem or Repub (besides Tulsi Gabbard) in 2 decades.. And my chances of ever LOVING the Dems as they SPRINT towards socialism/anarchy/consolidating power have vaporized.. I like the Constitution, Capitalism, absolute Liberties, Free Speech, and Science --- so my days of TRYING to be fair between the 2 awful choices are gone...

My side only has me.

It may be lonely, but I find it comforting.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I don't know that it's necessarily fueled by racism per se. She's on the ticket, so that makes her a target. And a pinko commie 'n stuff.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to see them go right at the birther thing, but that's my own fault for assuming they wouldn't try that again. I gave them too much credit.

The funniest part is that they also appear to be going after her on moral grounds, which is just hilarious coming from the people who sold their soul to Trump.

Ugly stuff. As usual.
The attack on her citizenship is pure racism. And that racism will play into other criticisms.
When it just happens to occur disproportionately to black candidates you have to wonder.

You mean black candidates with at least one parent born outside the US.
Black candidates. Harris was born in the US. She is a citizen. This birther shit is pure racism.

Harris was born in the US. She is a citizen.

I agree. And neither parent was born in the US.

Black candidates.

Ted Cruz isn't black. Neither was McCain.

Didn't see the birther attacks on them, nor is anyone still pushing any challenges to their citizenship.

Well ya missed it because there were.. Went to court both times... Go Bing it..
No flacaltenn, I missed nothing. Nobody is still questioning their citizenship. And Harris was born in America so there nothing really to discuss.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

Yeah theres no hate on white people in the democrat party and theres no partisanship when it comes to attacking trump and anyone that supports him. Theres no lying by the press either about Trumps Accomplishments..

Your Post Represents that twofacedness of the left and why there is such a huge divide in this country.
Before you criticize or take issue with ANYTHING Biden or Harris, take a look at what your side has done for 4 full years...they started a coup before trump was even elected that was ALL LIES, theyve non stop abused him and his Wife and his entire family, they have attacked pence and anyone that works in trumps whitehouse.

They left has created this huge divide we have, they own it
There was no coup. The nation has been divided since 7-4-1776 and trump has continued to push the divide.

The coup against trump has been proven.
Flat out...I am going challenge this. First, if you are going to call out fixation on race, try to to be more evenhanded here. You realize right, that your side is attempting to give birth to a brand new birther conspiracy theory right?

Flat out.. I'm gonna refuse to reply to any more posts where you refer to MY SIDE.. I explained about Post #110 where my interest was in discussing Harris and this ardent racial fixation that Dems have.. Haven't voted for a Dem or Repub (besides Tulsi Gabbard) in 2 decades.. And my chances of ever LOVING the Dems as they SPRINT towards socialism/anarchy/consolidating power have vaporized.. I like the Constitution, Capitalism, absolute Liberties, Free Speech, and Science --- so my days of TRYING to be fair between the 2 awful choices are gone...
Republicans are the ones with the fixation on race. Democrats aren't racing towards any of the things you claim.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

Yeah theres no hate on white people in the democrat party and theres no partisanship when it comes to attacking trump and anyone that supports him. Theres no lying by the press either about Trumps Accomplishments..

Your Post Represents that twofacedness of the left and why there is such a huge divide in this country.
Before you criticize or take issue with ANYTHING Biden or Harris, take a look at what your side has done for 4 full years...they started a coup before trump was even elected that was ALL LIES, theyve non stop abused him and his Wife and his entire family, they have attacked pence and anyone that works in trumps whitehouse.

They left has created this huge divide we have, they own it
There was no coup. The nation has been divided since 7-4-1776 and trump has continued to push the divide.

The coup against trump has been proven.
There has been no coup. No attempted coup. Nothing.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

The Democrats could have put anyone in the VP nomination slot and they would be treated poorly by the GOP; and vice versa. Racist? I don't think so in general. Individual comments may be but the opposition trashes the other party's ticket. Just the way it is.
You are right, but it still doesn't mean that racism is not part of the attacks.
True. Didn’t mean to say it would be. If it were Warren, they’d be calling her one derogatory name. If it were AOC, they’d using a different slur. DEMs are only somewhat better.
I don't know if democrats would be so openly racist and that's probably due to the fact republicans don't have anyone of color in leadership.
The “Uncle Tom” card would be played early and often on this board. That being said, you’re correct...the national leadership would be completely respectful on that front

The uncle tom card would not necessarily be played. It depends on what a black republican candidate would present. If that black republican was trying to pander to the current base by uttering the same dog whistles that you hear from the black republicans who have tried to run for president in that party, then they rightfully would earn being called a tom.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

Yeah theres no hate on white people in the democrat party and theres no partisanship when it comes to attacking trump and anyone that supports him. Theres no lying by the press either about Trumps Accomplishments..

Your Post Represents that twofacedness of the left and why there is such a huge divide in this country.
Before you criticize or take issue with ANYTHING Biden or Harris, take a look at what your side has done for 4 full years...they started a coup before trump was even elected that was ALL LIES, theyve non stop abused him and his Wife and his entire family, they have attacked pence and anyone that works in trumps whitehouse.

They left has created this huge divide we have, they own it
There was no coup. The nation has been divided since 7-4-1776 and trump has continued to push the divide.

The coup against trump has been proven.
There has been no coup. No attempted coup. Nothing.

Bullshit. And obummer, your hero, is up to his eyeballs in it.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I'm curious how you think your side holds the moral high ground, when your VP pick was chosen because of two reasons:

1. She has darkish skin, and
2. She has a vagina.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

Yeah theres no hate on white people in the democrat party and theres no partisanship when it comes to attacking trump and anyone that supports him. Theres no lying by the press either about Trumps Accomplishments..

Your Post Represents that twofacedness of the left and why there is such a huge divide in this country.
Before you criticize or take issue with ANYTHING Biden or Harris, take a look at what your side has done for 4 full years...they started a coup before trump was even elected that was ALL LIES, theyve non stop abused him and his Wife and his entire family, they have attacked pence and anyone that works in trumps whitehouse.

They left has created this huge divide we have, they own it
There was no coup. The nation has been divided since 7-4-1776 and trump has continued to push the divide.

The coup against trump has been proven.
There has been no coup. No attempted coup. Nothing.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

Yeah theres no hate on white people in the democrat party and theres no partisanship when it comes to attacking trump and anyone that supports him. Theres no lying by the press either about Trumps Accomplishments..

Your Post Represents that twofacedness of the left and why there is such a huge divide in this country.
Before you criticize or take issue with ANYTHING Biden or Harris, take a look at what your side has done for 4 full years...they started a coup before trump was even elected that was ALL LIES, theyve non stop abused him and his Wife and his entire family, they have attacked pence and anyone that works in trumps whitehouse.

They left has created this huge divide we have, they own it
There was no coup. The nation has been divided since 7-4-1776 and trump has continued to push the divide.

The coup against trump has been proven.
There has been no coup. No attempted coup. Nothing.

Bullshit. And obummer, your hero, is up to his eyeballs in it.

He think if he keeps repeating it someone might believe it

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