The Kamala Harris conundrum.

How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I don't know that it's necessarily fueled by racism per se. She's on the ticket, so that makes her a target. And a pinko commie 'n stuff.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to see them go right at the birther thing, but that's my own fault for assuming they wouldn't try that again. I gave them too much credit.

The funniest part is that they also appear to be going after her on moral grounds, which is just hilarious coming from the people who sold their soul to Trump.

Ugly stuff. As usual.
Her hypocrisy is what is baffling. Accusing Biden of pseudo racism and saying she believes his victims of sexual deviancy and then embracing him as “family” as his VP. Silly.
Well, these people are full of shit and they have virtually no shame.

To make things worse, if they're intellectually honest, all it will get them is attacked by their own tribe.

That's just where we are.
She also flip flops on Medicare for all, green new deal (fracking), criminal justice reform. Biden should have picked Tulsi Gabbard, who dismantled Harris in the debates IMO. But neither (Harris or Gabbard) really moved the needle when they ran for their party nomination. Neither Biden nor Harris are strong debaters so that may cost them. We will see.
there's a reason Democrats hadn't nominated a white man for president in 16 years, my friends
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
I never reference her race or her gender but that bitch is a HO! LOL
Besides like Obama she's a half assed excuse for a black that just likes to exploit the black vote.
It would be nice if whites would stop lying on matters of race. Race has been an issue by all political parties this nation has ever had. If we look at modern America, republicans have made race a negative while democrats have put people of color into positions of historic importance. Democrats did not make this about race, blacks have long been faithful members of the party and have gotten little in return. So like the wealthy white corporate heads and "working class whites" that are the base of the republican party, blacks made demands we asked to be met.

Now the shit get old when whites demand things then claim that race is not an issue. Whites are a fucking race and when whites make demands it is a race based demand. When whites nominate whites or support white candidates they don't claim that white person is a fucking token. They automatically assume the best qualified was picked. Yet white is a race and when whites consider whites race is a factor. What made Mike Pence more qualified than JC Watts or Colin Powell. Herman Cain was a businessman why wasn't he considered? Tim Scott was a Senator, what made Pence more qualified than him. Not to mention Ted Cruz or Rubio.

Kamala Harris was and is more qualified to serve as president than the current president of this county, there is nothing token about her. Just as white evangelicals demanded to have a voice and trump picked by race a white evangelical, blacks who have voted democrat since 1964 and have got little, demanded that we have a voice at the big table. We have the same right to do that as whites without all the white whining and crying about race. White is a race and when whites consider whites, race plays a role in it. So it's time for some in the white community to drop the lies and double standards.
Because you don't like us calling black republicans sellouts or toms only because they validate what you have chosen to believe about blacks. And that's why we blacks call them Uncle Toms.

Something funny has occurred to me about the use of the epithet “Uncle Tom”. As I understand it, the reference is to a fictional character, a black slave who was submissive to, and complicit with his master, one who gave in to his oppression rather than make any attempt to overcome it, or to support anyone else trying to overcome it.

In modern use, the term is being used by those who submit to their oppression, as a derogatory term against those who stand against it. That is exactly how you are using the term, here—submissively staying on the Democrapic plantation, where you've been brainwashed to believe is your place, while lashing out at those who dare to stand up, escape the plantation, and defy their wannabe Democrapic masters.

In modern use, the term means almost exactly the opposite of what those who use it represent it as meaning.

This government owes us reparations. We can take this case to the Hague flacaltenn and it is a case we will win in the world court.

No court that has any jurisdiction or authority over the United States, or any party thereof, will ever treat your claim as anything other than the greedy and unsupportable bullshit that it is.

If you truly believe that you are a victim of the slave trade that happened several generations before you were born, then there is one thing that you can do to make it right—Leave the United States, forever, renounce your citizenship, and emigrate to any country in Africa that will have you. That assumes that there is any country in Africa that wants our parasitic losers and rejects. Good luck with that.

You were never a slave, and nobody alive ever owned slaves or had any part in the slave trade. You are not entitled to anything, and nobody is obligated to pay you for it.
Actually it is supported and so are the 155 years of human rights violations against blacks after slavery ended. The issue goes far past slavery but those like you want to pretend it's just about slavery. And as for your last paragraph, I was born here and my last name is English. This means I descend from slaves owned by an English family. The fact that I don't know my complete ancestry to include my original culture and spiritual beliefs are due to slavery. Your simple minded bullshit doesn't reach that. And since the wealth of America is built on the compound interest of money made during slavery, your no one alive excuse simply is an argument with no merit.

So, if you don't like me using my first amendment rights, renounce your citizenship and move to an all white country that doesn't have such a provision. There is no democratic plantation and the only reason you cheer on black sellouts is because they say the things you believe about blacks.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
Another foreigner out of touch with Black America
Because you don't like us calling black republicans sellouts or toms only because they validate what you have chosen to believe about blacks. And that's why we blacks call them Uncle Toms.

Something funny has occurred to me about the use of the epithet “Uncle Tom”. As I understand it, the reference is to a fictional character, a black slave who was submissive to, and complicit with his master, one who gave in to his oppression rather than make any attempt to overcome it, or to support anyone else trying to overcome it.

In modern use, the term is being used by those who submit to their oppression, as a derogatory term against those who stand against it. That is exactly how you are using the term, here—submissively staying on the Democrapic plantation, where you've been brainwashed to believe is your place, while lashing out at those who dare to stand up, escape the plantation, and defy their wannabe Democrapic masters.

In modern use, the term means almost exactly the opposite of what those who use it represent it as meaning.

This government owes us reparations. We can take this case to the Hague flacaltenn and it is a case we will win in the world court.

No court that has any jurisdiction or authority over the United States, or any party thereof, will ever treat your claim as anything other than the greedy and unsupportable bullshit that it is.

If you truly believe that you are a victim of the slave trade that happened several generations before you were born, then there is one thing that you can do to make it right—Leave the United States, forever, renounce your citizenship, and emigrate to any country in Africa that will have you. That assumes that there is any country in Africa that wants our parasitic losers and rejects. Good luck with that.

You were never a slave, and nobody alive ever owned slaves or had any part in the slave trade. You are not entitled to anything, and nobody is obligated to pay you for it.
Actually it is supported and so are the 155 years of human rights violations against blacks after slavery ended. The issue goes far past slavery but those like you want to pretend it's just about slavery. And as for your last paragraph, I was born here and my last name is English. This means I descend from slaves owned by an English family. The fact that I don't know my complete ancestry to include my original culture and spiritual beliefs are due to slavery. Your simple minded bullshit doesn't reach that. And since the wealth of America is built on the compound interest of money made during slavery, your no one alive excuse simply is an argument with no merit.

So, if you don't like me using my first amendment rights, renounce your citizenship and move to an all white country that doesn't have such a provision. There is no democratic plantation and the only reason you cheer on black sellouts is because they say the things you believe about blacks.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”
Africa owes America reparations for selling its defective people
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

The Democrats could have put anyone in the VP nomination slot and they would be treated poorly by the GOP; and vice versa. Racist? I don't think so in general. Individual comments may be but the opposition trashes the other party's ticket. Just the way it is.
blart you're out of touch with black America
Harris is partly the reason why Blacks feel like they are not treated fairly in the Justice system
So, if you don't like me using my first amendment rights, renounce your citizenship and move to an all white country that doesn't have such a provision.

I fully support your right, under the First Amendment, to believe and say what you will.

But when what you say is as fucking stupid as it is, and as blatantly dishonest as it is, then I will exercise my own First Amendment rights to call your bullshit out for what it is.

Nobody owes you shit for what they had no part in doing to your ancestors, and you are not entitled to shit for what was done to them.

If your ancestors hadn't been brought here as slaves, then you'd have been born in some African shithole, and that's where you'd now live. If reparations are what you want, then truly, the most apropos form of reparations would be to send you back to any African shithole that will accept you; if there are any that want a worthless, burdensome parasite like yourself. Perhaps you'd be happier in such a place, and America would certainly be better without you.
This thread has wandered far from the “conundrum” of Kamala Harris. But not from the deeper questions raised in the OP about race and racism in our country’s life and politics. It is clear that strong racial consciousness and disgusting racism in the U.S. is not something trivial, not a matter to be ludicrously mocked and dismissed as “wacism.” Only fools can’t see it playing out here and in the attacks on Kamala Harris.

The rise of Trump reaction after the election and re-election of Obama shows just how schizophrenic our society is about this issue. That party partisanship has become so extreme, and has unleashed mad conspiratorial thinking, lunatic attacks on ordinary Democrats as ... demons ... and communists ... and un-Americans — this is in good part a result of the fact that the Democratic Party is today the party that attracts most African-American and minority voters. The madness, in my opinion, is not so much about real questions of party program and the correct road forward in a complicated world. This is sad, but true.
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How can Black people in America embrace a woman who is Indian and Jamaican? A woman who takes extreme measures to look as white as possible and marries a white man?

What does she have in common with a real African American - someone who is the descendant of American slaves, who lived in Black society and absorbed the culture?

As little as Soetoro had in common with American Blacks, she is even further removed.

One doesn't have to be "racist" to find her an odious pick. She is, by many measures, the most liberal member of today's senate. Her views on immigration, the environment, race, education, healthcare, the police, and reparations are on the extreme fringe of American politics, and yet the Democrat party has, after endless deliberations, put her on the front burner to be one feeble, compromised heartbeat away from the most powerful political position in the world.

She was a disastrous pick, a slap in the face of every American who earns a living in the private sector of our economy.

No one I know has any animus against either Indians or Jamaicans, but the race pimps maintain the preposterous position that this awful woman is derided because she is "Black."

Gimme a fukkin' break.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
The conservatives are the ones at the Lincoln Project. The trumptrash re radical fascist


Why was she reported, its the truth.
The right are the snitches.
How can Black people in America embrace a woman who is Indian and Jamaican? A woman who takes extreme measures to look as white as possible and marries a white man?

What does she have in common with a real African American - someone who is the descendant of American slaves, who lived in Black society and absorbed the culture?

As little as Soetoro had in common with American Blacks, she is even further removed.

One doesn't have to be "racist" to find her an odious pick. She is, by many measures, the most liberal member of today's senate. Her views on immigration, the environment, race, education, healthcare, the police, and reparations are on the extreme fringe of American politics, and yet the Democrat party has, after endless deliberations, put her on the front burner to be one feeble, compromised heartbeat away from the most powerful political position in the world.

She was a disastrous pick, a slap in the face of every American who earns a living in the private sector of our economy.

No one I know has any animus against either Indians or Jamaicans, but the race pimps maintain the preposterous position that this awful woman is derided because she is "Black."

Gimme a fukkin' break.

Well, when you have such a twat-faced loser in the WH, I guess anything is possible.
This thread has wandered far from the “conundrum” of Kamala Harris. But not from the deeper questions raised in the OP about race and racism in our country’s life and politics. It is clear that strong racial consciousness and disgusting racism in the U.S. is not something trivial, not a matter to be ludicrously mocked and dismissed as “wacism.” Only fools can’t see it playing out here and in the attacks on Kamala Harris.

ok, an excellent assertion of your position. i note that you give me the respect of defining me as the intellectual spokesman for the whole other side. thank you.

so, let's see what you can offer, to as a supporting argument of your conclusion.

The rise of Trump reaction after the election and re-election of Obama shows just how schizophrenic our society is about this issue. That party partisanship has become so extreme, and has unleashed mad conspiratorial thinking, lunatic attacks on ordinary Democrats as ... demons ... and communists ... and un-Americans — this is in good part a result of the fact that the Democratic Party is today the party that attracts most African-American and minority voters. The madness, in my opinion, is not so much about real questions of party program and the correct road forward in a complicated world. This is sad, but true.

As a supporting argument, you offer your observation that partisan politics has become quite bitter. you say "party partisanship" but you seem to only be noticing or concerned about the partisanship from the right. odd while lefty mobs are burning our cities. but ok.

then you reach the crux of your supporting argument.

you make the argument that since the dems attract most African-Americans, and minority voters, that the partisan shit must be driven by "this issue" ie, racism.

to support that supporting argument, you offer your further "argument" that the reaction to obama was "so extreme"... implying that it was also, because of wacism. i mean, racism....

mmm, your argument and reasoning is circular assumptions.

you make an assertion and to support it, you offer your previous assumptions, as facts.

here is something for you to consider.

if you cannot defend your positions, without calling the other guy racist,

then you cannot defend your positions.

and you are thus, probably in the wrong.

every time you feel a need to call your enemy a wacist, i mean, a racist, that is your brain, realizing that your position is weak.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
The conservatives are the ones at the Lincoln Project. The trumptrash re radical fascist


Why was she reported, its the truth.
The right are the snitches.

the wace card, is generalization. that is against the new rules. i'm giving them a good faith attempt.

before when someone sank to that level, i would vicious insult them back.

either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.
Virginia Fuller’s district is 47% black, 43% white but heavily Democrat...not overwhelmingly black.

47% black is OVERWHELMLY black statistically. It's a problem. It's NOT racism because the Repub party is NOMINATING AND SUPPORTING them in their districts.. It's political choice... And then gamesmanship and nose thumbing when predominantly black voters BORK qualified black Repubs in their districts... That's why the party lives IN FEAR of their voters leaving the plantation...

There's SMALL chances for qualified/willing blacks to run in over-weighted white districts.. But if they are less than 3 or 5% of the voting public -- having one declare is a unicorn experience...

We're more segregated by choice in this country than most people realize... Or will admit.. On EITHER side of black/white..

I am not calling it racism, because I don’t think it is. Racism requires intent. But you kind of ignore some aspects, such as just being qualified to run.

When you refer it as Democrat plantation, don‘t you think that is as insulting as those who refer to inability of Republicans to elect black candidates as racist?

That phrase goes right along with Uncle Tomming any Conservative or Repub that is black.. I'll stop when THEY stop... Or YOU stop...

Dont think we need to debate the word plantation because if the Dems dont totally hose the vote counting with their massive UNTRIED, UNDESIGNED, mail-in campaign, I think you'll see the doors swinging shut on the Ole Dem plantation in Nov... ( or Jan in the Blue states still fighting about counting ballots)..

With BLM screwing up reparations dialogues comparing looting to that -- Or with the childish demands of "defunding/reimagining/ABOLISHING the police.. These things are NOT PLAYING WELL in black America... Cities were already in bad shape before this rioting.. Now there's real chances we will see MASSIVE decay in several.. And in polling -- Defunding the police doesn't actually play well at all in big blue city black neighborhoods..

Think there's gonna BE a shocking realignment here..,. The "political plantation dwellers" are gonna be freed to vote as they please..
No it actually doesn't. As I am black I do think I can tell you to shut that plantation bullshit up. Because you don't like us calling black republicans sellouts or toms only because they validate what you have chosen to believe about blacks. And that's why we blacks call them Uncle Toms. BKM isn't screwing shit up. This government owes us reparations. We can take this case to the Hague flacaltenn and it is a case we will win in the world court. Defund means a lot of things, and what it mostly means is cut the police budget and provide more money to social services that can address the things which cause crimes. That does play well in big blue city black neighborhoods because this is what we've been asking for since at least the mid 80's.

Please stop thinking you can speak for blacks flacaltenn. You've tried that too many times. There are no plantation dwellers. There is not going to be any realignment in the near future. As long as whites like you believe you know what's best for blacks, the only blacks that will be allowed to have a voice in the republican party will be Uncle Toms.
Fix the things that cause crimes? Nobody forces anyone to commit crimes. How do you think taking money from police budgets will stop criminals?
Virginia Fuller’s district is 47% black, 43% white but heavily Democrat...not overwhelmingly black.

47% black is OVERWHELMLY black statistically. It's a problem. It's NOT racism because the Repub party is NOMINATING AND SUPPORTING them in their districts.. It's political choice... And then gamesmanship and nose thumbing when predominantly black voters BORK qualified black Repubs in their districts... That's why the party lives IN FEAR of their voters leaving the plantation...

There's SMALL chances for qualified/willing blacks to run in over-weighted white districts.. But if they are less than 3 or 5% of the voting public -- having one declare is a unicorn experience...

We're more segregated by choice in this country than most people realize... Or will admit.. On EITHER side of black/white..

I am not calling it racism, because I don’t think it is. Racism requires intent. But you kind of ignore some aspects, such as just being qualified to run.

When you refer it as Democrat plantation, don‘t you think that is as insulting as those who refer to inability of Republicans to elect black candidates as racist?

That phrase goes right along with Uncle Tomming any Conservative or Repub that is black.. I'll stop when THEY stop... Or YOU stop...

Dont think we need to debate the word plantation because if the Dems dont totally hose the vote counting with their massive UNTRIED, UNDESIGNED, mail-in campaign, I think you'll see the doors swinging shut on the Ole Dem plantation in Nov... ( or Jan in the Blue states still fighting about counting ballots)..

With BLM screwing up reparations dialogues comparing looting to that -- Or with the childish demands of "defunding/reimagining/ABOLISHING the police.. These things are NOT PLAYING WELL in black America... Cities were already in bad shape before this rioting.. Now there's real chances we will see MASSIVE decay in several.. And in polling -- Defunding the police doesn't actually play well at all in big blue city black neighborhoods..

Think there's gonna BE a shocking realignment here..,. The "political plantation dwellers" are gonna be freed to vote as they please..
No it actually doesn't. As I am black I do think I can tell you to shut that plantation bullshit up. Because you don't like us calling black republicans sellouts or toms only because they validate what you have chosen to believe about blacks. And that's why we blacks call them Uncle Toms. BKM isn't screwing shit up. This government owes us reparations. We can take this case to the Hague flacaltenn and it is a case we will win in the world court. Defund means a lot of things, and what it mostly means is cut the police budget and provide more money to social services that can address the things which cause crimes. That does play well in big blue city black neighborhoods because this is what we've been asking for since at least the mid 80's.

Please stop thinking you can speak for blacks flacaltenn. You've tried that too many times. There are no plantation dwellers. There is not going to be any realignment in the near future. As long as whites like you believe you know what's best for blacks, the only blacks that will be allowed to have a voice in the republican party will be Uncle Toms.
Fix the things that cause crimes? Nobody forces anyone to commit crimes. How do you think taking money from police budgets will stop criminals?

There are plenty of things to fix... Americans have NO IDEA how huge the percentage of BAD and FAULTY warrants are on the books of muni govts.. It's a CRISIS.. And the police call in a stop and they see a WARRANT -- and they HAVE to act.. Govt SUCKS at accounting even they tho they PAY MORE for accounting than a private corporation per citizen served.. Even SUCKS at maintaining clean voter rolls..

Besides the harassment from faulty warrants, you still have remnants of the Drug War with "no knock raids" killing Grannies who reach for the night table to get her glasses to see who's YELLING at her and shooting her dog...

Lots of stuff needs fixing.. Just NOT the IM2 way -- which is one race at a time...
the wace card, is generalization. that is against the new rules. i'm giving them a good faith attempt.

before when someone sank to that level, i would vicious insult them back.

either way is fine with me. either way you lefties whine like faggots.

There are new rules against race on this board???? RATFLMAO!!!! I bet it was the whiney, snitchy right-wing neocon loons on this board that got it up there. Just like all the other rules that have gone up over the past 14 years I have been on here. The one set of people (loonie right wing neocon whackadoodles) who are always claiming there are too many laws and govt is too big have instigated ALL the new rules since I have been here. Don't ever complain when people call you Nazis....(in terms of stiffling dissent as opposed to the murderous thugs some of them turned into)...You are the epitome of totalitarians. Don't even talk about us normals and centrists and most lefties whining. You guys are the whingers who keep on getting new rules put up because you're butt hurt.

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