The Kamala Harris conundrum.

How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
Harris was picked so that Joe loses and Trump will not release his documents
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...
i am done being lectured. i have and will consider other points of view, if they are presented as discussions and not lectures that seem based on the premise that i am a dim witted child.

Maybe if you stopped saying things like 'liberal faggots' and 'wacism' maybe some of us wouldn't see you as a dim-witted child.

no, my observations are that liberals use false wacism accusations and lecture, regardless of my behavior.

this is about you people being assholes, nothing wrong with me.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?
Let's talk about racism...
Every Tech Company and Tech Retailer that supports Biden has gone out of their way for decades not to hire American minorities.
After the "protests" in Blue Cities, these Liberal Tech Entities are promising to throw some money at minority cities.

But I have yet to see these Liberal Tech Entities promise to hire American minorities.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...
Trump came from nowhere with no political or government experience to win the Presidency. Impressive it is. And it tells you about Biden and Harris and so many others. You believe them to be no different.
Maybe if you stopped saying things like 'liberal faggots' and 'wacism' maybe some of us wouldn't see you as a dim-witted child.

Just another example to show how f•••ed-up modern LIbEral faggots truly are—to them speaking the plain, obvious truth, makes one look like a “dim-witted child”.

It is no honor to be seen as sane, by those who are mad.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.
Trump came from nowhere with no political or government experience to win the Presidency. Impressive it is. And it tells you about Biden and Harris and so many others. You believe them to be no different.

He hit a wave, with the help of Russia. Take out the dim-witted Deplorables and he had nobody. So the racists, misogynists and dumb-as-a-post windbags got out and voted in 2016. So what? This time everybody will be out (of course if the Donald wants to subvert the people and disallow postal votes, that could lead to a different outcome).
Maybe if you stopped saying things like 'liberal faggots' and 'wacism' maybe some of us wouldn't see you as a dim-witted child.

Just another example to show how f•••ed-up modern LIbEral faggots truly are—to them speaking the plain, obvious truth, makes one look like a “dim-witted child”.

It is no honor to be seen as sane, by those who are mad.

If all you have is name calling and hunches, then I would hardly think you are a member of Mensa. As for being dim-witted - 'if the hat fits'...
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
The Democrats used the race card to put her on the ticket, so race is a legitimate issue.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
The Democrats used the race card to put her on the ticket, so race is a legitimate issue.

Has there ever been a Republican ticket where the pres and vp nominees haven't been rich, white men other than Palin?
More racist shit from Bob Blaylock and his supporter, the ever juvenile “wacist” Correll. They attack Kamala Harris for — crime of crimes — having an affair more than 25 years ago with the sexy master political showman and uber-effective political boss Willie Brown. Brown managed to rise from shining white people’s shoes in a poor segregated East Texas town known for its racism to becoming powerful mentor to, leader of, and crucial ally to scores of California’s leading politicians, including some Republicans. Next they’ll be telling us Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger was also “sucking Brown’s Willie” in the Governor’s office in Sacramento!

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The truth is — though I sure don’t agree with all their different political views — I can’t think of two men experienced in California politics I would more wish to have had a few beers with. Indeed, Willie Brown would probably be my very top choice to meet.

Losers and nobodies and screamers like Correll and Bob Blaylock are just jealous, precisely because they are ... losers and nobodies. No one but other “wacists” really care what they say. Personally, they are the type I try my best to avoid in real life.

P.S. Brown died recently, but wrote some interesting memoirs.

I didn't know Mr. Brown passed, I searched all over and couldn't find where he had.

When my parents moved to the San Francisco area and my father became a school superintendent in the area in the 70's, they became very close friends when Mr. Brown was in the state assembly.

I will say that Mr. Brown had impeccable taste in clothing, and lived quite well.

Never saw him attired in anything other than a Brioni suit and Mezlan or Belvedere shoes.
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If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

are you denying the sexual relationship with brown?

or are you denying that it was paid for, with jobs and political support?

or are you just pretending there is a distinction between paid in kind and money prostitution?

the fact is that neither one of us cares. when trump claimed to be a self made man, that was bullshit. i can admit that. his self inflation is a real character flaw of his that detracts from him as a person. I'm not sure that there is any larger issues connected to that flaw.

harris, is a whore. that the dems don't care, reflects on their claims of being feminists. it means something there.

the fact that dems deflect from valid criticism of harris, with claims of wacisms, is also important. it shows how empty and false their claims of being anti-wacist is.

you guys, you are the bad guys at this time in history. the more you win, the more people will be hurt and the more the world will get worse and worse.

on some level you know that. that is why you libs lie all the time. to hide that from yourselves and from the people you need to fool, so you can make the world a shittier place.
no, my observations are that liberals use false wacism accusations and lecture, regardless of my behavior.

this is about you people being assholes, nothing wrong with me.

Fuck off Correll. There are plenty of examples of racism that are true. Are there some false ones? For sure.
Of course, neocon whackadoodles don't lecture. no, no, no :nono::nono::nono:

the majority and especially the big ones, are all false.

this country has had a bi-partisan consensus on anti-wacism since before i was born, probably before you too.

the pretense that wacism is this big force that needs constantly fought against is utter bullshit, used to divide us and set us at each others throats.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

a better question, is, is it possible for the modern left to defend anything without using the wace card.

let's look at your op. if we remove everything wace related, what are we left with?

does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate.


wow. if you remove all you wacism shit, nothing is left but admitting that discussing her resume is legitimate.

you literally have nothing to say in defense of her, other than crying "Wacism" like a retarded child.
Why do you always make yourself sound like an idiot “wacist bunny wabbit”?

It is not funny.

You just expose yourself as a retarded child.
How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.

a better question, is, is it possible for the modern left to defend anything without using the wace card.

let's look at your op. if we remove everything wace related, what are we left with?

does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate.


wow. if you remove all you wacism shit, nothing is left but admitting that discussing her resume is legitimate.

you literally have nothing to say in defense of her, other than crying "Wacism" like a retarded child.
Why do you always make yourself sound like an idiot “wacist bunny wabbit”?

It is not funny.

You just expose yourself as a retarded child.

i feel that it is important to distinguish between serious discussions of racism and the normal use of "Wacism" as nothing more than a personal slur/propaganda strategy.

do you agree that my diagnosis of the problem is correct?
Racism is mentioned a lot because there is a lot of racism. You are one of the worst offenders.
Racism is an issue, always has been and always will be. Claiming every disagreement is founded in racism, however, is merely a poor debate tactic designed to hide the reality that the complainer has nothing substantive on which to stand.

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