The Kamala Harris conundrum.

If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".
A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

It doesn't change the fact that he was married, and cheating on his wife, nor what it tells us about his moral character.

And the fact remains, that it is, undeniably true that what successes Kamala has achieved, she has achieved only through immoral and unethical behavior, and not through any genuine positive abilities of her own. Again, if not for her adulterous affair with Willie Brown, she'd just be some mediocre ambulance chaser, and we'd all have been spared from ever having to hear of her.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

I'm not going to defend certain behavior on Mr. Trump's part, which I fully admit that I find disgusting and reprehensible. But at least that is not how he achieved what successes he has achieved. It's not like any of his business successes, his successes as President, or any other successes, were because he was willing to engage in and exploit immoral sexual affairs.
Claiming every disagreement is founded in racism, however, is merely a poor debate tactic designed to hide the reality that the complainer has nothing substantive on which to stand.
Absolutely true. But of course that is not at all what Kamala Harris argues, or represents.

I am not a supporter of the DNC or the Democratic Party generally, but it is clear to me — and I think also to any fair minded person — that while Harris is a Democratic Party politician she is no fire-breathing radical, no racial panderer. Instead she is a rather centrist Democrat who embraces in her personal and political life a perfectly inclusive view of what America is and ought to be — a “melting pot” of people with a uniquely democratic culture.

Harris is obviously a formidable candidate, far sharper and competent than the aging Biden. She would, unlike Biden, prove a powerful opponent to the demagogic Trump in any head-to-head debate.

She embodies a modern sensibility and practical savvy as a party politician claiming to represent “the people.” She is however also a woman, daughter of immigrants, went to Howard University, was in the largest black woman’s sorority in America, as a child was “bused” to an integrated school, and had a brief affair 25 years ago with the famous Willie Brown.

Of course her politics also have won the enthusiast support of many billionaires.

All the above makes her to some just “a half-black, white marrying whore” — and it is this above all that constitutes the special “Harris Dilemma.” Her selection as a candidate, as in the case of Obama, makes her a target and celebrity both — inevitably part of the ongoing American racial conversation / “dilemma.”
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I'm not going to defend certain behavior on Mr. Trump's part, which I fully admit that I find disgusting and reprehensible. But at least that is not how he achieved what successes he has achieved. It's not like any of his business successes, his successes as President, or any other successes, were because he was willing to engage in and exploit immoral sexual affairs.

No, instead he just fucked people over - short changing sub-contractors and not letting his properties to blacks.
Would I care about who somebody is fucking or being fucked over? I know where I stand.
A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

It doesn't change the fact that he was married, and cheating on his wife, nor what it tells us about his moral character.

And the fact remains, that it is, undeniably true that what successes Kamala has achieved, she has achieved only through immoral and unethical behavior, and not through any genuine positive abilities of her own. Again, if not for her adulterous affair with Willie Brown, she'd just be some mediocre ambulance chaser, and we'd all have been spared from ever having to hear of her.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

I'm not going to defend certain behavior on Mr. Trump's part, which I fully admit that I find disgusting and reprehensible. But at least that is not how he achieved what successes he has achieved. It's not like any of his business successes, his successes as President, or any other successes, were because he was willing to engage in and exploit immoral sexual affairs.

Trumps so called "successes" are largely attributed to him starting out being bankrolled by his daddy, running up debt, then filing bankruptcy and stiffing people who have done business with him.
He was an unethical cheat in the casino/real estate business before being voted into office and will likely be one until he dies. As far as HIS moral compass, its broken beyond repair.

As for Kamala Harris, I am not her publicist nor do I necessarily even think that she was the right choice. But that's just my opinion.

Those who are demonizing her over an affair that she had in her 20's, are very likely moralizing hypocrites who have some dirt under their own fingernails and some skeletons in their closets as well. Kind of like that idiot(whose name I forget) that was screaming to "Lock Up" Hillary, and turned out to be a crook himself.

If she was actually NOT capable in her profession, the system would have caught up with her by now.

That being said, where is this lengthly list of all of these men that she supposedly slept with to get ahead?

So far, I've only heard of Willie Brown. If he is the ONLY politician or influential person who played a role in her success as a mentor and benefactor, then she obviously had more ability than you are acknowledging.

Either way, like it or not, she was selected, and all that anyone can do is wait and see how she performs on the campaign trail.
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If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?
Claiming every disagreement is founded in racism, however, is merely a poor debate tactic designed to hide the reality that the complainer has nothing substantive on which to stand.
Absolutely true. But of course that is not at all what Kamala Harris argues, or represents.

This thread is not about harris as a person, or even harris as a vp choice, but whether the reaction to her is fueled primarily by wacism, as per the op.

the argument made in the op and though out the thread, from your side, is that it is.

and biden, was clear, he went looking not for the best choice for vp, but for a woman, ,and really almost certainly a woman of color.

that was not us bringing up race, but biden doing so.

I am not a supporter of the DNC or the Democratic Party generally, but it is clear to me — and I think also to any fair minded person — that while Harris is a Democratic Party politician she is no fire-breathing radical, no racial panderer. Instead she is a rather centrist Democrat who embraces in her personal and political life a perfectly inclusive view of what America is and ought to be — a “melting pot” of people with a uniquely democratic culture.

That is a good presentation of your position. I would argue that the mainstream democratic party is all about racial pandering, as demonstrated by the way she was picked. and again, this thread is not about her, but whether the reaction to her is based on wacism. so, when we conservatives respond to that accusation we are completely on topic.

Harris is obviously a formidable candidate, far sharper and competent than the aging Biden. She would, unlike Biden, prove a powerful opponent to the demagogic Trump in any head-to-head debate.

I appreciate that she would do better than an aging and tired biden. it is interesting that she lost to him in the dem primaries. badly. Trump will not be debating harris. Pence will.

in both cases, i feel fine about the republicans chances.

She embodies a modern sensibility and practical savvy as a party politician claiming to represent “the people.” She is however also a woman, daughter of immigrants, went to Howard University, was in the largest black woman’s sorority in America, as a child was “bused” to an integrated school, and had a brief affair 25 years ago with the famous Willie Brown.

I agree she embodies the modern sensibility of the conventional wisdom. The way she demanded to be above the rules of the presidential debate and lectured biden, a man old enough to be her father, like he was a dim witted child, is just what I see as the current status quo and what I am done with. no more.

Of course her politics also have won the enthusiast support of many billionaires.

Seriously, do you really consider this a point in her favor, and if so, why?

All the above makes her to some just “a half-black, white marrying whore” — and it is this above all that constitutes the special “Harris Dilemma.” Her selection as a candidate, as in the case of Obama, makes her a target and celebrity both — inevitably part of the ongoing American racial conversation / “dilemma.”

that you point to your position views on her, as what causes the negative reaction to her, from her political enemies,

is not fair or reasonable.

You say she is mainstream and not radical. but you don't back that up, with policy positions or actions on her part, to support it. you just say it. and then imply that her going to a black school is what is motivating the ideological and partisan opposition to her.

you don't explain how or why, it is just asserted....

and you wonder why i call wacism, wacism.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.
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How much of the orchestrated anti Kamala rhetoric is fuelled by racism ? Or does partisanship play just as big a part. I see a lot of posts regarding her record as a lawyer and that is legitimate. But I see posts like "how black is Kamala?" and I am not really sure how that is relevant.

I also note that many of the more virulent attacks come from the Boards paid up racist fringe. I know that it all comes from trump and they are only copying his bovine lead. But it doesnt seem possible for the right to attack this girl without reference to her gender or ethnicity.

And that is the state of modern conservatism.
She is worthless - as are all leftists.
Claiming every disagreement is founded in racism, however, is merely a poor debate tactic designed to hide the reality that the complainer has nothing substantive on which to stand.
Absolutely true. But of course that is not at all what Kamala Harris argues, or represents.

I am not a supporter of the DNC or the Democratic Party generally, but it is clear to me — and I think also to any fair minded person — that while Harris is a Democratic Party politician she is no fire-breathing radical, no racial panderer. Instead she is a rather centrist Democrat who embraces in her personal and political life a perfectly inclusive view of what America is and ought to be — a “melting pot” of people with a uniquely democratic culture.

Harris is obviously a formidable candidate, far sharper and competent than the aging Biden. She would, unlike Biden, prove a powerful opponent to the demagogic Trump in any head-to-head debate.

She embodies a modern sensibility and practical savvy as a party politician claiming to represent “the people.” She is however also a woman, daughter of immigrants, went to Howard University, was in the largest black woman’s sorority in America, as a child was “bused” to an integrated school, and had a brief affair 25 years ago with the famous Willie Brown.

Of course her politics also have won the enthusiast support of many billionaires.

All the above makes her to some just “a half-black, white marrying whore” — and it is this above all that constitutes the special “Harris Dilemma.” Her selection as a candidate, as in the case of Obama, makes her a target and celebrity both — inevitably part of the ongoing American racial conversation / “dilemma.”
I would add in that her detractors spent years trying to convince adults that Michelle Obama is a man. There is a pattern in their idiocy.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.
Claiming every disagreement is founded in racism, however, is merely a poor debate tactic designed to hide the reality that the complainer has nothing substantive on which to stand.
Absolutely true. But of course that is not at all what Kamala Harris argues, or represents.

I am not a supporter of the DNC or the Democratic Party generally, but it is clear to me — and I think also to any fair minded person — that while Harris is a Democratic Party politician she is no fire-breathing radical, no racial panderer. Instead she is a rather centrist Democrat who embraces in her personal and political life a perfectly inclusive view of what America is and ought to be — a “melting pot” of people with a uniquely democratic culture.

Harris is obviously a formidable candidate, far sharper and competent than the aging Biden. She would, unlike Biden, prove a powerful opponent to the demagogic Trump in any head-to-head debate.

She embodies a modern sensibility and practical savvy as a party politician claiming to represent “the people.” She is however also a woman, daughter of immigrants, went to Howard University, was in the largest black woman’s sorority in America, as a child was “bused” to an integrated school, and had a brief affair 25 years ago with the famous Willie Brown.

Of course her politics also have won the enthusiast support of many billionaires.

All the above makes her to some just “a half-black, white marrying whore” — and it is this above all that constitutes the special “Harris Dilemma.” Her selection as a candidate, as in the case of Obama, makes her a target and celebrity both — inevitably part of the ongoing American racial conversation / “dilemma.”
I would add in that her detractors spent years trying to convince adults that Michelle Obama is a man. There is a pattern in their idiocy.

that is a very small fringe. i'm a harris detractor, and i've never claimed, even in jest that Obama is a man.

So, that is you, being a dishonest leftist. but i repeat myself.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.

No. Taking the high road in my case was strategic. I had the last laugh. The old man who was sleeping with the woman stayed long enough to hang himself for inappropriate behavior. The woman is now an out of work hag whose looks faded, and I am retired and happy, simply because I saw all of it unfolding and didn't overract.

This thread is not about me, but you asked the question.

As far as who said that she soley got to where she is by sleeping around may have been someone else, but quite a few people here all sound the same after awhile, either way, it was said.

As far as whether the reaction to her was racism or sexism, as a female and minority, it is likely that she has experienced both before and will again.

How she deals with it will play a part in her success or failure.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.

No. Taking the high road in my case was strategic. I had the last laugh. The old man who was sleeping with the woman stayed long enough to hang himself for inappropriate behavior. The woman is now an out of work hag whose looks faded, and I am retired and happy, simply because I saw all of it unfolding and didn't overract.

This thread is not about me, but you asked the question.

As far as who said that she soley got to where she is by sleeping around may have been someone else, but quite a few people here all sound the same after awhile, either way, it was said.

As far as whether the reaction to her was racism or sexism, as a female and minority, it is likely that she has experienced both before and will again.

How she deals with it will play a part in her success or failure.

1. So, you agree with my point, that cheating someone out of a job, is a serious harm to them?

2. The thread op made the claim, that the opposition to her, is primarily wacism and sexism. Saying that she has experienced both is too vague, it does not answer, nor really, even address the question.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.

No. Taking the high road in my case was strategic. I had the last laugh. The old man who was sleeping with the woman stayed long enough to hang himself for inappropriate behavior. The woman is now an out of work hag whose looks faded, and I am retired and happy, simply because I saw all of it unfolding and didn't overract.

This thread is not about me, but you asked the question.

As far as who said that she soley got to where she is by sleeping around may have been someone else, but quite a few people here all sound the same after awhile, either way, it was said.

As far as whether the reaction to her was racism or sexism, as a female and minority, it is likely that she has experienced both before and will again.

How she deals with it will play a part in her success or failure.

1. So, you agree with my point, that cheating someone out of a job, is a serious harm to them?

2. The thread op made the claim, that the opposition to her, is primarily wacism and sexism. Saying that she has experienced both is too vague, it does not answer, nor really, even address the question.

1. It depends on the circumstances. What I view as "being cheated" may be different than how you view it.

Personally I tend to believe that there is no expiration date on karma.
So what goes around, comes around.

2. As for her having experienced sexism or racism I stated it was "likely" that she has experienced it, I did not state that she absolutely has, because I can't speak for her, so there is no right answer except an answer from her .

Anyone else is just speculating.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.

No. Taking the high road in my case was strategic. I had the last laugh. The old man who was sleeping with the woman stayed long enough to hang himself for inappropriate behavior. The woman is now an out of work hag whose looks faded, and I am retired and happy, simply because I saw all of it unfolding and didn't overract.

This thread is not about me, but you asked the question.

As far as who said that she soley got to where she is by sleeping around may have been someone else, but quite a few people here all sound the same after awhile, either way, it was said.

As far as whether the reaction to her was racism or sexism, as a female and minority, it is likely that she has experienced both before and will again.

How she deals with it will play a part in her success or failure.

1. So, you agree with my point, that cheating someone out of a job, is a serious harm to them?

2. The thread op made the claim, that the opposition to her, is primarily wacism and sexism. Saying that she has experienced both is too vague, it does not answer, nor really, even address the question.

1. It depends on the circumstances. What I view as "being cheated" may be different than how you view it.

Personally I tend to believe that there is no expiration date on karma.
So what goes around, comes around.

2. As for her having experienced sexism or racism I stated it was "likely" that she has experienced it, I did not state that she absolutely has, because I can't speak for her, so there is no right answer except an answer from her .

Anyone else is just speculating.

1. A man in a position of power, gives a job not to who deserves it, but to the young woman having sex with him. do you view that as "being cheated"?

2. What "circumstances" does it depend on, whether being denied a job you deserve, is not a serious harm?

3. The thread topic is whether or not the opposition to harris or harris being picked is primarily because of wacism and sexism. if true, that should be called out. if not true, then a lot of good people are being smeared by assholes. do you have soemthing to say relevant to the topic?
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.

No. Taking the high road in my case was strategic. I had the last laugh. The old man who was sleeping with the woman stayed long enough to hang himself for inappropriate behavior. The woman is now an out of work hag whose looks faded, and I am retired and happy, simply because I saw all of it unfolding and didn't overract.

This thread is not about me, but you asked the question.

As far as who said that she soley got to where she is by sleeping around may have been someone else, but quite a few people here all sound the same after awhile, either way, it was said.

As far as whether the reaction to her was racism or sexism, as a female and minority, it is likely that she has experienced both before and will again.

How she deals with it will play a part in her success or failure.

1. So, you agree with my point, that cheating someone out of a job, is a serious harm to them?

2. The thread op made the claim, that the opposition to her, is primarily wacism and sexism. Saying that she has experienced both is too vague, it does not answer, nor really, even address the question.

1. It depends on the circumstances. What I view as "being cheated" may be different than how you view it.

Personally I tend to believe that there is no expiration date on karma.
So what goes around, comes around.

2. As for her having experienced sexism or racism I stated it was "likely" that she has experienced it, I did not state that she absolutely has, because I can't speak for her, so there is no right answer except an answer from her .

Anyone else is just speculating.

1. A man in a position of power, gives a job not to who deserves it, but to the young woman having sex with him. do you view that as "being cheated"?

2. What "circumstances" does it depend on, whether being denied a job you deserve, is not a serious harm?

3. The thread topic is whether or not the opposition to harris or harris being picked is primarily because of wacism and sexism. if true, that should be called out. if not true, then a lot of good people are being smeared by assholes. do you have soemthing to say relevant to the topic?

1. I would view it as an abuse of power by the man or WOMAN in the position of authority, because that is what it is.
I would not take it as being "personally cheated". The system eventually catches up to those kind of people in some way. I've never seen that outcome fail to happen, and even helped it along when I had the opportunity to.

2. Not sure what your asking here. The dominant circumstance should be measurable performance. Usually by a set of metrics or operational objectives, as well as people skills and thr ability to function within a diverse organization. Obviously if a decision maker has a history of overlooking those attributes in a candidate and selecting one who has no credibility based on performance and results, that person should not be in their position.

3. As far as whether Harris is or was being subjected to racism or sexism, there are over 70 days left in the campaign. And her nomination is still new. It will not take long for it to surface if it is happening. As far as "good people being smeared", both sides are going to take shots at each other, questioning everything from their country of origin to what they did prior to venturing into politics.
Last edited:
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.

No. Taking the high road in my case was strategic. I had the last laugh. The old man who was sleeping with the woman stayed long enough to hang himself for inappropriate behavior. The woman is now an out of work hag whose looks faded, and I am retired and happy, simply because I saw all of it unfolding and didn't overract.

This thread is not about me, but you asked the question.

As far as who said that she soley got to where she is by sleeping around may have been someone else, but quite a few people here all sound the same after awhile, either way, it was said.

As far as whether the reaction to her was racism or sexism, as a female and minority, it is likely that she has experienced both before and will again.

How she deals with it will play a part in her success or failure.

1. So, you agree with my point, that cheating someone out of a job, is a serious harm to them?

2. The thread op made the claim, that the opposition to her, is primarily wacism and sexism. Saying that she has experienced both is too vague, it does not answer, nor really, even address the question.

1. It depends on the circumstances. What I view as "being cheated" may be different than how you view it.

Personally I tend to believe that there is no expiration date on karma.
So what goes around, comes around.

2. As for her having experienced sexism or racism I stated it was "likely" that she has experienced it, I did not state that she absolutely has, because I can't speak for her, so there is no right answer except an answer from her .

Anyone else is just speculating.

1. A man in a position of power, gives a job not to who deserves it, but to the young woman having sex with him. do you view that as "being cheated"?

2. What "circumstances" does it depend on, whether being denied a job you deserve, is not a serious harm?

3. The thread topic is whether or not the opposition to harris or harris being picked is primarily because of wacism and sexism. if true, that should be called out. if not true, then a lot of good people are being smeared by assholes. do you have soemthing to say relevant to the topic?

1. I would view it as an abuse of power by the man or WOMAN in the position of authority, because that is what it is.
I would not take it as being "personally cheated". The system eventually catches up to those kind of people in some way. I've never seen that outcome fail to happen, and even helped it along when I had the opportunity to.

2. Not sure what your asking here. The dominant circumstance should be measurable performance. Usually by a set of metrics or operational objectives, as well as people skills and thr ability to function within a diverse organization. Obviously if a decision maker has a history of overlooking those attributes in a candidate and selecting one who has no credibility based on performance and results, that person should not be in their position.

3. As far as whether Harris is or was being subjected to racism or sexism, there are over 70 days left in the campaign. And her nomination is still new. It will not take long for it to surface if it is happening. As far as "good people being smeared", both sides are going to take shots at each other, questioning everything from their country of origin to what they did prior to venturing into politics.

1. Which is nice, but my question was about the person who did not get the job they deserved. How does you not see that they were personally cheated?

2. not the guy giving the job. the guy who did not get the job he deserved. IN what circumstances is that not a harm to him?

3. according to the op, and the other libs, it is already obvious to them, ie wacism. if you have not seen it yet, then you are in agreement with me, that the opposition is partisan, political or ideological, not wacism or sexism.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.

No. Taking the high road in my case was strategic. I had the last laugh. The old man who was sleeping with the woman stayed long enough to hang himself for inappropriate behavior. The woman is now an out of work hag whose looks faded, and I am retired and happy, simply because I saw all of it unfolding and didn't overract.

This thread is not about me, but you asked the question.

As far as who said that she soley got to where she is by sleeping around may have been someone else, but quite a few people here all sound the same after awhile, either way, it was said.

As far as whether the reaction to her was racism or sexism, as a female and minority, it is likely that she has experienced both before and will again.

How she deals with it will play a part in her success or failure.

1. So, you agree with my point, that cheating someone out of a job, is a serious harm to them?

2. The thread op made the claim, that the opposition to her, is primarily wacism and sexism. Saying that she has experienced both is too vague, it does not answer, nor really, even address the question.

1. It depends on the circumstances. What I view as "being cheated" may be different than how you view it.

Personally I tend to believe that there is no expiration date on karma.
So what goes around, comes around.

2. As for her having experienced sexism or racism I stated it was "likely" that she has experienced it, I did not state that she absolutely has, because I can't speak for her, so there is no right answer except an answer from her .

Anyone else is just speculating.

1. A man in a position of power, gives a job not to who deserves it, but to the young woman having sex with him. do you view that as "being cheated"?

2. What "circumstances" does it depend on, whether being denied a job you deserve, is not a serious harm?

3. The thread topic is whether or not the opposition to harris or harris being picked is primarily because of wacism and sexism. if true, that should be called out. if not true, then a lot of good people are being smeared by assholes. do you have soemthing to say relevant to the topic?

1. I would view it as an abuse of power by the man or WOMAN in the position of authority, because that is what it is.
I would not take it as being "personally cheated". The system eventually catches up to those kind of people in some way. I've never seen that outcome fail to happen, and even helped it along when I had the opportunity to.

2. Not sure what your asking here. The dominant circumstance should be measurable performance. Usually by a set of metrics or operational objectives, as well as people skills and thr ability to function within a diverse organization. Obviously if a decision maker has a history of overlooking those attributes in a candidate and selecting one who has no credibility based on performance and results, that person should not be in their position.

3. As far as whether Harris is or was being subjected to racism or sexism, there are over 70 days left in the campaign. And her nomination is still new. It will not take long for it to surface if it is happening. As far as "good people being smeared", both sides are going to take shots at each other, questioning everything from their country of origin to what they did prior to venturing into politics.

1. Which is nice, but my question was about the person who did not get the job they deserved. How does you not see that they were personally cheated?

2. not the guy giving the job. the guy who did not get the job he deserved. IN what circumstances is that not a harm to him?

3. according to the op, and the other libs, it is already obvious to them, ie wacism. if you have not seen it yet, then you are in agreement with me, that the opposition is partisan, political or ideological, not wacism or sexism.

1. I don't know the history of the person. If you are referring to who you are saying was passed over for Harris.
2. If the person who does not get the job is aware of concrete facts that prove he or she was unfairly passed over most organizations have a hearing process involving HR,, the person who believes they were treated unfairly and the person who made the decision.

3. I'm not in total agreement with anyone yet. As I stated it is early into the campaign and a lot will likely happen between now and November that will answer the question definitively.
If not for her sucking Brown's Willie (while he was married to someone else), Ms. Harris' career would consist of pursuing emergency medical vehicles, and very few of us would have ever heard of her.

But she did. And here she is. If...if...if... If you took out half The Orange Buffoon's antics throughout his life (including daddy starting him out), he'd be nothing more than a terrible used car salesman. Yet, here he is. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...

we acknowledge that trump inherited wealth.

you acknowledge that harris traded sex for value.

thus, trump is not a "self made man" and harris is a whore.

we are in agreement. the question is, does any of this matter to anyone?

i don't care that trump is not a self made man.

none of you libs care that harris is a whore.

so what is your point?

I know for a fact Trump is not a self-made man.
You have no idea if Harris is a whore. Just fits your story.
And that is the difference between us.

A little mentioned fact about Harris dating Brown is that during that time, yes he WAS married, however he was estranged from his wfe, and had been since 1981, which is why he didn't deny it when asked about it.

Those who are so quick to label HER a "whore" should compare her morality to the pussy grabbing, porn star trick who is currently in office.

i'm happy to make the comparison. trump is certainly a cheater and indeed, a whore monger. that is his biggest single flaw.

harris is a whore.

trump paid a woman to have sex with him. harris was paid to have sex with a man.

imo, the fact that harris victimized the person that should have got the job willie gave her, makes her action worse.

Correct for once....... "In YOUR opinion".

how would you feel if you applied for a job, and found out that the job went not to you, but to the young woman sleeping with the boss?

and the young woman, built on that career making move, that she denied to you, to now be a vp candidate with a good chance of winning?

I've had that happen before. The world is full of opportunists as well as well as those seeking to provide opportunity for a price.

I got over it. And I certainly did not label her a "whore".

I took the high road, continued to do my job and was rewarded eventually.

And part of taking the high road was that after the woman got the job that I was more qualified for, I worked with her, and she actually ended up reporting to me a few years later....after I got the job that the person who she was sleeping with had before he got an "early retirement package".

In other words he was encouraged to cash out his stock options and leave.

As far as how Harris she got where she is, if it is TOTALLY because of sleeping around as you and others here claim, that reflects even more poorly on the "men" who rewarded her for doing it.

1. You managed to recover from being fucked. Good for you. Not everyone gets another chance. Taking the "high road" then, is just letting them fuck you.

2. The thread is specifically about the reaction to harris, and whether or not it is caused by wacism. That her start came because of her sleeping with a powerful man, is a valid criticism. Discussing it is not wacism, nor sexism.

3. Never said it was solely responsible for her future rise. That is a whole other issue. Her start was from whoring.

4. Agreed that the men involved, it reflects poorly on them too. "more"? mmm, maybe. That's debatable. And off topic.

No. Taking the high road in my case was strategic. I had the last laugh. The old man who was sleeping with the woman stayed long enough to hang himself for inappropriate behavior. The woman is now an out of work hag whose looks faded, and I am retired and happy, simply because I saw all of it unfolding and didn't overract.

This thread is not about me, but you asked the question.

As far as who said that she soley got to where she is by sleeping around may have been someone else, but quite a few people here all sound the same after awhile, either way, it was said.

As far as whether the reaction to her was racism or sexism, as a female and minority, it is likely that she has experienced both before and will again.

How she deals with it will play a part in her success or failure.

1. So, you agree with my point, that cheating someone out of a job, is a serious harm to them?

2. The thread op made the claim, that the opposition to her, is primarily wacism and sexism. Saying that she has experienced both is too vague, it does not answer, nor really, even address the question.

1. It depends on the circumstances. What I view as "being cheated" may be different than how you view it.

Personally I tend to believe that there is no expiration date on karma.
So what goes around, comes around.

2. As for her having experienced sexism or racism I stated it was "likely" that she has experienced it, I did not state that she absolutely has, because I can't speak for her, so there is no right answer except an answer from her .

Anyone else is just speculating.

1. A man in a position of power, gives a job not to who deserves it, but to the young woman having sex with him. do you view that as "being cheated"?

2. What "circumstances" does it depend on, whether being denied a job you deserve, is not a serious harm?

3. The thread topic is whether or not the opposition to harris or harris being picked is primarily because of wacism and sexism. if true, that should be called out. if not true, then a lot of good people are being smeared by assholes. do you have soemthing to say relevant to the topic?

1. I would view it as an abuse of power by the man or WOMAN in the position of authority, because that is what it is.
I would not take it as being "personally cheated". The system eventually catches up to those kind of people in some way. I've never seen that outcome fail to happen, and even helped it along when I had the opportunity to.

2. Not sure what your asking here. The dominant circumstance should be measurable performance. Usually by a set of metrics or operational objectives, as well as people skills and thr ability to function within a diverse organization. Obviously if a decision maker has a history of overlooking those attributes in a candidate and selecting one who has no credibility based on performance and results, that person should not be in their position.

3. As far as whether Harris is or was being subjected to racism or sexism, there are over 70 days left in the campaign. And her nomination is still new. It will not take long for it to surface if it is happening. As far as "good people being smeared", both sides are going to take shots at each other, questioning everything from their country of origin to what they did prior to venturing into politics.

1. Which is nice, but my question was about the person who did not get the job they deserved. How does you not see that they were personally cheated?

2. not the guy giving the job. the guy who did not get the job he deserved. IN what circumstances is that not a harm to him?

3. according to the op, and the other libs, it is already obvious to them, ie wacism. if you have not seen it yet, then you are in agreement with me, that the opposition is partisan, political or ideological, not wacism or sexism.

1. I don't know the history of the person. If you are referring to who you are saying was passed over for Harris.
2. If the person who does not get the job is aware of concrete facts that prove he or she was unfairly passed over most organizations have a hearing process involving HR,, the person who believes they were treated unfairly and the person who made the decision.

3. I'm not in total agreement with anyone yet. As I stated it is early into the campaign and a lot will likely happen between now and November that will answer the question.

1. What do you need to know about him, other than he was passed over?

2. I'm not asking if he has recourse. I'm asking you to admit that he was harmed.

3. The op and his ilk, say it is already obvious. It is wacism. If you don't see that already, then you disagree with them.

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