The kids are alright.

The right is a broad spectrum. From conservatives out to Nazis. Most people are not drawn that way unless they feel victimised or pressurised. When things get better their support evaporates and people become decent again.

The left are the ones that weaponized victim mentality and use social and economic pressure to force people to conform. We're the ones who run the risk of being shunned from society and run out of gainful employment. You just don't understand us. But we understand you, all too well.
The right is a broad spectrum. From conservatives out to Nazis. Most people are not drawn that way unless they feel victimised or pressurised. When things get better their support evaporates and people become decent again.

The left are the ones that weaponized victim mentality and use social and economic pressure to force people to conform. We're the ones who run the risk of being shunned from society and run out of gainful employment. You just don't understand us. But we understand you, all too well.
You need to provide some links to back up your assertions.
I see that everything good has come from the left of centre. Education,health,housing, human rights,womens rights. All the advances in these areas came from the left and were opposed by the right.
Thats the UK experience anyway. Maybe its different over there.
US kids are the dumbest in the developed world.
So much for the Lefts wonderful education system

Yeah...the idiot says the Left does good housing....
Meaning: Section 8 free housing in wealthy neighborhoods for all too lazy to get a job
The right is a broad spectrum. From conservatives out to Nazis. Most people are not drawn that way unless they feel victimised or pressurised. When things get better their support evaporates and people become decent again.

The left are the ones that weaponized victim mentality and use social and economic pressure to force people to conform. We're the ones who run the risk of being shunned from society and run out of gainful employment. You just don't understand us. But we understand you, all too well.
You need to provide some links to back up your assertions.
I see that everything good has come from the left of centre. Education,health,housing, human rights,womens rights. All the advances in these areas came from the left and were opposed by the right.
Thats the UK experience anyway. Maybe its different over there.

I don't feel like looking up links right now, but you can google James Damore and read about how he was fired from his job for questioning Google's "diversity policies". Look up Pew Die Pie, the most-subscribed channel on Youtube who had his life sabotaged by the media for being a "Nazi" for the unforgivable offense of telling a joke. Be any random person on facebook and post something that seems politically incorrect and watch as some marxist asshole sends screenshots of your comments to your employer.

Also, nobody on the right is talking about taking away people's houses and health. When you say it that way instead of saying government funded handout programs, it sends the wrong signals. Only a few extreme libertarian anarchists suggest gutting the entire federal govt and leaving poor old ladies to starve to death. Most conservatives just want to ensure that tax dollars arent wasted to prop up indolent leeches on society.
The right is a broad spectrum. From conservatives out to Nazis. Most people are not drawn that way unless they feel victimised or pressurised. When things get better their support evaporates and people become decent again.

The left are the ones that weaponized victim mentality and use social and economic pressure to force people to conform. We're the ones who run the risk of being shunned from society and run out of gainful employment. You just don't understand us. But we understand you, all too well.
You need to provide some links to back up your assertions.
I see that everything good has come from the left of centre. Education,health,housing, human rights,womens rights. All the advances in these areas came from the left and were opposed by the right.
Thats the UK experience anyway. Maybe its different over there.

I don't feel like looking up links right now, but you can google James Damore and read about how he was fired from his job for questioning Google's "diversity policies". Look up Pew Die Pie, the most-subscribed channel on Youtube who had his life sabotaged by the media for being a "Nazi" for the unforgivable offense of telling a joke. Be any random person on facebook and post something that seems politically incorrect and watch as some marxist asshole sends screenshots of your comments to your employer.

Also, nobody on the right is talking about taking away people's houses and health. When you say it that way instead of saying government funded handout programs, it sends the wrong signals. Only a few extreme libertarian anarchists suggest gutting the entire federal govt and leaving poor old ladies to starve to death. Most conservatives just want to ensure that tax dollars arent wasted to prop up indolent leeches on society.
Most advances have been opposed by the right. Votes for women,votes for blacks, decent housing,decent healthcare, decent schools. The right has not wanted poor folks to have any of this. we are seeing this still in the handling of the Grenfell fire. If it were left to the right you would be living in a cave,illiterate and dying of a slight cut to your finger.

We see it today in the hate directed towards Gay people.
Well, your own Brits kids are not all right because you give your muslim inbred animals carte blanche to molest them to their heart's content. How DARE you Brit pedo-enablers even try to judge anything that goes on in American society when you've already proved your amoral, child-fucking depravity. Jesus Christ, there are only so many pejoratives I can drag out of my vocabulary to depict just how disgusting Brits are and how much contempt we "bloody seppos" have for the likes of you. What makes you think any yank listens to you?
Most advances have been opposed by the right. Votes for women,votes for blacks, decent housing,decent healthcare, decent schools. The right has not wanted poor folks to have any of this. we are seeing this still in the handling of the Grenfell fire. If it were left to the right you would be living in a cave,illiterate and dying of a slight cut to your finger.

We see it today in the hate directed towards Gay people.

I won't pretend to know much about British politics, but somehow I doubt that any of your right wing politicians would run on a platform to abolish voting rights for women. Western civilization had some growing pains when it came into the modern era, but we're here now, no need to hold century-long grudges against an idea just because it's labeled "right wing". 18th century progressives achieved their goals, the battles are over, there's nothing left to fight for, nobody is being oppressed. But it's like you just want to keep marching ever leftward out of habit, right off a cliff.
Most advances have been opposed by the right. Votes for women,votes for blacks, decent housing,decent healthcare, decent schools. The right has not wanted poor folks to have any of this. we are seeing this still in the handling of the Grenfell fire. If it were left to the right you would be living in a cave,illiterate and dying of a slight cut to your finger.

We see it today in the hate directed towards Gay people.

I won't pretend to know much about British politics, but somehow I doubt that any of your right wing politicians would run on a platform to abolish voting rights for women. Western civilization had some growing pains when it came into the modern era, but we're here now, no need to hold century-long grudges against an idea just because it's labeled "right wing". 18th century progressives achieved their goals, the battles are over, there's nothing left to fight for, nobody is being oppressed. But it's like you just want to keep marching ever leftward out of habit, right off a cliff.
Its a state of mind. It says that change is inherently bad and to be feared. That is what opposed the NHS,slum clearance and votes for women. It hasnt gone away.
Most advances have been opposed by the right. Votes for women,votes for blacks, decent housing,decent healthcare, decent schools. The right has not wanted poor folks to have any of this. we are seeing this still in the handling of the Grenfell fire. If it were left to the right you would be living in a cave,illiterate and dying of a slight cut to your finger.

We see it today in the hate directed towards Gay people.

I won't pretend to know much about British politics, but somehow I doubt that any of your right wing politicians would run on a platform to abolish voting rights for women. Western civilization had some growing pains when it came into the modern era, but we're here now, no need to hold century-long grudges against an idea just because it's labeled "right wing". 18th century progressives achieved their goals, the battles are over, there's nothing left to fight for, nobody is being oppressed. But it's like you just want to keep marching ever leftward out of habit, right off a cliff.
Its a state of mind. It says that change is inherently bad and to be feared. That is what opposed the NHS,slum clearance and votes for women. It hasnt gone away.

Leftism is also a state of mind. We're two sides of the same coin. Yin and yang, masculine and feminine. The left is far too naive to contend with the unsavory aspects of humanity that have bubbled up due to your permissiveness. It's time to rewind the clock and undo some of the damage.
I dont disagree with you about the state of mind thing. But my observations are these.
Left leaning politics,socialism, thinks that things can get better and everyone should benefit.
Right wing politics states that things work for me and resents any changes.
There is a bit of conservatism in all of us. And its trying to strangle the better side of our nature.
I dont disagree with you about the state of mind thing. But my observations are these.
Left leaning politics,socialism, thinks that things can get better and everyone should benefit.
Right wing politics states that things work for me and resents any changes.
There is a bit of conservatism in all of us. And its trying to strangle the better side of our nature.

If the right are so selfish then why is "they vote against their own self interest" such a common refrain from the left when it comes to people who aren't wealthy voting for someone likely to reduce funding for handout programs? Because we know that too many people take advantage of the help and don't even try to better themselves, and it's making our people depressed, weak and decadent. This lack of structure is why we have teenagers over here committing mass shootings. It's not the guns, it's the culture.
I dont disagree with you about the state of mind thing. But my observations are these.
Left leaning politics,socialism, thinks that things can get better and everyone should benefit.
Right wing politics states that things work for me and resents any changes.
There is a bit of conservatism in all of us. And its trying to strangle the better side of our nature.

If the right are so selfish then why is "they vote against their own self interest" such a common refrain from the left when it comes to people who aren't wealthy voting for someone likely to reduce funding for handout programs? Because we know that too many people take advantage of the help and don't even try to better themselves, and it's making our people depressed, weak and decadent. This lack of structure is why we have teenagers over here committing mass shootings. It's not the guns, it's the culture.
No its the guns.
I dont understand "handout programmes". In my country it is a safety net that protects families in hard times. And it doesnt lead to school shootings which kind of undermines your point.
No its the guns.
I dont understand "handout programmes". In my country it is a safety net that protects families in hard times. And it doesnt lead to school shootings which kind of undermines your point.

Life has no meaning without struggle. Look up the "rat utopia" experiment. A colony of rats were set up in an enclosure with abundant food and several generations were studied over time to see what would happen. Eventually they stopped breeding and sat around grooming themselves all day and chewing off one another's tails. That's exactly the state of western civilization right now.

Just imagine what would have happened if a dozen wild rats experienced in the struggle for survival were introduced into the indolent rat utopia.
No its the guns.
I dont understand "handout programmes". In my country it is a safety net that protects families in hard times. And it doesnt lead to school shootings which kind of undermines your point.

Life has no meaning without struggle. Look up the "rat utopia" experiment. A colony of rats were set up in an enclosure with abundant food and several generations were studied over time to see what would happen. Eventually they stopped breeding and sat around grooming themselves all day and chewing off one another's tails. That's exactly the state of western civilization right now.

Just imagine what would have happened if a dozen wild rats experienced in the struggle for survival were introduced into the indolent rat utopia.
Did they shoot up a school ?
I have wanted to add this to the discussion ever since the Parkland massacre, as it comforts me:

Recorded by Bob Dylan and Mark Knopfler after the massacre of 16 children and one teacher at a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland, in March, 1996.

Lord, put all these guns in the ground.
Yup - she got 3m more votes than the pussy grabber.

Trump stomped hillary’s ass in an electoral landslide…

In case you didn’t know that’s what counts.

Illegal votes don’t count anyway…

We all know you cheat, that’s why you are against voter id’s.

Just ask crazy Bernie…

So, They filed charges against a bunch of Russians & some had proven contact with people in the Trump campaign but you keep running with the lie that illegals voted. Why were the Russians supporting Trump?

So why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government run operation where they may be questioned as to who they are.

There are no statistics that indicate that there is significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent. It is shown the 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. These are disproportionately Democrat voters.

People need IDs to register. They have IDs. Just not photo IDs.

Bernie lost fair & square.

Unlike all those other Republicans in the Presidential primaries. The Russians fucked those people & supported your orange buddies.

You are a joke….

The Truth is the Russians wanted to sow discourse

and you stupid liberals went all in trying to destroy Trump.

You liberals fear fair elections, that’s why you’re against voter id’s.

Crazy bernie did not lose fair and square.

bernie was cheated by hillary and the democratic machine..

The Russians chose to back Donald J Trump.

Trump is a piece of shit. He has no redeeming traits. He is a proven liar, fraud, business cheat, adulterer, women abuser.

A a true idiot would vote for such a disgusting person.

Show the statistics that show any significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent. You can't & yob whine & throw a temper tantrum & try to change the subject.

The truth is your pathetic America-hating party had to cheat to win elections. They even know this & hence why they keep trying to cheat.

If you gave a shit of about this country you would reject this cheating & certainly not vote for a piece of shit like Trump.

How was Bernie cheated. What actions were taken?

Russians have been charged. Some had contact with Trump campaign members & you assholes start again with the Hillary bullshit.

You are delusional because of your Butt Hurt…

Your pathetic Russian Collusion BS has blown up in your face.

You oppose Voter id’s for one reason, you want to cheat.

Everyone knows hillary was given the debate questions in advance.

Hillary had the whole thing rigged with her super delegates..

You are either stupid or you are playing stupid.

You liberals are the ones that corrupted our government

to spy on Trump and it’s you that colluded with the Russians….

The idea that Russians interfered is fact. Your orange buddy called it a hoax. Was he just uninformed or was he lying?

The report did not say there was no collusion. It actually said there might have been collusion but the people in the Trump campaign that colluded may not have know they were colluding with Russians.

Again,, We are talking about Photo IDs funny how you drip it to IDs when you get your ass kicked in a discussion about photo IDs. These people have ID, dumbass.

One question with a simple response. Yep , that made Bernie lose.

Those who were wire tapped were either already being investigated or were caught talking to wire tapped Russians. But hey., I love how you bitch about these people being caught but don't give a fick they were talking to wire taped Russians.

They would not get warrants unless there was just cause.

You voted for a piece of shit. Grow the fuck up & admit it.

Super delegates were the part of the primaries before the 2016 election stupid fuck. I guess you thought it was something new? Bernie knew the rules.
I dont disagree with you about the state of mind thing. But my observations are these.
Left leaning politics,socialism, thinks that things can get better and everyone should benefit.
Right wing politics states that things work for me and resents any changes.
There is a bit of conservatism in all of us. And its trying to strangle the better side of our nature.

If the right are so selfish then why is "they vote against their own self interest" such a common refrain from the left when it comes to people who aren't wealthy voting for someone likely to reduce funding for handout programs? Because we know that too many people take advantage of the help and don't even try to better themselves, and it's making our people depressed, weak and decadent. This lack of structure is why we have teenagers over here committing mass shootings. It's not the guns, it's the culture.
Well, Mr White Supremacist, you vote against you own self interest when you elect politicians that continue to favor the wealthy at your expense. And you ain't wealthy.
I dont disagree with you about the state of mind thing. But my observations are these.
Left leaning politics,socialism, thinks that things can get better and everyone should benefit.
Right wing politics states that things work for me and resents any changes.
There is a bit of conservatism in all of us. And its trying to strangle the better side of our nature.

If the right are so selfish then why is "they vote against their own self interest" such a common refrain from the left when it comes to people who aren't wealthy voting for someone likely to reduce funding for handout programs? Because we know that too many people take advantage of the help and don't even try to better themselves, and it's making our people depressed, weak and decadent. This lack of structure is why we have teenagers over here committing mass shootings. It's not the guns, it's the culture.
Well, Mr White Supremacist, you vote against you own self interest when you elect politicians that continue to favor the wealthy at your expense. And you ain't wealthy.

I don't consider myself to be a white supremacist. Supremacy implies authority and power. I have no desire to put other races under the subjugation of whites, I just want my people to be free to live and prosper without having to babysit the rest of the world.
Trump stomped hillary’s ass in an electoral landslide…

In case you didn’t know that’s what counts.

Illegal votes don’t count anyway…

We all know you cheat, that’s why you are against voter id’s.

Just ask crazy Bernie…

So, They filed charges against a bunch of Russians & some had proven contact with people in the Trump campaign but you keep running with the lie that illegals voted. Why were the Russians supporting Trump?

So why would a person hiding from the government walk into a government run operation where they may be questioned as to who they are.

There are no statistics that indicate that there is significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent. It is shown the 10-12% of eligible voters do not have a photo ID. These are disproportionately Democrat voters.

People need IDs to register. They have IDs. Just not photo IDs.

Bernie lost fair & square.

Unlike all those other Republicans in the Presidential primaries. The Russians fucked those people & supported your orange buddies.

You are a joke….

The Truth is the Russians wanted to sow discourse

and you stupid liberals went all in trying to destroy Trump.

You liberals fear fair elections, that’s why you’re against voter id’s.

Crazy bernie did not lose fair and square.

bernie was cheated by hillary and the democratic machine..

The Russians chose to back Donald J Trump.

Trump is a piece of shit. He has no redeeming traits. He is a proven liar, fraud, business cheat, adulterer, women abuser.

A a true idiot would vote for such a disgusting person.

Show the statistics that show any significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent. You can't & yob whine & throw a temper tantrum & try to change the subject.

The truth is your pathetic America-hating party had to cheat to win elections. They even know this & hence why they keep trying to cheat.

If you gave a shit of about this country you would reject this cheating & certainly not vote for a piece of shit like Trump.

How was Bernie cheated. What actions were taken?

Russians have been charged. Some had contact with Trump campaign members & you assholes start again with the Hillary bullshit.

You are delusional because of your Butt Hurt…

Your pathetic Russian Collusion BS has blown up in your face.

You oppose Voter id’s for one reason, you want to cheat.

Everyone knows hillary was given the debate questions in advance.

Hillary had the whole thing rigged with her super delegates..

You are either stupid or you are playing stupid.

You liberals are the ones that corrupted our government

to spy on Trump and it’s you that colluded with the Russians….

The idea that Russians interfered is fact. Your orange buddy called it a hoax. Was he just uninformed or was he lying?

The report did not say there was no collusion. It actually said there might have been collusion but the people in the Trump campaign that colluded may not have know they were colluding with Russians.

Again,, We are talking about Photo IDs funny how you drip it to IDs when you get your ass kicked in a discussion about photo IDs. These people have ID, dumbass.

One question with a simple response. Yep , that made Bernie lose.

Those who were wire tapped were either already being investigated or were caught talking to wire tapped Russians. But hey., I love how you bitch about these people being caught but don't give a fick they were talking to wire taped Russians.

They would not get warrants unless there was just cause.

You voted for a piece of shit. Grow the fuck up & admit it.

Super delegates were the part of the primaries before the 2016 election stupid fuck. I guess you thought it was something new? Bernie knew the rules.

OK Dumb Ass…

You need a little history lesson..

When Trump said the election could be tainted

everyone on your side including obama and hillary

made fun of him…

Then your girl got her ASS STOMPED and you needed an excuse….

You Butt Hurt ass holes couldn’t except the fact that your

candidate and her policies sucked and were soundly rejected.

It’s a FACT your side Cheats, again just ask crazy Bernie.

The dnc had your primary rigged from the get go for the Crooked Bitch…

obama’s FBI lied to get the fisa warrant, you colluded

with the Russians, obama used the IRS,DOJ and the FBI against

Trump and his supporters.

You are against voter id’s because you cheat.

You that support this are all Nazi Scum Bags…

You might as well tattoo a swastika on your forehead.

Later Nazi Scum.....

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