The KKK and White Supremacists vs ANTIFA: Absolutely No Comparison

antifa is a terrorist group that is very well funded by powerful elites. The KKK and white supremacist groups are nearly nonexistent and without funding. See the difference? Which has more power? Which is promoted by the elite left media? Catching on yet?

No matter what Rachel tells you, do not believe it. Believe me.
What does this have to do w/my OP? I spoke specifically on the PROVEN racist, violent and terrorist HISTORY of the KKK and White Supremacists in this country and abroad.

However, in YOUR eyes, you equate that PROVEN HISTORY to some POTENTIAL FUTURE of perceived violence of ANTIFA.

I rest my case.

One group was there to exercise and defend their constitutional rights, the other group was there to violate the constitutional rights of others.
Those that are virulent opposers of this new ANTIFA, which was never heard of until about two months ago or less are somehow being compared to the VIOLENT, RACIST, TERROSTIC and PROVEN history of the KKK and White Supremacists.

Why is this being done? Well, to shut down
PERCEIVED support, which doesn't exist of the ANTIFA group, which is just an abbreviation of Anti-Fascists, meaning the fascists that have comprised of the modern day KKK and White Supremacists, currently going by the more politically correct monikers of Alt-Right and White Nationalists respectively.

These virulent opposers of the ANTIFA, who coincidentally all are FOXNEWS watchers, GOP voters and mostly Trump supporters would have us all believe that ANTIFA is just as bad as the KKK and White Supremacists. However, at no point do they ever virulently oppose the KKK and White Supremacists, and even when and if they do, they say these people are no longer relevant, but just a "few" crazies scattered across America that nobody pays any attention to any more, when the opposite is proven to be the case.

Let us quickly review the history of these groups...

The KKK and/or white supremacists have a racist ideology based upon the belief that white people are superior in many ways to people of other races and that therefore white people should be dominant over other races. White supremacy has roots in scientific racism and it often relies on pseudoscientific arguments. Like most similar movements such as neo-Nazism, white supremacists typically oppose people of color as well as people of most non-Christian religions.

The term is also typically used to describe a political ideology that perpetuates and maintains the social, political, historical or institutional domination by white people (as evidenced by historical and contemporary sociopolitical structures such as the Atlantic slave trade, Jim Crow laws in the United States, and apartheid in South Africa).[1] Different forms of white supremacism put forth different conceptions of who is considered white, and different white supremacists identify various racial and cultural groups as their primary enemy.

White supremacy has ideological foundations that at least date back to 17th-century scientific racism, the predominant paradigm of human variation that helped shape international and intra-national relations from the latter part of the Age of Enlightenment (in European history) through the era of the White Man's Burden until the late 20th century (marked by decolonization and the abolition of apartheid in South Africa in 1991, followed by that country's first multiracial elections in 1994).

White supremacy was dominant in the United States even after the American Civil War and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[3] In large areas of the U.S. this included the holding of non-whites (specifically African Americans) in chattel slavery with four million of them denied freedom from bondage.[4] The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[5] and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[6] In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: "The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians."

The denial of social and political freedom continued into the mid-20th century, resulting in the Civil Rights Movement.[10] On the U.S. immigration laws prior to 1965, sociologist Stephen Klineberg cited the laws as clearly declaring "that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race."[11] The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional Northern European and Germanic groups, and as a result it would significantly alter the demographic mix in the U.S.[11] Many U.S. states banned interracial marriage through anti-miscegenation laws until 1967, when these laws were invalidated by the Supreme Court of the United States' decision in Loving v. Virginia. Additionally, white leaders often viewed Native Americans as obstacles to economic and political progress with respect to the natives' claims to land and rights.

You can get into more detail in these links...
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
White Supremacy and Terrorism | Slavery By Another Name Bento | PBS

A PROVEN history of terrorism of violence, not only in this country, but in others, namely Germany is what these virulent opposers of ANTIFA who were created to go up AGAINST the remnants of the KKK and White Supremacists. What have they done, other than disrupt a rowdy group of armed thugs from the White Supremacists that held a "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, SC where of the thugs used his Dodge Charger as a weapon to mow down a bunch of anti-protesters, killing an innocent young white woman in the process.

These people would have you believe are actually WORSE than them, and are deserving of the harshest treatment and your most deepest hatred that you can muster in your heart.


I'm sorry that you only heard of Antifa in the last 2 months. If you'd pull out of your echo chamber, you might have been more aware. They've been pullin this shit for 2 years plus here in the states, a good deal longer in Europe.

I'm also not concerned with the particular in's and out's of the ideologies in question. The fact is that Antifa promotes violence against political speech, and that makes them bad enough for me to equivocate them with any ugly political movement.

The KKK back in their hayday was worse than Antifa. The KKK right now is 8000 members strong according to the upper end estimate of the SPLC, and everybody knows they're fuckin whack jobs. Thus, they're not a threat. They've been holding little bullshit rallies for years and the only time it turns into violence is when people attack them for being KKK.

The actual Nazi's were way worse than Antifa, obviously. Today, we don't have actual Nazi's. We don't have a country of people primed for world domination and ethnic purity. Social Justice is encouraging an ethnic purity mindset like a motherfucker, don't get me wrong, but we're not nearly there yet.

Just like I been saying. . . find me some footage of white supremacists attacking people at a political rally in the last decade in the US. Also, try not to make the claim that nobody's supporting Antifa while posting an OP about how everybody needs to stop complaining about Antifa.
Post ONE thread, one. single. solitary. thread of MarcATL stating to STOP complaining about ANTIFA.

I have PayPal, I will pay you if you produce one.

Fair enough if that's not what you're getting at, it's just been the end point of virtually everyone that I've argued this point with that everyone should lay off ANTIFA because they're fighting the Nazi's and the Nazi's are worse. I shouldn't have assumed that was your intended implication based on what other people have said.
Not a very good case. You're talking about an ideology that has been banished to greater and greater degrees from the mainstream for close to 50 years and a group that's been whittled down to less than 5 digits worth of members nationwide. The fact of the matter is that it's been so long since white supremacists have crashed someone else's political rally and attacked people in this country that I bet you gotta run a search to even find the latest known occurrence. Meanwhile, ANTIFA, not a potential future ANTIFA, but the current, existing ANTIFA, has showed up to start shit at DOZENS of random conservative events in the last two years, assaulting people and rioting at nearly every. single. fucking. one.

I get that white supremacy makes you really really really angry, and I don't blame you, but terrible opinions held by groups that haven't been relevant in a half a century aren't as dangerous as widespread, media backed political violence. Not even close.
Where are you getting your facts from Spruce? White Supremacy has been more and more on the rise in the last decade.

Some points from one of the links...

  1. During the recent surge of right-wing extremist activity in the United States that began in 2009, white supremacists did not grow appreciably in numbers, as anti-government extremists did, but existing white supremacists did become more angry and agitated, with a consequent rise of serious white supremacist violence.
  2. Most white supremacists do not belong to organized hate groups, but rather participate in the white supremacist movement as unaffiliated individuals. Thus the size of the white supremacist movement is considerably greater than just the members of hate groups. Among white supremacist groups, gangs are becoming increasingly important.
  3. The white supremacist movement has a number of different components, including 1) neo-Nazis; 2) racist skinheads; 3) “traditional” white supremacists; 4) Christian Identity adherents; and 5) white supremacist prison gangs. The prison gangs are growing in size, while the other four sub-movements are stagnant or in decline. In addition, there are a growing number of Odinists, or white supremacist Norse pagans. There are also “intellectual” white supremacists who seek to provide an intellectual veneer or justification for white supremacist concepts.
So who's pumping your brains with lies that these groups aren't a growing problem?
Fair enough if that's not what you're getting at, it's just been the end point of virtually everyone that I've argued this point with that everyone should lay off ANTIFA because they're fighting the Nazi's and the Nazi's are worse. I shouldn't have assumed that was your intended implication based on what other people have said.
So why lie though? I'm not whoever you've been talking to. Stop PROJECTING onto me and simply COMMUNICATE with me, you might do better.
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.
Note who the poster going by the moniker Mac1958 is taking the DEFENSIVE stance on...

Like I said in my previous thread...

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists

...You will never, ever, EVER find these ANTIFA opposers saying nary a negative word about the KKK and White Supremacists, but they will always, always, ALWAYS have a bash ready for the Anti-Fascist group that was there to protest them.

It never fails.
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.
Note who the poster going by the moniker Mac1958 is taking the DEFENSIVE stance on...

Like I said in my previous thread...

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists

...You will never, ever, EVER find these ANTIFA opposers saying nary a negative word about the KKK and White Supremacists, but they will always, always, ALWAYS have a bash ready for the Anti-Fascisst group that was their to protest them.

It never fails.

My point remains.

They're yours. The Regressives. Enjoy.
antifa is a terrorist group that is very well funded by powerful elites. The KKK and white supremacist groups are nearly nonexistent and without funding. See the difference? Which has more power? Which is promoted by the elite left media? Catching on yet?

No matter what Rachel tells you, do not believe it. Believe me.
What does this have to do w/my OP? I spoke specifically on the PROVEN racist, violent and terrorist HISTORY of the KKK and White Supremacists in this country and abroad.

However, in YOUR eyes, you equate that PROVEN HISTORY to some POTENTIAL FUTURE of perceived violence of ANTIFA.

I rest my case.

One group was there to exercise and defend their constitutional rights, the other group was there to violate the constitutional rights of others.
Yet the Left has a problem with the group exercising their rights and no problem with the group violating rights. Fascists!!!
antifa is a terrorist group that is very well funded by powerful elites. The KKK and white supremacist groups are nearly nonexistent and without funding. See the difference? Which has more power? Which is promoted by the elite left media? Catching on yet?

No matter what Rachel tells you, do not believe it. Believe me.
What does this have to do w/my OP? I spoke specifically on the PROVEN racist, violent and terrorist HISTORY of the KKK and White Supremacists in this country and abroad.

However, in YOUR eyes, you equate that PROVEN HISTORY to some POTENTIAL FUTURE of perceived violence of ANTIFA.

I rest my case.
You want to relive the past. I get it. It's what keeps the Left alive.
Not a very good case. You're talking about an ideology that has been banished to greater and greater degrees from the mainstream for close to 50 years and a group that's been whittled down to less than 5 digits worth of members nationwide. The fact of the matter is that it's been so long since white supremacists have crashed someone else's political rally and attacked people in this country that I bet you gotta run a search to even find the latest known occurrence. Meanwhile, ANTIFA, not a potential future ANTIFA, but the current, existing ANTIFA, has showed up to start shit at DOZENS of random conservative events in the last two years, assaulting people and rioting at nearly every. single. fucking. one.

I get that white supremacy makes you really really really angry, and I don't blame you, but terrible opinions held by groups that haven't been relevant in a half a century aren't as dangerous as widespread, media backed political violence. Not even close.
Where are you getting your facts from Spruce? White Supremacy has been more and more on the rise in the last decade.

Some points from one of the links...

  1. During the recent surge of right-wing extremist activity in the United States that began in 2009, white supremacists did not grow appreciably in numbers, as anti-government extremists did, but existing white supremacists did become more angry and agitated, with a consequent rise of serious white supremacist violence.
  2. Most white supremacists do not belong to organized hate groups, but rather participate in the white supremacist movement as unaffiliated individuals. Thus the size of the white supremacist movement is considerably greater than just the members of hate groups. Among white supremacist groups, gangs are becoming increasingly important.
  3. The white supremacist movement has a number of different components, including 1) neo-Nazis; 2) racist skinheads; 3) “traditional” white supremacists; 4) Christian Identity adherents; and 5) white supremacist prison gangs. The prison gangs are growing in size, while the other four sub-movements are stagnant or in decline. In addition, there are a growing number of Odinists, or white supremacist Norse pagans. There are also “intellectual” white supremacists who seek to provide an intellectual veneer or justification for white supremacist concepts.
So who's pumping your brains with lies that these groups aren't a growing problem?

I've been getting my facts on ANTIFA from various news outlets and raw footage on YouTube since about April of last year. In terms of my KKK numbers, I got that from SPLC.

Here's the thing, Fern: Everything you've listed here is still just telling me who the white supremacists are and what their beliefs are. Even if you can point out that the numbers are growing, what you haven't done is substantiated how these guys and their bad ideas, who are all detested by our mainstream culture and the vast, vast majority of the individuals in our nation, are actually a current THREAT. Just because their ilk did terrible shit in the past when they had the support of one of the two popular political parties, or by taking control of executive authority of an entire nation, doesn't mean that they're capable of the same right now. The conditions are vastly different from the post Weimar days and are vastly different from the KKK's hay day.

ANTIFA, on the other hand, are CURRENTLY showing up to violent silence political speech that they deem fascist (which is almost never actually fascist), and they're showing up all over the country (not to mention Europe, but that's a different convo). The mainstream media ranges from outright support of ANTIFA to tepid criticism (though hat's off to Joe @ Morning Joe for blasting 'em properly, one of very, very, VERY few exceptions), and the ideology that they push, as well as ANTIFA as an organization, is championed by many in higher academia.

Here's another thought: White supremacists weren't showing up to their rallies with shields and clubs, ready for battle, until they knew ANTIFA was gonna come start shit. You might say that, the degree to which the alt right has just established itself as a violent threat, is the degree to which they've reacted to ANTIFA. Maybe if the vast majority of right wing political rallies stop being identified as Nazi and then violently attacked by the black block, the actual alt righters won't feel the need to show up armed when they wanna spout their dumb shit.

As far as your little spruce jab, I hate to disappoint, but my heritage is too brown for that Peckerwood shit
Fair enough if that's not what you're getting at, it's just been the end point of virtually everyone that I've argued this point with that everyone should lay off ANTIFA because they're fighting the Nazi's and the Nazi's are worse. I shouldn't have assumed that was your intended implication based on what other people have said.
So why lie though? I'm not whoever you've been talking to. Stop PROJECTING onto me and simply COMMUNICATE with me, you might do better.

Lie? No, I made a poor assumption based on the other people making your argument, and admitted that it was mistaken. Get off my nuts about it, that seat's VIP only.
Ive never thought ANTIFA and KKK/whitepower groups are the same. For the most part ANTIFA is a bunch of concerned citizens fighting fascism and hate. What Ive come to see as a problem is when they decide all groups who disagree with them and their tactics are dangerous hate groups and go on to cause the harm they say they are against.What the hell will it solve. Id rather let the idiots ( the ones who are idiots) expose themselves.

This is the general thought in Portland and Wa concerning hate speech. Speech becomes illegal if it causes harm? So who decides can you decide ok since harm was done...everyone from here on out isnt allowed to speak and they are Nazis. Im not explaining this well because Im trying to understand it Im on my way out the door

This below came from the Portland bus incident
The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that hate speech, no matter how bigoted or offensive, is free speech.
His concern is that the two rallies, both scheduled in June, will escalate an already volatile situation in Portland by peddling “a message of hatred and of bigotry.” Although the organizers of the rallies have a constitutional right to speak, “hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment,” Wheeler told reporters.

The high court did so in 1969, when it found that a state law banning public speech that advocates for illegal activities violated the constitutional rights of a Ku Klux Klan leader.

It did so again in 1992, when the justices found that a city ordinance prohibiting the display of symbols that arouse anger toward someone based on race, religion and other factors is unconstitutional.

And again in 2011, when the court ruled in favor of church members who picketed and carried signs with homophobic slurs at a soldier's funeral.

[Portland mayor asks feds to bar free-speech and anti-sharia rallies after stabbings]

Although certain forms of speech are not protected by the First Amendment, hate speech isn't one of them, Eugene Volokh, a law professor and free speech expert, wrote last month. For it to be banned, experts say, it must rise to the level of threat or harassment.

“Hateful ideas (whatever exactly that might mean) are just as protected under the First Amendment as other ideas,” Volokh said. “One is as free to condemn, for instance, Islam — or Muslims, or Jews, or blacks, or whites, or illegal immigrants, or native-born citizens — as one is to condemn capitalism or socialism or Democrats or Republicans.”

The American Civil Liberties Union agrees.

Following Wheeler's announcement, the nonprofit's Oregon chapter criticized the mayor, saying banning a group from holding a rally merely because of what it seeks to express steps into dangerous territory of government overreach.

“The government cannot revoke or deny a permit based on the viewpoint of the demonstrators. Period,” the ACLU of Oregon said in a Facebook post Monday. “It may be tempting to shut down free speech we disagree with, but once we allow the government to decide what we can say, see, or hear, or who we can gather with, history shows us that the most marginalized will be disproportionately censored and punished for unpopular speech.”

In a lengthy Facebook post Monday, Wheeler called on federal officials to revoke a permit authorizing a June 4 “Trump Free Speech Rally” at a federal plaza in downtown Portland. Another event by the same organizers, “March Against Sharia,” is scheduled for June 10 but has not received permits. He also asked the organizers of the rallies to cancel the events.

“I urge them to ask their supporters to stay away from Portland,” Wheeler wrote. “There is never a place for bigotry or hatred in our community, and especially now.”

[‘Brave and selfless’ Oregon stabbing victims hailed as heroes for standing up to racist rants]

Wheeler's announcement came three days after Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, 23, and Ricky John Best, 53, were killed after they tried to protect two young women from a man who was screaming anti-Muslim slurs at them. A third man who also intervened was injured.

Play Video 1:29
Portland passenger who was harassed before attack: 'He told us to get out of his country'

Destinee Mangum and her 17-year-old friend, who is Muslim and was wearing hijab, were harassed on Portland light-rail train on May 26. The man, Joseph Christian, fatally stabbed two other passengers on board and seriously injured another after they tried to stop him from harassing the women, according to police. (Reuters)
Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center had described as someone who holds racist and extremist beliefs, is facing aggravated murder and other charges in connection to the killings. According to the hate watch group, Christian was seen at an earlier free-speech rally held by the same organizers. A photo shows him giving the Nazi salute.

Joey Gibson, lead organizer of the rallies, tried to distance himself from Christian and said he preaches limited government and free speech, not hate.

“What I say, the things that I say, the things that I preach goes against everything that Jeremy Christian would've said,” he said in a Facebook Live video in response to Wheeler's statement.

Gibson also criticized Wheeler for trying to silence him and those who plan to participate in the rallies. He said his June 4 event, which would feature live music and speakers, is not a platform for racism and bigotry.

“If they pull our permits, we cannot kick out the white supremacists. We cannot kick out the Nazis. Do you get that?” Gibson said. “If anyone has a sign, a racist sign or anything, they will be gone. If anyone screams anything racist, they will be gone. But if they pull our permit, we will not have that right.”

Wheeler is not the first to argue that hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment.

Former Vermont governor Howard Dean did so in a tweet last month.

Hate speech is not protected by the first amendment. Steven Greenhouse on Twitter

— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) April 21, 2017

Dean, who sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, was responding to a tweet from a former New York Times reporter who referenced a 15-year-old Ann Coulter statement saying she regrets that convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh didn't go inside the Times building.

[No, Gov. Dean, there is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment]

In an article criticizing Dean's tweet, Volokh, the free speech expert, argued that the First Amendment does not protect legitimate threats or face-to-face insults that incite a fight. But most forms of free speech don't fall into this narrow category.

“Even if Coulter was speaking seriously (which I doubt), such speech isn't unprotected incitement, because it isn't intended to promote imminent illegal conduct,” Volokh wrote.

The First Amendment, he said, provides a strong protection to ordinary citizens, even in cases that involve the most bigoted and racist of speeches.

In the 1992 case, which was spurred after several teenagers allegedly burned a cross on a black family's lawn in Minnesota, the Supreme Court ruled that a local ordinance under which the teens were charged is “facially unconstitutional” because it bans otherwise permitted speech based solely on the recipient.

The government, according to the opinion written by Justice Antonin Scalia, “has no such authority to license one side of a debate to fight freestyle, while requiring the other to follow Marquis of Queensberry rules.”

In the 2011 case, which was prompted after Westboro Baptist Church members traveled to Maryland to picket the funeral of Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, who was killed in Iraq, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the picketers who held signs that said, “Thank you for dead soldiers,” “Fags Doom Nations,” “America is Doomed,” “Priests Rape Boys” and “You're Going to Hell.”

Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote in the opinion: “Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and — as it did here — inflict great pain. On the facts before us, we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker. As a Nation we have chosen a different course — to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate.”
My point remains.

They're yours. The Regressives. Enjoy.
Of course your point remains, I already knew that.

Just so long as you know that I have your number.

Carry on KKK & White Supremacist defender.

You want to relive the past. I get it. It's what keeps the Left alive.
"Relive the past?!?!?"

Coming from a person that wants to KEEP Confederate statues and symbols up on GOVERNMENT property?



Staaahp, stahp, stahp!!!
I've been getting my facts on ANTIFA from various news outlets and raw footage on YouTube since about April of last year. In terms of my KKK numbers, I got that from SPLC.

Here's the thing, Fern: Everything you've listed here is still just telling me who the white supremacists are and what their beliefs are. Even if you can point out that the numbers are growing, what you haven't done is substantiated how these guys and their bad ideas, who are all detested by our mainstream culture and the vast, vast majority of the individuals in our nation, are actually a current THREAT. Just because their ilk did terrible shit in the past when they had the support of one of the two popular political parties, or by taking control of executive authority of an entire nation, doesn't mean that they're capable of the same right now. The conditions are vastly different from the post Weimar days and are vastly different from the KKK's hay day.

ANTIFA, on the other hand, are CURRENTLY showing up to violent silence political speech that they deem fascist (which is almost never actually fascist), and they're showing up all over the country (not to mention Europe, but that's a different convo). The mainstream media ranges from outright support of ANTIFA to tepid criticism (though hat's off to Joe @ Morning Joe for blasting 'em properly, one of very, very, VERY few exceptions), and the ideology that they push, as well as ANTIFA as an organization, is championed by many in higher academia.

Here's another thought: White supremacists weren't showing up to their rallies with shields and clubs, ready for battle, until they knew ANTIFA was gonna come start shit. You might say that, the degree to which the alt right has just established itself as a violent threat, is the degree to which they've reacted to ANTIFA. Maybe if the vast majority of right wing political rallies stop being identified as Nazi and then violently attacked by the black block, the actual alt righters won't feel the need to show up armed when they wanna spout their dumb shit.

As far as your little spruce jab, I hate to disappoint, but my heritage is too brown for that Peckerwood shit
How many videos can you produce featuring the mainstream media supporting ANTIFA?

I haven't seen what you're saying, so you're gonna have to show me.

Please and thanks.
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.

And the left continues to enable them, although more and more some are seeing the truth, that antifa are the violent ones.
The KKK and white supremacists are simply exercising their constitutionally protected rights to protect statues of DEMOCRATS.

Antifa is trying to erase the racist history of the DEMOCRAT party.

Truth hurts?

No the KKK and white supremacists are the alt right group and fight against the democrats AKA moderates.

The black bloc (not blacks) fight against the fascist alt right, its not a black and white thing.

Wow, even most Democrat politicians would identify the Democrat party as on the left side of the political spectrum. Moderate, though? Out of curiosity, do you identify as a Democrat? I'm trying to figure out if you've centered the political universe on your own party or someone else's.

Yes and I'm conservative in my life, I will never be a Republican again unless they change their ways, I voted for Hillary as well. No Democrats are not on the left, they just believe in civil rights for all.

And yet you voted for Hillary. A person who called a former KKK leader a Hero and one of her greatest mentor?

Sure your a moderate!
"former"...even you, in your own post, admit that.

The dead have a hard time leading.

My god you are stupid
Dollars to donuts you will not see one. Trump. supporter. say nary a negative word about the KKK nor the White Supremacists, but will have a ton of links, crude, bad and harsh words and sentiments about ANTIFA, a new group never before heard of until about two months ago or less.


Do you have some kind of mental defect?

No conservative and most GOP denounce the hate and horrible message of the KKK. To say White Supremacists in the same sentence is redundant.

However, YOU ARE defending Antifa and their Nazi tactics, hate-filled rhetoric, and fascists beliefs.

Who in this thread is defending and promoting a message of hate? You'll need a mirror to answer that.
My point remains. They're yours. The Regressives. Enjoy..
Of course your point remains, I already knew that. Just so long as you know that I have your number. Carry on KKK & White Supremacist defender. LoLz!!!
Well yes, I am Hitler and a Nazi and a Fascist and want all minorities eliminated, including my family. Stipulated.

Now that we have that out of the way, your "LoLz" (must be a kid thing) is clearly the best response you have.

I defend unfettered freedom of expression, including words I don't like. You are not. You are not a liberal - liberals demand and defend freedom of expression for all - but an authoritarian leftist.

I have your number.
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Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.

And the left continues to enable them, although more and more some are seeing the truth, that antifa are the violent ones.
The Regressive Left yes, not liberals.

They know they're enabling it, and because they agree with so much of it, they'd rather deflect and deny.

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