The Klan Never Organized Huge Protests Chanting Death Threats Like These Organized By Al Sharpton

The Ku Klux Klan mdash Carnival of Death The Barbaric History of Lynching in America mdash Crime Library

In Watkinsville, Oconee County, Georgia in 1905, two brothers, Lewis and Rich Robinson were arrested and charged with the murder of a white man. They were brought to the local jail and held pending trial. In the same jail were seven other prisoners charged with a variety of crimes including theft. On the night of June 29, 1905, a mob of approximately 100 men wearing robes and masks showed up at the jail. The sheriff had been kidnapped and brought along to open the cell doors. At gunpoint, the deputies were forced to turn over all the prisoners, including the Robinson brothers. The prisoners were tied up and marched to the center of town where they were beaten and tied to a fence. The leader of the mob gave a command to shoot the men. Hundreds of shots were fired at the helpless prisoners. Eight prisoners lay dead on the ground. One man, Joe Patterson, escaped with two bullet wounds in his chest. It was one of the worst lynching incidents ever recorded and like all the others, not one person was ever charged or even arrested for these killings. Fear of the Klan, which had a strong presence in Oconee County for decades, was solidified for another generation.

The Klan threatoned violence against any that would resist their terror.
You do realize that when you slam the KKK, you're slamming Democrats, right?

After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all those blue states went red.
Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and who LED that filibuster? Want a hint? Democrats/Robert Byrd.

Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past.

Dixiecrats were against the Civil Rights Act, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal, like most of the Dems in the north. That vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today are called tea party types, which explains why those blue states are now red.

I realize that you're suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, but you can shout that as loud as you want, from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows why those once blue states are now red, red, red.
Look, yet another Robert Byrd KKK apologist.
150 years ago, yes, that is what southern conservatives did. And since the Dem party now is liberal, the conservatives moved into the southern GOP. This is how it is taught in high school and college social science and history classes, and they show the conservative failures at revising the actual history as the part of the courses.
Yep, that's how it's taught by the liberals who control academia. That's really all we need to know. Thank you.
Robert Byrd was deeply repentant, while the followers of Strom Thurmond, including S. J., are not. They want to segregate blacks again by law.
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150 years ago, yes, that is what southern conservatives did. And since the Dem party now is liberal, the conservatives moved into the southern GOP. This is how it is taught in high school and college social science and history classes, and they show the conservative failures at revising the actual history as the part of the courses.
Yep, that's how it's taught by the liberals who control academia. That's really all we need to know. Thank you.
That it was the conservatives who tortured, tormented, and killed the blacks in the South? Yes, that is all we need to know to correct the white southern conservative savages of the past.
Robert Byrd was deeply repentant, while the followers of Strom Thurmond, including S. J., are not. The want to segregate blacks again by law.
So deeply repentant he kept his subscription to the KKK newsletter after he repented.
But originally a democrat.
As has been posted many times, conservative southern democrats have obviously become republican, as LBJ predicted they would be when he signed the Civil Rights Act. The South is solid republican today.
I think the righties know this, they're just trolling. Give them 3 hours of Rush Limbaugh per day, and a heapin' helpin' of low self esteem, and you git what you git

your 24/7/365 hours of hate whitey is available on MSNAACP
I don't hate white people, I just hate Stormfronters. They're an embarrassment to white people. Just like the NBPP and The Nation of Islam should be to black people
Are you proud of your race and heritage?
Yes, I am, I'm German and Scots/'s you I'm ashamed of, because you're probably white too.
When is the last time the klan was able to organize a "huge protest"? Klan protest consist of a handful or two assholes looking like halloween parade marchers being mocked and called names by hundreds of citizens who make them look ever more stupid than they were able to look on their own. It usually takes platoons of cops to protect them from the mocking crowds.

It is amusing that the kkk relies on black cops for protection when they march.
Marched! Where and when?

March? As in a parade? Would you prefer "stroll"? Maybe "saunter"?
When is the last time the klan was able to organize a "huge protest"? Klan protest consist of a handful or two assholes looking like halloween parade marchers being mocked and called names by hundreds of citizens who make them look ever more stupid than they were able to look on their own. It usually takes platoons of cops to protect them from the mocking crowds.

It is amusing that the kkk relies on black cops for protection when they march.
Marched! Where and when?

Jasper, Tx, during the King murder trials, where they were protected by cops, some who were black.
Was the Klan chanting death to cops like Sharptons vile protesters were doing?

No. Were the black protesters burning crosses while they lynched cops?
The Ku Klux Klan mdash Carnival of Death The Barbaric History of Lynching in America mdash Crime Library

In Watkinsville, Oconee County, Georgia in 1905, two brothers, Lewis and Rich Robinson were arrested and charged with the murder of a white man. They were brought to the local jail and held pending trial. In the same jail were seven other prisoners charged with a variety of crimes including theft. On the night of June 29, 1905, a mob of approximately 100 men wearing robes and masks showed up at the jail. The sheriff had been kidnapped and brought along to open the cell doors. At gunpoint, the deputies were forced to turn over all the prisoners, including the Robinson brothers. The prisoners were tied up and marched to the center of town where they were beaten and tied to a fence. The leader of the mob gave a command to shoot the men. Hundreds of shots were fired at the helpless prisoners. Eight prisoners lay dead on the ground. One man, Joe Patterson, escaped with two bullet wounds in his chest. It was one of the worst lynching incidents ever recorded and like all the others, not one person was ever charged or even arrested for these killings. Fear of the Klan, which had a strong presence in Oconee County for decades, was solidified for another generation.

The Klan threatoned violence against any that would resist their terror.
You do realize that when you slam the KKK, you're slamming Democrats, right?

After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all those blue states went red.
Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and who LED that filibuster? Want a hint? Democrats/Robert Byrd.

Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past.

Dixiecrats were against the Civil Rights Act, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal, like most of the Dems in the north. That vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today are called tea party types, which explains why those blue states are now red.

I realize that you're suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, but you can shout that as loud as you want, from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows why those once blue states are now red, red, red.
Look, yet another Robert Byrd KKK apologist.

You are about as dishonest as they come. Who could expect more from a racist teabagger?
You do realize that when you slam the KKK, you're slamming Democrats, right?

After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all those blue states went red.
Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and who LED that filibuster? Want a hint? Democrats/Robert Byrd.

Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past.

Dixiecrats were against the Civil Rights Act, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal, like most of the Dems in the north. That vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today are called tea party types, which explains why those blue states are now red.

I realize that you're suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, but you can shout that as loud as you want, from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows why those once blue states are now red, red, red.
Look, yet another Robert Byrd KKK apologist.

You are about as dishonest as they come. Who could expect more from a racist teabagger?
"Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past."

Oh no, you're not an apologist, are you? :lol:
After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all those blue states went red.
Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and who LED that filibuster? Want a hint? Democrats/Robert Byrd.

Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past.

Dixiecrats were against the Civil Rights Act, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal, like most of the Dems in the north. That vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today are called tea party types, which explains why those blue states are now red.

I realize that you're suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, but you can shout that as loud as you want, from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows why those once blue states are now red, red, red.
Look, yet another Robert Byrd KKK apologist.

You are about as dishonest as they come. Who could expect more from a racist teabagger?
"Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past."

Oh no, you're not an apologist, are you? :lol:

Not at all. In fact, I can beat the shit out of your straw man with one hand behind my back. Again, those once blue states are now red for a reason. President Johnson expected backlash from Southern white Democrats once the Civil Rights Act was passed...he knew he had lost the south.

Byrd gets no sympathy from me, I'm just going by what he said about his actions.
Which party filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and who LED that filibuster? Want a hint? Democrats/Robert Byrd.

Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past.

Dixiecrats were against the Civil Rights Act, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal, like most of the Dems in the north. That vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today are called tea party types, which explains why those blue states are now red.

I realize that you're suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, but you can shout that as loud as you want, from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows why those once blue states are now red, red, red.
Look, yet another Robert Byrd KKK apologist.

You are about as dishonest as they come. Who could expect more from a racist teabagger?
"Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past."

Oh no, you're not an apologist, are you? :lol:

Not at all. In fact, I can beat the shit out of your straw man with one hand behind my back. Again, those once blue states are now red for a reason. President Johnson expected backlash from Southern white Democrats once the Civil Rights Act was passed...he knew he had lost the south.

Byrd gets no sympathy from me, I'm just going by what he said about his actions.
Nice try. :lol:
Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past.

Dixiecrats were against the Civil Rights Act, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal, like most of the Dems in the north. That vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today are called tea party types, which explains why those blue states are now red.

I realize that you're suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, but you can shout that as loud as you want, from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows why those once blue states are now red, red, red.
Look, yet another Robert Byrd KKK apologist.

You are about as dishonest as they come. Who could expect more from a racist teabagger?
"Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past."

Oh no, you're not an apologist, are you? :lol:

Not at all. In fact, I can beat the shit out of your straw man with one hand behind my back. Again, those once blue states are now red for a reason. President Johnson expected backlash from Southern white Democrats once the Civil Rights Act was passed...he knew he had lost the south.

Byrd gets no sympathy from me, I'm just going by what he said about his actions.
Nice try. :lol:

Look, yet another Robert Byrd KKK apologist.

You are about as dishonest as they come. Who could expect more from a racist teabagger?
"Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past."

Oh no, you're not an apologist, are you? :lol:

Not at all. In fact, I can beat the shit out of your straw man with one hand behind my back. Again, those once blue states are now red for a reason. President Johnson expected backlash from Southern white Democrats once the Civil Rights Act was passed...he knew he had lost the south.

Byrd gets no sympathy from me, I'm just going by what he said about his actions.
Nice try. :lol:

Nice try again but Tea Party members don't refer to themselves as "teabaggers" and they also take showers, unlike the liberal dirt bag in the picture.
You are about as dishonest as they come. Who could expect more from a racist teabagger?
"Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past."

Oh no, you're not an apologist, are you? :lol:

Not at all. In fact, I can beat the shit out of your straw man with one hand behind my back. Again, those once blue states are now red for a reason. President Johnson expected backlash from Southern white Democrats once the Civil Rights Act was passed...he knew he had lost the south.

Byrd gets no sympathy from me, I'm just going by what he said about his actions.
Nice try. :lol:

Nice try again but Tea Party members don't refer to themselves as "teabaggers" and they also take showers, unlike the liberal dirt bag in the picture.

Republican's think they're entitled to Government social programs.

The South will rise again! LOL!
"Yep, Byrd, a Southern Democrat was a bigot, and is the poster boy for Conservatives whose inability to see facts lets them reach back in time and nail Byrd once again, even though Byrd himself admitted that joining the Klan was one of his biggest mistakes, and had deep regrets over his racist past."

Oh no, you're not an apologist, are you? :lol:

Not at all. In fact, I can beat the shit out of your straw man with one hand behind my back. Again, those once blue states are now red for a reason. President Johnson expected backlash from Southern white Democrats once the Civil Rights Act was passed...he knew he had lost the south.

Byrd gets no sympathy from me, I'm just going by what he said about his actions.
Nice try. :lol:

Nice try again but Tea Party members don't refer to themselves as "teabaggers" and they also take showers, unlike the liberal dirt bag in the picture.

Republican's think they're entitled to Government social programs.

The South will rise again! LOL!

Liberals made cons defend racism don't cha know
Sort of like conservatives made you liberals deny your racist history?

Who denies it? The only thing I've seen denied is that the dems of old are the dems of today
That's because it's a false claim and you know it. You're the same racially divisive party you've always been. Need proof? Turn on the news and listen to your POTUS.

Let me see you deny those racist dems went to the Republican party.
Name them.


Are you denying those racist dems joined the republican party?

Your non answer will be proof enough of your denial
Who denies it? The only thing I've seen denied is that the dems of old are the dems of today
That's because it's a false claim and you know it. You're the same racially divisive party you've always been. Need proof? Turn on the news and listen to your POTUS.

Let me see you deny those racist dems went to the Republican party.
Dixiecrats remained democrats to the day the died, except Strom.

LMAO! You might find that is not entirely accurate. Fob James was a democrat, then a republican, before he won the governor's race as a democrat. Politicians will often do whatever they think will get them elected. Which is why the political parties are largely irrelevant to the conversation about a bloodthirsty terrorist group.
Still it was democrats who brutalized the black man. They still do today, except their hangman's noose is the Liberal plantation. was white people of all political affiliations
When is the last time the klan was able to organize a "huge protest"? Klan protest consist of a handful or two assholes looking like halloween parade marchers being mocked and called names by hundreds of citizens who make them look ever more stupid than they were able to look on their own. It usually takes platoons of cops to protect them from the mocking crowds.

It is amusing that the kkk relies on black cops for protection when they march.
Marched! Where and when?

Jasper, Tx, during the King murder trials, where they were protected by cops, some who were black.
Was the Klan chanting death to cops like Sharptons vile protesters were doing?

Yes if they were black...Also they did more than chant...they killed thousands of people so by your estimation that's not as bad as chanting
Not at all. In fact, I can beat the shit out of your straw man with one hand behind my back. Again, those once blue states are now red for a reason. President Johnson expected backlash from Southern white Democrats once the Civil Rights Act was passed...he knew he had lost the south.

Byrd gets no sympathy from me, I'm just going by what he said about his actions.
Nice try. :lol:

Nice try again but Tea Party members don't refer to themselves as "teabaggers" and they also take showers, unlike the liberal dirt bag in the picture.

Republican's think they're entitled to Government social programs.

The South will rise again! LOL!

I have never understood why, at the Civil War reenactments, they pretend to shoot each other. The main cause of death was from diarrhea. Why don't they go out in the field and shit themselves? Do you know? :p

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