The Koch brothers are planning your future this weekend

Washington (CNN) - This weekend, at a posh resort near Palm Springs, California, two billionaire corporate titans will convene a semi-annual meeting of a politically well-connected set. It will include wealthy donors and powerful Republicans, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

At David and Charles Koch's meeting, attendees will discuss items like how best to promote free markets and how to help elect conservatives. Donors are expected to be asked to donate to conservative causes.

It will be conducted virtually in secret, with no press or public allowed and many attendees keeping event details on the hush.

That's fueled criticism that this gathering is a sort of secret cabal - a "Billionaires Caucus," critics say. Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary in the Clinton administration, even said that the Koch brothers' meeting represents "a threat to our democracy."

TRENDING: ‘Secret’ weekend meeting fires up debate over $$$, politics & influence – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Cool; one less thing for me to worry about.

Tennis anyone?
I figure they are meeting to determine the impact and a workaround for this no earmarks fad.
I'm thinking he just wanted to post something.

That, or

He doesn't remember the original OP post. :lol:

The OP is just as stupid as the countless Soros threads.

Not really...

Petrochemical companies seeking to pollute the planet and exploit the people is not the same as Soros.

Blaming all the problems of the US on the Koch brothers is EXACTLY the same things as the retarded Soros threads. I'm no fan of the Koch brothers - but seriously, guys?

Shit like this makes us look bad.
The OP is just as stupid as the countless Soros threads.

Not really...

Petrochemical companies seeking to pollute the planet and exploit the people is not the same as Soros.

Blaming all the problems of the US on the Koch brothers is EXACTLY the same things as the retarded Soros threads. I'm no fan of the Koch brothers - but seriously, guys?

Shit like this makes us look bad.
correction, it makes Chris look bad
but then, his every post has already done that
WOW! This is really getting skerrrry:

Soros, the global financier and philanthropist, for example, visited the White House on Feb. 25 for a visit with Obama’s top economist, Larry Summers. The records show Soros also had meetings in the Old Executive Office Building on March 24 and March 25. Soros is one of the wealthiest investors in the world, and has become a controversial figure for his currency trading and for investing part of his vast fortune in liberal causes.


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