The Koch..err... Cain Campaign Claims it raised $9 million in six weeks


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
Yeah and how much of that $9 million were from the Koch Brothers?

I'll give you all a hint. 99.9%

Cain campaign says it has raised $9 million in six weeks - The Washington Post

Herman Cain’s campaign says it has raised $9 million in the last six weeks, setting him on a very strong fundraising pace that has yet to be matched in the GOP presidential race.

Cain, who caught fire in the campaign right as the third quarter came to a close and turned in a modest report (he raised $2.8 million in the last quarter) after that fundraising period, looks as though he may lead the pack in the fourth quarter. The embattled candidate is currently on pace for about $20 million raised, which would beat even the best quarterly totals turned in by Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.

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