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The Kraken Kracks

I think the My Pillow Guy will plead insanity. Most juries would agree

MPguy is going with Satan and Satanists stole the election from God’s chosen ONE. To help prove that it was demonic forces he will present to the court several clips from the Ghostbusters movie. He will bring in witnesses who will swear they saw a giant PILLSBURY DOUGHBOY in a Biden Hat ransacking Detroit and grabbing ballots from white voters and then eating them - the ballots not the white voters - Let’s not get carried away,

So Sidney (the Kraken) Powell gets sued for her insane claims about voter fraud and her defense?

"No reasonable person would have believed her"

Whether a court will buy that nonsense is irrelevant. She is telling the MAGA crowd it was all a LIE


The trump people will never get it.

These are the same people who believe Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man.

They will go to their graves repeating the lies.
And it wrongfully damages their brand. She's fucked, and not in a good way. Yesterday, Giuliani and the pillow guy had coronaries.

I think the My Pillow Guy will plead insanity. Most juries would agree
That guy is a flaming nut. OAN tried to shut him up when he appeared on there, but he kept running his mouth anyway. Dominion responded to that appearance with a warning that he's "begging to get sued." The moron then follows that up by releasing a video which included these same false allegations against Dominion.

It is just amazing the contempt that Trump, Sydney Powell, Giuliani, among others, hold Trump supporters. Seriously, they think Trump supporters are the biggest morons that ever existed. They can make bold faced lies, get them to storm the Capitol Building, have them arrested facing significant jail time, then say: IT WAS ALL A JOKE!. That is the very definition of a sheep. Sheep just take the abuse.
"Seriously, they think Trump supporters are the biggest morons that ever existed."

I'm not seeing where they're wrong.
Sidney Powell just admitted everything she said was a lie. Grow a set of balls and admit you believed her lies and were wrong.
What is your claim based on? Some unknown woman's twitter post?
I'm afraid you need some real verified evidence to make the claims you are making.
This isn't CNN or the NY Times where you can make any claim you like.
Sidney Powell just admitted everything she said was a lie. Grow a set of balls and admit you believed her lies and were wrong.
What is your claim based on? Some unknown woman's twitter post?
I'm afraid you need some real verified evidence to make the claims you are making.
This isn't CNN or the NY Times where you escan make any claim you like.
She's an attorney who was representing Trump and she was giving a press conference along with other Trump attornies.

This didnt happen...but Putin stole the 2016 election.

Still on this, huh? Well, I guess you Trump humpers don't want to pay attention to facts so maybe a refresher on the rules will help.
Hint...you were warned about the blue and red "mirages" well ahead of time. :)

What else do you argue statistics? This only happened in 7 places.

Pretend it was Trump who made the surge. Dont be a lying sack of shit.

This didnt happen...but Putin stole the 2016 election.

Still on this, huh? Well, I guess you Trump humpers don't want to pay attention to facts so maybe a refresher on the rules will help.
Hint...you were warned about the blue and red "mirages" well ahead of time. :)

What else do you argue statistics? This only happened in 7 places.

Pretend it was Trump who made the surge. Dont be a lying sack of shit.

You're full of shit. As usual. Please review the rules for all of the states that Trumpybear made an issue out of. You will find that Republican legislators in each state passed rules that said that mail in/absentee votes could only be counted after the polls closed and the election day votes were counted. Know what state DOESN'T have that problem?....Florida. Which allows the counting and certifying of mail in/absentee ballots prior to election day.
Again, you were warned. Your man lost. Because he was a POS President. Deal with it.
Pretend the same voting anomalies happened in favor of Trump...then you libs would be rioting.
Dear ColonelAngus
1. I support going back to contested states with close races, and either Notarizing mailin ballots or splitting the votes proportionally when they are split by party that close to 50/50, and having an agreement that taxpayers need to pay for their own party policies, not force that on others without consent, if this takes setting up separate administrations for health care, education, environment and other social regulation so parties can represent their own members without conflict.
2. Because the counterargument is that there WERE votes counted for Trump, not 100% for Biden, even when there were errors in favor of Biden corrected afterwards, then this argument about 100% vote dumps for Biden gets viewed and abused to discredit people contesting the election

3. The REAL arguments to contest the election rule changes, process and results are based on
(A) the public not agreeing on Unnotarized mailin ballots instead of Notarized ballots
(B) these mass mailin ballots in the millions far exceeding narrow margins of less than 20k-50k in contested states with close races
(C) and contested states changing rules WITHOUT a vote through their State Legislatures according to agreed national election rules by Constitutional laws

In addition, Third Parties have also contested the lack of preferential voting and proportional representation allowing

(D) only the 2 major parties claiming 100% of electoral votes in states split 50/50 or having third party votes never counted or represented

And we still have plenty of people contesting
(E) either Gerrymandering or the standards of voter validation and access either being too lax or too lenient where these interfere with equal protections of voters or favor one party or another.

We can call for a Convention or an Election Commission to make sure ALL rules are agreed on by ALL states and parties, based on these arguments where parties can prove they contested these conflicts in policies, but not if the objections are discredited as based on biased or false reporting.

We can argue for Notarized ballots especially when these far exceer narrow margins in close races and states split 50/50 by party. We can argue for separate administrations where parties can govern and pay for their own member policies without abusing govt or majority rule to force their beliefs on other taxpayers against their will and beliefs.

That would have more credibility than arguing whether or not 100% of votes dumped went to Biden. Just the fact we don't agree on that backs up the argument for Notarizing Ballots so these disputes don't happen over the validity or counting of Mailins. If they had been legally Notarized under penalty of perjury, we wouldn't have half the voters contesting the election process and results. We can argue for Notarization if we unite instead of letting these other disputed arguments divide and discredit the real cause of objections.
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Very nice. Just want to know if you agree that 60 percent of Michiganders who voted mailed their votes in? Do you duspute that or do you agree?
If you really want to get to the bottom of Michigan and their voting anomalies you should start with the
George Soros sponsored Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, and her illegal changes of election law which
have been made without sanction of the Michigan legislature and which would appear to violate state law.

Once all that is addressed you can address mail in ballots in Michigan. Benson illegally instructed state clerks
to simply presume signatures on absentee ballots are all proper and legal. That's Benson
legitimizing election fraud through the misused authority of her office.
This woman should be doing jail time or at the
least, be removed from her office for that bit of election fraud which undoubtedly encouraged people
to lie and commit voter fraud. That's the whole point.

Very nice. Just want to know if you agree that 60 percent of Michiganders who voted mailed their votes in? Do you duspute that or do you agree?
If you really want to get to the bottom of Michigan and their voting anomalies you should start with the
George Soros sponsored Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, and her illegal changes of election law which
have been made without sanction of the Michigan legislature and which would appear to violate state law.

Once all that is addressed you can address mail in ballots in Michigan. Benson illegally instructed state clerks
to simply presume signatures on absentee ballots are all proper and legal. That's Benson
legitimizing election fraud through the misused authority of her office.
This woman should be doing jail time or at the
least, be removed from her office for that bit of election fraud which undoubtedly encouraged people
to lie and commit voter fraud. That's the whole point.

In jail for what, your hurt feelings? She broke a rule, not a law. There is no law in that state for determining what constitutes a valid signature.
In Detroit - By five o’clock on Wednesday morning, it was apparent Trump’s lead would not hold.
Deprogramming Confederates Part 4
It was clear Trump was running far more competitively than they’d anticipated; he was on track to win Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, three states that tally their ballots quickly, meaning the spotlight would abruptly shift to the critical, slow-counting battlegrounds of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Everyone here knew this had been a possibility, but it wasn’t until midnight that the urgency of the situation crashed o over Republicans. Trump had built a lead of nearly 300,000 votes on the strength of same-day ballots that were disproportionately favorable to him. Now, with the eyes of the nation—and of the president—fixed on their state, Michigan Republicans scrambled to protect that lead. Laura Cox, chair of the state party, began dialing prominent lawmakers, attorneys and activists, urging them to get down to the TCF Center, the main hub of absentee vote counting in Detroit. She was met with some confusion; there were already plenty of Republicans there, as scheduled, working their shifts as poll challengers. It didn’t matter, Cox told them. It was time to flood the zone.​

“This was all so predictable,” said Josh Venable, who ran Election Day operations for the Michigan GOP during five different cycles. “Detroit has been the boogeyman for Republicans since before I was born. It’s always been the white suburbs vs. Detroit, the white west side of the state vs. Detroit. There’s always this rallying cry from Republicans—‘We win everywhere else, but lose Wayne County’—that creates paranoia. I still remember hearing, back on my first campaign in 2002, that Wayne County always releases its votes last so that Detroit can see how many votes Democrats need to win the state. That’s what a lot of Republicans here believe.”​

As things picked up at the TCF Center, with more and more white Republicans filing into the complex to supervise the activity of mostly Black poll workers, Chris Thomas noticed a shift in the environment. Having been brought out of retirement to help supervise the counting in Detroit—a decision met with cheers from Republicans and Democrats alike—Thomas had been “thrilled” with the professionalism he’d witnessed during Monday’s pre-processing session and Tuesday’s vote tabulating. Now, in the early morning hours of Wednesday, things were going sideways. Groups of Republican poll challengers were clustering around individual counting tables in violation of the rules. People were raising objections—such as to the transferring of military absentees onto ballots that could be read by machines, a standard practice—that betrayed a lack of preparation.​
“Reading these affidavits afterward from these Republican poll challengers, I was just amazed at how misunderstood the election process was to them,” Thomas chuckled. “The things they said were going on—it’s like ‘Yeah, that’s exactly what was going on. That’s what’s supposed to happen.’” (The Trump team’s much celebrated lawsuit against Detroit was recently withdrawn after being pummeled in local courtrooms; his campaign has to date won one case and lost 35.)​
At one point, around 3:30 in the morning, Thomas supervised the receiving of Detroit’s final large batch of absentee ballots. They arrived in a passenger van. Thomas confirmed the numbers he’d verified over the phone: 45 trays, each tray holding roughly 300 ballots, for a total of between 13,000 and 14,000 ballots. Not long after, Charlie Spies, an attorney for the U.S. Senate campaign of Republican John James, approached Thomas inside the TCF Center. He wanted to know about the 38,000 absentee ballots that had just materialized. Thomas told him there were not 38,000 ballots; that at most it might have been close to 15,000.​
“I was told the number was 38,000,” Spies replied.​
By five o’clock on Wednesday morning, it was apparent Trump’s lead would not hold.

Once all that is addressed you can address mail in ballots in Michigan. Benson illegally instructed state clerks
to simply presume signatures on absentee ballots are all proper and legal. That's Benson
legitimizing election fraud through the misused authority of her office.

Murray determined the guidelines fell within the definition of an administrative rule and therefore should have been approved through the formal rule-making process, which requires multiple steps.

“An agency must utilize formal rulemaking procedures when establishing policies that ‘do not merely interpret or explain the statute or rules from which the agency derives its authority,’ but rather ‘establish the substantive standards implementing the program,’” Murray said, citing a 1998 precedent.

Unless the Legislature created legal guidelines or the Secretary of State’s Office creates administrative rules for that determination.

The current law states any signatures on applications or return envelopes that don’t “agree sufficiently” with the voter signature on file should be rejected.

The Court of Claims judge noted Michigan law doesn’t clearly define what it means for a signature to “agree” or “agree sufficiently.”

Representatives from Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment on the ruling and it’s unclear if the Court of Claims decision will be appealed.

“We have no comment at this time,” Tracy Wimmer, an SOS spokeswoman said.

"Michigan's courts have consistently found that Benson acted legally when she sent applications to every registered voter in Michigan and rejected legal challenges brought by Trump and his allies seeking to derail the election process and overturn the results.

The state Supreme Court justices denied the motion to intervene as moot in a 6-1 order with Justice David F. Viviano dissenting.

This only happened in 7 places.

Will you take a look at The Michigan anomaly to understand what happens when absentee votes are 60 Percent of the total votes and the Republican Party does not want them counted until after 7PM on Election Day.
This is not backtracking. This is not an admission that she didn’t really believe her own accusations against Dominion Voting Systems, nor does it indicate she was lying to everyone about “The Kraken.” The buzz going around on social media from both sides are based on the isolated statements and context added by whoever is sharing it. But the truth is very clear. She is fighting a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit. It is incumbent on her attorneys to demonstrate defamation was neither intended nor did it occur based on Powell’s statements.

So, once again a narrative not based on fact but conjecture. A nothing burger a nothing thread. The end.
If you really want to get to the bottom of Michigan and their voting anomalies you should start with the
George Soros sponsored Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, and her illegal changes of election law which have been made without sanction of the Michigan legislature and which would appear to violate state law.

HERE’s what I get from your link;
Department of State spokesperson Jake Rollow said Lyons and Johnson’s allegations are false: The absentee voter application has been available on the state’s website for years, “so mailing it does not pose any additional security risk,” he wrote in an email to Bridge. Automatic voter registration helps identify non-citizens and those who have moved out of state who are on the voter rolls by checking their eligibility every time they have a transaction with the Department of State about their personal ID, he added.​

Benson "is using data and best practices developed over decades in other states to make our elections more modern, secure and accessible,” Rollow said.​

Republican claims of the ‘appearance’ violating the law ate disputed.

So can you agree that 60 percent of Michigan votes cast were mailed. And
Republicans blocked early counting making it impossible to have the voters choice called on election night?

Florida counts mail-in votes early. The race was called in election night. Trump won. No anomaly.
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