The Kremlin hacking for Trump...Again

The Russians never interfered as they did in 2016.

The 1980s called...….
Explain how the Russians interfered in the 1980s?

The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the past 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.

Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.


Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan.

Correct, but he did write to Andropov to try to get Russian help to defeat Reagan

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the past 90 years.

I've never argued that. So, was it the memes that beat Clinton?
Explain how the Russians interfered in the 1980s?

The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!

You need serious help.
Anybody with a brain, thinking that this Nov. Russia will not have a hand in our elections, is on OPIOD induced Trump meds....the only reason Mitch, the GOP and Trump crap all over the congress and us, is because they know that Putin has all but garuanteed them a win in Nov. No rational reasonable thinking GOP politician would put so much of their souls into corruption, where it not for
a wink from Trump on whats to occur in NOV.

almost 4 years in on our last hacked elections and nothing has been done to protect our votes.

Putin is going to give the Republicans another 100 seats in the House.

It's gonna be AWESOME!!!!
Keep dreaming....listen, although turnout will be the key this nov....I want to bet now, not only will we keep the congress, I see us gaining seats in the senate....I have yet to talk to one person that likes the GOP and Im in a red state.
Anybody with a brain, thinking that this Nov. Russia will not have a hand in our elections, is on OPIOD induced Trump meds....the only reason Mitch, the GOP and Trump crap all over the congress and us, is because they know that Putin has all but garuanteed them a win in Nov. No rational reasonable thinking GOP politician would put so much of their souls into corruption, where it not for
a wink from Trump on whats to occur in NOV.

almost 4 years in on our last hacked elections and nothing has been done to protect our votes.

Putin is going to give the Republicans another 100 seats in the House.

It's gonna be AWESOME!!!!
Keep dreaming....listen, although turnout will be the key this nov....I want to bet now, not only will we keep the congress, I see us gaining seats in the senate....I have yet to talk to one person that likes the GOP and Im in a red state.

I want to bet now, not only will we keep the congress, I see us gaining seats in the senate...

The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!

You need serious help.
LOLOL...if you think Obama was a puppet of Putins and Trump isn't and I need help...than I must render you a non fuckin factor...bye felicia!!
Explain how the Russians interfered in the 1980s?

The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!
I don't disagree with you. All I am saying is that Obama should have confronted Putin in 2016 when he knew Putin was hacking into the DNC and actively interfering in our elections. Obama may have a point when he says he did not want to be seen as interfering in the election himself. Be that as it may, you are right about Trump and Putin.
Anybody with a brain, thinking that this Nov. Russia will not have a hand in our elections, is on OPIOD induced Trump meds....the only reason Mitch, the GOP and Trump crap all over the congress and us, is because they know that Putin has all but garuanteed them a win in Nov. No rational reasonable thinking GOP politician would put so much of their souls into corruption, where it not for
a wink from Trump on whats to occur in NOV.

almost 4 years in on our last hacked elections and nothing has been done to protect our votes.

Putin is going to give the Republicans another 100 seats in the House.

It's gonna be AWESOME!!!!
Keep dreaming....listen, although turnout will be the key this nov....I want to bet now, not only will we keep the congress, I see us gaining seats in the senate....I have yet to talk to one person that likes the GOP and Im in a red state.

I want to bet now, not only will we keep the congress, I see us gaining seats in the senate...

Correction: Butt, ie Trump = Putin!!
With President Trump facing an impeachment trial over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden, Russian military hackers have been boring into the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the affair, according to security experts.

The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.

It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens — the same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign. In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.

Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment

Yeah, the Kremlin is once again hacking for their man, Donald J. Trump. They want to find dirt on Hunter Biden to assist their asset in his White House in his reelection bid.

Really ruined another day for you, Coleslaw, that once again, the progressive libtard crooks of the left are getting exposed soon to have their ass handed to them again?
Explain how the Russians interfered in the 1980s?

The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was wrong on Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the past 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.

You are aware that the Russians/Soviets did not have facebook 90 years ago?
Then why are conservatives arguing that election interference by foreign nations in US elections are a common occurrence? Not one says that it is only common since Facebook came into existence. They say its been occurring for years and years way before the internet came into existence.
The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!
I don't disagree with you. All I am saying is that Obama should have confronted Putin in 2016 when he knew Putin was hacking into the DNC and actively interfering in our elections. Obama may have a point when he says he did not want to be seen as interfering in the election himself. Be that as it may, you are right about Trump and Putin.
Oh, oh, yes I agree. So many mistakes on the Obama administration was made that year. Too afraid to put the shit out there for fear of Trump and his supporters. He assumed Hillary would win and all would be okay. Trump and 2016 was the perfect storm and I can't wait for history to gather up all the intell and let ppl know just how perfect a storm that year was for corruption and Trump to win
The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was wrong on Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the past 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.

You are aware that the Russians/Soviets did not have facebook 90 years ago?
Then why are conservatives arguing that election interference by foreign nations in US elections are a common occurrence? Not one says that it is only common sicne Facebook. They say its been occurring for years and years.

Then why are conservatives arguing that election interference by foreign nations in US elections are a common occurrence?

The Commies naturally prefer liberal appeaser candidates.
The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!
I don't disagree with you. All I am saying is that Obama should have confronted Putin in 2016 when he knew Putin was hacking into the DNC and actively interfering in our elections. Obama may have a point when he says he did not want to be seen as interfering in the election himself. Be that as it may, you are right about Trump and Putin.
Confront Putin, Coleslaw? Don't you remember? Just a few years ago, not only did Obama refute that Russia was even a threat at all, he laughed at the idea that our elections were anything less than locked up 100% solid tight! :21:
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!
I don't disagree with you. All I am saying is that Obama should have confronted Putin in 2016 when he knew Putin was hacking into the DNC and actively interfering in our elections. Obama may have a point when he says he did not want to be seen as interfering in the election himself. Be that as it may, you are right about Trump and Putin.
Oh, oh, yes I agree. So many mistakes on the Obama administration was made that year. Too afraid to put the shit out there for fear of Trump and his supporters. He assumed Hillary would win and all would be okay. Trump and 2016 was the perfect storm and I can't wait for history to gather up all the intell and let ppl know just how perfect a storm that year was for corruption and Trump to win

Clinton corruption lost in 2016.
With President Trump facing an impeachment trial over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden, Russian military hackers have been boring into the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the affair, according to security experts.

The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.

It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens — the same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign. In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.

Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment

Yeah, the Kremlin is once again hacking for their man, Donald J. Trump. They want to find dirt on Hunter Biden to assist their asset in his White House in his reelection bid.

Really ruined another day for you, Coleslaw, that once again, the progressive libtard crooks of the left are getting exposed soon to have their ass handed to them again?
Please reply to the OP with a coherent post without the unnecessary invective.
With President Trump facing an impeachment trial over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden, Russian military hackers have been boring into the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the affair, according to security experts.

The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.

It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens — the same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign. In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.

Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment

Yeah, the Kremlin is once again hacking for their man, Donald J. Trump. They want to find dirt on Hunter Biden to assist their asset in his White House in his reelection bid.

Really ruined another day for you, Coleslaw, that once again, the progressive libtard crooks of the left are getting exposed soon to have their ass handed to them again?
How the hell are we having our ass's handed to us? We made historic gains in 2018 with congress, women and minorities. With Trump being so popular, the economy so great, why has his approval rating, NEVER EVER NEVER NEVER got pass 50% since taking office? If anybody is blind, it you red white and vomit conservative retards
Anybody with a brain, thinking that this Nov. Russia will not have a hand in our elections, is on OPIOD induced Trump meds....the only reason Mitch, the GOP and Trump crap all over the congress and us, is because they know that Putin has all but garuanteed them a win in Nov. No rational reasonable thinking GOP politician would put so much of their souls into corruption, where it not for
a wink from Trump on whats to occur in NOV.

almost 4 years in on our last hacked elections and nothing has been done to protect our votes.

Putin is going to give the Republicans another 100 seats in the House.

It's gonna be AWESOME!!!!
Keep dreaming....listen, although turnout will be the key this nov....I want to bet now, not only will we keep the congress, I see us gaining seats in the senate....I have yet to talk to one person that likes the GOP and Im in a red state.

I don't know how long (you believe) that you have been paying attention, but turnout is always the key.
If you claim that Hillary lost due to lower turnout - you would be incorrect, turnout for that election was statistically the same as all recent Presidential
that didn't have a first time (half) black person run.

What Senate seats do you think that you will pick up?
That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!
I don't disagree with you. All I am saying is that Obama should have confronted Putin in 2016 when he knew Putin was hacking into the DNC and actively interfering in our elections. Obama may have a point when he says he did not want to be seen as interfering in the election himself. Be that as it may, you are right about Trump and Putin.
Oh, oh, yes I agree. So many mistakes on the Obama administration was made that year. Too afraid to put the shit out there for fear of Trump and his supporters. He assumed Hillary would win and all would be okay. Trump and 2016 was the perfect storm and I can't wait for history to gather up all the intell and let ppl know just how perfect a storm that year was for corruption and Trump to win

Clinton corruption lost in 2016.
And she should have lost....she was a useless pile of white shit like her pal Trump
The Russians are a bigger threat than they were during the Cold War?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!
I don't disagree with you. All I am saying is that Obama should have confronted Putin in 2016 when he knew Putin was hacking into the DNC and actively interfering in our elections. Obama may have a point when he says he did not want to be seen as interfering in the election himself. Be that as it may, you are right about Trump and Putin.

Why do you think that someone hacked the DNC?
That is not the issue. The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war? If so, how so? Please cite examples.

That is not the issue.

It is the issue.
Obama said Russia wasn't the biggest threat.
Or even much of a threat at all.
Was he wrong? Was he lying?

Did memes on Facebook trick Dems into voting for Trump?

The issue is did the Russians actively interfere in our elections during the cold war?

Did they help Teddy Kennedy to beat Reagan in 1984?
Teddy was awesome!
Obama was an wrong with Russia and he let Putin walk all over him at least in 2016.

Well for the record, Ted Kennedy never ran against Reagan. Kennedy ran against Carter for the Democratic nomination and lost. Carter ran against Reagan.

Conservatives have been arguing that Russians have been interfering in our elections on the same level as 2016 for the 90 years. All I am asking for is proof. Show me where that is true.
Putin walking all over OBama? Putin didn't fuck with Obama because number one, Putin the china guy was racist and Putin knew Obama was all about business over the Ukraine shit and he never went there with him after we start having their backs.....but walking over Obama??? PUTIN HAS TRUMP SO FAR UP HIS ASS, YOU CAN SEE ORANGE HAIR COMING OUT HIS MOUTH WHEN HE TALKS!!
I don't disagree with you. All I am saying is that Obama should have confronted Putin in 2016 when he knew Putin was hacking into the DNC and actively interfering in our elections. Obama may have a point when he says he did not want to be seen as interfering in the election himself. Be that as it may, you are right about Trump and Putin.
Confront Putin, Coleslaw? Don't you remember? Just a few years ago, not only did Obama refute that Russia was even a threat at all, he laughed at the idea that our elections were anything less than locked up 100% solid tight! :21:
You missed my prior posts where I said Obama was wrong on Russia. That Obama was wrong on Russia does not mean he was Vlad's poodle like Trump appears to be.
With President Trump facing an impeachment trial over his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son Hunter Biden, Russian military hackers have been boring into the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the affair, according to security experts.

The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States.

It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens — the same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

The Russian tactics are strikingly similar to what American intelligence agencies say was Russia’s hacking of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 presidential campaign. In that case, once they had the emails, the Russians used trolls to spread and spin the material, and built an echo chamber to widen its effect.

Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment

Yeah, the Kremlin is once again hacking for their man, Donald J. Trump. They want to find dirt on Hunter Biden to assist their asset in his White House in his reelection bid.

Really ruined another day for you, Coleslaw, that once again, the progressive libtard crooks of the left are getting exposed soon to have their ass handed to them again?
How the hell are we having our ass's handed to us? We made historic gains in 2018 with congress, women and minorities. With Trump being so popular, the economy so great, why has his approval rating, NEVER EVER NEVER NEVER got pass 50% since taking office? If anybody is blind, it you red white and vomit conservative retards

You didn't make historic gains in Congress in 2018
2018 was a disaster, historically speaking for Dems.

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