The last days of a white world


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
No One group will be the majority and that is a good thing

We are near a global watershed - a time when white people will not be in the majority in the developed world, Britain included. Anthony Browne reports

It was news and no news; the most significant milestone in one of the most profound changes to affect the US in the past century, and yet a non-event. Last week the US Census Bureau issued figures showing that non-hispanic whites made up 49.8 per cent of the population of California.
Anglo-Saxon whites are already a minority in Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Now they are an ethnic minority in the country's most populous state.

Non-whites will be majority in US and Europe by 2050 UK news The Guardian
And we are entering a world of on-whites. Similar to Haiti, Uganda, Somalia, Venezuela, Mexico, etc.

No One group will be the majority and that is a good thing

We are near a global watershed - a time when white people will not be in the majority in the developed world, Britain included. Anthony Browne reports

It was news and no news; the most significant milestone in one of the most profound changes to affect the US in the past century, and yet a non-event. Last week the US Census Bureau issued figures showing that non-hispanic whites made up 49.8 per cent of the population of California.
Anglo-Saxon whites are already a minority in Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Now they are an ethnic minority in the country's most populous state.

Non-whites will be majority in US and Europe by 2050 UK news The Guardian

Who cares?
You are the one pointing out race, not anyone else.
guno, serious question here:

You start a lot of these threads with demographic data, and that's great, but you never really get into why.

It seems pretty clear that you're watching this stuff very carefully and that you're very happy that white people are decreasing as a percentage of the overall population.

Okay, so could you go into detail as to why you're paying such close attention, and why this makes you so happy? My assumption is that you feel white people are a pretty significant negative.

guno, serious question here:

You start a lot of these threads with demographic data, and that's great, but you never really get into why.

It seems pretty clear that you're watching this stuff very carefully and that you're very happy that white people are decreasing as a percentage of the overall population.

Okay, so could you go into detail as to why you're paying such close attention, and why this makes you so happy? My assumption is that you feel white people are a pretty significant negative.

Looking forward to a response.

The ZOGs in the West did it.

Fucking insane, racist fruitcakes who believe in Yahweh/Allah really should not have been allowed to obtain key positions in government, corporate America, Hollywood and Wall Street but it is what it is.
Whites have always been a minority in the world. There has never been a time of a white majority.

What there has been is white domination. Whites have always been better organized and more efficient. That hasn't changed. The progress that dark minorities have made have only been made because whites helped them and let them. That hasn't changed either.

One of the most essential hallmarks of white domination has been the cold efficiency by which whites kill off other groups. Unlike savages that jump around, yell, and slash, the white man will efficiently and unemotionally systematically engage in removal.

That hasn't changed either.
The sad thing about how some people are so excited about this is that they're simplistically assuming that more of one race automatically assumes dominance.

So, instead of raising standards and expectations for minorities, these people are happy to wait until they breed themselves into the majority, and supposed power.

Minorities everywhere should be insulted by this.

If your culture is known for being violent and barbaric, good luck getting a job. It doesnt matter how many of you there are, you will still be far less employable and successful than the superior cultures. Hell, South Africa had a black majority, but who was in charge (before the downfall of that nation)? Superior cultures will always dominate, and inferior ones wont. Sorry, but no one running a fortune 500 company will ever speak ebonics. Pull up your pants, learn to speak, stop stealing, lying and killing, and maybe your culture will become as good as mine, but until then you need to know your place... at the back of the bus.
The ZOGs in the West did it.

Fucking insane, racist fruitcakes who believe in Yahweh/Allah really should not have been allowed to obtain key positions in government, corporate America, Hollywood and Wall Street but it is what it is.

The Zionists did WHAT exactly Snouter?? Make America less white on purpose? Is that a BAD thing?? Or are you just wired to blame most anything on corporate America and the jews??
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Thread has a valid discussion topic.. Some are having problems not making it personal already by page2.
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Thanks.. FCT
This scoundrel, this genocidal maniac rejoice over the ongoing genocide of the white people of America...

He deserves to see the piles of jewish bodies Nazi Germany produced...

All the fire from Hell is too little punishment for what your people has been doing to a nation that for the most part always treated you well, a nation that served as a haven for you from the persecution in Europe, you bird excrement!!

A nation that together with Russia saved your sorry asses 70 years ago!!

Pig from Hell!!

Your people's murderous, genocidal agenda of cramming America with non-whites and using the mass media to induce the american white youth to lose their racial heritage through miscigenation will not succeed!!

You and your disgusting people will be turned into soap and lampshades once again
long before the last anglo-saxon American disappears from the face of the Earth!!
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And you flacaltenn instead of going around making unfounded accusations, accusing others of being "conspiracy theorists" on subjects you know nothing about, should have a better grasp of the recent history of your own country...

Specially the life and work of this infamous jewish-american congressman:


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In the last days of White World --- I suppose we get more cranks like these blaming everything on the Jews.. Because SOMEONE has to be responsible for changing demographics.. And it COULD NOT BE Congress or the Presidents or the special interest lobbyists or Mexico or Globalization..

Simple minds NEED simple conspiracies..
Where'd you disappear to Guno??? You tossed this Molotov cocktail into discussion. Now deal with all the folks who showed up... These are the only people that CARE about demographic shifts like you do..

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