The last days of a white world

America is being flooded with non-white immigrants and the american mass media is bombarding the american youth with the glamourization of mixed couples in a clear effort to present race mixing as a model to be followed by the american youth.

If the exact same thing were hapenning in an African or Asian country the whole world would be crying genocide.

But since it's happening in a white country.... suddenly it's not genocide anymore... it's "diversity".
Back in the prehistory period, 1950's, I had a geography teacher, not one of those HOT teachers of today, teaching innocent young men and women the supposed finer things of life. No, No, this was an older woman, late forties or early fifties who could and would spank your ass at the drop of a hat. I have never forgotten a bit of guidance she gave the class one day just prior to dismissal. Her advice to the class was to learn Spanish starting in the 6th Grade. Her reasoning was that within the next 50 years or so, Latino's would be close to becoming the majority race of the United States. Latino's would immigrate into America simply because they would recognize that white America would have a good thing going here and since Mexico owned most of the western united states previously, the Latino's would want to take it back. guno is another individual who is aware of this trend and is using that knowledge to pull the chains of people. Best way to put guno out of sight is to ignore him. He will tire of talking to himself. However, should some of the responders be young enough to be concerned, you have one of two options. Most airlines fly planes in both directions, in and out. If you do not want to be here when whites are largely minority, make plans and save to go elsewhere. Be an expat living in another country where you are not zeroed out. Now, I am 75 years old going on 76. This problem is not mine. Born in 1940, I have lived the very best years of America. The folks of upper means and scholastic types have wanted to generalize the American public for years. With those plans working fairly well, they have every thing to gain and the rest, the peons, of which you will be one have every thing to lose. So, find some place to go, plan for it and save your change and go. Be certain to take a blue collar trade with you and you will be fine. Otherwise, stay here and suck hind tit until the revolution is over. That is the progressive agenda in a nut shell, and they are using their very common subjects, weak minded people, of the shrinking middle class to do the work for them. That is why Repubs don't want Clinton to win or any progressive for that matter. Progressives have an agenda and now you know what it is. Cheap shots at Jews are simply used in accordance with the plan or by whites who, like the Nazi, blamed the Jews for everything. You know the type. The Lord takes care of them who take care of themselves. While that may or may not be true, why not be safe and prepare your way? The worst thing that can happen is, you have a way out if needed. Me, I will be resting peacefully, watching the grass grow from under ground. If you feel this is so much crap, no problem, ignore it!
And Cellar was not speaking and acting on his own behalf in his lifelong crusade to destroy America's racial composition... he was representing his people, the american-jewish community...

The fact that american Jews openly support mass non-white immigration into the US is standard fare... all you have to do to confirm what I'm saying is spend a couple of hours in Brooklyn talking to average american Jews.

But I really don't expect my last post will be able to convince Hossfly, Bloodrock or Kondor that they are here giving aid and support to the enemies of their own people.

The guys are so hopelessly, heavily indoctrinated by religion and (false) american nationalism they will probably die both as individuals and as anglo-americans, as a people kissing the hand that's stabbing them.

tsk, tsk, tsk...

I don't support any massive immigration boy,:slap: and Guno is a fake Jew. He just plays one here on the board in an attempt to make real Jews look bad
It lays bare the effect of decades of immigration and claims that white Britons will be in a minority by 2066. The report – which also reveals the huge impact of Labour’s open-door policy to immigration between 1997 and 2010 – says foreigners and non-white Britons living here will double by 2040 and make up one third of the UK population. In the study, minorities are classed as people who also describe themselves in censuses as Irish or another nationality, as well as by their skin colour. According to the data, around a fifth of people in the UK are non-white or non-British. But this is expected to rise to a quarter by 2025, a third by 2040 and reach up to 38 per cent by 2050.

Migrants change UK forever White Britons will be in minority by 2066 UK News Daily Express


Figures released in August showed the number of migrants from the eight newly-joined Eastern European countries working in Britain rose by more than a quarter in a year. Romanian and Bulgarian migrant numbers have also continued to increase. It shows there are around 654,000 Polish nationals in the UK out of 41.5million in Europe – meaning 1.6 per cent live here. The scale of the migration from Lithuania is even more stark. A total of 108,000 Lithuanians live in Britain, some 3.4 per cent of all those in Europe. Between 2004 and last year, the population of Eastern European migrants in Britain rose by 544 per cent, from around 167,000 to 1,077,000.

The truth about East European migration but statistics don t even show latest influx Daily Mail Online


Which white Britons would those be? They've been in the minority in the United States for well over a century and a half. They only compose about 5% of the enter US population today.


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They celebrate every time they can make those Divisions deeper and more steamy..
A couple of things are becoming clear:

First, they're not trying to improve race relations, they're just trying to win. I can think of a part of a major religion that is engaging in the same behavior right now. Jihadists have no interest in better relations with other religions, they want them eliminated. So we're fighting different battles, I want to see race relations improve, and they just want to see "white people" beaten and marginalized via demographics.

Second, they clearly look at white people as a scourge that must be minimized. guno, seriously, I wish you would comment on this, since you have started dozens of threads on this very topic. Surely you'd point to evils that white people have perpetrated, and that would be an interesting discussion. My problem is that these are the same people who never try to lift others up - they always want to bring some people down instead.

You'd think a person who puts so much effort into this topic would be willing to discuss it at depth. And another fascinating thing here is that so many who feel this way are white. This certainly smells of self-loathing and guilt. Let's hear it, for a change.

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And Cellar was not speaking and acting on his own behalf in his lifelong crusade to destroy America's racial composition... he was representing his people, the american-jewish community...

The fact that american Jews openly support mass non-white immigration into the US is standard fare... all you have to do to confirm what I'm saying is spend a couple of hours in Brooklyn talking to average american Jews.

But I really don't expect my last post will be able to convince Hossfly, Bloodrock or Kondor that they are here giving aid and support to the enemies of their own people.

The guys are so hopelessly, heavily indoctrinated by religion and (false) american nationalism they will probably die both as individuals and as anglo-americans, as a people kissing the hand that's stabbing them.

tsk, tsk, tsk...

I don't support any massive immigration boy,:slap: and Guno is a fake Jecw. He just plays one here on the board in an attempt to make real Jews look bad

I amso IR responds

Changing demographics need not be a cause for panic, and they are certainly not an excuse for racism from any side.
No One group will be the majority and that is a good thing

We are near a global watershed - a time when white people will not be in the majority in the developed world, Britain included. Anthony Browne reports

It was news and no news; the most significant milestone in one of the most profound changes to affect the US in the past century, and yet a non-event. Last week the US Census Bureau issued figures showing that non-hispanic whites made up 49.8 per cent of the population of California.
Anglo-Saxon whites are already a minority in Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Now they are an ethnic minority in the country's most populous state.

Non-whites will be majority in US and Europe by 2050 UK news The Guardian

You're obsessed with this might want to look into some counseling.
It is what it is .... get used to it or leave.
How the hell could white people get used to being a minority in not only America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. , but Europe as well? Where would we move to? East Asia?

Think moron, think.
It is what it is .... get used to it or leave.
How the hell could white people get used to being a minority in not only America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. , but Europe as well? Where would we move to? East Asia?

Think moron, think.

well if people just think about themselves as people should not be an issue.
or, white people can start having more babies! :)
No One group will be the majority and that is a good thing

We are near a global watershed - a time when white people will not be in the majority in the developed world, Britain included. Anthony Browne reports

It was news and no news; the most significant milestone in one of the most profound changes to affect the US in the past century, and yet a non-event. Last week the US Census Bureau issued figures showing that non-hispanic whites made up 49.8 per cent of the population of California.
Anglo-Saxon whites are already a minority in Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Now they are an ethnic minority in the country's most populous state.

Non-whites will be majority in US and Europe by 2050 UK news The Guardian

You're obsessed with this might want to look into some counseling.
And he's white.

I can never get him to explain why he's so excited about this.

He's consumed by guilt, I get that, but yikes.
The only thing I find interesting concerning the subject of Race is the very wide range of Races that make up the human species. If the White Supremist's nightmare were to come true and in a couple of Millenia everyone had the skin tone of, say, Halley Berry the "diversity" of the human race would be lost. Is it Racist to say that would be a bummer? I just think it's cool to see lots of different skin, hair, and characteristics. I could care less about this "White majority" stuff.

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