The Last Jedi is as bad as the fans say it is!!!


Apr 22, 2007

It starts out awful and goes down to the worst climax of the series:

(1) It starts with a loan fighter pilot (Poe) confronting the large First Order armada. He makes a call to Gen Hux and it plays out like a bad Spaceballs parody. The joke fell flat and was very cringeworthy. They played it off like he was buying time, but it started the movie off wrong.
(2) Gen Hux already states no surrender for the rebels. He doesn’t deploy his fighters until Poe can take out the cannons until challenged and has time to monologue while the resistance is getting away? Smh
(3) Next they have the big attack on the big FO ship. They did the cliche last bomber pilot drops the trigger only to regain it at the last minute. So cliche it was boring.
(4) Then they flash to Rey and Luke. Luke went from bad ass Jedi to a whinny old man. Their interaction stayed that way the whole time. He briefly agrees to train her for a whopping 3 days (when Jedis train for years to become masters). Yet they don’t train at all, but some how see becomes fully in tune with the force.
(5) Then they leave without Luke. So it was a big waste.
(6) Next they add the worst new character in the series. The Asian girl. Finn and her had zero chemistry. There interaction was cringeworthy. Her acting was horrible and her presence was unnecessary.

(7) ***worse part of the movie***
From there the bridge is destroyed with Leia on it and somehow she is floating in space, but does a superwoman fly to safety. Dumb as hell. I heard the people in front of me say. “You have to be kidding.”
(8) Then they add a forced scene of the bartender from the first one. It was also a cringeworthy scene the the writers put in for comedic value. But the joke fell flat. So forced
(9) Then of course Hollywood goes liberal and states any of the rich people at the casino must be into crime. That evil 1%. And Finn gets arrested for a very stupid and forced reason. In prison he happens to find a master code breaker, lockpick and the guy that steals them a ship. Of course this ill planned adventure was
a useless and pointless subplot because it doesn’t work.
(9) Then the rebels decide to abandon ship and get attacked. So the big mothership is rammed into the first other mother ship. Everyone dies except for Finn the annoying Asian and the Silver SS. Now they tried to build up the Silver SS since the last movie and she under whelmed again. Finn kills her with ease. It seemed like a very forced scene. Finn escape.

(10) They make it to a base in which is getting assaulted Empire Strikes back style. Finn is about to take out the cannon that is the only thing that can break down the gate, but the Asian girl thinks it is a great idea to ram her vehicle into his. So now they have 2 destroyed vehicles and they are at the footsteps of the first order. I was like yes the annoying Asia girl is dead, but Finn is able to drag her back to bases which appeared to be some distance away in the matter of secs and somehow she is alive. Poor writing.

(11) Then Luke arrives to confront Kylo. I was like awesome. The whole armada shoots at Luke and he appears to be able to deflect it. I was getting excited. Then Kylo goes down to confront him. Only to find out Luke is a halo gram and not there. They flash over to Luke and he is dies. Smh

(12) I forgot the Kylo and Rey connection to which there was actual chemistry. But it becomes wastes i am sure it will be revisited.

(13) They finally show Smoot. He is an mean angry guy. He appears powerful, but Kylo kills him and then in a poorly sequenced chain of events Rey and Kylo kill a whole bunch of Samurais. Rey fighting skill acting is really bad.

It never gets better. It gets worse and worse and then ends.

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I'll wait and get input from the grandsons Sunday, thank you.
It's a C+ movie that is a lot of fun.

Don't look for great insight or any consistency. Just enjoy it.

It starts out awful and goes down to the worst climax of the series:

(1) It starts with a loan fighter pilot (Poe) confronting the large First Order armada. He makes a call to Gen Hux and it plays out like a bad Spaceballs parody. The joke fell flat and was very cringeworthy. They played it off like he was buying time, but it started the movie off wrong.
(2) Gen Hux already states no surrender for the rebels. He doesn’t deploy his fighters until Poe can take out the cannons until challenged and has time to monologue while the resistance is getting away? Smh
(3) Next they have the big attack on the big FO ship. They did the cliche last bomber pilot drops the trigger only to regain it at the last minute. So cliche it was boring.
(4) Then they flash to Rey and Luke. Luke went from bad ass Jedi to a whinny old man. Their interaction stayed that way the whole time. He briefly agrees to train her for a whopping 3 days (when Jedis train for years to become masters). Yet they don’t train at all, but some how see becomes fully in tune with the force.
(5) Then they leave without Luke. So it was a big waste.
(6) Next they add the worst new character in the series. The Asian girl. Finn and her had zero chemistry. There interaction was cringeworthy. Her acting was horrible and her presence was unnecessary.

(7) ***worse part of the movie***
From there the bridge is destroyed with Leia on it and somehow she is floating in space, but does a superwoman fly to safety. Dumb as hell. I heard the people in front of me say. “You have to be kidding.”
(8) Then they add a forced scene of the bartender from the first one. It was also a cringeworthy scene the the writers put in for comedic value. But the joke fell flat. So forced
(9) Then of course Hollywood goes liberal and states any of the rich people at the casino must be into crime. That evil 1%. And Finn gets arrested for a very stupid and forced reason. In prison he happens to find a master code breaker, lockpick and the guy that steals them a ship. Of course this ill planned adventure was
a useless and pointless subplot because it doesn’t work.
(9) Then the rebels decide to abandon ship and get attacked. So the big mothership is rammed into the first other mother ship. Everyone dies except for Finn the annoying Asian and the Silver SS. Now they tried to build up the Silver SS since the last movie and she under whelmed again. Finn kills her with ease. It seemed like a very forced scene. Finn escape.

(10) They make it to a base in which is getting assaulted Empire Strikes back style. Finn is about to take out the cannon that is the only thing that can break down the gate, but the Asian girl thinks it is a great idea to ram her vehicle into his. So now they have 2 destroyed vehicles and they are at the footsteps of the first order. I was like yes the annoying Asia girl is dead, but Finn is able to drag her back to bases which appeared to be some distance away in the matter of secs and somehow she is alive. Poor writing.

(11) Then Luke arrives to confront Kylo. I was like awesome. The whole armada shoots at Luke and he appears to be able to deflect it. I was getting excited. Then Kylo goes down to confront him. Only to find out Luke is a halo gram and not there. They flash over to Luke and he is dies. Smh

(12) I forgot the Kylo and Rey connection to which there was actual chemistry. But it becomes wastes i am sure it will be revisited.

(13) They finally show Smoot. He is an mean angry guy. He appears powerful, but Kylo kills him and then in a poorly sequenced chain of events Rey and Kylo kill a whole bunch of Samurais. Rey fighting skill acting is really bad.

It never gets better. It gets worse and worse and then ends.

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So who are Rey's parents? PM me.
So who are Rey's parents? PM me.

I've seen every SW movie except The Last Jedi and will wait until that comes to Pay-for-View. Most of them several times. So, here are my thoughts on the subject:

I never realized how poor the acting was in the first three until I saw them two or more times later on. Then, it came to me. Except for Obi Wan, they were so bad because the script they had to read was so horrible.

"Oh my goodness, it's the evil guys. What are we going to do?

"Don't worry about it, The Force will be with us."

The other thing I've noticed in all of them - the military "strategy" or lack thereof in all of them sucks!

The bad guys have endless massive Star Cruisers and so on that usually end up stuck in one place in space while all those tiny one-man fighters do all the action, the majority of them getting wiped out by the good-guys' unnecessarily aerodynamic fighters wiping them out. And, oh yeah, the rebel's leadership always seems to be sending unarmed transports out to fight the heavily-armed bad guys.

And then, there's that ridiculous white plastic "armor" the bad guys wear that doesn't do one single thing to protect the drones inside. And, why are the bad guys wearing white? The only truly bad guy (who turns out to really be a misunderstood good guy) wears black. And, all those brilliant officers wear gray. Does that mean they're just half-assed bad guys?

Will any of the above stop me from watching?

Not hardly!
I watched Star Wars when it first hit the theaters in the 70’s, that was the first, the last and only one I ever saw. So, hope the force is with you all and you enjoy the heck out of the new movie.
I watched Star Wars when it first hit the theaters in the 70’s, that was the first, the last and only one I ever saw. So, hope the force is with you all and you enjoy the heck out of the new movie.
There is nothing like the original. The last few movies feel forced.
Another favorite was the first Alien. Was first R movie I saw as a kid and scared the hell out of me. Newest movie Covenant reached the point of ridiculous and forced also. A shame considering the original director Ridley Scott came back to series.
Yeah, good idea, creepy 3 foot egg thing opens and something clearly alive is moving around...think I will stick my face right in there fir a closer look see....really? C'mon man...:eusa_doh:
Sequels are just lame.
If you're a lifelong Star Wars fan, The Last Jedi's message to you is what I often tell a group of kids before they're about to get a treat; "you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit."

Yes, they forever ruined Luke Skywalker. Yes Finn, Poe, Rose, Phasma, and Guillermo Del Torro could have been entirely absent from the movie and affected nothing. Yes, Snoke ended up being nothing. Yes, Rey's parents ended up being nothing. Yes, they despicably pissed on the grave of Admiral Ackbar. Yes, the entire main plot of the movie was a low speed car chase that was running out of gas.

Was it as bad as the prequels? No, I won't go that far. But damn, was I disappointed.

If you don't know anything about Star Wars, you'll love it. And I'm happy that Star Wars is going to continue, whatever form it happens to continue in. So I won't throw a fit, but I'll probably wait until Episode 9 is out on Netflix to watch it.

It starts out awful and goes down to the worst climax of the series:

(1) It starts with a loan fighter pilot (Poe) confronting the large First Order armada. He makes a call to Gen Hux and it plays out like a bad Spaceballs parody. The joke fell flat and was very cringeworthy. They played it off like he was buying time, but it started the movie off wrong.
(2) Gen Hux already states no surrender for the rebels. He doesn’t deploy his fighters until Poe can take out the cannons until challenged and has time to monologue while the resistance is getting away? Smh
(3) Next they have the big attack on the big FO ship. They did the cliche last bomber pilot drops the trigger only to regain it at the last minute. So cliche it was boring.
(4) Then they flash to Rey and Luke. Luke went from bad ass Jedi to a whinny old man. Their interaction stayed that way the whole time. He briefly agrees to train her for a whopping 3 days (when Jedis train for years to become masters). Yet they don’t train at all, but some how see becomes fully in tune with the force.
(5) Then they leave without Luke. So it was a big waste.
(6) Next they add the worst new character in the series. The Asian girl. Finn and her had zero chemistry. There interaction was cringeworthy. Her acting was horrible and her presence was unnecessary.

(7) ***worse part of the movie***
From there the bridge is destroyed with Leia on it and somehow she is floating in space, but does a superwoman fly to safety. Dumb as hell. I heard the people in front of me say. “You have to be kidding.”
(8) Then they add a forced scene of the bartender from the first one. It was also a cringeworthy scene the the writers put in for comedic value. But the joke fell flat. So forced
(9) Then of course Hollywood goes liberal and states any of the rich people at the casino must be into crime. That evil 1%. And Finn gets arrested for a very stupid and forced reason. In prison he happens to find a master code breaker, lockpick and the guy that steals them a ship. Of course this ill planned adventure was
a useless and pointless subplot because it doesn’t work.
(9) Then the rebels decide to abandon ship and get attacked. So the big mothership is rammed into the first other mother ship. Everyone dies except for Finn the annoying Asian and the Silver SS. Now they tried to build up the Silver SS since the last movie and she under whelmed again. Finn kills her with ease. It seemed like a very forced scene. Finn escape.

(10) They make it to a base in which is getting assaulted Empire Strikes back style. Finn is about to take out the cannon that is the only thing that can break down the gate, but the Asian girl thinks it is a great idea to ram her vehicle into his. So now they have 2 destroyed vehicles and they are at the footsteps of the first order. I was like yes the annoying Asia girl is dead, but Finn is able to drag her back to bases which appeared to be some distance away in the matter of secs and somehow she is alive. Poor writing.

(11) Then Luke arrives to confront Kylo. I was like awesome. The whole armada shoots at Luke and he appears to be able to deflect it. I was getting excited. Then Kylo goes down to confront him. Only to find out Luke is a halo gram and not there. They flash over to Luke and he is dies. Smh

(12) I forgot the Kylo and Rey connection to which there was actual chemistry. But it becomes wastes i am sure it will be revisited.

(13) They finally show Smoot. He is an mean angry guy. He appears powerful, but Kylo kills him and then in a poorly sequenced chain of events Rey and Kylo kill a whole bunch of Samurais. Rey fighting skill acting is really bad.

It never gets better. It gets worse and worse and then ends.

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I watched the first of the new new ones and couldn't cope with the acting of that main female charter.

It starts out awful and goes down to the worst climax of the series:

(1) It starts with a loan fighter pilot (Poe) confronting the large First Order armada. He makes a call to Gen Hux and it plays out like a bad Spaceballs parody. The joke fell flat and was very cringeworthy. They played it off like he was buying time, but it started the movie off wrong.
(2) Gen Hux already states no surrender for the rebels. He doesn’t deploy his fighters until Poe can take out the cannons until challenged and has time to monologue while the resistance is getting away? Smh
(3) Next they have the big attack on the big FO ship. They did the cliche last bomber pilot drops the trigger only to regain it at the last minute. So cliche it was boring.
(4) Then they flash to Rey and Luke. Luke went from bad ass Jedi to a whinny old man. Their interaction stayed that way the whole time. He briefly agrees to train her for a whopping 3 days (when Jedis train for years to become masters). Yet they don’t train at all, but some how see becomes fully in tune with the force.
(5) Then they leave without Luke. So it was a big waste.
(6) Next they add the worst new character in the series. The Asian girl. Finn and her had zero chemistry. There interaction was cringeworthy. Her acting was horrible and her presence was unnecessary.

(7) ***worse part of the movie***
From there the bridge is destroyed with Leia on it and somehow she is floating in space, but does a superwoman fly to safety. Dumb as hell. I heard the people in front of me say. “You have to be kidding.”
(8) Then they add a forced scene of the bartender from the first one. It was also a cringeworthy scene the the writers put in for comedic value. But the joke fell flat. So forced
(9) Then of course Hollywood goes liberal and states any of the rich people at the casino must be into crime. That evil 1%. And Finn gets arrested for a very stupid and forced reason. In prison he happens to find a master code breaker, lockpick and the guy that steals them a ship. Of course this ill planned adventure was
a useless and pointless subplot because it doesn’t work.
(9) Then the rebels decide to abandon ship and get attacked. So the big mothership is rammed into the first other mother ship. Everyone dies except for Finn the annoying Asian and the Silver SS. Now they tried to build up the Silver SS since the last movie and she under whelmed again. Finn kills her with ease. It seemed like a very forced scene. Finn escape.

(10) They make it to a base in which is getting assaulted Empire Strikes back style. Finn is about to take out the cannon that is the only thing that can break down the gate, but the Asian girl thinks it is a great idea to ram her vehicle into his. So now they have 2 destroyed vehicles and they are at the footsteps of the first order. I was like yes the annoying Asia girl is dead, but Finn is able to drag her back to bases which appeared to be some distance away in the matter of secs and somehow she is alive. Poor writing.

(11) Then Luke arrives to confront Kylo. I was like awesome. The whole armada shoots at Luke and he appears to be able to deflect it. I was getting excited. Then Kylo goes down to confront him. Only to find out Luke is a halo gram and not there. They flash over to Luke and he is dies. Smh

(12) I forgot the Kylo and Rey connection to which there was actual chemistry. But it becomes wastes i am sure it will be revisited.

(13) They finally show Smoot. He is an mean angry guy. He appears powerful, but Kylo kills him and then in a poorly sequenced chain of events Rey and Kylo kill a whole bunch of Samurais. Rey fighting skill acting is really bad.

It never gets better. It gets worse and worse and then ends.

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I watched the first of the new new ones and couldn't cope with the acting of that main female charter.
I really liked her. I like her in this movie too, but everybody else was just awful.
Watched it today.
It was the same story as the original Star Wars but with a few things different with different actors.
There is even a scene where the main bad guy asks the main good guy (ok a girl) to join him and rule the am not kidding.
It was ok...pretty decent, but a definite copy job from previous movies.
I mean, how many times can you rewrite - bad guys fighting good guys, bad guys beat up good guy...but the very last moment good guys prevail !!! - Yay!!!!!!!!!
Glad I haven’t wasted my money on watching it, it sounds like it is a terrible movie.
Watched it today.
It was the same story as the original Star Wars but with a few things different with different actors.
There is even a scene where the main bad guy asks the main good guy (ok a girl) to join him and rule the am not kidding.
It was ok...pretty decent, but a definite copy job from previous movies.
I mean, how many times can you rewrite - bad guys fighting good guys, bad guys beat up good guy...but the very last moment good guys prevail !!! - Yay!!!!!!!!!
I haven't seen the new one, but I had the same impression about the last one. It is more a modernizing of the original StarWars, for a new generation.

To me, the bad guys fighting good guys, and at the very last moment good guys prevail will NEVER get old. Karate Kid, the original Star Wars, Return of the King.....good stuff.
If you're a lifelong Star Wars fan, The Last Jedi's message to you is what I often tell a group of kids before they're about to get a treat; "you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit."

Yes, they forever ruined Luke Skywalker. Yes Finn, Poe, Rose, Phasma, and Guillermo Del Torro could have been entirely absent from the movie and affected nothing. Yes, Snoke ended up being nothing. Yes, Rey's parents ended up being nothing. Yes, they despicably pissed on the grave of Admiral Ackbar. Yes, the entire main plot of the movie was a low speed car chase that was running out of gas.

Was it as bad as the prequels? No, I won't go that far. But damn, was I disappointed.

If you don't know anything about Star Wars, you'll love it. And I'm happy that Star Wars is going to continue, whatever form it happens to continue in. So I won't throw a fit, but I'll probably wait until Episode 9 is out on Netflix to watch it.

I agree with your assessment, except they it was worse than the Phantom Menace and even the Clone War

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If you're a lifelong Star Wars fan, The Last Jedi's message to you is what I often tell a group of kids before they're about to get a treat; "you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit."

Yes, they forever ruined Luke Skywalker. Yes Finn, Poe, Rose, Phasma, and Guillermo Del Torro could have been entirely absent from the movie and affected nothing. Yes, Snoke ended up being nothing. Yes, Rey's parents ended up being nothing. Yes, they despicably pissed on the grave of Admiral Ackbar. Yes, the entire main plot of the movie was a low speed car chase that was running out of gas.

Was it as bad as the prequels? No, I won't go that far. But damn, was I disappointed.

If you don't know anything about Star Wars, you'll love it. And I'm happy that Star Wars is going to continue, whatever form it happens to continue in. So I won't throw a fit, but I'll probably wait until Episode 9 is out on Netflix to watch it.

I agree with your assessment, except they it was worse than the Phantom Menace and even the Clone War

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I felt much more slapped in the face by Phantom Menace, but I won't argue. What they did with Luke could certainly be considered worse.
it does suck...good listing by the OP
the casino scene???!! ridiculous
...the lady that took over for Leia--no acting ability at all !! terrible acting/etc ..she acts like she is in a Macy's dressing area with nothing to forcefulness....
...Luke on the island scenes--boring--stupid--etc
most of the comedic lines just spoken--like robots reading from a script
sucks sucks

I knew the ''third'' part would not be good--usually they are not

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