The Last Letter: A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran

Conservatives, tell the board about the lessons you've learned from your mistakes, especially the Iraq War. I'd like to hear why you now know that your bellicose position made the US and Iraq worse off. What's it like knowing that liberals were right all along? After losing two Presidential elections in a row because of your mistakes, what would you have done differently?

A larger invasion force, a shorter timeline for rebuilding, reorganized the Iraqi military under supportive leaders.
I have, like many other disabled veterans, suffered from the inadequate and often inept care provided by the Veterans Administration. I have, like many other disabled veterans, come to realize that our mental and physical wounds are of no interest to you, perhaps of no interest to any politician.

Well he got that part right. Government healthcare sucks.

But...but... We were told government healthcare is the best! :eusa_liar:
So the Bush blame game continues. The House voted 297 to 133 & Senate voted 77 to 23 for the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq & 74% of us wanted to invade Iraq.

Gallup Poll Nov 27 2001 showed that 74% of us wanted the US to invade Iraq with ground troops after 9/11.

"Would you favor or oppose invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in an attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power?"

74% Favor - 20% Oppose - 6% No opinion

So was Bush supposed to go against the will of the people?

Pure bullshit. America was high on fear, patriotism and Bush lies about Iraq involvement after 9/11.

Iraq was invaded twice based on DECEPTION - both times by a Bush President.

Saddam/Glaspie Transcript: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?
People have their own opinions. How quickly we forget the thousands of Kurdish people who Saddam tested chemical weapons on or the countless number of political prisoners who were tortured. Perhaps I will one day forget the bodies of children who were murdered as a warning to the parents who were the wrong religion. Yes lets defend the Arabs who bombed playgrounds in order to exercise their will.

Cowards downplay the role we served in Iraq. Was it pretty? No and war never is. But they have a chance at freedom. Mistakes were made I will admit but right now the average Iraqi is thankful we came and liberated them. You news jockeys are pathetic looking for an angle from msn or huffpost. Want a real perspective? Enlist.
People have their own opinions. How quickly we forget the thousands of Kurdish people who Saddam tested chemical weapons on or the countless number of political prisoners who were tortured. Perhaps I will one day forget the bodies of children who were murdered as a warning to the parents who were the wrong religion. Yes lets defend the Arabs who bombed playgrounds in order to exercise their will.

Cowards downplay the role we served in Iraq. Was it pretty? No and war never is. But they have a chance at freedom. Mistakes were made I will admit but right now the average Iraqi is thankful we came and liberated them. You news jockeys are pathetic looking for an angle from msn or huffpost. Want a real perspective? Enlist.

Tomas Young did enlist - therefore his perspective is real.
I have, like many other disabled veterans, suffered from the inadequate and often inept care provided by the Veterans Administration. I have, like many other disabled veterans, come to realize that our mental and physical wounds are of no interest to you, perhaps of no interest to any politician

I'm a vet who gets his medical care from the VA Medical Center in Baltimore, and I would never agree with the assertion that this individual is here making.
Have you no shame? Don't you think this dying veteran has earned the right to express his final thoughts?

This is just another example of liberals using some pathetic victim to express their political agenda because they think he's immune from criticism. It's a cheap political tactic, and the people who use it are the sickest, most cynical kind of people there are.

You mean like the right has been trying to use Christopher Stevens?

Christopher Stevens is dead. He's not pumping out any kind of propaganda, and he's immune to criticism.
America’s Lost Decade in Iraq: A Marine Officer Looks Back

by Benjamin Busch Mar 19, 2013 4:00 AM EDT

A Marine officer who served two tours in Iraq looks back at 10 years of war, death, and destruction and asks what we learned: nothing.

America's Lost Decade in Iraq: A Marine Officer Looks Back - The Daily Beast

To be fair, Busch was a lefty before he joined the Corps. Decent guy (for an officer), but a little too hoity-toity for me. Two things you always knew about him if you ever met him in a bar:

1. He was a Marine Officer and considered himself to be above most he met because...

2. He went to Vassar. He figured most of the people "below" him were those numbskulls that couldn't get into college (or pay for it, and it's good to have rich parents).

That said, he's got as much a right to speak his mind as any of us.
People have their own opinions. How quickly we forget the thousands of Kurdish people who Saddam tested chemical weapons on or the countless number of political prisoners who were tortured. Perhaps I will one day forget the bodies of children who were murdered as a warning to the parents who were the wrong religion. Yes lets defend the Arabs who bombed playgrounds in order to exercise their will.

Cowards downplay the role we served in Iraq. Was it pretty? No and war never is. But they have a chance at freedom. Mistakes were made I will admit but right now the average Iraqi is thankful we came and liberated them. You news jockeys are pathetic looking for an angle from msn or huffpost. Want a real perspective? Enlist.

Tomas Young did enlist - therefore his perspective is real.

he is mad because he paid the price he said he was willing to pay and he regrets it now. he doesn't speak for the majority of us or even significant minority
That is the most beautiful letter I ever read. We need more of these.


Heh... tell me about it. If only our press, or the pathetic excuse for an "opposition party" had been half as persuasive, we might have avoided the entire Iraq adventure.
Enlistees and their mothers should decide which battles are worthy to fight and which ones are fact the only reason for a military should be for expanding the civil servants, training and

Charts: Bush Lowballed Us on Iraq by $6 Trillion | Mother Jones
Then tell Obama to enforce the agreement that Iraq would pay for the war with oil profits. We know they are making enough. Well wait.. That would be accountability. Nevermind continue shaking your fist at shadows of the past like a good little puppet.

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