The Last Letter: A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran

So here we go, the economy sucks so drag Bush up again. What a pathetic country we have become. Just think, if WMD's had been discovered, Carter and senate had not decimated the CIA, the liberal pukes wouldn't have had anyone to blame but them selves for their mediocrity.

:cuckoo: BULLSHIT!!! :cuckoo:

The war dropped oil prices by 1/3rd. Over the 8 year war period that likely saved us triple the cost of the war. As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq on December 31, 2011 gas prices shot up 25%.

When we invaded Iraq oil price dropped 33%. That 33% drop in price times our USA annual 7.6 billion barrel oil consumption saved us $366 billion a year. Over the 8 years of the Iraq war that total oil savings is $2.9 trillion. So take out the ~$1 trillion cost of the Iraq war & we may be $1.9 trillion in the black.

Oil prices crashed 33% from $40 down to $27 after we invaded Iraq in March 2003.


As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq on December 31, 2011 gas prices shot up 25%.

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So here we go, the economy sucks so drag Bush up again. What a pathetic country we have become. Just think, if WMD's had been discovered, Carter and senate had not decimated the CIA, the liberal pukes wouldn't have had anyone to blame but them selves for their mediocrity.

Except munitions prohibited by the UN agreement were indeed found, they were classified as Weapons of Mass Destruction and they were not destroyed as claimed by Saddam.

The rest is just revisionist history.

WikiLeaks CONFIRMS WMD in Iraq - DJohn - Open Salon
No Forgiveness for Bush’s 'Useful Idiots,' the Liberal Hawks Who Led Us into War

The liberal establishment willfully payed along with the preposterous claims that led to the Iraq War.

No Forgiveness for Bush's 'Useful Idiots,' the Liberal Hawks Who Led Us into War

Yeah. I don't see how the Democrats continue to pitch themselves as less aggressive on foreign policy, especially when the only credible anti-war voices are heard from Republicans (namely the Pauls).
No Forgiveness for Bush’s 'Useful Idiots,' the Liberal Hawks Who Led Us into War

The liberal establishment willfully payed along with the preposterous claims that led to the Iraq War.

No Forgiveness for Bush's 'Useful Idiots,' the Liberal Hawks Who Led Us into War

Yeah. I don't see how the Democrats continue to pitch themselves as less aggressive on foreign policy, especially when the only credible anti-war voices are heard from Republicans (namely the Pauls).

Sooo, you think the "Pauls" are representative of Republican voices on warmongering? Funny...

Graham calls for boots on the ground in Syria
This is just another example of liberals using some pathetic victim to express their political agenda because they think he's immune from criticism. It's a cheap political tactic, and the people who use it are the sickest, most cynical kind of people there are.

You mean like the right has been trying to use Christopher Stevens?

Christopher Stevens is dead. He's not pumping out any kind of propaganda, and he's immune to criticism.

Wait. Are you saying the right hasn't been using Stevens to score political points? How about what they did with Pat Tillman or Jessica Lynch?
No Forgiveness for Bush’s 'Useful Idiots,' the Liberal Hawks Who Led Us into War

The liberal establishment willfully payed along with the preposterous claims that led to the Iraq War.

No Forgiveness for Bush's 'Useful Idiots,' the Liberal Hawks Who Led Us into War

Yeah. I don't see how the Democrats continue to pitch themselves as less aggressive on foreign policy, especially when the only credible anti-war voices are heard from Republicans (namely the Pauls).

I give Obama high marks for his non-election season military strategy. He followed Bush's Iraq timeline (not really Bush's but Bush signed off on it), used the Bin Laden strategy Bush's underlings started with amazing success, and made the call to have McChrystal repeat "The Surge" in Afghanistan.

That's a good record.
Tomas Young did enlist - therefore his perspective is real.

Really? Do we have any evidence, besides your assertion that this man even exists? Or that he wrote this letter?

Odd that it just contains talking points from the party who would like us all to believe they didn't overwhelming support the war in Iraq.

Yeah. I don't see how the Democrats continue to pitch themselves as less aggressive on foreign policy, especially when the only credible anti-war voices are heard from Republicans (namely the Pauls).

I give Obama high marks for his non-election season military strategy. He followed Bush's Iraq timeline (not really Bush's but Bush signed off on it), used the Bin Laden strategy Bush's underlings started with amazing success, and made the call to have McChrystal repeat "The Surge" in Afghanistan.

That's a good record.

The "surge" was primarily a "money surge" buying off warring factions. Those chickens are coming home to Iraq and Afghanistan...

Petraeus and the Myth of the Surge

Progress in Iraq? The surge was not all it was hyped up to be
So the Bush blame game continues. The House voted 297 to 133 & Senate voted 77 to 23 for the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq & 74% of us wanted to invade Iraq.

Gallup Poll Nov 27 2001 showed that 74% of us wanted the US to invade Iraq with ground troops after 9/11.

"Would you favor or oppose invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in an attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power?"

74% Favor - 20% Oppose - 6% No opinion

So was Bush supposed to go against the will of the people?

Based on lies. You don't yell fire in a crowded theater, and then blame the attendees.
65 more Iraqis who were better off under Saddam.

Iraq Attacks Across Baghdad Kill 65, Wound Hundreds

BAGHDAD — Insurgents sent a bloody message on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion, carrying out a wave of bombings across the country Tuesday that killed at least 65 people in the deadliest day in Iraq this year.

The nearly 20 attacks, most of them in and around Baghdad, demonstrated in stark terms how dangerously divided Iraq remains more than a year after American troops withdrew. More than 240 people were reported wounded.

But I thought Obama finished the job in Iraq? :confused:
65 more Iraqis who were better off under Saddam.

Iraq Attacks Across Baghdad Kill 65, Wound Hundreds

BAGHDAD — Insurgents sent a bloody message on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion, carrying out a wave of bombings across the country Tuesday that killed at least 65 people in the deadliest day in Iraq this year.

The nearly 20 attacks, most of them in and around Baghdad, demonstrated in stark terms how dangerously divided Iraq remains more than a year after American troops withdrew. More than 240 people were reported wounded.

But I thought Obama finished the job in Iraq? :confused:

Nope, Iraq evicted the U.S. It had that right based on the Status of Forces Agreement negotiated with President George W. Bush.
65 more Iraqis who were better off under Saddam.

Iraq Attacks Across Baghdad Kill 65, Wound Hundreds

BAGHDAD — Insurgents sent a bloody message on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion, carrying out a wave of bombings across the country Tuesday that killed at least 65 people in the deadliest day in Iraq this year.

The nearly 20 attacks, most of them in and around Baghdad, demonstrated in stark terms how dangerously divided Iraq remains more than a year after American troops withdrew. More than 240 people were reported wounded.

But I thought Obama finished the job in Iraq? :confused:

Nope, Iraq evicted the U.S. It had that right based on the Status of Forces Agreement negotiated with President George W. Bush.

And when these same people start blowing stuff up in the United States after crossing our porous borders will that be Bush's fault as well? :cuckoo:
Yeah. I don't see how the Democrats continue to pitch themselves as less aggressive on foreign policy, especially when the only credible anti-war voices are heard from Republicans (namely the Pauls).

I give Obama high marks for his non-election season military strategy. He followed Bush's Iraq timeline (not really Bush's but Bush signed off on it), used the Bin Laden strategy Bush's underlings started with amazing success, and made the call to have McChrystal repeat "The Surge" in Afghanistan.

That's a good record.

The "surge" was primarily a "money surge" buying off warring factions. Those chickens are coming home to Iraq and Afghanistan...

Petraeus and the Myth of the Surge

Progress in Iraq? The surge was not all it was hyped up to be

So now you're anti-Obama?

How convenient. You voted for him twice. He didn't pull out immediately Iraq is yours. I credit him with the success. If you see it as a failure it's on your side.
So the Bush blame game continues. The House voted 297 to 133 & Senate voted 77 to 23 for the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq & 74% of us wanted to invade Iraq.

Gallup Poll Nov 27 2001 showed that 74% of us wanted the US to invade Iraq with ground troops after 9/11.

"Would you favor or oppose invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in an attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power?"

74% Favor - 20% Oppose - 6% No opinion

So was Bush supposed to go against the will of the people?

Based on lies. You don't yell fire in a crowded theater, and then blame the attendees.

The same poll was conducted many times before 9/11 & your so called "lies". The majority always wanted to invade Iraq.

"Would you favor or oppose invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in an attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power?"

February 21, 2001 - 52% Favor - 42% Oppose - 6% No opinion

June 30, 1993 - - - 70% Favor - 27% Oppose - 3% No opinion

March 30, 1992 - - 55% Favor - 40% Oppose - 5% No opinion
Tomas Young did enlist - therefore his perspective is real.

Really? Do we have any evidence, besides your assertion that this man even exists? Or that he wrote this letter?

Odd that it just contains talking points from the party who would like us all to believe they didn't overwhelming support the war in Iraq.

Google his name. You'll find all you want.
But I thought Obama finished the job in Iraq? :confused:

Nope, Iraq evicted the U.S. It had that right based on the Status of Forces Agreement negotiated with President George W. Bush.

And when these same people start blowing stuff up in the United States after crossing our porous borders will that be Bush's fault as well? :cuckoo:

Likely, because Bush is the one who inflamed the Middle East and aided al Qaeda recruitment.

America will be living with the aftermath of both Bush presidents for decades to come - maybe centuries.

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