The Last Letter: A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran

Based on lies. You don't yell fire in a crowded theater, and then blame the attendees.

The same poll was conducted many times before 9/11 & your so called "lies". The majority always wanted to invade Iraq.

"Would you favor or oppose invading Iraq with U.S. ground troops in an attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power?"

February 21, 2001 - 52% Favor - 42% Oppose - 6% No opinion

June 30, 1993 - - - 70% Favor - 27% Oppose - 3% No opinion

March 30, 1992 - - 55% Favor - 40% Oppose - 5% No opinion

Good to know that you think the POTUS should govern by opinion polls. :eusa_whistle:

So I'm guessing that you think Gore should have been elected since he received more votes than Bush?

Absolutely. Why do you suppose Bush is attributed with having "stole" the election in 2000?
he is mad because he paid the price he said he was willing to pay and he regrets it now. he doesn't speak for the majority of us or even significant minority
Sounds to me like he's mad because he realizes he was duped. He signed up to fight those who declared war on uson 9/11, but instead, was used as a pawn to fight an unecessary war of choice againts those who were not even involved in 9/11.

To be fair, he's committing suicide. Tragic, but not an excuse to condemn a valid response to a cease-fire breach.

Umm, the main reason Bush sent troops into Iraq was WMD, not breaching the cease fire.
Sounds to me like he's mad because he realizes he was duped. He signed up to fight those who declared war on uson 9/11, but instead, was used as a pawn to fight an unecessary war of choice againts those who were not even involved in 9/11.

To be fair, he's committing suicide. Tragic, but not an excuse to condemn a valid response to a cease-fire breach.

Cease-fire breach? Saddam was contained between the Northern and Southern No-Fly Zones after Bush 41 suckered him into invading Kuwait. Saddam routinely violated (tested) the No-Fly Zones during the Clinton Administration - but Clinton never invaded Iraq and toppled Baghdad. In fact, Saddam just gave our military pilots some real target practice.

As Colin Powell famously stated - "You break it, you own it". George W. Bush broke it based on lies.

Clinton's failure to enforce the cease-fire didn't make that cease-fire go away, especially in a post-9/11 world where terrorists needed willing state sponsors. Saddam was also quite industrious in forming a coalition to help him profit from the UN Oil For Food program.

You are free to speculate as you wish, in a post-Saddam world. Lot of things have changed since 2003. Al Qaeda can't work the "Somalia Strategy" anymore, Iraq is not a backup plan for them, financial transactions are now monitored, and the US is no longer a "paper tiger."

Like it or not, every once in a while the bad guys that want to gain power by claiming we can't beat them need to be shown that they are wrong. Our President governs under the luxury of knowing his foes have seen that we can defeat them.
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The only thing Bush was critisized for was his foolish invasion and occupation of Iraq. That was when he started saying he didn't care abour Bin Laden and really wasn't concerned about him.

Did Saddam have chemical weapons at one time? Of course. Because Ronald Wilson Reagan sold them to him.

But it's also a fact that Iraq was not a threat to anyone least of all us and it turned out that the critics of the Iraq War were right all along.

And the Neo-Cons are always saying that they support our troops. Yet if one of them dare critisize an unjust war that eventually killed him they are ready to say, "Fuck that soldier".

Well fuck you too.

We're just going to have to agree to disagree on this. I'm glad to live in a post-Saddam world, where we get to theorize about how bad he might have been. Having been the first of two brothers to be in Kurdistan, I'm glad he's gone.

History has already shown that Saddam had a stabilizing effect on the Middle East. He's about the only one who kept Iran in check. No doubt that Saddam was a bastard. We should have known that when Reagan helped put him in power and armed him to the teeth to hold Iran in check.

Not one of our soldiers should have been in Iraq, let alone the nearly 5000 that were killed there and will never return to their families. And for what? Just because Bush all but came out and said it was a direct attack from Iraq? Never again should we EVER invade a nation that poses no threat to our national security.

That's why websites like the following were created.....

Iraq Veterans Against the War | You are not alone

Saddam has been dead for 7 years and Iran is still in check. Looks like that theory was wrong.
OBL masterminded the attack on the WTC on 9/11.

OBL was a member of the Taliban, and they were the terrorist group in charge of the attack on the U.S.

Saddam hated the Taliban, and he never cooperated with them for anything. Matter of fact, it was because of Saddam that the Taliban stayed out of Iraq.

Jr. hated Saddam for the way he'd treated his dad, and he also wanted the oil that was in Iraq.

Jr. and his cronies made up bullshit to somehow blame Saddam and his cooperation with the Taliban for 9/11 so that he'd have a good reason to invade Iraq.

Jr. also let OBL slip through his fingers, and OBL stayed free while Jr. was in office.

Face it.....................the Iraq war was one we shouldn't have fought.
Sounds to me like he's mad because he realizes he was duped. He signed up to fight those who declared war on uson 9/11, but instead, was used as a pawn to fight an unecessary war of choice againts those who were not even involved in 9/11.

To be fair, he's committing suicide. Tragic, but not an excuse to condemn a valid response to a cease-fire breach.

Umm, the main reason Bush sent troops into Iraq was WMD, not breaching the cease fire.

That's your opinion.

That said...

Chemical Weapons, Iranian Agents and Massive Death Tolls Exposed in WikiLeaks' Iraq Docs | Danger Room |
he is mad because he paid the price he said he was willing to pay and he regrets it now. he doesn't speak for the majority of us or even significant minority
Sounds to me like he's mad because he realizes he was duped. He signed up to fight those who declared war on uson 9/11, but instead, was used as a pawn to fight an unecessary war of choice againts those who were not even involved in 9/11.

Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor. My Dad's Uncle was pissed that he got shot in Italy. To the day he died he said the Cold War wouldn't have happened if we had just dropped nukes on Japan first.

Pearl Harbor got us into the war in the Pacific. Germany, which was allied with Italy, got us into the war in Europe.

Whereas Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, the attack which inspired patriots to enlist to defend America from the motherfuckers who were involved in that dasterdly attack.
OBL masterminded the attack on the WTC on 9/11.

OBL was a member of the Taliban, and they were the terrorist group in charge of the attack on the U.S.

Saddam hated the Taliban, and he never cooperated with them for anything. Matter of fact, it was because of Saddam that the Taliban stayed out of Iraq.

Jr. hated Saddam for the way he'd treated his dad, and he also wanted the oil that was in Iraq.

Jr. and his cronies made up bullshit to somehow blame Saddam and his cooperation with the Taliban for 9/11 so that he'd have a good reason to invade Iraq.

Jr. also let OBL slip through his fingers, and OBL stayed free while Jr. was in office.

Face it.....................the Iraq war was one we shouldn't have fought.

Except, Saddam allowed Zarqawi to set up a base in Kurdistan (thereby providing cover, saying that it wasn't him) and Saddam made overtures to Bin Laden to relocate to Iraq.

"The enemy of my enemy is my brother"
Sounds to me like he's mad because he realizes he was duped. He signed up to fight those who declared war on uson 9/11, but instead, was used as a pawn to fight an unecessary war of choice againts those who were not even involved in 9/11.

Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor. My Dad's Uncle was pissed that he got shot in Italy. To the day he died he said the Cold War wouldn't have happened if we had just dropped nukes on Japan first.

Pearl Harbor got us into the war in the Pacific. Germany, which was allied with Italy, got us into the war in Europe.

Whereas Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, the attack which inspired patriots to enlist to defend America from the motherfuckers who were involved in that dasterdly attack.

We attacked Europe before we did anything substantial against Japan.
To be fair, he's committing suicide. Tragic, but not an excuse to condemn a valid response to a cease-fire breach.

Umm, the main reason Bush sent troops into Iraq was WMD, not breaching the cease fire.

That's your opinion.

That said...

Chemical Weapons, Iranian Agents and Massive Death Tolls Exposed in WikiLeaks' Iraq Docs | Danger Room |
Wrong. That is not my opinion. That is Bush's opinion. He himself said the main reason he sent troops into Iraq was over WMD.

So you can cite the cease fire all you want, it will never alter the fact that the main reason Bush deployed troops in Iraq was over WMD.
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OBL masterminded the attack on the WTC on 9/11.

OBL was a member of the Taliban, and they were the terrorist group in charge of the attack on the U.S.

Saddam hated the Taliban, and he never cooperated with them for anything. Matter of fact, it was because of Saddam that the Taliban stayed out of Iraq.

Jr. hated Saddam for the way he'd treated his dad, and he also wanted the oil that was in Iraq.

Jr. and his cronies made up bullshit to somehow blame Saddam and his cooperation with the Taliban for 9/11 so that he'd have a good reason to invade Iraq.

Jr. also let OBL slip through his fingers, and OBL stayed free while Jr. was in office.

Face it.....................the Iraq war was one we shouldn't have fought.

Except, Saddam allowed Zarqawi to set up a base in Kurdistan (thereby providing cover, saying that it wasn't him) and Saddam made overtures to Bin Laden to relocate to Iraq.

"The enemy of my enemy is my brother"

Got a link to back up either the base in Kurdistan for Zarqawi or that Saddam offered to relocate Bin Laden to Iraq?

Because.................last I heard, OBL considered Saddam to be a heretic and didn't care that much for him at all.

Besides................if he was offered a chance to relocate to Iraq, why did he relocate to Pakistan?
Umm, the main reason Bush sent troops into Iraq was WMD, not breaching the cease fire.

That's your opinion.

That said...

Chemical Weapons, Iranian Agents and Massive Death Tolls Exposed in WikiLeaks' Iraq Docs | Danger Room |
Wrong. That is not my opinion. That is Bush's opinion. He himself said the main reason he sent troops into Iraq was over WMD.

So you can site the cease fire all you want, it will never alter the fact that the main reason Bush deployed troops in Iraq was over WMD.

Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
Whereas in 1990 in response to Iraq's war of aggression against and illegal occupation of Kuwait, the United States forged a coalition of nations to liberate Kuwait and its people in order to defend the national security of the United States and enforce United Nations Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq;

Whereas after the liberation of Kuwait in 1991, Iraq entered into a United Nations sponsored cease-fire agreement pursuant to which Iraq unequivocally agreed, among other things, to eliminate its nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs and the means to deliver and develop them, and to end its support for international terrorism;

Whereas the efforts of international weapons inspectors, United States intelligence agencies, and Iraqi defectors led to the discovery that Iraq had large stockpiles of chemical weapons and a large scale biological weapons program, and that Iraq had an advanced nuclear weapons development program that was much closer to producing a nuclear weapon than intelligence reporting had previously indicated;

Whereas Iraq, in direct and flagrant violation of the cease-fire, attempted to thwart the efforts of weapons inspectors to identify and destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction stockpiles and development capabilities, which finally resulted in the withdrawal of inspectors from Iraq on October 31, 1998;

Whereas in 1998 Congress concluded that Iraq's continuing weapons of mass destruction programs threatened vital United States interests and international peace and security, declared Iraq to be in "material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations" and urged the President "to take appropriate action, in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws of the United States, to bring Iraq into compliance with its international obligations" (Public Law 105-235);

Whereas Iraq both poses a continuing threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations by, among other things, continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations;

Whereas Iraq persists in violating resolutions of the United Nations Security Council by continuing to engage in brutal repression of its civilian population thereby threatening international peace and security in the region, by refusing to release, repatriate, or account for non-Iraqi citizens wrongfully detained by Iraq, including an American serviceman, and by failing to return property wrongfully seized by Iraq from Kuwait;

Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people;

Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its continuing hostility toward, and willingness to attack, the United States, including by attempting in 1993 to assassinate former President Bush and by firing on many thousands of occasions on United States and Coalition Armed Forces engaged in enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council;

Whereas members of al Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq;

Whereas Iraq continues to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations, including organizations that threaten the lives and safety of American citizens;

Whereas the attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001 underscored the gravity of the threat posed by the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by international terrorist organizations;

Whereas Iraq's demonstrated capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction, the risk that the current Iraqi regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise attack against the United States or its Armed Forces or provide them to international terrorists who would do so, and the extreme magnitude of harm that would result to the United States and its citizens from such an attack, combine to justify action by the United States to defend itself;

Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 authorizes the use of all necessary means to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 660 and subsequent relevant resolutions and to compel Iraq to cease certain activities that threaten international peace and security, including the development of weapons of mass destruction and refusal or obstruction of United Nations weapons inspections in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687, repression of its civilian population in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 688, and threatening its neighbors or United Nations operations in Iraq in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 949;

Whereas Congress in the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law 102-1) has authorized the President "to use United States Armed Forces pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 (1990) in order to achieve implementation of Security Council Resolutions 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 670, 674, and 677";

Whereas in December 1991, Congress expressed its sense that it "supports the use of all necessary means to achieve the goals of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 as being consistent with the Authorization of Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law 102-1)," that Iraq's repression of its civilian population violates United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 and "constitutes a continuing threat to the peace, security, and stability of the Persian Gulf region," and that Congress, "supports the use of all necessary means to achieve the goals of United Nations Security Council Resolution 688";

Whereas the Iraq Liberation Act (Public Law 105-338) expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove from power the current Iraqi regime and promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime;

Whereas on September 12, 2002, President Bush committed the United States to "work with the United Nations Security Council to meet our common challenge" posed by Iraq and to "work for the necessary resolutions," while also making clear that "the Security Council resolutions will be enforced, and the just demands of peace and security will be met, or action will be unavoidable";

Whereas the United States is determined to prosecute the war on terrorism and Iraq's ongoing support for international terrorist groups combined with its development of weapons of mass destruction in direct violation of its obligations under the 1991 cease-fire and other United Nations Security Council resolutions make clear that it is in the national security interests of the United States and in furtherance of the war on terrorism that all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions be enforced, including through the use of force if necessary;

Whereas Congress has taken steps to pursue vigorously the war on terrorism through the provision of authorities and funding requested by the President to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 or harbored such persons or organizations;

Whereas the President and Congress are determined to continue to take all appropriate actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such persons or organizations;

Whereas the President has authority under the Constitution to take action in order to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States, as Congress recognized in the joint resolution on Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40); and

Whereas it is in the national security of the United States to restore international peace and security to the Persian Gulf region;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This joint resolution may be cited as the "Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq".


The Congress of the United States supports the efforts by the President to--

(a) strictly enforce through the United Nations Security Council all relevant Security Council resolutions applicable to Iraq and encourages him in those efforts; and

(b) obtain prompt and decisive action by the Security Council to ensure that Iraq abandons its strategy of delay, evasion and noncompliance and promptly and strictly complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions.


(a) AUTHORIZATION. The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.


In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon there after as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that

(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq, and

(2) acting pursuant to this resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorists attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.


(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION. -- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.
(2) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS. -- Nothing in this resolution supersedes any requirement of the War Powers Resolution.


(a) The President shall, at least once every 60 days, submit to the Congress a report on matters relevant to this joint resolution, including actions taken pursuant to the exercise of authority granted in section 2 and the status of planning for efforts that are expected to be required after such actions are completed, including those actions described in section 7 of Public Law 105-338 (the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998).

(b) To the extent that the submission of any report described in subsection (a) coincides with the submission of any other report on matters relevant to this joint resolution otherwise required to be submitted to Congress pursuant to the reporting requirements of Public Law 93-148 (the War Powers Resolution), all such reports may be submitted as a single consolidated report to the Congress.

(c) To the extent that the information required by section 3 of Public Law 102-1 is included in the report required by this section, such report shall be considered as meeting the requirements of section 3 of Public Law 102-1.

Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor. My Dad's Uncle was pissed that he got shot in Italy. To the day he died he said the Cold War wouldn't have happened if we had just dropped nukes on Japan first.

Pearl Harbor got us into the war in the Pacific. Germany, which was allied with Italy, got us into the war in Europe.

Whereas Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, the attack which inspired patriots to enlist to defend America from the motherfuckers who were involved in that dasterdly attack.

We attacked Europe before we did anything substantial against Japan.
Which has what to do with what I posted?
Wrong. That is not my opinion. That is Bush's opinion. He himself said the main reason he sent troops into Iraq was over WMD.

So you can site the cease fire all you want, it will never alter the fact that the main reason Bush deployed troops in Iraq was over WMD.

Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
Whereas in 1990 in response to Iraq's war of aggression against and illegal occupation of Kuwait, the United States forged a coalition of nations to liberate Kuwait and its people in order to defend the national security of the United States and enforce United Nations Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq;

Whereas after the liberation of Kuwait in 1991, Iraq entered into a United Nations sponsored cease-fire agreement pursuant to which Iraq unequivocally agreed, among other things, to eliminate its nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs and the means to deliver and develop them, and to end its support for international terrorism;

Whereas the efforts of international weapons inspectors, United States intelligence agencies, and Iraqi defectors led to the discovery that Iraq had large stockpiles of chemical weapons and a large scale biological weapons program, and that Iraq had an advanced nuclear weapons development program that was much closer to producing a nuclear weapon than intelligence reporting had previously indicated;

Whereas Iraq, in direct and flagrant violation of the cease-fire, attempted to thwart the efforts of weapons inspectors to identify and destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction stockpiles and development capabilities, which finally resulted in the withdrawal of inspectors from Iraq on October 31, 1998;

Whereas in 1998 Congress concluded that Iraq's continuing weapons of mass destruction programs threatened vital United States interests and international peace and security, declared Iraq to be in "material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations" and urged the President "to take appropriate action, in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws of the United States, to bring Iraq into compliance with its international obligations" (Public Law 105-235);

Whereas Iraq both poses a continuing threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations by, among other things, continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations;

Whereas Iraq persists in violating resolutions of the United Nations Security Council by continuing to engage in brutal repression of its civilian population thereby threatening international peace and security in the region, by refusing to release, repatriate, or account for non-Iraqi citizens wrongfully detained by Iraq, including an American serviceman, and by failing to return property wrongfully seized by Iraq from Kuwait;

Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people;

Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its continuing hostility toward, and willingness to attack, the United States, including by attempting in 1993 to assassinate former President Bush and by firing on many thousands of occasions on United States and Coalition Armed Forces engaged in enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council;

Whereas members of al Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq;

Whereas Iraq continues to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations, including organizations that threaten the lives and safety of American citizens;

Whereas the attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001 underscored the gravity of the threat posed by the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by international terrorist organizations;

Whereas Iraq's demonstrated capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction, the risk that the current Iraqi regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise attack against the United States or its Armed Forces or provide them to international terrorists who would do so, and the extreme magnitude of harm that would result to the United States and its citizens from such an attack, combine to justify action by the United States to defend itself;

Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 authorizes the use of all necessary means to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 660 and subsequent relevant resolutions and to compel Iraq to cease certain activities that threaten international peace and security, including the development of weapons of mass destruction and refusal or obstruction of United Nations weapons inspections in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687, repression of its civilian population in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 688, and threatening its neighbors or United Nations operations in Iraq in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 949;

Whereas Congress in the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law 102-1) has authorized the President "to use United States Armed Forces pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 (1990) in order to achieve implementation of Security Council Resolutions 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 670, 674, and 677";

Whereas in December 1991, Congress expressed its sense that it "supports the use of all necessary means to achieve the goals of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 as being consistent with the Authorization of Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law 102-1)," that Iraq's repression of its civilian population violates United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 and "constitutes a continuing threat to the peace, security, and stability of the Persian Gulf region," and that Congress, "supports the use of all necessary means to achieve the goals of United Nations Security Council Resolution 688";

Whereas the Iraq Liberation Act (Public Law 105-338) expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove from power the current Iraqi regime and promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime;

Whereas on September 12, 2002, President Bush committed the United States to "work with the United Nations Security Council to meet our common challenge" posed by Iraq and to "work for the necessary resolutions," while also making clear that "the Security Council resolutions will be enforced, and the just demands of peace and security will be met, or action will be unavoidable";

Whereas the United States is determined to prosecute the war on terrorism and Iraq's ongoing support for international terrorist groups combined with its development of weapons of mass destruction in direct violation of its obligations under the 1991 cease-fire and other United Nations Security Council resolutions make clear that it is in the national security interests of the United States and in furtherance of the war on terrorism that all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions be enforced, including through the use of force if necessary;

Whereas Congress has taken steps to pursue vigorously the war on terrorism through the provision of authorities and funding requested by the President to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 or harbored such persons or organizations;

Whereas the President and Congress are determined to continue to take all appropriate actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such persons or organizations;

Whereas the President has authority under the Constitution to take action in order to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States, as Congress recognized in the joint resolution on Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40); and

Whereas it is in the national security of the United States to restore international peace and security to the Persian Gulf region;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This joint resolution may be cited as the "Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq".


The Congress of the United States supports the efforts by the President to--

(a) strictly enforce through the United Nations Security Council all relevant Security Council resolutions applicable to Iraq and encourages him in those efforts; and

(b) obtain prompt and decisive action by the Security Council to ensure that Iraq abandons its strategy of delay, evasion and noncompliance and promptly and strictly complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions.


(a) AUTHORIZATION. The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.


In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon there after as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that

(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq, and

(2) acting pursuant to this resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorists attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.


(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION. -- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.
(2) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS. -- Nothing in this resolution supersedes any requirement of the War Powers Resolution.


(a) The President shall, at least once every 60 days, submit to the Congress a report on matters relevant to this joint resolution, including actions taken pursuant to the exercise of authority granted in section 2 and the status of planning for efforts that are expected to be required after such actions are completed, including those actions described in section 7 of Public Law 105-338 (the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998).

(b) To the extent that the submission of any report described in subsection (a) coincides with the submission of any other report on matters relevant to this joint resolution otherwise required to be submitted to Congress pursuant to the reporting requirements of Public Law 93-148 (the War Powers Resolution), all such reports may be submitted as a single consolidated report to the Congress.

(c) To the extent that the information required by section 3 of Public Law 102-1 is included in the report required by this section, such report shall be considered as meeting the requirements of section 3 of Public Law 102-1.

Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq

That doesn't identify the main reason Bush sent troops into Iraq.

Bush announced what the main reason was ... and it was WMD, not the cease fire.
OBL masterminded the attack on the WTC on 9/11.

OBL was a member of the Taliban, and they were the terrorist group in charge of the attack on the U.S.

Saddam hated the Taliban, and he never cooperated with them for anything. Matter of fact, it was because of Saddam that the Taliban stayed out of Iraq.

Jr. hated Saddam for the way he'd treated his dad, and he also wanted the oil that was in Iraq.

Jr. and his cronies made up bullshit to somehow blame Saddam and his cooperation with the Taliban for 9/11 so that he'd have a good reason to invade Iraq.

Jr. also let OBL slip through his fingers, and OBL stayed free while Jr. was in office.

Face it.....................the Iraq war was one we shouldn't have fought.

Except, Saddam allowed Zarqawi to set up a base in Kurdistan (thereby providing cover, saying that it wasn't him) and Saddam made overtures to Bin Laden to relocate to Iraq.

"The enemy of my enemy is my brother"

Got a link to back up either the base in Kurdistan for Zarqawi or that Saddam offered to relocate Bin Laden to Iraq?

Because.................last I heard, OBL considered Saddam to be a heretic and didn't care that much for him at all.

Besides................if he was offered a chance to relocate to Iraq, why did he relocate to Pakistan?

Saddam's Ties To Al Queda - Sam Pender - Google Books

TIMELINE: Zarqawi's road to perdition. - TIME

Why did Bin Laden relocate to Pakistan? He was more concerned with his own survival. He hid.
Pearl Harbor got us into the war in the Pacific. Germany, which was allied with Italy, got us into the war in Europe.

Whereas Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, the attack which inspired patriots to enlist to defend America from the motherfuckers who were involved in that dasterdly attack.

We attacked Europe before we did anything substantial against Japan.
Which has what to do with what I posted?

Japan attacked us in WWII, we invaded German controlled territory then Japan.

Al Qaeda attacked us in GWII. We invaded Iraq first.
Wrong. That is not my opinion. That is Bush's opinion. He himself said the main reason he sent troops into Iraq was over WMD.

So you can site the cease fire all you want, it will never alter the fact that the main reason Bush deployed troops in Iraq was over WMD.

Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
Whereas in 1990 in response to Iraq's war of aggression against and illegal occupation of Kuwait, the United States forged a coalition of nations to liberate Kuwait and its people in order to defend the national security of the United States and enforce United Nations Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq;

Whereas after the liberation of Kuwait in 1991, Iraq entered into a United Nations sponsored cease-fire agreement pursuant to which Iraq unequivocally agreed, among other things, to eliminate its nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs and the means to deliver and develop them, and to end its support for international terrorism;

Whereas the efforts of international weapons inspectors, United States intelligence agencies, and Iraqi defectors led to the discovery that Iraq had large stockpiles of chemical weapons and a large scale biological weapons program, and that Iraq had an advanced nuclear weapons development program that was much closer to producing a nuclear weapon than intelligence reporting had previously indicated;

Whereas Iraq, in direct and flagrant violation of the cease-fire, attempted to thwart the efforts of weapons inspectors to identify and destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction stockpiles and development capabilities, which finally resulted in the withdrawal of inspectors from Iraq on October 31, 1998;

Whereas in 1998 Congress concluded that Iraq's continuing weapons of mass destruction programs threatened vital United States interests and international peace and security, declared Iraq to be in "material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations" and urged the President "to take appropriate action, in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws of the United States, to bring Iraq into compliance with its international obligations" (Public Law 105-235);

Whereas Iraq both poses a continuing threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations by, among other things, continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations;

Whereas Iraq persists in violating resolutions of the United Nations Security Council by continuing to engage in brutal repression of its civilian population thereby threatening international peace and security in the region, by refusing to release, repatriate, or account for non-Iraqi citizens wrongfully detained by Iraq, including an American serviceman, and by failing to return property wrongfully seized by Iraq from Kuwait;

Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people;

Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its continuing hostility toward, and willingness to attack, the United States, including by attempting in 1993 to assassinate former President Bush and by firing on many thousands of occasions on United States and Coalition Armed Forces engaged in enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council;

Whereas members of al Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq;

Whereas Iraq continues to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations, including organizations that threaten the lives and safety of American citizens;

Whereas the attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001 underscored the gravity of the threat posed by the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by international terrorist organizations;

Whereas Iraq's demonstrated capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction, the risk that the current Iraqi regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise attack against the United States or its Armed Forces or provide them to international terrorists who would do so, and the extreme magnitude of harm that would result to the United States and its citizens from such an attack, combine to justify action by the United States to defend itself;

Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 authorizes the use of all necessary means to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 660 and subsequent relevant resolutions and to compel Iraq to cease certain activities that threaten international peace and security, including the development of weapons of mass destruction and refusal or obstruction of United Nations weapons inspections in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687, repression of its civilian population in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 688, and threatening its neighbors or United Nations operations in Iraq in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 949;

Whereas Congress in the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law 102-1) has authorized the President "to use United States Armed Forces pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 (1990) in order to achieve implementation of Security Council Resolutions 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 670, 674, and 677";

Whereas in December 1991, Congress expressed its sense that it "supports the use of all necessary means to achieve the goals of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 as being consistent with the Authorization of Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law 102-1)," that Iraq's repression of its civilian population violates United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 and "constitutes a continuing threat to the peace, security, and stability of the Persian Gulf region," and that Congress, "supports the use of all necessary means to achieve the goals of United Nations Security Council Resolution 688";

Whereas the Iraq Liberation Act (Public Law 105-338) expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove from power the current Iraqi regime and promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime;

Whereas on September 12, 2002, President Bush committed the United States to "work with the United Nations Security Council to meet our common challenge" posed by Iraq and to "work for the necessary resolutions," while also making clear that "the Security Council resolutions will be enforced, and the just demands of peace and security will be met, or action will be unavoidable";

Whereas the United States is determined to prosecute the war on terrorism and Iraq's ongoing support for international terrorist groups combined with its development of weapons of mass destruction in direct violation of its obligations under the 1991 cease-fire and other United Nations Security Council resolutions make clear that it is in the national security interests of the United States and in furtherance of the war on terrorism that all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions be enforced, including through the use of force if necessary;

Whereas Congress has taken steps to pursue vigorously the war on terrorism through the provision of authorities and funding requested by the President to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 or harbored such persons or organizations;

Whereas the President and Congress are determined to continue to take all appropriate actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such persons or organizations;

Whereas the President has authority under the Constitution to take action in order to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States, as Congress recognized in the joint resolution on Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40); and

Whereas it is in the national security of the United States to restore international peace and security to the Persian Gulf region;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This joint resolution may be cited as the "Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq".


The Congress of the United States supports the efforts by the President to--

(a) strictly enforce through the United Nations Security Council all relevant Security Council resolutions applicable to Iraq and encourages him in those efforts; and

(b) obtain prompt and decisive action by the Security Council to ensure that Iraq abandons its strategy of delay, evasion and noncompliance and promptly and strictly complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions.


(a) AUTHORIZATION. The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.


In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon there after as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that

(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq, and

(2) acting pursuant to this resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorists attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.


(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION. -- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.
(2) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS. -- Nothing in this resolution supersedes any requirement of the War Powers Resolution.


(a) The President shall, at least once every 60 days, submit to the Congress a report on matters relevant to this joint resolution, including actions taken pursuant to the exercise of authority granted in section 2 and the status of planning for efforts that are expected to be required after such actions are completed, including those actions described in section 7 of Public Law 105-338 (the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998).

(b) To the extent that the submission of any report described in subsection (a) coincides with the submission of any other report on matters relevant to this joint resolution otherwise required to be submitted to Congress pursuant to the reporting requirements of Public Law 93-148 (the War Powers Resolution), all such reports may be submitted as a single consolidated report to the Congress.

(c) To the extent that the information required by section 3 of Public Law 102-1 is included in the report required by this section, such report shall be considered as meeting the requirements of section 3 of Public Law 102-1.

Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq

That doesn't identify the main reason Bush sent troops into Iraq.

Bush announced what the main reason was ... and it was WMD, not the cease fire.

As I said, that's your opinion. The cease-fire is mentioned first in the legislation.
We attacked Europe before we did anything substantial against Japan.
Which has what to do with what I posted?

Japan attacked us in WWII, we invaded German controlled territory then Japan.

Al Qaeda attacked us in GWII. We invaded Iraq first.

Again, Germany also attacked us, which is what got us into the war in Europe.

Iraq did not attack us. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

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