The last of the Clintons and what the DNC need to do.


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
This will be the last time I utter the name Clinton for the rest of my remaining days here....Thank God that dynasty is over and the DNC can now breath fresh air again.

If we've learned one thing and I hope its learned; is that people mattered. Hillary took sooo many for granted and it cost her. People matter, all people mattered.

Democrats are lazy people, we don't vote local elections, we don't care much for politics unless our candidate is as exciting as a pop star, ie Clinton on Arsenio Hall back in the day and of course Obama, sadly we want and need that candidate to light a fire under our lazy ass's else we don't care. Our mission is to get us excited about winning on ideas and not the candidate his or herself, that is the key here...winning ideas. Bernie, this old tired Jew was hot on her trail not because he was some exciting old white guy, but he had IDEAS.....SOMETHING hillary couldn't get across to anyone because she was too damn busy fund raising and explaining emails.
That's why the DEMS are looking at Howard Dean to lead the DNC. He'll whip up some new spirit in those tired old Libs. EEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYAAAAAAAAA!!!!
NO, there is still one left, hiding in disguise...

But, we'll get her...


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