The last statue of General Francisco Franco on Spanish soil has been removed, after the tiny enclave of Melilla voted to take down Franco monument

Meanwhile their leftwing government is imprisoning rappers for their lyrics and Tweets.

But hey, the important thing is they got rid of this statue.
Well, there goes Spain's fascist heritage just like the South in the US..
Franco was almost forgotten in the Noughties, then the Socialists raked the ashes again by removing monuments to fallen soldiers and even dragging Franco from his tomb outside Madrid in a televised ghoulish spectacle.
As a result, the Right were re-energised and now partiies like Vox have gone mainstream.
good work Commies.
By the way, 30'000 dead is way off the mark.
The clergy alone lost 8000 Priests and Nuns to Communist murder gangs,
Send it to Chevy Chase.

Hitler's and Mussolini's ally against Democracy.
Send it to Chevy Chase.

Hitler's and Mussolini's ally against Democracy.
No he wasn't. Spain was a neutral country that neither fought for the Axis nor allowed it's Jews to be expelled. He was smart enough not to get involved and he thus lasted 30 years longer than the socialist Hitler and the fascist Mussolini.
Send it to Chevy Chase.

Hitler's and Mussolini's ally against Democracy.
No he wasn't. Spain was a neutral country that neither fought for the Axis nor allowed it's Jews to be expelled. He was smart enough not to get involved and he thus lasted 30 years longer than the socialist Hitler and the fascist Mussolini.

Hitler and Mussolini supported and backed Franco and the Fascists in their Civil war against Spain's Republic.
Send it to Chevy Chase.

Hitler's and Mussolini's ally against Democracy.
No he wasn't. Spain was a neutral country that neither fought for the Axis nor allowed it's Jews to be expelled. He was smart enough not to get involved and he thus lasted 30 years longer than the socialist Hitler and the fascist Mussolini.

Hitler and Mussolini supported and backed Franco and the Fascists in their Civil war against Spain's Republic.
So what? FDR backed the Soviet Union ffs. The Republic, as you call it, was a hodgepodge of trade unionist, anarchists, socialists and Trotskyites, It would have never survived and had already squandered any good will it once had with the general population with its brutality. There are parallels to Greece's Stalinists and their civil war at the other end of WW II.
Send it to Chevy Chase.

Hitler's and Mussolini's ally against Democracy.
No he wasn't. Spain was a neutral country that neither fought for the Axis nor allowed it's Jews to be expelled. He was smart enough not to get involved and he thus lasted 30 years longer than the socialist Hitler and the fascist Mussolini.

Hitler and Mussolini supported and backed Franco and the Fascists in their Civil war against Spain's Republic.
So what? FDR backed the Soviet Union ffs. The Republic, as you call it, was a hodgepodge of trade unionist, anarchists, socialists and Trotskyites, It would have never survived and had already squandered any good will it once had with the general population with its brutality. There are parallels to Greece's Stalinists and their civil war at the other end of WW II.

We helped them to keep their resources out of Hitler hands. He needed more resources to continue his war of conquest. Nor did the cooperation continue after the war. Quite the opposite.
By the way, 30'000 dead is way off the mark.
The clergy alone lost 8000 Priests and Nuns to Communist murder gangs,
True. 30,000 is a huge undercounting of those killed during the civil war in Spain. Both sides comitted atrocities on their opponents, but the main difference between Franco's Fascists, sorry "Nationalists" is they had a policy of systematic extermination (and genocide when it came to the Basques), whereas the Repblican atrocities were carried out more in the "heat of the moment" and as retaliation and revenge against Nationalist atrocities.
By the way, 30'000 dead is way off the mark.
The clergy alone lost 8000 Priests and Nuns to Communist murder gangs,
True. 30,000 is a huge undercounting of those killed during the civil war in Spain. Both sides comitted atrocities on their opponents, but the main difference between Franco's Fascists, sorry "Nationalists" is they had a policy of systematic extermination (and genocide when it came to the Basques), whereas the Repblican atrocities were carried out more in the "heat of the moment" and as retaliation and revenge against Nationalist atrocities.
Communists massacred people even before 1936.
In the years prior they regularly murdered priests and nuns. See the massacre of Galicia.
The Communsiss of the 1930's were basically like ISIS. Brutal and macabre.
They ofen took photos of themselves digging up graves and abusing the corpse.
Not all Basques supported the Reds by the way. The Basque region was one of the first to defeat Communism.
Send it to Chevy Chase.

Hitler's and Mussolini's ally against Democracy.
No he wasn't. Spain was a neutral country that neither fought for the Axis nor allowed it's Jews to be expelled. He was smart enough not to get involved and he thus lasted 30 years longer than the socialist Hitler and the fascist Mussolini.

Hitler and Mussolini supported and backed Franco and the Fascists in their Civil war against Spain's Republic.
And Stalin helped the Spanish Communists. Your point?
Not for free by the way, he took almost the entire stock of Spanish gold to Moscow to pay for his gulags.
Send it to Chevy Chase.

Hitler's and Mussolini's ally against Democracy.
No he wasn't. Spain was a neutral country that neither fought for the Axis nor allowed it's Jews to be expelled. He was smart enough not to get involved and he thus lasted 30 years longer than the socialist Hitler and the fascist Mussolini.

Hitler and Mussolini supported and backed Franco and the Fascists in their Civil war against Spain's Republic.
So what? FDR backed the Soviet Union ffs. The Republic, as you call it, was a hodgepodge of trade unionist, anarchists, socialists and Trotskyites, It would have never survived and had already squandered any good will it once had with the general population with its brutality. There are parallels to Greece's Stalinists and their civil war at the other end of WW II.

We helped them to keep their resources out of Hitler hands. He needed more resources to continue his war of conquest. Nor did the cooperation continue after the war. Quite the opposite.
In 1936??
Germany was booming in 1936, and it not invaded anywhere at that time.
In fact it was hosting the Olympics and was the envy of Europe.
Also, there is one monument left. In the town of Tortosa on the River Ebro.
Not for much longer. Largest Francoist monument in Catalonia to be taken down next summer
A shame. It's a beautiful sight.
Surely you agree that people should be allowed to remember their war dead.
On both sides.
If that was it's purpose, I've no problem. But the monument was originally built to rub the defeated Catalonians' noses in it, and was almost universally revilled by the local people of the town. Ultimately it's the people themselves who decide what monuments they want to keep and what they want removed.

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