The last time we imposed tariffs, this is what happened!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Thank you Pres. Trump!! ...

Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!
Not that the 4.5 trillion dollars the Obama created under QE forever has anything to do with the stock correction, but Apple who borrowed 5 billion of those dollars is going to have to sell off soon, because the interest rates will make the profits less. Janet Yellow the bitch for Obama was choked holed, for every time she even suggested a rate hike the market would tank 300 to 1000 points. Maybe if the Nigga here would pull her head out of her ass, she could understand economics better, but I doubt it..

Moving Goalposts – Here’s Why Janet Yellen Too Chicken To Raise Rate
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Who cares about the WTO? I care about America, Germans and Americans make the best steel, anyways, then Canada, then Japan.
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more? He purposely crafted a policy designed to send jobs out of the US.
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more? He purposely crafted a policy designed to send jobs out of the US.
Little Bush was like his father, a bleeding heart establishment liberal Republican who didn't give a shit about US. Notice that Anybody but Bush Again(ABBA) happened when Jebadiah was not elected?
The WTO like the UN has lost it's credibility. They are dictating to countries to basically allow weaker economies catch up, until you have a point now where China is a superpower ffs.

Do you know the USITC voted down Trumps tariffs against Bombardier, the Canadian company who is a state lead business encroaching on Boeings turf while being heavily backed by the government? I sent them an email and told they were are undermining the presidents powers.

So how else could Trump respond? I can tell you he was wisely planning this for some time, you guys recall when I told you to read between the lines of an old EO when he claimed the "economy is a National Security issue"? Look up my old posts, it's there.

Here is why he did it, he is placing this tariff under that premise, first time since 1962. He set this up long ago, because too many politicians are being lobbied hard and even US agencies are undermining his power. Well, he has the power to do this under National Security, the same bs excuse the RCMP and their pals use to violate NAFTA, I say by because it's not a REAL security threat when enter U.S corporations, but just a manner to influence and control the business.
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Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more? He purposely crafted a policy designed to send jobs out of the US.
Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more?
Um, yes. Something like "I" or "H.W." Why on Earth are you citing what Bush I (H.W. Bush) did when the context of the OP is the economic impact of tariffs as a result of protectionist policy that Bush II pursued?

Who cares about the WTO?
Who, in this case the WTO, favors or opposes any given tariff the U.S. might impose is irrelevant. The reasons any given individual or organization opposes them is relevant. What is the single best reason to oppose tariffs, specific ones or in general? This (click the links below; I didn't explain the entirety of the graphs or key concepts -- for individuals seeking hints on what to take from the remarks below, see this post: President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum):

Effects of a Tariff: Large Country


When a large importing country implements a tariff it will cause an increase in the price of the good on the domestic market and a decrease in the price in the rest of the world. But since Trump wants to impose the tariff on raw materials, it'll raise not only the price of steel and aluminum in the U.S., but also the price of everything made from that steel and aluminum.

As for who will bear the incidence of the tax/tariff, well, that depends on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply for each given product class, and in some instances, each differentiable product.

Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more? He purposely crafted a policy designed to send jobs out of the US.
Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more?
Um, yes. Something like "I" or "H.W." Why on Earth are you citing what Bush I (H.W. Bush) did when the context of the OP is the economic impact of tariffs as a result of protectionist policy that Bush II pursued?

Who cares about the WTO?
Who, in this case the WTO, favors or opposes any given tariff the U.S. might impose is irrelevant. The reasons any given individual or organization opposes them is relevant. What is the single best reason to oppose tariffs, specific ones or in general? This (click the links below; I didn't explain the entirety of the graphs or key concepts -- for individuals seeking hints on what to take from the remarks below, see this post: President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum):

Effects of a Tariff: Large Country


When a large importing country implements a tariff it will cause an increase in the price of the good on the domestic market and a decrease in the price in the rest of the world. But since Trump wants to impose the tariff on raw materials, it'll raise not only the price of steel and aluminum in the U.S., but also the price of everything made from that steel and aluminum.

As for who will bear the incidence of the tax/tariff, well, that depends on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply for each given product class, and in some instances, each differentiable product.


Oh! So Bush II tried to impose tariffs after NAFTA was in place, with other countries already siphoning off steel production market share? One could not come up with a better way to hurt US Steel producers if they tried.

The WTO can get bent. Yes, I'm willing to pay a little more for American-made products if more Americans have jobs.

I was looking at an old flyer yesterday: 23" color TV-$375
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more? He purposely crafted a policy designed to send jobs out of the US.
Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more?
Um, yes. Something like "I" or "H.W." Why on Earth are you citing what Bush I (H.W. Bush) did when the context of the OP is the economic impact of tariffs as a result of protectionist policy that Bush II pursued?

Who cares about the WTO?
Who, in this case the WTO, favors or opposes any given tariff the U.S. might impose is irrelevant. The reasons any given individual or organization opposes them is relevant. What is the single best reason to oppose tariffs, specific ones or in general? This (click the links below; I didn't explain the entirety of the graphs or key concepts -- for individuals seeking hints on what to take from the remarks below, see this post: President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum):

Effects of a Tariff: Large Country


When a large importing country implements a tariff it will cause an increase in the price of the good on the domestic market and a decrease in the price in the rest of the world. But since Trump wants to impose the tariff on raw materials, it'll raise not only the price of steel and aluminum in the U.S., but also the price of everything made from that steel and aluminum.

As for who will bear the incidence of the tax/tariff, well, that depends on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply for each given product class, and in some instances, each differentiable product.


Oh! So Bush II tried to impose tariffs after NAFTA was in place, with other countries already siphoning off steel production market share? One could not come up with a better way to hurt US Steel producers if they tried.
Why are you asking me that? The answer is in the linked content from the OP.
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more? He purposely crafted a policy designed to send jobs out of the US.
Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more?
Um, yes. Something like "I" or "H.W." Why on Earth are you citing what Bush I (H.W. Bush) did when the context of the OP is the economic impact of tariffs as a result of protectionist policy that Bush II pursued?

Who cares about the WTO?
Who, in this case the WTO, favors or opposes any given tariff the U.S. might impose is irrelevant. The reasons any given individual or organization opposes them is relevant. What is the single best reason to oppose tariffs, specific ones or in general? This (click the links below; I didn't explain the entirety of the graphs or key concepts -- for individuals seeking hints on what to take from the remarks below, see this post: President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum):

Effects of a Tariff: Large Country


When a large importing country implements a tariff it will cause an increase in the price of the good on the domestic market and a decrease in the price in the rest of the world. But since Trump wants to impose the tariff on raw materials, it'll raise not only the price of steel and aluminum in the U.S., but also the price of everything made from that steel and aluminum.

As for who will bear the incidence of the tax/tariff, well, that depends on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply for each given product class, and in some instances, each differentiable product.


Oh! So Bush II tried to impose tariffs after NAFTA was in place, with other countries already siphoning off steel production market share? One could not come up with a better way to hurt US Steel producers if they tried.
Why are you asking me that? The answer is in the linked content from the OP.

Rhetorical question. :rolleyes-41:

It's a wise practice not to read very far into any thread where Triggered is the OP. Generally just mock and bail. :saythat:
The last time we imposed tariffs,

the last time we imposed tariffs --LOL

why are you lefties ALWAYS so IGNORANT

is it willful or have you all been sufficiently dumbed down

Tariff Databases | USITC
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!
Respectfully, the conundrum now encompassing the world, as sources see it, has yet to succeed in failing overtly. As people close to it can see, the post tariff devices are in place and structurally based in part on ties to the union. It's very clear to the people close in that it's engaged in properness.
The last time we imposed tariffs,

the last time we imposed tariffs --LOL

why are you lefties ALWAYS so IGNORANT

is it willful or have you all been sufficiently dumbed down

Tariff Databases | USITC

you are the one making the blind claims ya retard

starting with the header "the last time we"

we have had continuing tariffs for years understand retard ??????
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more? He purposely crafted a policy designed to send jobs out of the US.
Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more?
Um, yes. Something like "I" or "H.W." Why on Earth are you citing what Bush I (H.W. Bush) did when the context of the OP is the economic impact of tariffs as a result of protectionist policy that Bush II pursued?

Who cares about the WTO?
Who, in this case the WTO, favors or opposes any given tariff the U.S. might impose is irrelevant. The reasons any given individual or organization opposes them is relevant. What is the single best reason to oppose tariffs, specific ones or in general? This (click the links below; I didn't explain the entirety of the graphs or key concepts -- for individuals seeking hints on what to take from the remarks below, see this post: President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum):

Effects of a Tariff: Large Country


When a large importing country implements a tariff it will cause an increase in the price of the good on the domestic market and a decrease in the price in the rest of the world. But since Trump wants to impose the tariff on raw materials, it'll raise not only the price of steel and aluminum in the U.S., but also the price of everything made from that steel and aluminum.

As for who will bear the incidence of the tax/tariff, well, that depends on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply for each given product class, and in some instances, each differentiable product.


Oh! So Bush II tried to impose tariffs after NAFTA was in place, with other countries already siphoning off steel production market share? One could not come up with a better way to hurt US Steel producers if they tried.

The WTO can get bent. Yes, I'm willing to pay a little more for American-made products if more Americans have jobs.

I was looking at an old flyer yesterday: 23" color TV-$375
I would pay more for american products also. Maybe then the ass on my jeans would not wear out in a year. It would be nice to have some quality products again as well as supporting american jobs. When your neighbor has money he or she spens it where you work not china!
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!

Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more? He purposely crafted a policy designed to send jobs out of the US.
Bush wrote NAFTA, need I say more?
Um, yes. Something like "I" or "H.W." Why on Earth are you citing what Bush I (H.W. Bush) did when the context of the OP is the economic impact of tariffs as a result of protectionist policy that Bush II pursued?

Who cares about the WTO?
Who, in this case the WTO, favors or opposes any given tariff the U.S. might impose is irrelevant. The reasons any given individual or organization opposes them is relevant. What is the single best reason to oppose tariffs, specific ones or in general? This (click the links below; I didn't explain the entirety of the graphs or key concepts -- for individuals seeking hints on what to take from the remarks below, see this post: President Trump announces new tariffs: 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum):

Effects of a Tariff: Large Country


When a large importing country implements a tariff it will cause an increase in the price of the good on the domestic market and a decrease in the price in the rest of the world. But since Trump wants to impose the tariff on raw materials, it'll raise not only the price of steel and aluminum in the U.S., but also the price of everything made from that steel and aluminum.

As for who will bear the incidence of the tax/tariff, well, that depends on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply for each given product class, and in some instances, each differentiable product.


Oh! So Bush II tried to impose tariffs after NAFTA was in place, with other countries already siphoning off steel production market share? One could not come up with a better way to hurt US Steel producers if they tried.

The WTO can get bent. Yes, I'm willing to pay a little more for American-made products if more Americans have jobs.

I was looking at an old flyer yesterday: 23" color TV-$375
I would pay more for american products also. Maybe then the ass on my jeans would not wear out in a year. It would be nice to have some quality products again as well as supporting american jobs. When your neighbor has money he or she spens it where you work not china!
I would pay more for american products
One already can pay more for American products, and if foreign firms or domestic retailers pare back their trade, you will surely find yourself buying more American products and paying more for them than you would for comparable foreign made ones.
Democrats love taxes as long as they’re not imposed on other countries. What’s that tell you about loyalty?
Democrat is the party of Marxist subversion and most Democrats are too stupid/brainwashed to realize it.
Do the math people, the last time we tried this protectionism crap, we lost a lot of jobs....expect more of the same. And it wasn't with our allies....Canada, Mexico and South Korea are suppose to be friends, yes?
Stocks Tumble As Trump Announces Tariff On Steel And Aluminum Imports
And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies — and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.
Bush steel tariff impact - Business Insider

Jul 7, 2017 - The last time the US fought the world on steel it was under the Bush administration, and it didn't work out so well for us. ... When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics (IIE) estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

All this, to make a hand full of redneck good ol boys back home happy!!
Not that the 4.5 trillion dollars the Obama created under QE forever has anything to do with the stock correction, but Apple who borrowed 5 billion of those dollars is going to have to sell off soon, because the interest rates will make the profits less. Janet Yellow the bitch for Obama was choked holed, for every time she even suggested a rate hike the market would tank 300 to 1000 points. Maybe if the Nigga here would pull her head out of her ass, she could understand economics better, but I doubt it..

Moving Goalposts – Here’s Why Janet Yellen Too Chicken To Raise Rate

Apple has over $20 billion in cash and cash equivalents and almost $54 billion in short term investments on their balance sheet. They'd actually earn more if rates rose, not less.

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