The latest house passes resolution condemning bigotry


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Latest: House passes resolution condemning bigotry
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on House Democrats and Rep. Ilhan Omar’s comments about Israel (all times local):

This is one satanic looking bitch, this douche is EVIL looking , don't think this is the end. We are going to get this a hole fired and kicked out right along with the other infiltrating cock suckers.
The dems are so useless they have trouble crafting and voting on meaningless legislation that won’t do anything for anyone.
The dems are so useless they have trouble crafting and voting on meaningless legislation that won’t do anything for anyone.

10-4 that Rocko!
It took the Dems 9 weeks to produce their first piece of legislation; basically announcing to the world that hate is bad.

I told y'all that this Congress was DOA!
They can’t even apologize right!

Only against minorities, so will this change when the majority race changes.?
Get this: The resolution singles out white people, but doesn't say much in the way of how they should be protected against bigotry..

"Whereas white supremacists in the United States have ex-
ploited and continue to exploit bigotry and weaponize
hate for political gain, targeting traditionally persecuted
peoples, including African Americans, Latinos, Native
Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and
other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the
LGBTQ community, immigrants, and others with verbal
attacks, incitement, and violence"

"Whereas on August 11 and 12, 2017, self-identified neo-Con-
federates, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and Ku Klux
Klansmen held white supremacist events in Charlottes-
ville, Virginia, where they marched on a synagogue under
the Nazi swastika, engaged in racist and anti-Semitic
demonstrations and committed brutal and deadly violence
against peaceful Americans;"

I don't think it even addresses the issue of Islamic antisemitism. :laughing0301:
I feel so much better now that this meaningless bullshit has passed.
I feel so much better now that this meaningless bullshit has passed.

Yea. But the good news is that I can still pick on you because you're white.

Hey whitey!! Got any macaroni and cheezzeee? :laughing0301:
I watched the House debate on C-SPAN.

It's beyond lame that Congress critters get even paid, have 2/3rds of the year off, and think themselves intelligent!

The guy who dug a ditch, moving dirt at a construction site today, accomplished more than the sum total of our House.
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I just loved how the Congressional Black Caucus members today rained on the main anti-Semitic message Jewish House members were trying to illuminate today by emphasizing Black victimhood and blaming Trump!
The black CBC members must still hate ghetto Jewish store owners back East who they have historically blamed for ripping them off for decades.
I feel so much better now that this meaningless bullshit has passed.

Yea. But the good news is that I can still pick on you because you're white.

Hey whitey!! Got any macaroni and cheezzeee? :laughing0301:

Race notwithstanding, but my Blacken Chicken Mac and Cheese is a symphony.
I just loved how the Congressional Black Caucus members today rained on the main anti-Semitic message Jewish House members were trying to illuminate today by emphasizing Black victimhood and blaming Trump!
The black CBC members must still hate ghetto Jewish store owners back East who they have historically blamed for ripping them off for decades.
African Americans may not be enamored with white people. But they do not like Jewish people in those areas. It even involves employment in those businesses whether right or wrong. You wouldn't have so called Reverends making statements like Sharpton, Jackson and of course Farrakhan and others over the years. There needs to be a summit between these groups.
In the Dems new game of "Jostling for Victimhood", the final scorecard reads:
#1 - Blacks
#2 - Jews and Muzzies (tied for 2nd)
#3 - Hispanics

The disabled, Wiccans, and those damned pygmies from New Guinea never received any mention.
Go figure?
this should be interesting

If Ilhan Omar were a Republican, the media would be demanding she address her endorsement by David Duke
by Quin Hillyer
| March 07, 2019 07:12 PM

David Duke issued a series of tweets today saying that freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar’s stringof obviously anti-Semitic statements and actions make her “the most important member of the U.S. Congress.” Duke, whose 50-year history as a Nazi sympathizer and former KKK leader is well-documented, meant it as high praise.

Every time Duke speaks up in favor of a Republican, the media falls all over itself demanding that that Republican and all associated with him not only renounce Duke but also defend themselves for having done or said anything of which Duke approves. Sometimes, the demands are even semi-valid: Donald Trump, for example, had repeatedly retweeted posts from publicly self-identified white supremacists and praised marchers in a white supremacist mob that included Duke.

If Ilhan Omar were a Republican, the media would be demanding she address her endorsement by David Duke

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