The Latest Sneak Attacks in a Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions

Intereseting philosophically, I agree, but unimportant in this discussion, because a woman who has an abortion does not make other women around her abort.,

only idiots don't immunize their kids.

You know what I find strange.

How a person can insist that I have to pay for abortions yet have no say about women getting them can argue that I do not have a say about what happens to my body.

excellent point!
The welfare of We the People always come first when individuals' decisions threaten the health and the well being of the whole.

Individual comes first not the state in any capacity to force an individual to do anything is tyranny.

Wrong,but of course you have a habit of that. Try and force me or my family to do something...we got 5 acres a shotgun and a shovel.
Intereseting philosophically, I agree, but unimportant in this discussion, because a woman who has an abortion does not make other women around her abort.,

You know what I find strange.

How a person can insist that I have to pay for abortions yet have no say about women getting them can argue that I do not have a say about what happens to my body.

excellent point!

The authoritarian statist speaks, the world yawns.
Let you or your family threaten the welfare of the community, and you will find that you got nothing at all for what is coming for you.
The welfare of We the People always come first when individuals' decisions threaten the health and the well being of the whole.

Individual comes first not the state in any capacity to force an individual to do anything is tyranny.

Wrong,but of course you have a habit of that. Try and force me or my family to do something...we got 5 acres a shotgun and a shovel.
What the hell does that mean?

Nobody will force me to take vaccinations I don't want, either.

But for the most part, I am okay with them.
Only people threatening the community are the morons putting poisons in their kids bodies because the government says its ok...its not like the government would ever lie to us...such a douche bag.Like I said let someone try and fuck me with....please try...
Dissent, (1) you have no credible evidence for such a stupid-butt statement, (2) we are a constitutional republic that protects minority. Minority classifications do not include "stupid". If you mess with We the People you will end up face down. And so will you, koshergrl, if you are stupid enough to defend such stupid suggestions with violence.
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No one should be forced to give their children vaccines. Letting the children die is good enough.
Dissent, (1) you have no credible evidence for such a stupid-butt statement, (2) we are a constitutional republic that protects minority. Minority classifications do not include "stupid". If you mess with We the People you will end up face down. And so will you, koshergrl, if you are stupid enough to defend such stupid suggestions with violence.

Damn Jake, you have lost it.
I once walked through a VERY OLD graveyard in my 20s and got to the part that was dedicated to only burying children.

Families would have a Pylon in the center, and on each side would be a name of a child that died.

If one side of the pylon was blank, you knew that kid survived.

Families upon families like that. That KNEW not all of their chldren would make it past five years old.

Do you know of all the children Lincoln had, ONLY ONE SURVIVE?

Of all the children Mozart had, ONLY ONE SURVIVED.

Do you know how lucky I was to be born AFTER 1955 when the first polio vaccination became available? That little sugar cube with a pink dot of medicine in the middle?

Do you know how many children and adults suffered from polio INCLUDING A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (FDR)?

Because I had chicken pox, I am condemned to wondering if I will come down with shingles.

Because my oldest had chicken pox, she will too.

My yougest was the first to benefit from the chicken pox vaccine. She will never have to worry about shingles.

The IDIOTS that scream about poison in their bodies? HOW MUCH BETTER IS AN INCURABLE VIRUS YOU DUMBASSES????????

After seeing that grave yard, I vowed my children would always get VACCINATED.

The selfish idiots who don't get their children vaccinated are depending on other more responsible parents, in the hopes their vulnerable children will be protected by those immune around them.

Because of this hysteria, whooping cough is making a come back. Something that was once considered a thing of the past.

Small pox is making a small comeback.

These are diseases that were once considered extinct.

My children have all their vaccinations. My children are healthy, normal, and won't have to live in a world where children dying by the thousands is just part of normal life.

Keep your bogus hysteria.

I'll keep my children healthy.
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I once walked through a VERY OLD graveyard in my 20s and got to the part that was dedicated to only burying children.

Families would have a Pylon in the center, and on each side would be a name of a child that died.

If one side of the pylon was blank, you knew that kid survived.

Families upon families like that. That KNEW not all of their chldren would make it past five years old.

Do you know of all the children Lincoln had, ONLY ONE SURVIVE?

Of all the children Mozart had, ONLY ONE SURVIVED.

Do you know how lucky I was to be born AFTER 1955 when the first polio vaccination became available? That little sugar cube with a pink dot of medicine in the middle?

Do you know how many children and adults suffered from polio INCLUDING A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (FDR)?

Because I had chicken pox, I am condemned to wondering if I will come down with shingles.

Because my oldest had chicken pox, she will too.

My yougest was the first to benefit from the chicken pox vaccine. She will never have to worry about shingles.

The IDIOTS that scream about poison in their bodies? HOW MUCH BETTER IS AN INCURABLE VIRUS YOU DUMBASSES????????

After seeing that grave yard, I vowed my children would always get VACCINATED.

The selfish idiots who don't get their children vaccinated are depending on other more responsible parents, in the hopes their vulnerable children will be protected by those immune around them.

Because of this hysteria, whooping cough is making a come back. Something that was once considered a thing of the past.

Small pox is making a small comeback.

These are diseases that were once considered extinct.

My children have all their vaccinations. My children are healthy, normal, and won't have to live in a world where children dying by the thousands is just part of normal life.

Keep your bogus hysteria.

I'll keep my children healthy.

My mother in law had polio, my friends mother had polio. My youngest son has severe autism. given the choice, both my friend's mother and my mother in law would prefer polio to my son's autism.

I would like to see a study done on the families who don't get their kids vaccinated. What is the autism rate among their kids? What is the disease rate among them? I'm betting you won't ever see such a study done.

Did you know that when my son had the oral polio vaccine, it was the ONLY cause of polio in this country? I tried to get the killed vaccine but no one would give it. Now they only give the killed vaccine.

Parents need to stay informed and only get their kids vaccines which are necessary and even then, not until they are 3 or older and then one at a time. I would do things so differently if I had it to do over again. Maybe then I'd know what my youngest son's favorite color is, maybe I'd be able to carry on a conversation with him, play a game, etc.
Let's be honest, most Americans would do just about anything Big Brother told them to. That's the sad state of affairs that currently exists in our country.

[ame=]Little boxes-Malvina reynolds - YouTube[/ame]
People don't get to chose between vaccines and autism. The vast majority of people who get polio vaccinations do not come up with autism, and in fact there is no evidence that ANYONE has ever "contracted" autism from a polio vaccine.

"The research linking autism to childhood vaccines continues to do harm, long after it was proven to be a fraud."

By now most people know that the so-called “research” was disproven. Back in 1998, British doc Andrew Wakefield published a paper claiming a link between the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism. He based in on 12 case studies. By 2004, he’d been widely discredited. The esteemed medical journal that had originally published his research, The Lancet, retracted it. By then, the research had already had a resounding impact on public health, as parents stopped getting their child the vaccine and reported cases of measles went up."

Autism, Vaccines And The Fake Research That Won’t Die | To The Max
Get your kids vaccinated folks. Linking vaccines with autism is a fraud.
Get your kids vaccinated folks. Linking vaccines with autism is a fraud.

Vaccines being linked to autism is liberal science at is best.

That said, the government cannot force people to get vaccinated, everyone has a choice.
What I remember from the days when there were no vaccines is now fast a disease would sweep through my little neighborhood. How many of my little friends died, had sisters and brothers that died. All of the children in some families died. Some who survived polio were in wheel chairs. Remember the iron lung? So many children existed in the gigantic machine respirator of the iron lung.

There is no rise in autism related to vaccines. There is a rise in autism because autism is being diagnosed more frequently. Behavior that was once just a quirk of personality is now autism. Severe autism has been traced to older fathers. As people put off having children until later in life, fathers are older and the incidence of autism is higher.

Then there is just the lie. Parents who, if they can convince a diagnostician that they child has autism get a "crazy check" every month from the government. My slut step granddaughter has an autistic son. He didn't speak. When the kids were taken away from the slut and distributed to family, this boy went to live with his uncle. In a month he was speaking normally and behaving normally. Now he's back with his mother, doesn't speak and prone to outbursts. The slut's crazy check has been restored.
A friend of mine has long held that a vaccination his son received as an infant triggered his child’s autism. He clings to this belief despite a string of scientific studies that show no link between autism and vaccines. When the original paper on such a link was recently discredited as a fraud, my friend’s reaction was that it will now be more difficult to persuade people of the dangers of vaccination. He is not alone: nearly half of all Americans believe in the vaccine-autism link or are unsure about it."

Trust Me, I'm a Scientist: Scientific American
The diseases that we vaccinate for have no cure, and have high death and disability rates. I am not willing to stupidly deny my children immunization based on the fact that Jenny McCarthy and Aiden Quinn say they think autism is caused by vaccines. There's zero evidence that it is true. And if it is true, it is such a rare thing that I am willing to risk it. I'd rather risk that than the pain, suffering, and lifelong debilitation (or death) associated with smallpox, measles, diptheria, whooping cough and polio.

People have lived too long in this country in too protected of a state. They have forgotten what the REST of the world goes through, and what we would go through too, if we didn't have superior health care, freedom and standard of living.





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