The Latest Sneak Attacks in a Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions

Actually my kids pediatrician doesn't believe in vaccines either. :) so kiss my one gives a shit if you people don't approve I know what's best for my kids and that's disagree well tough shit for ya...
Tell that to Jenny McCarthy,Jake..I am sure her son would love to hear it as well. My kids are healthier because they aren't vaccinated with poison.If you don't like it then I suggest you not send your kids to school because mine will be going.:)

You're kids are also many orders of magnitude more likely to die a horrible death or become disabled from a preventable disease.

How have you come to prefer medical advice from a model over that of medical professionals?

A porn star, actually. Not a model.

Actually my kids pediatrician doesn't believe in vaccines either. :) so kiss my one gives a shit if you people don't approve I know what's best for my kids and that's disagree well tough shit for ya...

The children end up paying the penalty for the stupidity of their anti-vax parents. It does not get more fucked up than that.

There's no choice. I'll never forget someone on this site, it might have been you, you're stupid enough, saying "I'd rather go through a few red bumps than autism". Well that's not what measles is, and there's zero evidence that vaccines cause autism. It's a fucking fairy tale, spawned by a FRAUDULENT study from 1998.

It's a shame your boy has autism. But it's not related to vaccines. If you hadn't vaccinated him, he might be dead, who knows?

I lived through measles, mumps and chicken pox. I would rather live through them again than have autism, wouldn't you?

Or are you going to continue to ignore the question?

There is no evidence that Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines cause autism.

Autism and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine: no epidemiological evidence for a causal association : The Lancet

No evidence for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine-associated inflammatory bowel disease or... - Abstract - UK PubMed Central
Please Jake, don't help us. We all know that if the government told you it was good for you, you'd store Hershey's kisses in your ass and eat them on tuesdays.
Actually my kids pediatrician doesn't believe in vaccines either. :) so kiss my one gives a shit if you people don't approve I know what's best for my kids and that's disagree well tough shit for ya...

You shouldn't take your kids to incomptetent hippie doctors who ignore medical evidence just to cater to the niche market of morons like yourself.
There's no choice. I'll never forget someone on this site, it might have been you, you're stupid enough, saying "I'd rather go through a few red bumps than autism". Well that's not what measles is, and there's zero evidence that vaccines cause autism. It's a fucking fairy tale, spawned by a FRAUDULENT study from 1998.

It's a shame your boy has autism. But it's not related to vaccines. If you hadn't vaccinated him, he might be dead, who knows?

I lived through measles, mumps and chicken pox. I would rather live through them again than have autism, wouldn't you?

Or are you going to continue to ignore the question?

There is no evidence that Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines cause autism.

Autism and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine: no epidemiological evidence for a causal association : The Lancet

No evidence for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine-associated inflammatory bowel disease or... - Abstract - UK PubMed Central

Nor will there ever be proof as long as those in charge of the studies are those that make their money off of the vaccines.
Lol...keep opening your mouth and inserting your tyrant foot jake its amusing...your name should be DON'T QUESTION BIG BROTHER.
I lived through measles, mumps and chicken pox. I would rather live through them again than have autism, wouldn't you?

Or are you going to continue to ignore the question?

There is no evidence that Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines cause autism.

Autism and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine: no epidemiological evidence for a causal association : The Lancet

No evidence for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine-associated inflammatory bowel disease or... - Abstract - UK PubMed Central

Nor will there ever be proof as long as those in charge of the studies are those that make their money off of the vaccines.

How much did Brent Taylor, Elizabeth Miller, Paddy Farrington, Maria-Christina Petropoulos, Isabelle Favot-Mayaud, Jun Li, and Pauline A Waight make off of vaccines?

You don't think the medical community makes more money off your kid if you bring him in with the measles or polio?
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There's no choice. I'll never forget someone on this site, it might have been you, you're stupid enough, saying "I'd rather go through a few red bumps than autism". Well that's not what measles is, and there's zero evidence that vaccines cause autism. It's a fucking fairy tale, spawned by a FRAUDULENT study from 1998.

It's a shame your boy has autism. But it's not related to vaccines. If you hadn't vaccinated him, he might be dead, who knows?

I lived through measles, mumps and chicken pox. I would rather live through them again than have autism, wouldn't you?

Or are you going to continue to ignore the question?

The autism myth has been thoroughly discredited. You really need to catch up. The "doctor" behind that study deliberately used flawd data. He lied.,8599,1957656,00.html

Thanks to that asshole a whole lot of kids have gone through needless suffering.

Vaccination rates among toddlers plummeted from over 90% in the mid-1990s to below 70% in some places by 2003. Following this drop, Britain saw an increase in measles cases at a time when the disease had been all but eradicated in many developed countries. In 1998, there were just 56 cases of the disease in England and Wales; by 2008 there were 1,370.

Now that you have been informed of this, you would be a willful idiot to continue to persist in the belief the MMR vaccine causes autism.

Despite assurances from various health bodies that Wakefield's study was seriously flawed, he still has a dedicated following among parents concerned about a rise in autism rates in the U.K. and U.S.

Stupid idiots.

So here's a question for you. Would you rather your child pay the price of your stupidity and die from mumps, or would you rather your child be vaccinated and live?

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There's no choice. I'll never forget someone on this site, it might have been you, you're stupid enough, saying "I'd rather go through a few red bumps than autism". Well that's not what measles is, and there's zero evidence that vaccines cause autism. It's a fucking fairy tale, spawned by a FRAUDULENT study from 1998.

It's a shame your boy has autism. But it's not related to vaccines. If you hadn't vaccinated him, he might be dead, who knows?

I lived through measles, mumps and chicken pox. I would rather live through them again than have autism, wouldn't you?

Or are you going to continue to ignore the question?

The autism myth has been thoroughly discredited. You really need to catch up. The "doctor" behind that study deliberately used flawd data. He lied.

Doc Who Tied Vaccine to Autism Ruled Unethical - TIME

Now that you have been informed of this, you would be a willful idiot to continue to persist in the belief the MMR vaccine causes autism.

So here's a question for you. Would you rather your child pay the price of your stupidity and die from mumps, or would you rather your child be vaccinated and live?


I've never known anyone to die from mumps. I will, however tell you that there are times I wish my son had caught a disease which killed him rather than living as he is now. He can't carry on a conversation, he's not even potty trained. He can't play a game. There is little that can keep his interest. It's like having a 25 years old baby. Most people would rather be dead. If you were to suddenly contract something that left you basically a vegetable, would you rather go on living or die?

Now imagine that whatever caused you to get that illness was shot into your arm before you even developed a personality.

I may be a horrible person but given the choice between living with my child for a few years and him being able to communicative with me or as it is now, I would have chosen those few precious years.

Again, I would like to see a study down among the children from families who refuse the vaccine. I won't though, it's not in the best interest of the vaccine companies to do that.
What's sort of interesting is the blame game that has always been played with autism. Back before the lies about immunization were circulated, people were told they, as parents, had done something to "cause" autism.

After Leo Kanner first identified autism in 1943, one of the first theories for the cause of autism (and, one would assume, a “cure”) was the “refrigerator mother“: a mother who was so cold and emotionally-withholding that her child responded by retreating into himself (classic Kanner autism was, at the time, almost always diagnosed in boys). It was the mother who created the autist, both literally and figuratively: she had not only given birth to her child, she had broken him."

The Blame Game in Autism | Nursing Clio

" Driven by many factors, such as the inclusion of autism spectrum disorders like Asperger syndrome in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (psychology’s Bible), the diagnosis increased from an estimated 1 in 10,000 births to the current 1 in 88. And no one contributed more to the illness model of autism more than Andrew Wakefield. His small, methodologically-flawed study of gut function in 12 children who also had autism symptoms was used to create a vaccine panic that was possibly unprecedented in immunization history."

"It uses the logic of the vaccine panic, where parents decided that death or disability from vaccine-preventable disease was better than the spurious risk of autism. Essentially, they were saying they would rather have a dead kid than my kid."
Pediatricians who oppose vaccinations on principle should be barred from practice.

They are idiots.

You morons think you are more informed on getting vaccinations than someone that went to college and then medical school and is a doctor for a living...oh and in our pediatricians case has been doing it for 25 years....yeah forgive me for not giving a shit what you say and for thinking you are complete and utter sheeple.
I lived through measles, mumps and chicken pox. I would rather live through them again than have autism, wouldn't you?

Or are you going to continue to ignore the question?

The autism myth has been thoroughly discredited. You really need to catch up. The "doctor" behind that study deliberately used flawd data. He lied.

Doc Who Tied Vaccine to Autism Ruled Unethical - TIME

Now that you have been informed of this, you would be a willful idiot to continue to persist in the belief the MMR vaccine causes autism.

So here's a question for you. Would you rather your child pay the price of your stupidity and die from mumps, or would you rather your child be vaccinated and live?


I've never known anyone to die from mumps. I will, however tell you that there are times I wish my son had caught a disease which killed him rather than living as he is now. He can't carry on a conversation, he's not even potty trained. He can't play a game. There is little that can keep his interest. It's like having a 25 years old baby. Most people would rather be dead. If you were to suddenly contract something that left you basically a vegetable, would you rather go on living or die?

Now imagine that whatever caused you to get that illness was shot into your arm before you even developed a personality.

I may be a horrible person but given the choice between living with my child for a few years and him being able to communicative with me or as it is now, I would have chosen those few precious years.

Again, I would like to see a study down among the children from families who refuse the vaccine. I won't though, it's not in the best interest of the vaccine companies to do that.

You fucking idiot, you don't know anyone who has died from mumps because they are VACCINATED. I haven't known anyone to die of autism, either. So what?
The autism myth has been thoroughly discredited. You really need to catch up. The "doctor" behind that study deliberately used flawd data. He lied.

Doc Who Tied Vaccine to Autism Ruled Unethical - TIME

Now that you have been informed of this, you would be a willful idiot to continue to persist in the belief the MMR vaccine causes autism.

So here's a question for you. Would you rather your child pay the price of your stupidity and die from mumps, or would you rather your child be vaccinated and live?


I've never known anyone to die from mumps. I will, however tell you that there are times I wish my son had caught a disease which killed him rather than living as he is now. He can't carry on a conversation, he's not even potty trained. He can't play a game. There is little that can keep his interest. It's like having a 25 years old baby. Most people would rather be dead. If you were to suddenly contract something that left you basically a vegetable, would you rather go on living or die?

Now imagine that whatever caused you to get that illness was shot into your arm before you even developed a personality.

I may be a horrible person but given the choice between living with my child for a few years and him being able to communicative with me or as it is now, I would have chosen those few precious years.

Again, I would like to see a study down among the children from families who refuse the vaccine. I won't though, it's not in the best interest of the vaccine companies to do that.

You fucking idiot, you don't know anyone who has died from mumps because they are VACCINATED. I haven't known anyone to die of autism, either. So what?

I grew up BEFORE the mumps vaccine. I had mumps, my brothers and sisters had mumps. None of us died from Mumps. Most of my friends had mumps, they didn't die. The worst that could be said of mumps was that if an adult male got it, he would likely become sterile.

Guess what? We all had chicken pox and measles too.
Like I said, it's irrelevant.

Unless you're saying that the mumps vaccine causes autism?

Remember, you already learned today that that particular rumor was a hoax...

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