The Latest Sneak Attacks in a Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions - The Latest Sneak Attacks in a Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions

Lets see how many ignorant responses we get from folks who won't even bother to read the article and think they know it all because the main stream media or government told them so!

People who don't get their children immunized are morons.

People who dismiss a whole class of people without thought make morons look like geniuses.

I respect the RIGHT of people to not vaccinate their kids if that's really what they want.

But if they want their kids to participate with other kids in certain venues, they need to be prepared to get vaccinated, or abstain from participation. It's their choice, but that doesn't mean that the vaccinations can't be a requirement to participate in certain situations where epidemic is a consideration.
So now you want to twist what I said..why waste my time on you...enjoy the ignore list shit head...and a word of advice learn to use the multi quote for christs sakes...I am not going to waste my time with an idiot such as yourself.
I've never known anyone to die from mumps. I will, however tell you that there are times I wish my son had caught a disease which killed him rather than living as he is now. He can't carry on a conversation, he's not even potty trained. He can't play a game. There is little that can keep his interest. It's like having a 25 years old baby. Most people would rather be dead. If you were to suddenly contract something that left you basically a vegetable, would you rather go on living or die?

Now imagine that whatever caused you to get that illness was shot into your arm before you even developed a personality.

I may be a horrible person but given the choice between living with my child for a few years and him being able to communicative with me or as it is now, I would have chosen those few precious years.

Again, I would like to see a study down among the children from families who refuse the vaccine. I won't though, it's not in the best interest of the vaccine companies to do that.

You fucking idiot, you don't know anyone who has died from mumps because they are VACCINATED. I haven't known anyone to die of autism, either. So what?

I grew up BEFORE the mumps vaccine. I had mumps, my brothers and sisters had mumps. None of us died from Mumps. Most of my friends had mumps, they didn't die. The worst that could be said of mumps was that if an adult male got it, he would likely become sterile.

Guess what? We all had chicken pox and measles too.

Death from measles


Death from mumps



empiricism > ideology/belief
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If their children are immunized, what are they worrying about? Aren't those immunizations supposed to protect the recipients from exposure? If they are so worried about other people's children, they should consider alternative educational opportunities, perhaps even home-schooling.
My daughter is against immunizations. She's explained to me why and made sense. I don't recall details, but it had something to do with using live cultures and how those organisms can adversely affect children.

Protection is not 100% for all vaccines.

You're daughter is a fucking moron.

Do I need to warn you about family? Or should I run to a Mod, like the libturds around here do?
I lived through measles, mumps and chicken pox. I would rather live through them again than have autism, wouldn't you?

Or are you going to continue to ignore the question?

There is no evidence that Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines cause autism.

Autism and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine: no epidemiological evidence for a causal association : The Lancet

No evidence for measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine-associated inflammatory bowel disease or... - Abstract - UK PubMed Central

Nor will there ever be proof as long as those in charge of the studies are those that make their money off of the vaccines.

You just nailed the crux of the problem dead on. As long as big pharma stands to make gobs of money, money they funnel back into pol's "war chests", we will have to fend off constant government insistence that the only way for our children to survive childhood is to have them vaccinated. Personally, I no longer trust government to have my, and my children's, best interests in mind when they insist that such nonsense is necessary. Lots of people apparently do buy off on the party line, though.
You're a fucking idiot.

Possibly the biggest fucking idiot on the site.

good answer, just goes to show you have no real answer and have lost the debate. Thanks for conceding.

There's no debate. You're a fucking idiot. There is zero (ZERO) evidence that autism is caused by immunizations, and in fact the study that STARTED this rumor has been debunked, the guy who did it has been drummed out of town and publicly shamed, and every knowledgeable scientist, researcher, and medical journal have stated EN MASSE that AUTISM ISN'T CAUSED BY VACCINATION.

Hence, no debate. I don't even know what your stupid question was, but I've no doubt it's as ignorant and irrelevant as every other moronic utterance you've made.

So-called studies that "prove" global warming is human-caused have been debunked, and researchers making such claims have admitted using false data in order to achieve their desired outcome. So, where do you stand vis-a-vis "man-made global warming"?
If Big Brother told you to jump off a bridge, would you? Sadly, most Americans actually would.
Usually - the kinds of diseases they vacinate young children for are the kinds of diseases that are most fatal to children. Its not like the AAP just hates kids ands wants to give them shots at a young age just to cause them pain and fuck with their parents. My lord you are ignorant.

They currently give the kids H1B vaccine before they even leave the hospital.

There's a reason - infants are the least likely to clear a H1B infection and have to deal with it their entire lives.

Its not 'heavy' in mercury.
Pregnant women aren't supposed to eat more than a light amount of fish.

Seatbelts aren't 100% either, so why bother?

When a vaccine is the ONLY cause of a disease - that means the vaccine is a success.
Of course - we could just not have children vaccinnated for the disease and instead have thousands of them die from it - that would turn that statistic around, is that what you prefer?

Oh right, you were ahead of your time. Why didn't you produce the vaccine yourself?

No you don't. Your children's autism was not caused by you getting them vaccinnated.

I don't think its ethical to require authors of peer reviewed publications to make the vaccination records of their children public. That's actually quite absurd.

The government doesn't want to encourage people not to vaccinate their children.
You're 100% correct. Why would the government want there to be an outbreak of polio? That costs the taxpayers money.

Autism now affects more than 1 in 10 people. How long can we continue at that rate of increase? What's going to happen when we are all autistic? Who then is going to run the country?

So because autism affects so many people - obviously, its the fault of vaccines.

got it.

The woman has two autistic children and you write this tripe?

The reason people think their is a connection between autism and vaccinations is the dramatic increase in autism that coincided with the increased vaccinations. Genetics alone cannot explain such an increase.

A practical solution would be to spread out some of the vaccination schedule. This might relieve some concerns of parents who feel that so many vaccinations at a young age might be overwhelming childrens' immune systems. This is what many of the advocates of the autism-vaccination connection suggest as opposed to ceasing vaccinations. Even that blonde bimbo Jenny McCarthy never advocated stopping vaccinations.

I can understand that the medical industry ignoring such requests and instead introducing more vaccine might cause some to think that money is a factor. I am not a conspiracy guy myself. I am more inclined to think that our puritan background makes us susceptible to discrimination against mental illness.

You mentioned that non-vacinated kids costs money. Well many of these diseases do cause life long injury such as polio. Others just kill you which is less expensive to society, but heartbreaking. However autism is extremely expensive also. Autism does not decrease life extectancy and there is no cure. Autistism is running at about 1% of the population. Polio at its height was 1/2500.

There are about 1,000,000 autistics in this country, the vast majority will be totally dependent. Say it costs a million dollars for lifetime care which is somewhat conservative considering the lost wages of the families who will take care of them, increased educational costs and possible institutionalization. So the cost of autisim will be 1,000,000,000,000 (thats' one trillion dollars) at a conservative estimate and that is not counting all the autistics still to be born and diagnosed.

An earlier post intimated that parents who do not vaccinate their children do not love them. That is a moronic statement.
People who don't get their children immunized are morons.

People who dismiss a whole class of people without thought make morons look like geniuses.

I respect the RIGHT of people to not vaccinate their kids if that's really what they want.

But if they want their kids to participate with other kids in certain venues, they need to be prepared to get vaccinated, or abstain from participation. It's their choice, but that doesn't mean that the vaccinations can't be a requirement to participate in certain situations where epidemic is a consideration.

What situations would that be? Perhaps we could start by banning these children from public places like parks and restaurants. Arm bands could be made mandatory so these children may be easily identified. Then we expand restrictions to schools, government buildings, and all sporting events. Eventually we could place them on trains and ship them to concentrated areas to isolate them from the public. Failing these measures we could prevent epidemic by euthanising them with zyklon B gas.
Naw, I wouldn't go that far. Allow a couple of exceptions..religious, medical, whatever.

We'll still get most of them. It will only take one polio epidemic in the US to re-convince the idiots that we really are better off WITH immunizations than without them.

My kids will be immunized, so I'm good.
Well I am glad YOU get to choose them or not...that is all I ask to let parents to choose for their WV and Mississippi you can't.
I would still be okay with it because I wouldn't choose to expose my children to the possibility of polio, pertussis, diptheria, rubella, tetanus etc.
We have seen those captured by The Stupid Doctrine, which gives individuals a secret knowledge superior to doctors and professionals, writing quite stupidly.

You stupid people do not know better. You do not have the right to imperil other peoples' children with your stupidity. Home school your children, if you are so smart.
You would be okay with the government ordering you to do something you don't want to do for your kids? I guess the public indoctrination is going at full speed. I may not agree with people vaccinating their kids with poison but they are their kids and its their choice and I won't interfere in it...all I ask is for the same in return.
We have seen those captured by The Stupid Doctrine, which gives individuals a secret knowledge superior to doctors and professionals, writing quite stupidly.

You stupid people do not know better. You do not have the right to imperil other peoples' children with your stupidity. Home school your children, if you are so smart.

Did you know vaccines use eggs, gelatin, and yeast? That these things are fatal to some people? Do children that are allergic to vaccines need to die in order to satisfy your stupidity?
We have seen those captured by The Stupid Doctrine, which gives individuals a secret knowledge superior to doctors and professionals, writing quite stupidly.

You stupid people do not know better. You do not have the right to imperil other peoples' children with your stupidity. Home school your children, if you are so smart.

Hey dipshit, according to you your kids are IMMUNIZED and at ZERO risk. In other words, NOT 'imperiled'.

Or is there some doubt in your mind as to the efficacy of immunizations?

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