The Latest Sneak Attacks in a Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions

So-called studies that "prove" global warming is human-caused have been debunked, and researchers making such claims have admitted using false data in order to achieve their desired outcome. So, where do you stand vis-a-vis "man-made global warming"?

Studies how that the same gullible mindset which accepts 9/11 trutherism, birtherism and anti-vaccine hysteria also usually embraces the global warming denial conspiracy theory.

Given that I don't have that gullible "My favorite authority figure told me to believe this conspiracy!" mindset, I understand that AGW theory accurately describes the current situation. I also don't subscribe to anti-vaccine hysteria, birtherism, trutherism, moon landing hoaxism, bilderbergerism, or any other conspiracy theories.
So-called studies that "prove" global warming is human-caused have been debunked, and researchers making such claims have admitted using false data in order to achieve their desired outcome. So, where do you stand vis-a-vis "man-made global warming"?

Studies how that the same gullible mindset which accepts 9/11 trutherism, birtherism and anti-vaccine hysteria also usually embraces the global warming denial conspiracy theory.

Given that I don't have that gullible "My favorite authority figure told me to believe this conspiracy!" mindset, I understand that AGW theory accurately describes the current situation. I also don't subscribe to anti-vaccine hysteria, birtherism, trutherism, moon landing hoaxism, bilderbergerism, or any other conspiracy theories.

Living proof ^^^^^^ that 'Ignorance is Bliss'...
Naw, I wouldn't go that far. Allow a couple of exceptions..religious, medical, whatever.

We'll still get most of them. It will only take one polio epidemic in the US to re-convince the idiots that we really are better off WITH immunizations than without them.

My kids will be immunized, so I'm good.

Maybe your kids will be alright, but the woman with a 25 year old son whom you repeatedly insult is not.

You are compassionless and I would advise you not to raise children.
But the Stupid Parents threaten other Stupid Parents' children because they aren't immunized.

If enough Stupid Parents produce enough non-immunized children, eventually the Herd Protection breaks down and the entire community is threatened by Stupid Parents.

Answer: immunize the children. Or: remove the children to Good Parents, and have the Stupid Parents sterilized.

We have seen those captured by The Stupid Doctrine, which gives individuals a secret knowledge superior to doctors and professionals, writing quite stupidly.

You stupid people do not know better. You do not have the right to imperil other peoples' children with your stupidity. Home school your children, if you are so smart.

Hey dipshit, according to you your kids are IMMUNIZED and at ZERO risk. In other words, NOT 'imperiled'.

Or is there some doubt in your mind as to the efficacy of immunizations?
Why the rider on the Patriot act protecting eli lilly specifically for causing autism if it doesn't cause autism??????

The Mystery of the Eli Lilly Rider » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Because the Lilly Rider was inserted into the bill in conference committee, no lawmaker except those directly involved knew it was there when they cast their votes on the final bill. “Why secretly try to stick it in in the middle of the night, when nobody knew it was there?” Kirby asked.

Eli Lilly

The other special provisions tucked in the bill to reward other big Republican contributors are almost as disgusting. I must admit that the amendment protecting the Eli Lily Co. from future lawsuits is a fine example of really fast service for a contributor. It was just a few weeks ago that The New York Times ran the first serious look at Thimerosal, the vaccine preservative that may be related to autism, and -- wham, bam -- no problem for the Lily company. (And don't give me that bull about how it's just an arbitration panel, parents can still sue, yaddda, yadda, yadda. The purpose of that stinking amendment could not possibly be clearer. The Lily Co. bought itself a very nice piece of legislation indeed.)"

Autism: A Conspiracy of Silence | Gaia Health

Autism, dubbed a neuro-behavioral development disorder, is a painful condition involving the body, mind and emotions. It is an epidemic today. From roughly 1 in 10,000 when first discovered by psychiatrist Leo Kanner in 1943, who remarked that it was a novel disorder not previously known, it has steadily climbed to 1 in 88—1 in 54 among boys. Doctors in the USA following the condition put the unofficial figure, based on more recent data, at 1 in 25. In South Korea, a recent Autism Speaks study pegged the figure at 1 in 38. Going by the official figure in India, it is admitted that there are upwards of 13,500,000 children who are autistic in India.
But the Stupid Parents threaten other Stupid Parents' children because they aren't immunized.

If enough Stupid Parents produce enough non-immunized children, eventually the Herd Protection breaks down and the entire community is threatened by Stupid Parents.

Answer: immunize the children. Or: remove the children to Good Parents, and have the Stupid Parents sterilized.

We have seen those captured by The Stupid Doctrine, which gives individuals a secret knowledge superior to doctors and professionals, writing quite stupidly.

You stupid people do not know better. You do not have the right to imperil other peoples' children with your stupidity. Home school your children, if you are so smart.

Hey dipshit, according to you your kids are IMMUNIZED and at ZERO risk. In other words, NOT 'imperiled'.

Or is there some doubt in your mind as to the efficacy of immunizations?

No, the entire community is not threatened only those not protected by the vaccination. You want to take kids away from parents and then have the parents sterilized? That does not sound like freedom to me. If only you had lived in Germany 75 years ago, you would have fit right in.

Perhaps you should be sterilized to prevent more stupid people from being born. Of course that assumes you are even attractive enough to appeal to a member of the opposite sex. You will not entice anyone with either your wit or charm.
Why the rider on the Patriot act protecting eli lilly specifically for causing autism if it doesn't cause autism??????

The Mystery of the Eli Lilly Rider » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Because the Lilly Rider was inserted into the bill in conference committee, no lawmaker except those directly involved knew it was there when they cast their votes on the final bill. “Why secretly try to stick it in in the middle of the night, when nobody knew it was there?” Kirby asked.

Eli Lilly

The other special provisions tucked in the bill to reward other big Republican contributors are almost as disgusting. I must admit that the amendment protecting the Eli Lily Co. from future lawsuits is a fine example of really fast service for a contributor. It was just a few weeks ago that The New York Times ran the first serious look at Thimerosal, the vaccine preservative that may be related to autism, and -- wham, bam -- no problem for the Lily company. (And don't give me that bull about how it's just an arbitration panel, parents can still sue, yaddda, yadda, yadda. The purpose of that stinking amendment could not possibly be clearer. The Lily Co. bought itself a very nice piece of legislation indeed.)"

Autism: A Conspiracy of Silence | Gaia Health

Autism, dubbed a neuro-behavioral development disorder, is a painful condition involving the body, mind and emotions. It is an epidemic today. From roughly 1 in 10,000 when first discovered by psychiatrist Leo Kanner in 1943, who remarked that it was a novel disorder not previously known, it has steadily climbed to 1 in 88—1 in 54 among boys. Doctors in the USA following the condition put the unofficial figure, based on more recent data, at 1 in 25. In South Korea, a recent Autism Speaks study pegged the figure at 1 in 38. Going by the official figure in India, it is admitted that there are upwards of 13,500,000 children who are autistic in India.

Yes, that was an odd attachment to the Patriot Act......

People try to pass off the increase in autism to diagnosis. To anyone experienced with autism, such an assertion is laughable.

I truly am sorry about your son. I know how hard that can be on the family - the exhaustion of the caregiver, the pressure on a marriage, the crushed dreams, the never ending trials and the isolation. Simple tasks like going to the grocery store can turn nightmarish.
You are a Stupid Poster as well. You are not an educated and experienced professional in these areas.

Go study what happens when the non-immunized pool grows in a population,

Stupid Parents, Stupid Posters, endangered community.

The nice thing is that matters are changing around, and your days of endangering the community will come to an end.

But the Stupid Parents threaten other Stupid Parents' children because they aren't immunized.

If enough Stupid Parents produce enough non-immunized children, eventually the Herd Protection breaks down and the entire community is threatened by Stupid Parents.

Answer: immunize the children. Or: remove the children to Good Parents, and have the Stupid Parents sterilized.

Hey dipshit, according to you your kids are IMMUNIZED and at ZERO risk. In other words, NOT 'imperiled'.

Or is there some doubt in your mind as to the efficacy of immunizations?

No, the entire community is not threatened only those not protected by the vaccination. You want to take kids away from parents and then have the parents sterilized? That does not sound like freedom to me. If only you had lived in Germany 75 years ago, you would have fit right in.

Perhaps you should be sterilized to prevent more stupid people from being born. Of course that assumes you are even attractive enough to appeal to a member of the opposite sex. You will not entice anyone with either your wit or charm.
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I love it when Fake Malarkey posts his Nazi-esque drivel, it illustrates CLEARLY where the Big government authoritarians are looking to go.

Fake, you got all your brownshirts starched and ironed for the big day? I know you're anxiously awaiting your Fuhrer.
Here's a funny story, well it's not funny at all actually, it's fucking pathetic..

We chose not to vaccinate our son and his ped continually warned us about the dangers of not doing so and that "there's absolutely nothing to worry about with the vaccines, they don't contain mercury anymore and they're 100% safe".

Well our son ended up showing some symptoms around age 2 of possibly being on the autism spectrum, and when it came to time to discuss vaccinations again his ped did a complete 180 and tells us that maybe now it's a good idea not to vaccinate.

These doctors primarily protect and serve for the pharma industry. But when it appears as though they have no more leg to stand on in a particular case, all the sudden it's the patient that they're concerned about most. :rolleyes:
Exactly...I don't know where I got the idea to start questioning everything I was ever told and am still told but its served me well.
Exactly...I don't know where I got the idea to start questioning everything I was ever told and am still told but its served me well.

You broke through the barrier of cognitive dissonance. You're in a very small, exclusive club unfortunately.
Sorry to hear about your child, Paulie.

Here's a funny story, well it's not funny at all actually, it's fucking pathetic..

We chose not to vaccinate our son and his ped continually warned us about the dangers of not doing so and that "there's absolutely nothing to worry about with the vaccines, they don't contain mercury anymore and they're 100% safe".

Well our son ended up showing some symptoms around age 2 of possibly being on the autism spectrum, and when it came to time to discuss vaccinations again his ped did a complete 180 and tells us that maybe now it's a good idea not to vaccinate.

These doctors primarily protect and serve for the pharma industry. But when it appears as though they have no more leg to stand on in a particular case, all the sudden it's the patient that they're concerned about most. :rolleyes:
Nope, neither of you are. Your due duty is to be vigilent and diligent. However, regardless of your interaction with doctors, the vast number of them are professional and know what they are doing.

No, you do not know better.
Here's a funny story, well it's not funny at all actually, it's fucking pathetic..

We chose not to vaccinate our son and his ped continually warned us about the dangers of not doing so and that "there's absolutely nothing to worry about with the vaccines, they don't contain mercury anymore and they're 100% safe".

Well our son ended up showing some symptoms around age 2 of possibly being on the autism spectrum, and when it came to time to discuss vaccinations again his ped did a complete 180 and tells us that maybe now it's a good idea not to vaccinate.

These doctors primarily protect and serve for the pharma industry. But when it appears as though they have no more leg to stand on in a particular case, all the sudden it's the patient that they're concerned about most. :rolleyes:

Autism shows itself at that stage of development which happens to correlate with the timing of the MMR shot. That entire theory of causation has been thoroughly debunked.

Pediatricians go by the AAP guidelines which goes by the CDC guidelines. Amazing, your son was diagnosed at that age and did not get the shot, huh? Your doctor at that point probably just didn't want to muddy the waters so as to further confuse you on the correlation vs causation... Your son is mostly protected by the herd immunity anyway and he wasn't even school aged yet, so the doctor probably just thought it was wise to let you focus on the autism diagnosis first.

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