The leader of the Republican party says...

Scozzafava has screwed every RINO in the coun -- we can say that she's guilty of widespread bestiality. She has screwed every RINO in the country.
Rush Limbaugh

I'll wait and see if this raises the same level of outrage as the k street whore comment.

I wonder what would happen if you take Scozzafava to a Zoo?:razz:
I wonder why the GOP politicians aren't as quick to toss him under the bus as his "loyal" listeners who who post here are????

If we can find any 'loyal listeners', we could ask them.

They're around. They get strangely silent when Rush says something stupid or when fellow Cons call Rush an entertainer, but they're here.

I listen for pure entertainment. Rush has gone on to be a complete parody of the Conservative movement at this point and the spector of Rush's influence was pretty much put to rest by 2008. Guys like Rush, Sean, Beck and Coulter turned out to be paper tigers. Big surprise.

I remember Rush saying he wasn't "carrying the water for the RNC" any more. :eusa_whistle:
Scozzafava has screwed every RINO in the coun -- we can say that she's guilty of widespread bestiality. She has screwed every RINO in the country.
Rush Limbaugh

I'll wait and see if this raises the same level of outrage as the k street whore comment.

I wonder what would happen if you take Scozzafava to a Zoo?:razz:

Probably the same thing that would happen to most people if you took them to the zoo? Or, are you taking El Rushbo literally?
Scozzafava has screwed every RINO in the coun -- we can say that she's guilty of widespread bestiality. She has screwed every RINO in the country.
Rush Limbaugh

I'll wait and see if this raises the same level of outrage as the k street whore comment.

I wonder what would happen if you take Scozzafava to a Zoo?:razz:

Scozzafava, yet another one of those liberal republicans.

I wonder when the conservatives will retake the republican party?
If we can find any 'loyal listeners', we could ask them.

They're around. They get strangely silent when Rush says something stupid or when fellow Cons call Rush an entertainer, but they're here.

I listen for pure entertainment. Rush has gone on to be a complete parody of the Conservative movement at this point and the spector of Rush's influence was pretty much put to rest by 2008. Guys like Rush, Sean, Beck and Coulter turned out to be paper tigers. Big surprise.

I remember Rush saying he wasn't "carrying the water for the RNC" any more. :eusa_whistle:

I recall having a very long conversation with Publius Infinum where he tried to debate the meaning of that line in a very Clintonesqe way.
The disingenuous Hopey Changey loons do wet their panties way too much over this stuff. They can hardly be taken seriously at this point. One Conservative radio talk show host criticizes their President and they completely freak out and start screeching hysterically. It's interesting how they never seem to have a problem with anything their Liberal Media haters like Bill Maher,Olbermann,Letterman,and Maddow have to say though. Those Liberal Media cretins can never be forgiven for their vicious attacks on Sarah Palin's children. So as usual,the Hopey Changey's are just full of Chit. Nuff said.

Actually, I think it's quiet chuckling you hear. But DO go on.....
I wonder when the conservatives will retake the republican party?

I hate to say it, but never. The Conservative ideology seems to be very vulnerable to the corruption of power. Once you get to Washington and the rubber hits the road, most of the truly Conservative candidates that get elected seem to either go corrupt, go liberal, or go insane.

That's actually kinda sad.
Scozzafava has screwed every RINO in the coun -- we can say that she's guilty of widespread bestiality. She has screwed every RINO in the country.
Rush Limbaugh

I'll wait and see if this raises the same level of outrage as the k street whore comment.

I wonder what would happen if you take Scozzafava to a Zoo?:razz:

Maybe she'd masturbate for the monkeys instead of them putting on a show for her!
Post something that the leader of the GOP says, and I'll comment.

I don't give a shit about an entertainer. Kanye West has said some moronic shit, too. He's a Dem.

BUT, no Dem was ever pressured to apologized to West...

Obama: "The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there? He's a jackass."
only dipshit liberals would equate the insults of a radio personality, whom they foolishly dub the "Leader of the GOP", with equally distasteful statements from a member of Congress. You guys- and I use that term very generically as there is not a complete set of testicles amongst you- are about as intelligent as Trig Palin.
only dipshit liberals would equate the insults of a radio personality, whom they foolishly dub the "Leader of the GOP", with equally distasteful statements from a member of Congress. You guys- and I use that term very generically as there is not a complete set of testicles amongst you- are about as intelligent as Trig Palin.

While I agree with the sentiment of your post, it is not necessary to bring Trig into any debate. It's low. Leave the kids out of it.
Post something that the leader of the GOP says, and I'll comment.

I don't give a shit about an entertainer. Kanye West has said some moronic shit, too. He's a Dem.

BUT, no Dem was ever pressured to apologized to West...

Obama: "The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there? He's a jackass."
This idea that an apology to a person is some equivalent to knighting them the leader is not based on anything logical. It's quite insane as a matter of fact.
are you talking about trig palin?
No, genius. I'm talkin about Roy Rogers' split-tail
Ooooo. You're charming.

The type of person that looks for charm on this message board is a similar sort of weirdo to the weirdo that seeks aroma therapy in sauna filled with bull dykes.
Then I'm just confused, I guess. Isn't Trig the baby with Downs' Syndrome?

How the hell does he qualify as "grownup?"

He can hold his own against liberal dipshittery, pal. He needs no protecting from them.

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